Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ - 100% Achievement Guide and Roadmap (DLC included; Re-Reckoning-Ready)
This guide will help you on your journey to get 100% of achievements in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and both its DLCs (and/or Re-Reckoning). It contains directions for every single achievement categorized accordingly, missable achievements section, inventory expansion guide and complete list of skill trainers and skill books and enables getting all achievements in easy, enjoyable and stress-free fashion.
Overview + Re-Reckoning

Total Achievements : 61
  • Offline Achievements: 61
  • Online Achievements: 0
DLC achievements : 11
  • Teeth of Naros: 6
  • Legend of Dead Kel: 5
Approximate amount of time to get 100% : 40-60 hours (depending on skill and play-style)
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Number of missable achievements: 5
  • Out of Your League: Killed an enemy 4 levels higher than you.
  • Open Sesame: Dispelled 50 wards.
  • A Wink and a Smile: You have succeeded at 50 Persuasion attempts.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Elf: Wooed Rast Brattigan. (Legend of the Dead Kel DLC)
  • The Harder They Fall: You've bested Kahrunk without killing his attendants. (Teeth of Naros DLC)
Broken achievements : None.
Difficulty related achievements : Yes. You need to complete the main story quest line on Hard difficulty.

Re-Reckoning Differences
This guide can be used for Re-Reckoning playtrough as well. The only difference in achievements is that Re-Reckoning has one more achievement (that was previously present only in Playstation 3 version for the game) for completing all other achievements and therefore doesn't change anything in terms of completion.

Second biggest difference is that the game now concludes one more difficulty - Very Hard. The new difficulty however, doesn't have its related achievement, so it's still recommended to play on Hard.
I cannot however confirm of deny if switching from/to Very Hard voids the achievement (as I can imagine it could if programmed that way) so I would recommend starting on Hard and sticking to it.
Progress Map
Recommended roadmap to 100%

1) Start your game on Hard Difficulty.
2) Get rid of the missable achievements as soon as you can so you don't have to worry about them and enjoy the game.
3) Progress trough main story and complete faction quests when you get to them. You can play trough the DLCs from level 10 but you can save them for later if you want, I recommend doing them simultaneously - if you are dying a lot in main story, go to DLC or Factions and vice-versa.
4) After you beat the game, you will be able to get back to the world and clean up remaining achievements. If you haven't done already, finish all remaining Faction quests and DLC achievements.
5) When you're done with step 4, clean up remaining crafting and skill-related achievements. At this point you should have enough skill-points so you can visit Fateweavers and reset your abilities and skills to get certain achievements easier.


The following sections will prepare you for smooth and enjoyable completization. Reading is optional but recommended since it might give you insight of what will await you during your journey to the 100%. This might help you if you are not sure if you are willing to do 100%. Also, before you dive into the game, definitely check Missable Achievements section so you don't miss anything and don't need to start over or finish the game multiple times.

Starting the Game
Since there is an achievement for beating the game on Hard, start your game on Hard difficulty if you want to get all achievements in one playtrough, otherwise you need to start all over again and there's no New Game+ so you would basically do the very same thing again.
You don't need to be afraid of frustration because Hard difficulty is not really so hard and combat is actually more enjoyable on this difficulty in difference to lower difficulties which feels very dull and boring as you get bored with simple button mashing very quickly. Difficulty can be lowered via options any time during the game but if you do so, you won't be able to get the Destiny Dominated achievement. Also, if you die a lot in a row the game will offer you lower difficulty. If you accidentaly agree you will have to load your last save or, again, you won't be able to get the achievement.

As soon as you start your game check the Missable Achievements section so you know what to look out for and after first hour or two you can read "Tips for the Playtrough" section below so you know the basics of what to do.

Tips for the Playtrough
(you should propably read this after tutorial or few hours into the game so you are little bit familiar with the game and its world)

As soon as you start playing you can start working on few rack-up achievements. There's an achievement for Lockpicking and Dispelling chests. There's only a limited amount of these chest but there's a lot of them so missing those achievements is very unlikely (lockpicking) and somewhat unlikely but possible (dispelling). But in order to get these off the table as soon as possible, try opening every chest you see. There's also an achievement for successful Persuasion attempts but there's not so many opportunities for it so I definitely recommend trying improving Persuasion skill as soon as possible and saving often during the quests (F5 for quick-save) and reloading your last save whenever you fail an persuasion attempt. (See Missable Achievements section for more info about this achievement).

Another skill you want to master as soon as possible is Detect Hidden skill which you will need for 100% since it makes finding Lorestones so much easier, and Alchemy for bigger succesful rate of harvesting necessary reagents. Some of the skills can be very helpful for your journey, some are necessity for full 100%, some are redundant. But no matter what you will improve, you can always visit Fateweaver who will not only reset your ability points but skill points as well so you don't really need to worry about skills. But straight up I will tell you, you don't need any points in Mercantile skill since you have enough money from loot, selling items and Detect Hidden skill. Said that, I never felt need for better equip. Since I was looting every chest I was changing equipment constantly with what I found, but then again, there's no bigger use for money than buying equip (Fateweavers and Repairs are really cheap, everything else drops as loot) so feel free to buy better weapons once in a while. Basically, if you have more then 100k you have more than enough.

Also activate every Lorestone you see, take and read every book (until you get "Bookworm" achievement) you find and harvest reagents you walk upon. Take all quests you see because sometimes you can complete them even if you're not really trying to do so and get the XP and Gold rewards without extra endeavor. Also don't be skimpy with Reckoning mode... fateshift whenever you run upon a bigger group of enemies or any boss or bigger enemy like Niskaru, Cave Troll and so on because you can double your XP gain from kills made during Fateshift.

