Prehistoric Hunt

Prehistoric Hunt

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Tunnisteet: Maps
65.606 MB
13.6.2024 klo 16.49
13.6.2024 klo 17.10
3 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi

Gondwana is an island named after the long gone continent, split in 3 parts, mosasaurus and spinosaurus rules over the island, Dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus and t.rex lie extinct on this island AND a few others too, it is believed that soon another 2 species will become extinct and another 2 will take their place, the map is a little hard to traverse although there are land bridges to cross more safely, although who knows if that will be enough
4 kommenttia
Galore  [tekijä] 15.6.2024 klo 14.12 
Thank you for doing it
God Eater 15.6.2024 klo 13.08 
I think the map is already well done i only found some floating plants but im looking forward to seeing what you make :) i shared your map in the Prehistoric Hunt discord so hopefully more people see your map.
Galore  [tekijä] 15.6.2024 klo 9.13 
@God Eater

Thank you very much for the comment, yes, the plants were what I put the least effort into doing in several of the locations, because I changed the concept of the map very hastilyIn the future I will remake the map to make it look good with an idea already in mind
God Eater 15.6.2024 klo 8.08 
This is really nice i enjoyed playing through this. There are a couple of floating plants around but that does not take away from the map overall.