Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Satellite Units
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Satellite Units

“Most of our systems are gone, debris chain reaction is out of control and rapidly expanding. Multiple satellites are down, and they keep on falling. Telecommunication systems are dead, expect a communication blackout at any moment.” -Houston in the film "Gravity"

Will the thousands of Space debris orbiting the planet be enough of a Celestial Omen to stop your conquest of the stars? As part of the Modder Pass V Celestial Omen mod collection, take part in the problem of orbit pollution with this brand-new Satellites Units mod.

  • 9 New Units to orbit earth
  • 6 Special Actions for different satellites
  • 2 Promotions trees for satellites
  • Satellite Fuel management
  • New Game Mechanic, Space Junk

Game Mechanic : Space Junk
During your Science victory, Space Debris is a new mechanic you will have to survey. As each time someone complete a Space Project, each time a Satellite unit is damaged or each time a Satellite unit is destroyed, Space Debris are added. There is 5 different level of Space Pollution, each new level will decrease Space Projects production and increase the chances each turn for Satellites Units to be hit by a debris.

Satellites Unique Abilities
All Satellites units have the capacity to ignore all terrains and pass through other civs borders. The main movement restraint of Satellites is their orbit. When a new Satellite is created, it’s first moves will determine the path it will follow. (exemple, moving a satellite 3 tiles east 2 tiles north will create an orbit of 3 tiles east 2 tiles north). At each end of turn, the satellite will teleport to the tile determined by it's orbit (in this exemple, at each end of turn it teleport 3 tiles east and 2 tiles north).
All Satellites units also have a Lifespan and Fuel Charges. Once the lifespan of the satellite reach 0, it dies. This lifespan can be extended using Fuel Charges, but Fuel Charges can also be used to regains many movement points.

New Units
Satellites are a new kind of unit created with repeatable projects. Each satellite has it's own projects that create them. All those projects need a Spaceport to be launched and are unlocked in the tech tree, all requires the "Launch Earth Satellite" project to have been completed to be unlocked, the "Launch Space Station" and "Launch Space Shuttle Mission" also requires the "Launch Moon Landing" project to have been completed.

For space warfare reason, Satellites have a combat strength of 120 but can't attack, they can defend only. Only the Orbital Laser, Rods of God and Lagrange Laser satellite can launch attacks. The Jet figther, Modern AT crew, Rocket Artillery, Missile Cruiser, Destroyer and Nuclear Submarine all have the "Anti Satellite Weaponery" that increases their combat strength by +17 against Satellites units.

Telecommunication Satellite
“The unit for Cultural and Diplomatic victory, gives +3 influence point for envoys and gives Rockbands gold for the tourism they generate. It’s special action is to remove 70 loyalty to a city and grant a permanent -5 loyalty per turn to it, while also giving to the city owner Culture”

Military Satellite
“A perfect addition for your military campaigns, the Military Satellite has a great sight range of 9 tiles and gives to all units in an 8 tiles hexagon radius +5 combat strength. It’s special is to launch an Urgent Military Operation, which boost the combat strength and movement cost of your fast units like Helicopters, Aircrafts and SpecOps”

Weather Satellite
“The unit to make your city grow and help your neighbors, the Weather Sat gives food to the nearest city of it with its special action. And if it’s done above another civilization city, you also gain diplomatic favors”

GPS Satellite
“If you want to speed up your units, try the GPS Satellite, which grants to all units in an 8 tiles hexagon radius +1 movement point”

Rods of God
“In case a Nuclear Submarine isn’t enough for you, the Rods of God is an excellent siege unit, with its range of 15 and bombard of 110, it can also carry your nukes all around the globe.”

Orbital Laser
“To get rid of those pesky orbital debris and other enemy satellites, the Orbital Laser is the perfect weapon, able to delete satellites with its +17 combat strength against Satellites, and then remove their debris with its special action Remove Space Junk.”

Lagrange Laser
“Direct upgrade of the Orbital Laser, the Lagrange Laser is a replacement over the Vanilla project. They speed up your Exoplanet Expedition but if they are destroyed they stop helping it. This mean that now your perfect Science Victory can be stopped if those satellites are dead.”