Be sure (and I can't emphasize this enough) to SAVE OFTEN. You can save any time you're not in combat so definitely get advantage of this feature. If you get stuck in the main quest storyline, try doing faction quests or DLC storylines (you get stat bonuses for finishing those) and if you get stuck on those, return to the main quests. Don't be afraid to progress in story because some main quest will give you permanent EXP gain boost after finishing and of course, when you reach ending (even though NPC will warn you before final step) you will be able to get back into the world and clean-up remaining achievements.

I've added two additional sections to this guide. One containing info of where and how to expand your inventory slots and second is a full list of skill trainers and skill books found around the Faelands. But again, don't stress yourself about skills, abilities and destinies, since you will be able to reset those further into the game via Fateweavers. And only achievements you need to worry about are listed in Missable Achievements section.

At last but not least, don't forget the most important thing and that is to have fun. Play as you want and like, remember to save often so you don't have to repeat boring sections and enjoy the game and it's completization.
Missable Achievements (Base Game+DLC)
This section contains all of the missable achievements - three from the base game and one for each DLC. You should pay attention to this section early in the game in order to not miss any achievement which will prevent you from getting 100% and force you to play the game all over again. All these achievements are also listed in their respective categories.

Out of Your League
Killed an enemy 4 levels higher than you.

Preferably, do this achievement at the very begining of the game. After you walk trough the tutorial and will be able to freely explore the world, travel east until you run upon an enemy marked with red name, save the game and then attempt to kill it. You can do this achievement later in the game but only up to Level 31 because highest level monster is 35 and is located in Primordia dungeon which is accessible only after you beat the game. If you missed this achievement completely, it's not really a big deal as you can do this within approximately 1 hour since starting a new game.

Open Sesame
Dispelled 50 wards.

Even tough it's unlikely, this can be missed. If you see a chest with purple haze around it, you need to dispel it to open. Altough you can loot the chest even after you fail the dispelling, it does NOT counts towards the achievement. On the other hand, successful auto-dispel counts. Dispel 50 wards total to get this achievement. (I find dispelling in this game very frustrating and annoying so I did the whole thing with auto-dispelling. If you happen to hate it as I did, simply press quick-save before opening and then attempt to auto-dispel... if you fail, quick-load and try again until you success.)

A Wink and a Smile
You have succeeded at 50 Persuasion attempts.

Sometimes during quests or talking with various NPCs you will have an extra dialogue option high-lighted with green color and with percentage value next to it. Every time you see this option, choose it and pray to RNGeesus. Because there is only limited amount of opportunities for this I would recommend quick-saving often every time you're doing a quest and load your saved position if you fail the persuasion. You can also invest some skill points into the Persuasion skill in order to make this easier. Every skillpoint makes a difference.
If you already beaten the storyline and all the faction quests and you still miss this achievement try doing some side-quests. For example "Siege of Moondown" (5 chances), "The Tithes That Bind" (3 chances), "The Orison" (3 chances), "Bad Blood" (2 chances), "Oh, The Indignitaries" (3 chances), or "They Walk Among Us" (3 chances).

Manic Pixie Dream Elf
Wooed Rast Brattigan.

This achievement is a part of Legend of Dead Kel DLC. Rast Brattigan is that blonde elf-chick you find in the port of Rathir. She will take you to the Gallow's End where you then run a few errands with her. Every time you speak with her, choose the upper right dialogue option (the positive one). If you mess up you will have to load an older save because there's no way how to this again.

The Harder They Fall
Best Kahrunk without killing his attendants.

This achievement is a part of Teeth of Naros DLC. In the main quest "Rites of Passage" you will be navigated into the Kahrunk's Tower where you will need to kill Kahrunk in order to progress. Save your game before your attempt to kill him so you have an chance to retry if you fail. It is also recommended to charge-up your Reckoning mode before you enter the Kahrunk's Tower Peak. The two attendants are not dangerous but they heal Kahrunk so the fight might take you a while, so easiest way is to enter Reckoning mode and quickly kill Kahrunk.
Main Storyline Quest Achievements
You were reborn from the Well of Souls, and have escaped Allestar Tower.

Complete "Out of the Darkness". Part of the main quest line - cannot be missed.

No Destiny, All Determination
You have met High King Titarion, and have been confronted with the true scope of your powers.

Talk to High King Titarion during "The Coming Storm". Part of the main quest line - cannot be missed.

Turning the Tide
A ruse has baited Octienne into betraying the necromantic nature of his experiments.

Complete "Enemies in High Places". Part of the main quest line - cannot be missed.

Hero of Mel Senshir
You have defeated the great Balor.

Defeat Balor during "Breaking The Siege". Part of the main quest line - cannot be missed.

Destiny Defiant
You have defeated Tirnoch, and defied destiny.

Complete "Reckoning". Part of the main quest line - cannot be missed.

Destiny Dominated
You have won the game on Hard difficulty.

Start and beat the main storyline on Hard difficulty. Lowering the difficulty mid-game will make you unable to get this achievement.
Faction Storyline Quest Achievements
House of Ballads
Completed the House of Ballads storyline quests.

You will obtain House of Ballads quest line by talking to Hallam the White at The House of Ballads in Odarath.

There are a total of 6 quests which will give you an achievement and twist of fate card upon completing.
  • Song of Sir Sagrell
  • Ballad of the Bloody Bones
  • Two Knights and a Troll
  • What Lies Beneath
  • The Champions
  • The Hero and the Maid

House of Sorrows
Completed the House of Sorrows storyline quests.

You will obtain the House of Sorrows quest line by talking to Bisarane at Cursewood, Near Foes’ Hearth in Klurikon. (This place can be accessed only after completion of “Battle for Mel Senshir” quest from main storyline.)

There are a total of 6 quests which will give you an achievement and twist of fate card upon completing.
  • The Sorrows Call
  • Voices of the Dead
  • A House Divided
  • The Eldest
  • The Weeping King
  • Such Sweet Sorrow

Scholia Arcana
Completed the Scholia Arcana storyline quests.

