House Flipper

House Flipper

Not enough ratings
a Perfect score with jack Tarrington
By Raven
from what i learned by mistake,the house to get a perfect score with Jack is : Home Admin Legends (The Gamer/Server house)

before we go any further i want to mention that i am sure that a bunch of people have already explained/learned this, but i thought i would mention as this is my first time ever getting a perfect score with him not being outbid.


i turned the house into my office originally and out of boredom turned it into a duplex. i was shocked because jack was top scoring with a symmetrical house. i ended up keeping it for a while for myself while i processed that, but eventually sold the house.

so my layout went something like this

two bathrooms, each with two small beds (bed count is optional 1 per room minimal)
each bathroom came equipped with its own small bathroom (standard toilet sink shower cabinet layout)

on the left of the house i had a home-library as i didnt know what to do with that space. in the library is a small closet about 3 -6 m2 for a tiny little sauna, it can be bigger but thats just what i chose to do.

on the right side of the house, with a doorless doorway but thats up to you, doubledoor is what i used.
the kitchenette with living room was put on the front-right side of the house, with the back being a bedroom with its own bathroom, same layout as the first one.

i used cheap furniture, tv in the living room, standard kitchen, two sofas, bathrooms, one sauna, kitchenette
did i miss anything?

either way i had gotten a perfect score no negative opinions.