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HELLDIVERS History Basics Manual - You, Super Earth and Its Enemies (HB 01-22)
By Zulu
[UPDATE: 08-APR-2184] This training guide will provide Helldivers with a brief historical overview of the Federation, its enemies, and the battles on-going at the frontier, aimed at helping to acquire the HB 01-22 History Basics certificate. Doubting or questioning the information hereby presented may result in detainment or termination.
>> Mandatory Flag Celebration Moment
From the Citizen's Guide to Patriotism: Celebration of the Super Earth Federation flag should be paramount during one's service and life. You must not allow the flag to be desecrated, dirtied or torn during service. It is your right and duty to report all who disrespect the flag and question the Federation's beliefs: democracy, freedom and liberty.


>> Index

While a Helldiver's main duty lies in fighting the enemies of humanity on all fronts and at all costs, every Helldiver is also a Citizen of Super Earth or its developed worlds. It is, therefore, in each Helldiver's interest to learn about the basics of Federation history (if you were not instructed on them during primary education and/or by parents or family) and the enemies that threaten you and your loved ones.

This manual is separated in three Sections.
  • Section 1 is an actively updated look at the ongoing and past conflicts of the Helldiver Corp,
  • Section 2 covers the basics of Federation history and the Helldiver Corp,
  • Section 3 provides an overview of the enemies you will combat, their tactics and some useful information.

The Super Earth Ministry of Truth has approved this guide for use by Helldivers during allotted free time. Please direct all questions to your on-board Democracy Officer.
Section 1: Galactic War
This Section will highlight important battles and conflicts of the Galactic War and shall be updated accordingly as the war progresses. For live updates on the battlefield, visit the following Galactic Wide Web site: Live Liberation Map[divers.gg]

>> Automaton Front
Major Events

HIGH PRIORITY - Automaton Assault: Operation Swift Disassembly was successful, however, the brunt of the Automaton fleet has assaulted worlds in the north quadrant of the galaxy on 08-APR-2184. Helldivers are engaged in defensive operations and crisis management.
Operation Swift Disassembly: following extensive combat efforts by Helldivers, on 07-APR-2184, the Automaton Front has been fully liberated.
Malevelon Creek Victory: as of 03-APR-2184, Malevelon Creek, Severin Sector, has been liberated. This day corresponds with Malevelon Creek Memorial Day.

Minor Events

Tien Kwan Blitzkrieg Campaign: following an attack on EXO-45 Exosuit production facilities in Tien Kwan, a rapid operation to liberate the planet took place, allowing the deployment of Exosuits galaxy-wide.

>> Terminid Front
Major Events

Operation Valiant Enclosure: the establishment of the Terminid Control System has been successful. As of 05-APR-2184, however, Terminid numbers have begun to rise on the barrier planets. News incoming.

Minor Events

Angel's Venture Campaign: the first campaign of the aforementioned operation and first deployment of the new wave of Helldivers.
Veld Blitzkrieg Campaign: Helldivers mounted a major operation on Veld, Orion Sector, involving upwards of 400.000 troops, and liberated the planet in less than two days.
Section 2: Brief Overview


Prosperity, liberty and democracy - Our way of life. But it doesn't come free, it is every man, woman and child's duty to protect our home, our culture, and our families.

>> The Super Earth Federation

The Super Earth Federation was founded before 2040 and has since remained the only bastion of democracy, liberty and freedom in the galaxy, maintained by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Truth. The Federation's expanse reaches past the Solar System well into the depths of nearby space, where the will of the Citizens is ensured by the great system of Managed Democracy. Citizens' votes are based on a questionnaire posed to them, and their vote is cast automatically based on the answers the provide, removing doubt, uncertainty and lack of clarity in the electoral and decision-making process.

The Citizen's ideal life is based on service to their community, and such service results in Citizen Point accumulation and other benefits. At 16, each Citizen receives a gift from the Federation: an M2016 Constitution bolt-action rifle to begin the child's military career and teach them about the tools that keep us free. Education in science, technology or medicine are key to the advancement and progress of humankind, and promise careers on exotic, alien planets. Colonial expansion is, however, available to every Citizen that wishes to visit those planets and spread the glory of democracy. Please visit your nearest Democracy Officer for information on colonial missions.

If you wish to remain on Super Earth, or visit the center of the Federation, you will be amazed by the grand and utopian cities that dot the planet, which offer work in all kinds of fields from industry, manufacturing and custodial work, to police duty, politics and military service. The great landmarks of our history are preserved and free to visit (please ensure your Citizen Point count is high enough to afford a visit to one of Super Earth's monuments) and each city is maintained, kept clean and safe.

On the matter of safety, the security of our great government is maintained by the Super Earth Armed Forces, and by you, the Citizen of Super Earth. It is up to you to report unpatriotic and treasonous behavior, and help uphold the torch of liberty.


Our pride, the Helldivers are the scalpel of the military might of Super Earth, young men and women are drafted from the regular army corps to do their part in the unrestful galaxy that is set on destroying Super Earth.