You will obtain the Scholia Arcana quest line by talking to Docent Augra Tenet in the Scholia Arcana Embassy at the Gardens of Ysa.

There are a total of 7 quests which will give you an achievement and twist of fate card upon completing.
  • Trial by Fire
  • The Ruin of Aodh
  • The Unique Bride
  • Shardfall
  • Lightning in a Bottle
  • A Crowded Mind
  • Revelation

Completed the Travelers storyline quests.

You will obtain the Travelers quest line by talking to Grim Onwig at the The Sidhe south of the Star Camp.

There are a total of 10 quests which will give you an achievement and twist of fate card upon completing.
  • The Guided Hands
  • The Silent Step
  • Jail Break
  • Something Borrowed
  • Going Rogue
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Outside the Box
  • Classic Misdirection
  • The Purloined Letters
  • Thick as Thieves

Completed the Warsworn storyline quests.

You can start the Warsworn quest line by talking to Ost Odura at the Gorhart Inn in Odarath.

There are a total of 8 quests which will give you an achievement and twist of fate card upon completing. (There's also 9th optional quest which will can give you different twist of fate and different ending, but you don't need to do it since it's optional and you'll get achievement after completing "The Mountain Prison".)
  • The Commendation
  • The Road Patrol
  • The Heart of Sibun
  • Lock and Key
  • House of No Doors
  • The Isle of Eamonn
  • The Mystic Hammer
  • The Mountain Prison
Combat Achievements
Out of Your League
Killed an enemy 4 levels higher than you.


Preferably, do this achievement at the very begining of the game. After you walk trough the tutorial and will be able to freely explore the world, travel east until you run upon an enemy marked with red name, save the game and then attempt to kill it. You can do this achievement later in the game but only up to Level 31 because highest level monster is 35 and is located in Primordia dungeon which is accessible only after you beat the game. If you missed this achievement completely, you will need to start a new game (can be done approx. within first hour).

Reckoning Rampage
Killed 5 enemies with a single Fateshift.

Kill 5 enemies during one Fateshift of Reckoning Mode. I can't imagine how could you beat this game without unlocking this one. Remember you need to beat 5 enemies first and then deliver the finisher move.

Niskaru Slayer
Killed 25 Niskaru.

Again pretty much unmissable. You will gain 25 kills of Niskaru easily by doing main storyline quests or Warsworn Faction quests.

Cleaning Up the Streets
Killed 50 bandits.

Bandits are basic enemies populating majority of the Amalur. This achievement will propably pop-up for you whilst progressing trough Odarath but you don't need to force yourself to hunt bandits you will get 50 kills sooner or later.

Foiled Again!
Parried 100 times.

In order to perform parry you need to have shield, buckler or talisman equipped and block (ctrl by default) right before the enemy hits you. If you do this correctly, game will go into brief slow-mo (from which you can attack with for another achievement - Riposte! - see below) which counts as parry and you need to do it 100 times for this achievement. If you, like me, rather dodge during combat and you will need to pursuit this achievement I would recommend fighting Fae Gorta Sentinels and Sons of Laz in Detyre whom I found to be easiest because all of their attacks are very slow.

Landed 25 special attacks out of Parry.

For what is parry see "Foiled Again" above. In order to be able to land a special attack out of parry you need maxed out Weapon Mastery for the weapon you want to use. Do this 25 times to get the achievement.

Killed 25 enemies with traps.

This might seem as achievement exclusive for a Finesse build but it's not necessary. There's a few ways how to do this. One way is actually playing Finesse build or hybrid build with skillpoints invested in Finesse so you unlock an trap ability as Frost Trap for example and you will get 25 kills eventually by playing. But curiously enough, the traps don't need to be yours so this achievement might pop-up randomly if enemies kill themselves on the dungeon traps. And also, it doesn't even need to be enemies... Mage's summoned Fae Gorta companion who manages to step on trap and die counts as well. If you beat the game without unlocking this, simply visit Fateweaver, respec your skills into Finesse based traps and go to Odarath or some location with weak mobs and you will easily gain needed kills.

Would You Like Fries with that?
Landed 100 complete attack chains.

This will unlock during normal play. You will complete attack chains even only by mashing LMB. Attack chains are more easily completed with fast weapons but you really don't need to worry about this one. It will definitely pop-up eventually.

Shock and Awe
Killed 100 enemies with abilities.

See "And Then There Were None" below.

And Then There Were None
Killed 500 enemies with abilities.

Abilites are the round-shaped skills in ability trees that drain mana upon use. Map those under 1-9 of your ability bar so you can use them in battle. Easiest way to achieve this is to play Sorcery-based skill tree. In case you don't achieve this by the end of the game, respec your abilities into the sorcery, visit some low-level location and go nuts. Best sorcery abilities to kill lot of enemies quickly are Tempest and Meteor.

Landed 5 consecutive hits on an airborne enemy.

Almost every melee weapon is able to launch an enemy into the air. If you do so, you need to hit it 5 times before it drops on the ground again. Easiest way is propably with combination of sword and longbow. Launch enemy with sword (attack, pause, attack), quickly swith to the longbow and mash that LMB. Faeblades are also very efficient.

They Never Saw it Coming
Backstabbed 20 enemies.

This achievement is exclusive to Daggers. If you have Daggers equipped as your primary weapon, enter Stealth mode (default key is "C") and sneak upon an enemy from behind. When you're close enough an icon will appear and you execute backstab by pressing LMB. Do this 20 times to unlock this achievement. (In order to execute backstab you will need at least one point in Assassin's Art skill in the Finesse tree, which by default you should have.)

Skill and Crafting Achievements (Part I)
Achievements in this section are obtainable by using various skills. Please refer to the Trainer and Skill Book Locations section if you have troubles mastering any skills.

Elixir of Fate
Made a potion with the Essence of Fate.

