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A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech
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Mod, 1.5
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22 апр. 2024 г. в 8:14
25 апр. 2024 г. в 20:49
Обновлений: 4 (просмотреть)

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A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech

В 1 коллекции, созданной Aelanna
A Rim Reborn
Предметов: 9
A high-tech upgrade for A Rim Reborn that melds rimworld and aetheric technology!

Mod Features

A Rim Reborn - Hybrid Tech adds a number of high-tech gear and defenses meant to represent Eorzean adaptation to the technology of the rimworlds.

  • Adds two additional research projects: Hybrid Firearms and Aetheric Turrets
  • Adds five new aetheric weapons inspired by rimworld's conventional weapons technology. Like all Eorzean weapons, they channel aether and thus are stronger in the hands of someone with flowing aether.
  • Adds scout armor, scout helmet, power armor, and power helmet as well as glamoured variants. Scout armor is equivalent to recon armor, but with aetherically augmented speed, accuracy, and mental focus. Power armor is equivalent to marine armor, but with augmented speed, pain resistance, and mental focus.
  • Adds an aetheric shield belt. Aetheric shield belts have slightly less overall strength than conventional shield belts, but their use of aether instead of electricity makes them immune to EMP blasts.
  • Adds 3 new buildings: an artificial sun that allows crops to be grown indoors with aether, a pulse turret that fires beams of pure destructive aether, and a triple-barreled mortar firing specialized aetheric mortar shells that can be imbued with elemental energy.

Mod Compatibility

  • This mod requires A Rim Reborn - Core to function.
  • This mod is currently not Combat Extended compatible, but support is planned for the near future.

Known Issues

  • No known issues at this time. (2024-04-22)
Популярные обсуждения Просмотреть все (1)
6 мая. 2024 г. в 12:15
Feedback - Artificial Sun
Комментариев: 49
Silhouette 24 сен. 2024 г. в 21:08 
@Aelanna - No audio was playing and I don't have any errors or throttling from the eccentric projectiles mod.

It seems like after a while it fixed itself, but I don't know if that was just a fluke or because my aetheric links changed something. They shoot lasers now.
Aelanna  [создатель] 24 сен. 2024 г. в 18:09 
@Silhouette - Is the audio playing? Do you have effects turned down or throttled in your Eccentric Projectiles mod settings? If not, are you getting any errors and/or can you provide a log file?
Silhouette 24 сен. 2024 г. в 6:15 
I take it back. They do seem to be doing -something-, as bruises are appearing on enemies from them, but no bullets. Weird.
Silhouette 24 сен. 2024 г. в 5:56 
Aetheric Turrets don't seem to ever actually fire, even when supplied aether via linking.

They constantly have a firing indicator/ranged attack cooldown, but it depletes and refills while they never fire any sort of attack.
Aelanna  [создатель] 2 сен. 2024 г. в 10:03 
@rayman3120 - Curious, I'll have to take a look and see why it's not showing. In the meantime, the aether lance has a range of 29.9 and deals 20 Heat damage with an armor penetration of 90% and a stopping power of 1.5. It should also ignore both shield belts and low shields.
rayman3120 2 сен. 2024 г. в 7:33 
i've noticed that the aetheric lance has no stopping power and no range inthe description.
does it not have any? or simply forgotten?
i havent made it yet but if it does have the function i think that would require a slight description addon :)
Petrus Aurelius 11 июн. 2024 г. в 22:01 
Love the art design.
Aelanna  [создатель] 22 мая. 2024 г. в 7:22 
@thryllth - Huh, it looks like the ammo selector is actually pulling from the wrong description field. I'll make sure it gets fixed in the next update, thanks for letting me know!

In the meantime:

* Earth deals blunt damage (which deals bonus damage vs buildings) with a chance of stunning any hit targets
* Fire deals heat damage with a chance of igniting flammable things in the blast radius
* Ice deals heat damage and chills / slows all enemies in the blast radius
* Lightning deals heat damage with a chance of stunning enemies in the blast radius, with a guaranteed stun and 100% armor penetration vs mechanoids
* Water is supposed to be essentially the same as ice but appears to actually be bugged for now (I'll get that fixed in the next update as well)
* Wind deals cut damage and thus will cause a lot of bleeding with a higher chance of dismemberment
thryllth 21 мая. 2024 г. в 5:47 
This is awesome but I do wish that the mortars had a tooltip somewhere with a brief rundown as to which essence did what when fired. I guess I will just have to do some SCIENCE with them on the next batch of raiders.
Connie (she/her) 18 мая. 2024 г. в 21:11 
tbh now we just need some garlean shit. i wanna blast the measure of our reach while i show raiders the meaning of atheism