>> The Helldiver Corp

The Helldivers are the most elite and revered military corp in human history, and serving in these specialized units is the highest honor a Citizen can aspire to. Helldivers are drafted from the Armed Forces' ranks, and are the most exceptional, dutiful soldiers the Federation can deploy.

The first deployment of Helldivers was at Northman's Creek, a planet that had attempted to secede from the Federation. Following the inability for a full scale military campaign against the socialist government, the SEAF deployed a new technology, the Hellpods, and a detachment of Helldivers breached the parliament building and quelled the secession attempt by force, ensuring the planet's loyalty to the true values of democracy.

Since the start of the Galactic War in 2044, these elite units have been deployed behind enemy lines on all fronts, eliminating the need for typical military campaigns and allowing the Federation to strike deep into enemy territory. Each Helldiver is provided with:
  • an AR-23 Liberator assault rifle,
  • a P-2 Peacemaker pistol,
  • a G-12 High Explosive grenade pack,
  • an iconic B-01 Tactical armor set, including cape.
Section 3: The Enemies of Humanity


Senator John W. Killjoy declared "The Bugs have been a plague in this galaxy for far too long, they must now be eradicated before they spread to other worlds".

>> The Terminids

The Terminids are a sentient insectoid species originating from the desert planet Kepler Prime, known for swarm tactics and acid-based attacks. These bugs can range from small specimens the size of an Earth dog known as Scavengers and Spewers, to Bile Titans, enormous four-legged threats that must be taken down with overwhelming explosive firepower.

Despite their danger, Terminids provide a valuable resource: oil. A Terminid's body, during decomposition, expels large amounts of oil. This has proven helpful in fueling smaller colonies and for manufacture, and as such, Terminid farms are scattered all across the human frontier, even on Kepler Prime. Even so, a Helldiver should not hesitate nor consider this attribute when in combat: the oil seeps naturally into the soil and is then extracted by specified E710 pumps.

Of note when regarding Terminids is the Terminid Control System project currently planned for construction. This System consists of a series of planets to be fitted with atmospheric gas dispensers that perpetually spread chemicals harmful to Terminids on the planet's surface. Establishing these gas dispensers across a belt of planets will ensure that this threat is contained beyond it, and that Terminids cannot reach Super Earth.


A couple of years ago, Cyborg terrorists detonated a massive bomb in one of the city-planets killing thousands of civilians – now is our time to get back at them!

>> The Automatons

Originating from the perennially iced planet of Cyberstan, Automatons are a socialist dystopian civilization of augmented humans and sentient machines. In combat, Automatons prove challenging to confront given their advanced military strategy and tactics and their high volume of fire. Helldivers should prepare for armored targets and use cover, smoke and shielding to minimize casualties. Deployment of SAM sites is suggested to ensure air superiority, and usage of guerrilla tactics may result in success in Automaton-controlled territory.

The Automatons consistently threaten the peace and prosperity of Federation worlds with constant terrorist attacks against innocent Citizens. Furthermore, they upkeep propaganda broadcasts that can reach human settlements near Automaton territory. Contrary to Terminids, Automatons offer no benefit to their existence aside from the large scale forges and factories that may be captured and used by the Super Earth Construction Company. Capture is, however, secondary to destruction, and Automatons should be destroyed with full prejudice.

Interactions or attempts to communicate with the enemy are punishable by termination.


>> The Illuminate

This section has been redacted by the Super Earth Ministry of Truth.

For more information, please regard the Helldiver's Bestiary: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3159493752
This guide has been written democratically using publicly available information. We highly recommend visiting the websites attached below and freely available on the Galactic Wide Web. Sources include:


This is Helldiver Zulu aboard the SES Song of Wrath. Thank you for reading this guide. Please feel free to post updates in the comments, such as new notable battles and developments. Good luck out there. Hit hard and keep hitting.

Zulu  [author] 16 Mar, 2024 @ 5:43am 
@Shaabhekh I don't think so, I think they're just some basic customization. Specialized armor is usually the one in the Super Store, like medic and engineer armor.
Shaabhekh 16 Mar, 2024 @ 5:23am 
Dont suppose you know if the colour markings on the armour mean anything in particular? ie@ the yellow on the default armour/helm; it has 4 variants; just wondered if it was regimental or specialisation based markings or of no consequence at all.
Zulu  [author] 7 Mar, 2024 @ 8:56am 
@Tikks yeah, I made a mistake, just realized I forgot about the 100 years ago thing. Guide will be updated.
tikks 4 Mar, 2024 @ 7:23am 
If the first galactic conflict was nearly 100 years ago, your time of "03-MAR-2084" implies the first galactic war took place in 1984, well before the establishment of the Federation of Super Earth just prior to 2040.
Zulu  [author] 2 Mar, 2024 @ 4:28am 
Section 3 updated today. Keep fighting, patriots.
bndd 26 Feb, 2024 @ 12:27am 
Please keep this up! So cool to have the events recorded.
FOX 25 Feb, 2024 @ 6:58am 
Pip0818 24 Feb, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
Noice :steamthumbsup:
TANman 24 Feb, 2024 @ 11:32am 
Remember outpost 32
Herra Quh 23 Feb, 2024 @ 2:19pm 
Sweet liberty, what a guide!