Essence of Fate can be found in various locations around the Faelands. Sometimes as harvestable reagent (can't fail harvesting) or even as loot from chests or monsters. When you reach Alchemy skill level 7 you will be able to mix potions with Essence of Fate. Use an Alchemy bench and make a potion from 4 essences to unlock this achievement.

It Didn't Explode!
Made a stable potion by experimenting.

Use an Alchemy bench and select the Experiment tab. Here you can try mixing various reagents in order to discover a recipe. Try mixing Embereyes with Sky Blossom and the achievement will pop.

Green Thumb
Harvested 10 of each type of reagent.

Propably one of the last achievements you will be doing. In order to unlock you need to harvest 10 of each reagent excluding Essence of Fate. It's better if you invest some points into alchemy skill (you need it for "Elixir of Fate" anyways) so your chance to harvest gets higher. Keep in mind these needs to be actually harvested not just obtained therefore reagents gained as loot does not count towards the achievement which makes it very hard to track which you already harvested 10 times. Unless you are willing to make a checklist and count all reagents on notepad you have two ways to do this. You can harvest everything you find from the very beginning of the game and when you reach the final location start harvesting and counting the Prismere Dust which is the rarest one and most propably the last one you're missing. Or you can ignore reagents thorough the whole game and when your alchemy level is high enough, sell or deposit all reagents you gained until now and start harvesting 10 of each (so you'll easily see what you miss) until you're done.

Here's the list of needed reagents and some notable locations:
  • Bloodroot (Seawatch, Dalentarth)
  • Seaflex (Seawatch, Rithen)
  • Scarlet Flowstone (Seawatch, various caves)
  • Scarwood Bark (Dalentarth)
  • Sky Blossom (Dalentarth-Gorguath)
  • Tindertwig (Splitrock Depths, various caves)
  • Black Cohosh (Dalentarth)
  • White Flake (Shardfall in The Cradle of Summer)
  • Eel Petal (Allestar Tower)
  • Scarab Salts (Shardfall in The Cradle of Summer, Hall of the Firstsworn in Menetyre)
  • Star Thistle (Seawatch)
  • Softscrabble Powder (Dalentarth, various caves)
  • Sativa Fibers (Seawatch)
  • Cripplespore Caps (various caves and dungeons)
  • Edelweiss (House of Valor, Ettinmere, Forsaken Plain, Galafor and around deserts in Detyre)
  • Ysa's Breath (Seawatch)
  • Embereyes (Dalentarth)
  • Leechwood Bark (Seawatch)
  • Prismere Dust (Apotyre, Twilight Pass, Alabastra dungeons, Tomb of Fyragnos)
Good as New
Repaired a piece of equipment.

Simply use a repair kit on a worn-down piece of equipment or visit blacksmith who will repair it for you.

Shop Class
Crafted a piece of equipment with Blacksmithing.

You will need a few materials for this but no need to pursuit them. They can be bought but I would recommend to just play and you'll loot lot of materials without any special effort. To unlock the achievement simply find and use a Blacksmithing forge and craft any item you can.

Master of the Forge
Crafted an item that uses all 5 forge component slots.

You will need to reach level 7 of Blacksmithing for this one. Then again, use Blacksmithing forge and use all of the 5 slots used for assembling the item. Except the usual materials you'll need to add a gem. You can loot or buy gems or you can craft yourself a one from looted shards using Sagecraft skill (see "Romancing the Gem" below).

Diamond in the Rough
Crafted a Pristine Shard.

To craft a Pristine Shard you will need Sagecraft skill level 3 and 2 Lambent shards or 4 Cloudy shards. Find and use Sagecraft Altar and select Craft Gems and then Strenghten Shards. Here select two Lambent shards and combine them into Pristine Shard. If you don't have two Lambent shards, craft them from four Cloudy Shards.

Romancing the Gem
Crafted an Epic Gem.

For crafting an Epic game you'll need to be at least Level 16 and have Sagecraft skill level of 8. Epic is then crafted using Sagecraft Altar by combining two Pristine Shards (if you don't have two of them, you need to craft them as well... see "Diamond in the Rough" above).
Skill and Crafting Achievements (Part II)
The Great Detective
Detected 25 hidden things.

After you have at least 2 skillpoints in Detect Hidden skill you will be able to see hidden treasures on your minimap. If you walk closer to the treasure it will glow and shine and you'll be able to loot it. Doing so 25 times will unlock this achievement for you.

Breaking and Entering
Picked 50 locks.

Pretty much self-explanatory. For lockpicking a chest or a door you need to have a lockpick or a Prismere lockpick in your inventory (you can obtain those from merchants or as a loot). Prismere locks are rare and grants you 100% success in lockpicking but I would definitely recommend to safe those for harder chests you find later in the game. You can also improve your Lockpicking skill which makes lockpicking easier and also increase a chance of success for auto-attempt which also counts towards this achievement.

Open Sesame
Dispelled 50 wards.


Even tough it's unlikely, this can be missed. If you see a chest with purple haze around it, you need to dispel it to open. Altough you can loot the chest even after you fail the dispelling, it does NOT counts towards the achievement. On the other hand, successful auto-dispel counts. Dispel 50 wards total to get this achievement. (I find dispelling in this game very frustrating and annoying so I did the whole thing with auto-dispelling. If you happen to hate it as I did, simply press quick-save before opening and then attempt to auto-dispel... if you fail, quick-load and try again until you success.)

TIP from Dovahkin Potato Deso.
For dispelling wards I recommend going to Adessa and there is a repeatable task for dispelling three chests. It took at least 10 minutes from dispeling and geting achievement.

All you have to do is go to the labolatories, take quest, do dispels and turn quest to gnome. Do it several times to get achievement. It counts both auto-dispel and normal dispel.

A Wink and a Smile
You have succeeded at 50 Persuasion attempts.


