Digital TableTops Player

Digital TableTops Player

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Quick Start Guide
By tutor
The VTT was made to be pretty self-expanatory. But I have written this guide to help go over some of the finer details.
Welcome! I've designed this VTT to be very easy to use. This guide will go over some of the finer details that might not be as obvious.

Let's begin at the main menu. There are 4 options:

  • Import Map
  • Campaigns
  • Settings
  • Exit

Before importing our first map, let's take a look at the settings

Here you can calibrate the program to your display size. Measure the grid to verify it is 2 inches. If it is not, adjust the physical size of your display using the different options, or a custom size if needed.

You can set the default download directory for where maps will be imported FROM. You can also change the type of lighting to be either discrete or continuous ("soft").

Next we'll set up our first campaign. It is best to break each into individual sessions.

Double click a session to set which maps will be available as well as player tokens.

Maps on the right have been imported into the program. Maps on the left are the ones which will be available during the session to be loaded quickly.

Click on player settings to adjust your player character attributes

The movement speed will determine how far each player can go. The dim light radius is how far light will be emitted from the player. Similarly, bright light radius is how far the brighter light will be emitted.

Next click on "token library" to set up the player/NPC tokens.

Click on a token in the library to select it, then click on the player or NPC token you would like to replace. You may have up to 8 player tokens at a time. You may have up to 16 different NPC tokens available, but the number of NPC on the map is not limited (only the type is limited to the 16 selected).

Importing custom tokens into the library is coming soon!

When you are ready to begin, click on begin. But first we will need to import some maps so let's return to the main menu.
Importing Maps
Click on "Import Map" from the main menu. You will be shown a file dialog to select the map you would like to import. You may set the default directory in the settings.

The program can import any standard image, as well as the the .uvtt (aka .dd2vtt) formats that include wall/lighting data.

After selecting the orientation, you can adjust the scale of the map. The program automatically guesses the grid sized based on a number of factors. You can set it to the screen width/height or manually adjust the scale factor using the slider.

Next adjust the grid color. The grid can be toggled on/off at any time during play but the color is only set once while importing the map.

If a uvtt file is being used, now you can verify the wall data. You can move the map using the arrow buttons on screen on the arrow keys on your keyboard. Coming soon is the ability to add/edit walls as well as importing external lighting.

Next select the starting positions for the party by moving the red token. Each player can also be moved before starting play if needed.

Lastly name the map and then either import more or return to the main menu.

Now that we have a map imported, we are ready to play!
Running a Session
After clicking begin, the map loads and you can adjust light settings.

  • Time of day is how light/dark the map is away from the players
  • When persistence is on, the areas players have already explored remains lit when the characters have moved away.
  • Adjust fog of war settings
  • Toggle the grid on/off

At this time you can move the players away from the default starting position. The map is hidden as to not reveal any details.

Once you are ready, click begin. You are now ready to play! If walls are present, they will block light and player movement.

Let's go over some options available during play. Click the Digital TableTops logo in the top left corner of the screen to pull up the menu. From here you can:

  • Add NPC tokens
  • Add area of effect spells
  • Adjust fog of war settings
  • Adjust the map

After clicking the "add token" button, you will be shown a list of available NPC tokens. After selecting a token it will be added to the middle of the screen.

These tokens do not have light around them and can pass through walls. Only the player characters cast visible light and are blocked by walls. Any number of tokens can be added from the 16 different varieties set up earlier.

Click on the area of effect button to add an area of effect for spells. Begin by selecting the shape (circle, cone, ray, and square) as well as the color (including transparency). Player movement is locked while adding areas of effect.

Click anywhere on the map to select the area of effects starting position. Then click (or drag) anywhere else to set its end position. Once drawn, the starting position can be moved. Double click the crosshair to lock that area of effect to the screen. You can now move it around freely and player character movement is no longer locked. Double click again to remove the token.

Next up are the fog of war settings. Click the light icon

The first button sets the time of day. If persistence is enabled, the brush icon can be toggled to manually remove fog of war. Lastly you can reset the fog of war war already revealed (if persistence is on).

Finally, click on the map icon to adjust the map. From here you can:
  • Toggle the grid on/off
  • Set up player character attributes (size, movement speed, light radii, active/inactive)
  • Load a new map from those listed in the session manager
  • End the session

Double click/tap on a character token enter movement mode.

The green circles show the distance of the character's movement speed. The larger circle is how far they can move while dashing. Clicking anywhere on the map will show the distance to that point and update the distance remaining.

You can also toggle the light for that character on/off by clicking the torch icon. Double click/tap on a character token exit movement mode.