Paper Lily - Chapter 1

Paper Lily - Chapter 1

190 ratings
100% Achievement guide
By Kanashii
A complete guide to 100% achievements in Paper Lily, Chapter 1!

Obviously this guide contains spoilers and is not a walk-through, I highly suggest playing through the first time entirely on your own and then coming back to get the achievements you may have missed!

Alternatively, if you need a more detailed description on how to get each achievement, unknown3553 has uploaded another achievements guide that has more of a walk through style that might work better for those who don't just want prompts to figure it out themselves!
Story Achievements
The first achievement in the game.
Simply choose any drink and snack when prompted (e.g. I chose coffee and macaroons) and you will get this achievement.

To get this achievement I hopped off the bus when prompted and it unlocked.

After getting through the hell that is the locked maze and you reach the lake, this achievement should unlock.

Upon opening the door with the doorknob with an eye, and completing the dream sequence you wake up in a prison cell and subsequently unlock this achievement.

After being locked in a cage for trespassing, and completing another dream sequence, you wake up in a new room and unlock this achievement.

You unlock this achievement after passing through the door with your return doorknob and the credits roll (note: leaving through the first door with the return knob will not get you this achievement, you have to complete the full story and leave at the end to unlock it).
Other achievements
Unlock this achievement by getting any of the bad endings wherein you die and go to the main screen (note: this does not include the failed endings where you can retry).
I got my achievement by eating the potato chips from the train station that you can buy in the vending machine with the coin in the trash can next to it

In the forest, after finding the adaptor in red's house, plug it into the plug hidden behind the bushes at the stairway from the docks back to the tree, walking back to the main area, you'll unlock the achievement and meet some new friends!

To get this achievement you have to collect all 3 coins in the forest maze. I watched CrhisLulz's video on YouTube to get this one because I didn't want to trial and error it but I'm sure with a bit of patience you can go down each path to find them all.

This one took a few trial and errors and a lot of wasted time but no worries, it's easier than you think. Instead of sacrificing the poor injured bunny, use the bucket full of water from the faucet on the sea monster and take the boat or if you bought one earlier, put a fish, sold by Alba in the cage. Don't continue on with the game (like I thought), use your return door knob and go home with your new best friend.

This one was so easy I can't believe I didn't think to do it the first time. At the door with 2 knobs in the lavender area, enter with the second knob first, take the caterpillar, and give it to the shadow girl in the first door. Apparently you can give her the injured bunny or the fireflies as well but I have not tested that myself.

While in the facility, once you have gotten into the room with multiple pathways leading to multiple doors, going up and to the right, the second door down has a music box , after finding the music box and playing it through until the end will get you this achievement.

If you like torture, this achievement is for you. Whilst in the facility, collect the bucket on the staircase near the "exit" and entertain Sai's idea to manually remove the water by collecting a bucket full and bringing it to the bathroom. Repeat this about 15 more times and you should unlock the achievement.

After being kidnapped and put in a cage, you enter the dream sequence again this time go through the third door and you will find yourself in a classroom, your classmates forcing you to eat a crow that you supposedly killed. Instead of eating it, refuse and interact with it again to get a third option to pick up the ___. Choose this option instead and the achievement will unlock.

After helping all four plants, give one any plant you find, i used the purple one in the bathroom, give another the frog from the kitchen, turn on the phonograph in the lounge room for the third plant and get the water from the teapot in the same room for the last plant. After doing all this you get a lock pick which you can use to get Sai out of his cage and the achievement should unlock.

It's just as the description says, after burning all five items in the fireplace, Mrs knives will find you and began a battle, it is 3 distinct phases, if you save Sai and drink the stamina potion you will have 3 lives which would've definitely made things a lot easier but i still beat it with 2 after you defeat her and hear about her sixth blessing you will unlock the achievement.
Multi-step achievments
(Thank you to Skull for help getting this achievement) Unlike every other achievement so far, there are a few prerequisites to get this achievement and without doing/having them it is impossible to unlock.
List of things you have to do to unlock:
  • Collect the rune and the chips from the train station
  • Get rune from behind the big tree
  • Plug in the ac adaptor and knock on Kosmo's head until it breaks and give him the replacement pot head from the front of the sculptor's house.

Without doing these/grabbing these, you will be unable to get the things you need for the achievement.

This is a bit of a long process but after doing all of these things you are ready to start. Because it is a bit longer I will put this into steps.