Sometimes during quests or talking with various NPCs you will have an extra dialogue option high-lighted with green color and with percentage value next to it. Every time you see this option, choose it and pray to RNGeesus. Because there is only limited amount of opportunities for this I would recommend quick-saving often every time you're doing a quest and load your saved position if you fail the persuasion. You can also invest some skill points into the Persuasion skill in order to make this easier. Every skillpoint makes a difference.
If you already beaten the storyline and all the faction quests and you still miss this achievement try doing some side-quests. For example "Siege of Moondown" (5 chances), "The Tithes That Bind" (3 chances), "The Orison" (3 chances), "Bad Blood" (2 chances), "Oh, The Indignitaries" (3 chances), or "They Walk Among Us" (3 chances).
Collectibles and Exploring achievements
Discovered 100 locations.

This one takes some time but will unlock eventually by normal play. You don't need to enter dungeons or caves in order to "discover" them, just walk near them until the name of the location appears on your screen. Don't worry if you don't have this achievement after finishing all the main story and faction quests. You will definitely unlock this while activating the Lorestones for another achievement (see Loremaster below).

Found all Lorestones.

Lorestones are these slightly levitating rune-stones with blue glow which also supposed to be some kind of audio-logs in this game. If you walk close to them you can activate them. For this achievement you need to find and activate 175 Lorestones which is the number of all Lorestones in the base game. This gets little bit easier if you own both DLCs since they provide additional Lorestones but the condition of this achievement remains unchanged. Also mastering the Detect Hidden skill will help greatly since it makes all Lorestones visible on the local map and minimap. Set of 5 Lorestones is located in every region and in some dungeons and caves as well. You can look up via menu which regions you still miss.

Read 50 books.

Books can be found as loot in chests, on shelves inside buildings or as quest items and you can find them under "Items" in your Inventory. After reading them, you can sell them or trash them. If you having trouble with this one you can visit book merchants. Arthesa Lille in Arcadium of Adessa and Orwae Nes in Merchant Circle of Rathir both sell 16 various books.

Miscellaneous Achievements
Blades of Glory
Acquired 10 Unique weapons.

Unique weapons are rare, purple highlighted weapons obtainable from enemies, chests or as quest rewards. You need to acquire 10 of those which won't be a problem and you will find few dozens of those thorough the game. Keep in mind that uniques from DLCs you gain via Special Delivery chest in Gorhart does not count towards this achievement.

Big Spender
Spent 200,000 gold.

You don't need to put extra effort in this one. You need to spent the 200k thorough the game and even the Mercantile skill would help I wouldn't recommend it. You will have over one million at least by the end of the game just from quests and Detect Hidden skill and you'll propably spent the 200k only by repairing, respecializing, paying fines and so on. If not, just visit a merchant and buy some equip.

Five Finger Discount
Stole and fenced an item.

You can stole items by pickpocketing someone or stealing some item from NPC's house or chest. If you do so, it will be marked in your inventory with a red hand icon. Merchants don't accept stolen items and you will have two options how to do this. The more complicated one is mastering Mercantile skill which will then allow you to sell stolen items to any merchant. The second way is to visit a some Traveler's camp later in the game, eg. Sun Camp, Star Camp or Moon Camp. Merchants here will accept even your red handed items.

Where's My Wallet?
Pickpocketed 20 times.

You can pickpocket both NPCs and humanoid enemies. Pickpocketing is executed while in Stealth mode (C) and crouching near the target. You can do this achievement quickly by selling 20 items to a merchant and then, one by one, pickpocketing them back from the merchant. Just be sure your detection risk is low (shows as a percentage next to the item) so you can repeat it without being caught. Good place to do this is at "The Corner Shop" in Gorhart with Rikka Egest.

You broke out of jail.

If you get caught while commiting a crime like stealing or attacking an NPC, guards will show up and you will have an option to pay a fine or go to jail (or killing everybody which is not recommended for various reasons). Select "Go to jail" and you will appear in a cell. Go towards the cell door and lockpick it and achievement is yours.

A Life of Crime
Got caught committing a crime 25 times.

You can do this easy in some city or village. Just pickpocket and NPC while he can detect you, get caught by the guard, pay fine, and repeat until the achievement unlocks. You can do this together with "Crime Doesn't Pay" achievement (see below).

Crime Doesn't Pay
Spent over 10,000 gold in crime bribes.

Self-explanatory. Do this in village or town, pickpocket or steal, or you can attack some NPC but get caught by guard and pay the fine for your crime. The bigger the crime, bigger the fine. Spent over 10k gold in crime fines to get this achievement.

It is Your Destiny
Unlocked a top tier destiny.

You can unlock this one as soon as you reach character level of 36. In order to reach Top Tier Destiny you need to spent 109 ability points in one ability tree, 55 ability points in two trees or 37 in each of the three trees. If you have your own specific build that doesn't fulfils these requirements simply save your game, visit Fateweaver and reset your build, add 109 points to one tree, wait for achievement to pop-up and then load your saved position.

Some of This, Some of That
Unlocked a two-class hybrid destiny.

This achievement requires you to have at least 6 ability points in two of the ability trees. You can do this as soon as you reach character level 4. If you want to play with differently devised build, save your game before visiting Fateweaver and resetting your points and then load back to your old position after you unlock the achievement.

Jack of All Trades
Unlocked a Jack of All Trades destiny.

You need at least 2 ability points in every ability tree. You can do this as soon as you level up for the first time because you have 1 ability point in every tree by default. If you add another one to every tree, this achievement will unlock. Again, you can do this any time by visiting Fateweaver and loading your saved position.

Bull in a China Shop
Smashed 1,000 objects.

Those objects are considered to be these crates and and big ceramic containers scattered all around the Faelands. They can sometimes drop small amounts of gold or there can be a chest hidden behind them. This will propably pop-up for you somewhen during normal gameplay especially if you play Mage. If not, visit some towns or dungeons. These objects respawn so you won't have a problem finding some.

You spoke to someone while not wearing clothes.