Space Station
“Space Stations are a huge investment, but if you promote them, you can help your whole empire to develop. Space Stations have their own promotions tree that grants empire wide bonuses. Just try to keep it alive…”

Space Shuttle
“If your satellites are damaged, out of fuel and about to re-enter the atmosphere, the Space Shuttle is here for you. Its special action is to repair and refuel adjacent satellites units. Its second special action is to promote adjacent satellites units. Both actions take up your Space Shuttle fuel, which it hasn’t a lot of and it’s lifespan is quite short, at only 5 turns. So takeoff, make your repair, and land back.”

Coming Updates
A unit model for the units is currently worked on by MC and should be ready in the near future
Civilopedia full entries for many units are missing
Plans for some new satellites units to be added

The mod is currently english only, all translation help is appreciated
Популярни дискусии Всички (1)
3 май 2024 в 6:49
Translation Help
41 коментара
Ryan 10 ноем. 2024 в 10:26 
@SpatialX please update the models from plane to actual satellite
MadHymn 23 окт. 2024 в 9:53 
I think there are only two shortcomings, the others are all perfect. The first one is that the airplane was used as a model and it was lying on the ground, which is really ugly. It's better to be invisible directly The second shortcoming is that it cannot overlap with other units This is really far from the big picture, satellites are tens of thousands of meters high, but they cannot overlap with units on the ground My suggestion is, is there a way to make the script of civilian satellites overlap with other units like religious units? Anyway, installing this mod can elevate the post game to a higher level, but the above issues affect immersion (syntax may be incorrect)
MadHymn 23 окт. 2024 в 9:51 
我认为只有两点不足,其他的都堪称完美,第一点是以飞机作为了模型,而且是趴伏在地上的,这实在是很丑,不如直接隐形...第二点不足是无法与其他单位重叠...这一点实在是离了大谱,卫星在几万米高空,却无法与地上的单位重叠... 我的建议是,有没有办法让民用卫星的脚本变成像宗教单位一样的可与其他单位重叠?不管怎么样,安装这个mod之后可以把后期游戏提升一个高度,唯独上述问题影响沉浸感
Jtown518 15 авг. 2024 в 15:32 
You are also revolutionary for your refueling system for the satellites , you should totally make this system for bombers in like a separate mod , so you can fly bombers long ranges and then just refuel them as you go instead of only being able to re-base them, like how the US military does with our B2 spirits make it work exactly like how your satellites work but for stealth bombers or jets .
Jtown518 10 авг. 2024 в 15:47 
Bro I love this mod and its something I have looked forward to every since civ BOE , I honestly don't know why satellites aren't just in the game , but can you please just make the jet unit or whatever your using to display the satellite in game invisible or something, I imagine there was an issue changing the unit to resemble an actual satellite or something , but honestly we dont need anything there just give us the normal icon to show where it is, its killing the immersion so bad man . Good work though and thank you for even making this possible at all. PS if you could even atleast just make an alternative version of the mod like this that would be dope too. Also making the rods of god weapon shoot just like normal missiles or just cause damage would be cooler than making it shoot nukes since there's already so many things to deploy nukes from its a bit redundant late game , would be so much cooler to just have the satellite do high amounts of ranged damage that isnt just a nuke.
Otto von Habsburg 17 юли 2024 в 7:25 
Are you planning to add multiplayer to the mod? It will be absolutely amazing!
fsupple1 2 юли 2024 в 14:19 
When I move this mod to enabled it states in red "Multiplayer-No" so I assume that goes for hot seat mode also unless told otherwise.
fsupple1 2 юли 2024 в 10:27 
Can this mod be used playing multiplayer? Fermata in Mystic Air's comment is reason for my inquiry. I assume if I play hot seat multiplayer it is okay and in all other multiplayer cases it would function as long as all players had this mod installed.
BronyaRussia 20 юни 2024 в 21:27 
What kind of translation do you need