Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

28 ratings
How To: Edit In-Game Messages
By Lynnemie
Step by step guide on how to replace in-game text and dialogue with your own.
If you are interested in editing the game's text and dialogue messages, this guide will help you do so.
It's an easy process, no programming knowledge required. We will be use two simple tools to make it all happen. If you are familiar with UABEA and/or Notepad++, you will be able to skip many of the sections.

- Will be used to export .txt files.
- Will be used to import edited .txt files.
Download Link [github.com]

- Will be used to search exported .txt files for specific messages.
- Will be used to replace text.
Download Link [notepad-plus-plus.org]

Note: You can use any text editor of your choice, but this guide will assume you are using Notepad++.

Localization Files
All the game's localization files are located at:
…\Eiyuden Chronicle\EiyudenChronicle_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64

Each supported language has its own .bundle file:
  • localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-french(fr)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-german(de)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-italian(it)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-japanese(ja)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-korean(ko)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-portuguesebrazil(pt-br)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-russian(ru)_assets_all.bundle
  • localization-string-tables-spanish(es)_assets_all.bundle

Note: This guide will assume you are going to make edits to the English localization. However, the steps involved can be applied to any other language.

1. Project Folder
Create a folder somewhere on your computer (remember where you parked it).
This folder will be referred to as the Project folder throughout this guide.

- Open the Project folder and create a new folder. Since this guide will be extracting the English localization, it will be named EN Dump.
- Create a second folder and name it Backup.

The Project folder should look something like this:

2. Back-up
Even though, we will not be making edits to the localization file itself (at the end we will have a copy of the file with our edits) it’s a good idea to back-up the original, since our new file will replace it.

- Navigate to the game's installation folder.
- Then to EiyudenChronicle_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64
- Copy/cut localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle and paste it in the Project's Backup folder.

3. Installation
If you haven't already installed UABEA and Notepad++, do so now.

Note: You will only need to do this process once.

1. Launch UABEA

2. Click File and select Open from the drop down menu.

3. Navigate to the Project's Backup folder and select localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle, and click Open.

4. A message box will appear, click Memory.

5. Next click Info in the bottom right of the main UABEA window.

6. Within the Assets Info window, click on any file from the Assets list and press CTRL+A to select all the files. Then click Export Dump from the options on the right.

7. Navigate to the Project's EN Dump folder and select it, then click Select Folder.

8. When asked to Select dump type, click Ok.

9. Close the Assets Info window, then close the main UABEA window.

Search Using Notepad++
Note: This section assumes you have extracted the localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle file.

The EN Dump folder contains over 1600 .txt files.
In order to edit a specific message, you will have to find it first.
To do so, this guide will use Notepad++.
(if you already know how to do this or have a different method, you can skip this section)

1. Open Notepad++ and press CTRL+F, then select the Find in Files tab.

2. Find the Directory: box and click the [...] button next to it.

3. Navigate to your Project's EN Dump folder and select it, then click Select Folder.

4. Type whichever phrase or keyword you want to find in the Find what box, press Find All, and wait for Notepad++ to finish the search.
(try to be specific, or you might end up with over a hundred results)

5. The Search results will be shown at the bottom of the Notepad++ window.
In the above example, two instances were found in the file named:
- MainScenario_01_en-CAB

6. Double click on a result and Notepad++ will open the file and jump to the specific line.

Editing a Message
Note: This section assumes:
- the EN Dump folder has all the extracted .txt files.
- you know which file has the message(s) you want to edit.

1. From the Project's EN Dump folder, open the .txt file that you want to edit in Notepad++.
This guide will be using MainScenario_01_en-CAB-... as an example.

2. To edit a message, simply change everything between the:
1 string m_Localized = " " quotation marks.

3. Save the file and close Notepad++.

Text Formatting
You can use the following:
\n (newline) the text following it will be shown on a new line.
<i> ... </i> the text in between will be italic.
<b> ... </b> the text in between will be bold.