Unequip every piece of armor including shield/buckler/talisman. Then start a conversation with any NPC.
[DLC] The Legend of Dead Kel Achievements
Total Achievements : 5
  • Offline Achievements: 5
  • Online Achievements: 0
Approximate amount of time to get 100% : 4-5 hours
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Number of missable achievements: 1
  • Manic Pixie Dream Elf: Wooed Rast Brattigan.
Broken achievements : None.
Difficulty related achievements : No.

Manic Pixie Dream Elf
Wooed Rast Brattigan.


This achievement is a part of Legend of Dead Kel DLC. Rast Brattigan is that blonde elf-chick you find in the port of Rathir. She will take you to the Gallow's End where you then run a few errands with her. Every time you speak with her, choose the upper right dialogue option (the positive one). If you mess up you will have to load an older save because there's now way how to this again.

Message in a Bottle
Locate all eight message bottles in Gallows End.

There is total of eight bottles scattered trough the Gallows End and they're all pretty easy to miss. Fortunately, you can re-visit all the areas with the bottles so you don't need to stress about this one.
Bottles are not marked on mini-map neither glow like normal loot. They appear like a dark bottle lying on a ground and if you're near them a text about reading the bottle appears. I will provide a list of bottles but picture is worth thousand words here so I recommend using MrVuule's useful videoguide embedded below.
  • 1) The north-western part of the area on the beach you washed up on.
  • 2) Jump down into the gallows on the eastern side of Cape Solace. It is near when you reach dry ground.
  • 3) South-east of Souldeep Fasting.
  • 4) Near the shipwreck, east of Cliffbreak Fasting.
  • 5) On the other side of the bridge, west from Aubrey Gilcrest.
  • 6) At the end in the furthest part of Mudhold Fasting.
  • 7) In the at the end of the western part of Undersea Fasting.
  • 8) Near the entrance to Brigand's Hideaway (this area is accessible only when you finish main quest storyline of this DLC and start the sidequest "The Invaders" obtained from Alder Malloi), by a tree south of the entrance.
(videoguide contains footage of console version of the game, but the locations of the bottles are very same)

Keep On Rising
Completely restore Gravehal Keep.

Basically another Faction Storyline Quest. You will obtain this questline by talking to Padrig Dower in Cape Solace. This storyline has 7 quests in total where you always need find some resources in order to rebuild some part of Gravehal Keep. Finding resources won't be a problem. Take everything you find and if you miss any, mark the quest as active and the game will navigate you towards them. Every time you deliver the materials you'll have to wait for the build. You can do other quests/achievements in the meantime or you can sleep in the bed for one day, which will be available after "Restoring Gravehall", the second quest in this storyline. This achievement will unlock after completing "Gravehall Tower" quest.

Give Her a Hand
Found Aubrey Gilcrest's severed hand.

This achievement is linked to the quest "Scattered Fragments" which is obtained from Aubrey (she's located in the south-west corner of Gallows End map) and this quest can't be completed until you finish the main storyline quest so leave this until you do so.

This quest is combination of four treasure hunts. Aubrey will always give you a first piece of a map and you will need to find remaining two. When you have all three of them, you have to combine them in inventory in order to reveal the treasure on your map. After you dig up the treasure get back to Audrey and she will give you another piece to start over. These are four treasure maps locations of their parts:

(IMPORTANT: It was reported that if you sell the Dvargan treasure and then buy it back before completing this quest, the game will indicate obtaining a new treasure and prevent you from digging up a new one. This will block you from ever completing this quest and getting the achievement.)

Northern Coast
  • Given by Aubrey
  • Mudhold Fasting - in a chest after jumping down the ledge after passing all the arrow traps.
  • Mudhold Fasting - in the deepest part near Angharad Glyndowr
Scuttle Beach
  • Given by Aubrey
  • Undersea Fasting - chest in the room of the western end of the dungeon
  • Undersea Fasting - when you go back from the western room go trough the way where you can jump into the water... first chest you encounter has the last part of the map
  • Given by Aubrey
  • Siren's Cave - chest in the north end of the cave
  • Souldeep Fasting - past the first door in the chest (you may collected this already during main quest)
Cape Solace
  • Given by Aubrey
  • Cliffbreak Fasting - in the east part of the dungeon, if you look on the map the chest is located in same spot level as the entrance
  • Brigand's Hideaway (area available only after finishing main quest and starting "The Invaders", side quest given by Alder Malloi in Cape Solace) - after entering the hideaway go left, then right and go into the water and swim right, while swimming take the first left and then again left and you will find chest with the map at the end...
After you dug all the treasures and return to Aubrey, the quest will be completed. After completing the quest go to the Jawbone region to the place marked in the picture below.
Here you will find a Scuttlecrab (small, ambient, not aggresive crab). Kill it and upon looting it you should find Aubrey's hand. Take the hand and the achievement is yours.

If you have any trouble finding any of the map pieces, you can watch this video guide by MrVuule:

Killed 50 Scavs.

Scav is this insectoid creature living exclusively in Gallows End, kinda similar to Niskarus. They are spawning in amount of 1-3 creatures and they can be very harmful in bigger numbers thanks to their strong poison. By doing main story you will encounter propably around dozen of them therefore you will need to hunt them a little bit for this achievement to pop-up. They are kinda rare to find and even if they respawn you should visit their locations whenever you have a chance. You can find them in these three locations:
  • Flooded Cavern
  • Souldeep Fasting
  • Undersea Fasting
[DLC] Teeth of Naros Achievements
Total Achievements : 6
  • Offline Achievements: 6
  • Online Achievements: 0
Approximate amount of time to get 100% : 4-6 hours
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Number of missable achievements: 1
  • The Harder They Fall: You've bested Kahrunk without killing his attendants.
Broken achievements : None.
Difficulty related achievements : No.

The Harder They Fall
Best Kahrunk without killing his attendants.


