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Peaceful mode
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1 jun, 2024 @ 9:02
30 dec, 2024 @ 17:35
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Peaceful mode

No monsters, no enemies in the game.

Warning: this mod makes permanent changes to your save file, the moment you load in, it will automatically kill all nearby bosses. Always backup your saves when testing a mod!

Enemy drops still drop, you still get the XP, as if you had killed them. You auto-kill all the enemies spawning, even if they are off-screen.
Sitting at a campfire will respawn them, and standing up from the campfire you will auto-kill them again, and you get their loot and XP again - until you install the Deadly transmission. Because of this, you are likely to get more loot and XP of what you would in a normal game.

Troubleshooting: https://dysmantle.fandom.com/wiki/Modding

I played through all of the main game (no DLCs) from a brand new start to the end, the game is playable.

- majority of DLC1, Mana Chambers quest might never work without living enemies
- all of DLC2, but mainly CATS boss
- all of DLC3, but mainly 8 fighting pet stages & 5 DLC1 pet stages

If something is not working, please write a comment on the Steam Workshop page, thank you.
3 kommentarer
moli  [skapare] 26 jun, 2024 @ 6:08 
- fixed DLC1 The Slick Swindler
- fixed Night Terrors
moli  [skapare] 25 jun, 2024 @ 13:06 
- fixed DLC1 mana-infused enemies
- fixed DLC1 Mana Spirit enemy
Polilo06 7 jun, 2024 @ 19:05 
thank you moli for bringing a bunch of modded content to this game and having these ideas