Each message has its own unique identifier: m_Id.
You can use this to find a message's Japanese counterpart.
Simply open the same .txt file from the JA localization (provided you have extracted the localization-string-tables-japanese(ja)_assets_all.bundle to a folder), and search the file using the m_Id.
For the example above:

Import Edited Files
Note: The majority of this section is identical to the Extraction section. The steps that differ are step 6 and those from 9 onward.

1. Launch UABEA

2. Click File and select Open from the drop down menu.

3. Navigate to the Project's Backup folder and select localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle, and click Open.

4. A message box will appear, click Memory.

5. Next click Info in the bottom right of the main UABEA window.

6. Within the Assets Info window, click on any file from the Assets list and press CTRL+A to select all the files. Then click Import Dump from the options on the right.

7. Navigate to your Project's EN Dump folder and select it, then click Select Folder.

8. When asked to Select dump type, click Ok.

9. In the Batch import window, click on any file in the list and press CTRL+A to select all the files, then click Ok.
Note: If you get a Message Box with a Parse error at this point, please refer to the Errors section of this guide.

10. On the Assets Info window, click File and then select Save. When the Message Box appears, click Ok. Lastly, close the Assets Info window.

11. On the main UABEA window, click File and then select Save. In the Save as.. window, navigate to the root of the Project folder. In the File name box enter: localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle and click Save. Lastly, close the main UABEA window.

12. Navigate to the Project folder, select the newly created localization-string-tables-english(en)_assets_all.bundle, copy/cut it and then paste into: ...\EiyudenChronicle_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64.
if you have followed this guide, the original is safely backed-up in the Project's Backup folder, so click to overwrite.

If everything has gone well, the edited messages will now appear in the game.

Parse Error
If you get the following Errror message:

This means there is a problem with the quotation marks in your edited message.
For example:

Make sure that your message "is always between two quotation marks."
The quotation marks are very important!

This concludes the guide.
If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to leave a comment.

With that said:
Atsoc 15 Jul, 2024 @ 3:56am 
Used this to fix the shaking text that is extremely annoying. Thanks a lot!!
ArtificialQT 24 May, 2024 @ 4:52am 
Nevermind. Problem solved. Turns out it was github messing us up because it adds too many "enters" at the end of the text file for some reason.
ArtificialQT 24 May, 2024 @ 4:47am 
We're getting some weird errors when working with the HeroTalk files.

Something went wrong when reading the dump file:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.

When we try to import our txt files back into the bundle, we getting the above error.

BUT, when we simply copy paste the text contents exactly as is over to a freshly extracted file from the asset bundle, it takes it just fine.

Any idea as to why this error is popping up?
🅱🅴🅷🅴🅻🅸🆃 ⚔ 6 May, 2024 @ 5:59pm 
@Amarylis Tu as des exemples?
Amarylis 30 Apr, 2024 @ 6:52pm 
I was actually thinking of doing my own french fan-translation, since the official one is... horrible. Really.
Thank you so much for your guide, it'll help me a lot!
SE.RA.PH 27 Apr, 2024 @ 10:51am 
@Lynnemie I think I did it. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I just copied my edits your version and it seemed to work. I honestly don't know what went wrong. But thanks for the help!
SE.RA.PH 27 Apr, 2024 @ 10:25am 
@Lynnemie I'll check my edits again. I don't think I made any errors but I'll check.
Lynnemie  [author] 27 Apr, 2024 @ 10:00am 
@SE.RA.PH There are too few or too many quotation marks " "
"old text" => "new text"
The quotation marks are very important
SE.RA.PH 27 Apr, 2024 @ 9:12am 
Help! When I I click okay for the bath import I get "Something went wrong when reading the dump file: Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter 'length')" What do I do?
tankanidis 27 Apr, 2024 @ 5:11am 
wanted to say a big thank you for the step by step guide!

You turned a hopeless situation into hope by being able to mod and fix the English Localisation bug/issues

Thank you!