This achievement is a part of Teeth of Naros DLC. In the main quest "Rites of Passage" you will be navigated into the Kahrunk's Tower where you will need to kill Kahrunk in order to progress. Save your game before your attempt to kill him so you have an chance to retry if you fail. It is also recommended to charge-up your Reckoning mode before you enter the Kahrunk's Tower Peak. The two attendants are not dangerous but they heal Kahrunk so the fight might take you a while, so easiest way is to enter Reckoning mode and quickly kill Kahrunk.

Beam Me Up
Use the Henge to enter Idylla.

Cannot be missed as it's part of the main storyline quest. Achievement unlocks during "Rites of Passage".

We Built this City
You helped the Kollossae in the Teeth of Naros break free from their fate.

Cannot be missed as it's part of the main storyline quest. Achievement unlocks after completing "Ascension".

Mistaken Identity
You’ve found a strange Almain who has been hiding in the sewers of Idylla.

You will need Detect Hidden skill to be at least on level 5 so you can open hidden doors. One of the main storyline quests - "Shapen in Iniquity" - will lead you into the Idylla Under Sewers in order to recover quest item "Arkes Circlet". After you find it don't go back and continue onwards until you reach junction. Here go left where the hidden door is. Open the door and continue until you reach a square platform full of rats with a hole in the middle in which you can jump. Jump down and you'll se an NPC right in front of you. Initiate conversation and the achievement is yours.

In case you already done the quest you can always return. If you don't know where entrance to Undersewers is or you have trouble finding the Almain, you can use another of MrVuule's great video.

I Regret Nothing
Fell to your death from the Idylla Concourse.

Once you reach the city of Idylla (you get there during "Rites of Passages" quest for the first time), save your game and go to the center of the town. There's a huge hole as big as swimming pool so you can't miss it. Go to the edge of the hole and jump and you'll get your achievement. Just don't forget to save your game because as the achievement hints, you will die.

Murder Most Fowl
Killed 50 Pteryx.

Pteryx are those giant chicken monsters you encounter only in Teeth of Naros. Since lot of quests from main storyline will make you run back and forth you will propably kill enough of them just doing the story. If now you can always return to their natural locations because they of course do respawn. You can encounter Pteryx in following locations:
  • Idylla: Sewers and Undersewers (sewers of Idylla, entrance via Idylla)
  • Shrine of Air (north on the map)
  • Berenike's camp (north-east on the map)
  • Pteryx Eyries (east on the map)
  • Southern Passage (south-west on the map)
Trainers and Skill Book Locations
The following list of trainer locations is categorized by respective skill and skill level requirement. Skills gained from leveling or Skill Book can be gained anytime. Trainers can provide additional skillpoints only if you have reached certain level of skill (marked by number in the brackets) and for a fee. All skillpoints except those gained via character creation (as race bonus) can be reseted via Fateweaver.

  • Skill Book - Cradle of Summer (NW of Plains of Erathell ) in a secret door near Urul Tusk. Requires Detect Hidden level 5 or greater.
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Jakasen - Lyceum Grove in the City of Ysa
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Molly Janick - Blue Bear Tavern in Emaire
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Savant Red Thombrum - Scholia Arcana in Rathir
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Conni - Seawatch. Requires the completion of Ghosts of Seawatch
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Bertrand Seznec - Gravehal Keep [after Scouting Mission]. Requires The Legend of Dead Kel DLC.

  • Skill Book - Hall of Firstsworn in a chest. Acquired during the The Mystic Hammer quest.
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Halder Rodric - Shieldring Keep
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Holte Frenn - United Merchants Delegation in the City of Ysa
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Efyr Dynnwel - Ironfast Keep in Menetyre. Requires completion of A Master's Touch. *Unavailable if you turn against the Warsworn*
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Ragna Senn - Mel Senshir

Detect Hidden
  • Skill Book - reward for completing either Going Rogue or The Purloined Letters during The Travelers faction quests (you can receive both this and the Stealth skill book, one for each quest, chosen randomly)
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Arnick Arduna - Gorhart Inn in Gorhart
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Ambassador Odvar - Embassy Hall in the City of Ysa
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Gawait Hand - Sun Camp (Located in Whitestone's tavern after completing the Travelers quest line)
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Ney Csalan - Mel Senshir (Unavailable if you turn against the Warsworn)

  • Skill Book - Ballads Library (Northern path between Webwood and Haxhi). Requires Ballads Signet Ring from the House of Ballads quest line. Located in the Fae cache on the top floor of the house.
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Saramer - Trellis in City of Ysa
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Eric Porthe - Adessa . He can usually be found in the Forum but seems to move around the city.
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Artan Caid - Scholia Arcana in Rathir
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Dionaeach - House of Sorrows . Requires completion of the House of Sorrows entrance trial. (Unavailable after completing House of Sorrows mission Voices of the Dead.)

  • Skill Book - Inside a locked chest in Orieator's Tomb on the Northern Forsaken Plain.
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Tefroy Tarion - Tirin's Rest in Galafor. Requires completion of Lock and Key mission.
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Thorvald Ulfsson - South of Brunuath across a bridge near the lorestone in South east Lorca-Rane
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Narit Wyle - Hospitalis Quarters in Adessa Walls
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Elya Madmyr - Caeled Coast west of Seawatch

  • Skill Book - Reward for fully upgrading Motus Mining Outpost house. Buying the house requires the completion of the Motus Mining quest line Miners in the Sand in The Hollowlands. Upgrade the house and the book will be on a bookshelf.
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Elayen Dark - Star Camp in Dalentarth
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Anton Demian - Northern Alserund north of the Caverns of Ingress .
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Eormen Gest - Moon Camp in Plains of Erathell
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Enion Gaius - Mel Senshir
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Erlen Vanik - Gravehal Keep [after Diplomacy], Requires The Legend of Dead Kel DLC.

