Diplomacy is Not an Option

Diplomacy is Not an Option

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Starving is Not an Option
Oleh Kazanski
Some quick stats and charts on the food you can generate per day by building type. Should allow you to quickly see if you have enough food production to support your population.
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I found myself wondering about how much food I should expect from each building I use and built this chart real quick to give me a sense of what to expect. I am not going to make any strategy suggestions here other than to say that Farms are infinite food sources.

The main goal is to give you a rough idea of about how much food you should expect out of your resource production so you can estimate your production and assess how much you should have for your target population.
Granary Adjacent to Production
I am assuming that you are building a granary adjacent to your food production and that it will take your workers 2 seconds to move the food to the granary and resume gathering.

If you are not doing that - the food generated will be lower as the time it takes to deliver could be significantly longer and greatly reduce food generated.

Start of the Day
This also assumes that the building is built before the start of a day. Obviously, if a building is only functional through part of the day, then you are only going to be getting a portion of this food generation.

Day Length
Based on a quick stop watch - the days last about 3:20.
Food per Structure
For reference - the yields from each building are below.

Below is a quick chart that gives you an estimate of about how much food you will generate per building in ideal conditions. You should always plan to be ahead on this as you can't perfectly account for granaries filling up, someone getting sick, or some other kind of disruption to your supply chain. . . however, this should at least give you an idea of what you can expect in ideal conditions.

Validation Test Case
To test my assumptions - this is the production out of a single Farm II on a single full un-interrupted day.

Here is a sample of the layout I used to guarantee that the workers could touch a granary at least one grid square away from a couple different directions. Not ideal granary utilization - but just wanted to make sure to keep worker travel constant.

Rule of Thumb
In my opinion, a good rule of thumb would be:

Berry Picker: 25 Population Supported
Fishermen: 60 Population Supported
Farm I: 50 Population Supported
Farm II: 90 Population Supported (100'ish if you plan to be one farm ahead for every 100 people).

Keep in mind that producing military units uses food as well - so that will be a drain on your food supply in excess of your passive population consumption.

Also note: If you are using Berry Pickers and Fishermen - you will be surprised when they dry up. You need to be ahead of their expiration if you are running a just-in-time food production like an animal.

2 Komentar
Conartist 8 Okt 2024 @ 8:55pm 
It honestly took me a minute to realize the resource storage places can make or break your supply chain. Locating your buildings with the plan to have overlapping storage and % boost is now a concern of mine
PocketSizedWarCrime 23 Jul 2024 @ 2:28pm 
interesting, you coudld add the workshops in the equation (+15% from what i remember) which would boost the population for a farm II to 100 for sure, making planning easier ;)