No More Room in Hell

No More Room in Hell

97 人が評価
Default FN FAL Overhaul
カテゴリー: 武器スキン
タグ: fix, FN, FAL, reskin, 308, overhaul
9.755 MB
2024年4月23日 2時27分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Default FN FAL Overhaul

Default FN FAL Overhaul

I don't think you saw this coming right?My last
custom model compiled was a FAL,and now the next
default model I'm messing with is...the FAL.

What started as a simple reskin test turned into
something descent.Coupled with how the default
model had weird smoothing and how those hood
things around the rear sights were atrocious,that
was enough reasons for me to go for a new
overhaul project.

What do we have? Let's see:

-3D related
.the smoothing has been reworked
.the rear sight has been remade:it's not 100%
similar to how real FAL sights look like but I'd
say it's close enough,and if anything it should
allow better visibility
.the stock shape has been tweaked to look more like
a real FAL stock
.the flash hider has been edited,now the muzzle holes
are actual holes,K+left click should look sexier :x
.the brass deflector thing over the ejection has been
enlarged a bit,it should be a little more noticeable
.the peewee model has been edited aswell,it is based
on WhispertheWolf custom LODs (more about that later)

-2D related
.the default texture has been cleaned up as much as I
could,the rifle should look less worn,have no more
weird black areas,and I hope should feel more visually
in line with the rest of the NMRIH arsenal
.the colour tone has also been changed to look closer
to a standart G-serie FAL
.the reflection has been lowered a bit.Depending if
you're using Darkel gun reflection fix (wish I do)
there may be descent to poor amount of reflection,I
did check both and think it's fine in both case.If you
disagree you can still use the default normal map and
gradiant textures to get it back to how it was (because
this whole thing is compatible with VMT mods like Darkel
stuff,Material Lighting Mod...)

-anim related
.any anims where the fingers mess with the magazine (so
ammocheck and reload) have been tweaked,fingers should
no longer clip throught the mag

Known issues/lack of features:
.the left hand may sometimes act weird when performing
a reload/ammocheck while moving with WASD and moving the
mouse cursor:it's subtle and rare,but sadly it can be seen
.the rear sight is slightly offset from the stock:I
wasn't able to fix that,sadly you either have an offset
stock,or inaccurate sights (btw I remodeled the sights
base FROM the existing ones,accuracy should be 100%
the same as before)
.carry handle? maybe sometimes in the future,but not for
.the hand dumping a perfectly fine mag during reload:as
much as this thing pisses me off,I need to know more about
messing with animations before I can make it happen

A note about the peewees:
With a noticeably different looking stock,I decided to
rework the peewees. I based my stuff on Whisper the Wolf
peewee LODs thing,so if you subscribed to his mod (wich
you should do) you will have no compatiblity issues with
that FAL thing.
His mod used to have collision issues:Whisper is now aware
of the issue and should have it fixed any time soon.

You can find it here:

Also if you want to check Darkel gun reflection fix mod for
whatever reasons,you can find it here:

Still here? I'm not sure if I should thank you for going
throught these walls of text of mine,or feel ashamed for
wasting your time.
Anyway,if you find issues/have suggestions or anything
to say,the comment section is here.

weapon LODs mod wich I used as base:Whisper the Wolf
anything that's default and not from Whisper:NMRIH team
anything else:CheeseLobber

12 件のコメント
CheeseLobber  [作成者] 2024年12月28日 3時08分 
What I'm calling a peewee is a world model,so yes.
𝕵tmal 2024年12月28日 2時41分 
Does it come with a world model @CheeseLobber
IIo3uTuB4uK 2024年6月29日 23時00分 
Собираю людей на выполнение ачивки "Мы справились"
Кидайте инвайт в друзья если вам это нужно
CheeseLobber  [作成者] 2024年6月18日 5時13分 
Only with this one.
Mıkı 2024年6月17日 22時36分 
Is the left hand reload/ammocheck WASD bug in the base game too, or only with this overhaul? Because I never noticed it before
Arthur(x) 2024年5月25日 15時01分 
DUCATISLO 2024年4月30日 11時31分 
WAFFMANN 2024年4月29日 13時22分 
very nice much success, would have made it plastic the wood parts
Whisper The Wolf 2024年4月24日 21時36分 
Krealo 2024年4月24日 14時23分 
cheese has lobbed again