  • Skill Book - Reward for completing Paper Trail mission in Adessa .
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Ellova - House of Ballads
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Magessa Ohr - Rathir , Upper City
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Templar Montainel - Forum in Adessa Isles (if you can't find her in the Forum, she is upstairs in the Hospitalis)
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Caradas Hyne - Mel Senshir

  • Skill Book - Hidden a well in St. Hadwyn's Mission in Glendara
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Viscount Setter the Allseer - Southwest in City of Ysa , or in The Font (after completing Oh, the Indignitaries )
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Savant Raina Njorn - Delving Hall in City of Ysa
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Savant Itran Sconn - Scholia Arcana in the upper city of Rathir
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Liordran - Balor's Crossing in The Keening or just east of Rahnil

  • Skill Book - reward for completing either Going Rogue or The Purloined Letters during The Travelers faction quests (you can receive both this and the Detect Hidden skill book, one for each quest, chosen randomly)
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Hiroen Karet - Star Camp in Dalentarth
  • Basic Trainer (0-3) - Inthaels Scyld - Moon Camp in the Plains of Erathell
  • Advanced Trainer (4-6) - Borm of Bowstrings - Hospitalis Quarters in Adessa Walls
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Ticnerani in Dark Glow Caverns in Shadow Pass
  • Master Trainer (7-9) - Marten Strand - Traveler Sloop/Merchant Vessel [after Scouting Mission], Requires The Legend of Dead Kel DLC.

This list of trainers has been copied straight from - all credit goes to their respective anonymous contributors. I've checked all the locations and since everything tallies there was no reason to make a new list. Visit for various additional information from the lore of Kingdoms of Amalur.
Inventory Expansion
When I played this game years back on PS3 for a very first time I had no idea there's a way to get bigger inventory. Game doesn't bother to tell you at any point in the game and since no guide at the time referenced this I finished my first playtrough with basic 70 slots (you can get up to 130). So I am dedicating whole section to Inventory Expansion so nobody else don't need to play with constantly over-encumbered character like I did.

Here's the list of merchants and their locations who can provide you with backpack expansion (every Backpack will automatically expand your inventory by 10 slots upon buying).
  • Rikka Egest in The Corner Shop, Gorhart Village
  • Riona Helt in Asker's Alley, Ysa (after completing the "Old Friends, New Foes" main quest)
  • Senecer Macit in Domus Politica, Adessa
  • Wil Donall in Scholia Arcana, Rathir - Upper City
  • Illyn Doldran in Mel Senshir
  • Ampelio in Idylla Market, Idylla (requires Teeth of Naros DLC)
Costs of Backpacks are between 6500-8500g, depending on merchant and points in Mercantile skill. But you will be propably saving only for the first one. By the time you reach Ysa you should have full pockets of gold.
Thank you for using my guide. I hope this guide helped you on your way to unlock all the achievements. A lot of water passed since this game was released and there's a lot of guides out there but I wanted to try make my own because every guide I read was simply missing something. If you liked this guide please vote for it accordingly.

DISCLAIMER: The idea and a format of a guide with overview, roadmap/progress map and missable achievements I used for my guide is an template used for years by community of guide-makers at and I made this guide in order to popularize this format amongst Steam achievement hunters as well because I haven't seen a guide using it yet. I would encourage you to use this format as well, in case you are planning of making a guide too.

I would like to use this space to say thank you to:

Thank you for reading.



In case you would like to translate this guide into another language feel free to do so but please leave everything in this section above "---" unchanged. You can of course add your info above/under. Thank you.
22 comentarios
♡Alice Cousland♡ 28 NOV 2024 a las 13:55 
Thank you so much for this guide, it was essencial for me to complete the game. Amazing work, friend :masterworks:
Forgotten One 10 ENE 2021 a las 11:47 
This guide is ok but pls tell me why doesnt steam tally my scav and petryx kill count..... I only need those 2 achievements for the perfect achievement and I have over 60 hours on the game cuz I do every quest plus Treasure Hunter I loot everything.
limonchikoff 6 JUL 2019 a las 14:48 
This guide is very helpful!!! Thx a lot!
Susie ♡ 11 MAR 2019 a las 13:36 
Great guide, thx! :TreepileHeart:
SotiCoto 24 ENE 2019 a las 6:34 
A few points:

"Juggler" can be easily gained just by using the Dodge attack with the Chakrams, once it is unlocked. No other weapons needed. Evade towards an enemy, press the Chakram button, and it results in a launcher and rapid air-combo which procs the achievement. It does require 50 points in Sorcery to unlock Arcane Weaponry IV though.

"They Never Saw it Coming" is rendered comically easy with the Smoke Bomb Finesse ability... though it needs quite the investment in Finesse to unlock. Worth it though. Makes stealing things comically easy.

"Open Sesame" isn't technically missable. The chests in some open areas (e.g. Webwood) can be reset via a glitch (in this case, by fast-travelling from Yolvan to Arden's Hut), and that includes warded chests.

... I believe "It Didn't Explode!" may be missable though, assuming for whatever reason that you max out your Alchemy (and thus unlock all recipes) before you can discover any recipe for yourself.

goric 3 MAY 2018 a las 12:08 
Thank yuo for your contribution.
angeneil 10 MAR 2018 a las 7:41 
thank you muchandloltsly
Xeus 2 ENE 2018 a las 7:24 
Rated +1 and favourited :steamhappy: Thanks for the awesome guide :fighting:
BlackArrow 29 DIC 2017 a las 10:27 
Thank you winKoneR for the amazing guide. I was curious for the hidden achievements, I obtained one, obviously by the main quest, but went hmmm.....had no idea where the others were, but now makes total sense by the DLC that I need to add to obtain these.
Also I like how the guide is very detailed and explains in depth for things if onself does not understand.
I appreciate the hard work you put into this, no doubt others do as well. Just thanks a bunch!~ :gearthumbsup:
Szycag 20 FEB 2017 a las 12:28 
Excellent guide, many thanks for all your work! :steamhappy: