Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

1,008 人が評価
'92 Jeep YJ Wrangler
10.285 MB
2024年7月12日 10時49分
2024年11月12日 11時04分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

'92 Jeep YJ Wrangler

KI5 作成の 1 件のコレクション
KI5's vehicle collection
64 アイテム
This guy doesn't really need any fancy introductions, it's a classic we all know and love, it was featured in many movies, tv shows and it's impossible you don't know about it. So let's get down to business, it has a few variants but they all share all parts, a lot of them. This is probably the most customizable vehicle i have ever made, so have fun building your own unique Wrangler!

Main features:
  • 3 variants (Basically the same car but spawned with a different set of parts)
  • 3 Front bumpers and 2 rear bumpers with 2 tiered protection
  • Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and windows
  • Visible interior and character (with improved exit/enter/aim animations)
  • All parts have 3d objects you can remove and place in the world
  • Extra parts to craft and find in the world to make the vehicle truly yours (bumpers, bullbar, window armor, roofrack, snorkel, winch, window frames, rollbars, bodykits, roof covers etc)
  • Multiple texture variations
  • Armor protection for windows, doors, engine, headlights etc
  • 4 seats
  • B41.78+ Single Player / Multiplayer Compatible
  • You can use it in your current save game, just enable the mod in the load menu
  • It can tow and be towed
  • Not recolorable

If you can't wait to find this mod in your game and want to test it right away, use bikinitools to spawn it, hide the items that your character holds while in vehicle, or for all other good stuff that mod has, go get it!

If you like my mods, please consider supporting me with a coffee,
so I don't fall asleep while making new mods and supporting old ones :)


Check out my vehicle mods:

  • This mod is commission work by request of the Project Apocalypse Community[]
  • Thanks to The Indie Stone for making this awesome game and all this possible.
  • Special thanks to bikinihorst for the huge help with code, optimization, and taking care of the multiplayer and part code.

KI5 の投稿を引用:

Ask for permission
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. If no permission is received you may not alter the mod, and it must be treated as a mod that is 'On Lockdown'. You are not allowed to repack this mod under any circumstances, ever.

Vehicle IDs: 92jeepYJs, 92jeepYJse, 92jeepYJjp

Workshop ID: 3287727378
Mod ID: 92jeepYJ
Mod ID: 92jeepYJJP18
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2024年11月12日 1時12分
ピン留め: Bugs go here
2024年9月10日 3時48分
115 件のコメント
Markelove 1月16日 14時21分 
B42 please!!! It's my favorite car
Mopule 2024年12月12日 1時26分 
10/10 adds a blue rubber duck
Rat 2024年11月7日 8時37分 
nice jeep from evolutioon movie:Rat_Laugh:
Grimmiekins 2024年10月24日 2時10分 
as soon as i saw the mod i thought there better be a jurassic park paint job one and i'm glad to see there is
kiukiu2907 2024年10月20日 19時09分 
Tryafil 2024年10月19日 12時35分 
My jeep got wrangled
Stinky Vaseline 2024年10月13日 15時24分 
There were no 4 door YJ Wranglers @Snek
Snek 2024年10月12日 16時35分 
Only thing I could add to this would be to make it spawn with 2 door and 4 door variants, but I love all your car mods you are far and above the best car modder for this game hands down.
civil pigeon 2024年9月28日 0時44分 
could the result for the cut vehicle window be changed to show that it makes small vehicle glass panes? its super confusing since it just shows the rubber and made me think the only way to craft car windows was via mirrors
Zachuwie 2024年9月25日 19時27分 
how do you craft the bumpers, armoured parts, and roof rack in survival?