Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

项目 (5)
Jack Perry / Jungle Boy
创建者: its_T-Dizzzzle
175 Edit Points. Dnmt style. Thank you to all the great creators listed below for parts and moves. Thank you Kradiation / TheAvenger3 for the base....
"The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth
创建者: its_T-Dizzzzle
166 Edit Points. Dnmt style. Thank you to all the great creators listed below for parts and moves. Thank you TheAvenger3 for base and KRadiation for the Face....
Lio Rush
创建者: its_T-Dizzzzle
159 Edit Points. Dnmt style. Thank you to all the great creators listed below for parts and moves. Thank you KRadiation and TheAvenger3 for base....
Matt Riddle
创建者: its_T-Dizzzzle
Dnmt style logic. Thank you to all the great creators listed below for parts and moves. TheAvenger3 for base....
Mustafa Ali
创建者: its_T-Dizzzzle
Dnmt style. Thank you to all the great creators listed below for parts and moves. Thank you TheAvenger3 for base....