(Note: This is the steps after doing all the things mentioned above, if you need more clarification on how to do those, comment and I'll answer you)
  1. Enter the sculptor's place and give Kett the potato chips
  2. Go to red's tree-house and give rune the 2 runes you have collected
  3. Enter the tree-house and grab the purification notes (read these from your inventory)
  4. Find the ladder under the rug and open the lock with the bolt cutters rune gave you
  5. Get chocked by the prisoner (and survive) (or don't, who am I to judge), do as he asks and then kick the mirror
  6. Go back to Kett and talk to him until he cuts of his flower and grab it off the floor
  7. Grab the cursed bark and black mushrooms from inside red's place and make the stone curse cure using the chemistry set
  8. Use this cure on the candle man and he will give you the blue flame that the prisoner asked for
  9. After giving the flame to the prisoner you will get the key code for the secret passage
  10. Pass through it and after exiting to the other side the achievement should unlock

This is probably the longest achievement you will have to get and it requires collecting 10/11 available coins starting in the forest. Step by step.
Note: You will need the scissors from the train station to complete this achievement.

The location of all the coins:
  1. Point both the secret signs in the forest south-west, enter the dark area between the trees to get the first coin (1/11)
  2. At the train station, grab the coin out of the trashcan next to the working vending machine (2/11)
  3. Grab the coin behind the vending machine next (3/11)
  4. In the sculptor's house, the vase to the right after entering has the next coin (4/11)
  5. Exit through the left door and investigate the garden to get the fifth coin (5/11)
  6. On the third floor down, the next coin is behind the massive centre sculpture (6/11)
  7. Hidden behind the leaves from the big tree is a "secret" path that leads upwards after going up the stairs, behind the tree on the left in this area is the seventh coin (7/11)
  8. The eighth coin is behind the birdhouse at red's tree house (8/11)
    The last 3 coins are in the locked maze, if you got the Dare Devil achievement already, you know where these are.
  9. Coin nine is located to the right at the first intersection you come across (9/11)
  10. The tenth coin is found by following the flower path until the fourth option to split off, it should be upwards with a tree on the left and a bush on the right. (10/11)
  11. The last coin, number eleven, is at the next chance to stray from the flower path, go up and then left at the next intersection then come back down and exit the maze back through the entrance (11/11)

Now that you have all the coins you are ready to get the achievement.
Holding all of your coins, go down and talk to Alba (note: if you didn't already, connect the ac adaptor from red's house to the plug behind the bush). Instead of buying one fish, talk to her and she will offer to sell you all of her fish for 10 coins. Accept this offer and bring all of your fish to the big tree and throw them into the pit in the tree behind the secret mirror door. Once you have done this, go down to the fairy ring and ignore the warning on the sign, go straight to the centre and be swallowed whole.

After saving Aoi from another plant and completing multiple invisible mazes Aoi will save you and bring you back to the surface.

To get the achievement, do the single most stupid thing you could do, and go straight back to the centre of the fairy ring.

This achievement is actually easy, it just gets bad if you miss something and have to restart so I recommending saving often. There are four runes you need to give to rune in two places.

  1. The first rune you can buy with a coin in the broken vending machine at the train station
  2. The second rune you find behind the large tree in the forest
    Give the 1st and 2nd runes to rune at red's tree house
  3. The third rune is found in the burrow at the lakeside, to get to it go to the bottom of the screen and just before exiting into the area with the gate, move left along the hedge line.
  4. The fourth rune is the hardest to get. Found in the facility you must first go to the room with the fuse box and grab the copper key from on top of the barrels. Next go to the locked door in the corridor to the left near the bathroom. After moving all the boxes, return through the boxes stopping at the shelf in the second row to the very right and grab the silver key. Now return to the operating room and use the silver key to unlock the gate and get the rune from the well
    Give the 3rd and 4th runes to rune in the facility

After giving rune the fourth and final rune the achievement should unlock.

The electrician achievement Isn't hard, it just is a bit arduous to find all the fuses and handles, especially if you aren't going for the achievement, the chances of you stumbling across all of them is nil.


Once again, it's in steps for convenience.

  1. The first fuse is in the blood covered operation room which you and Sai run into to avoid the primal. In the cupboards at the top of the room is fuse 5
  2. The second can be found in the bathroom in the cupboards at the bottom right, a fuse 40
  3. The next area to go to the room opposite to the one you were locked in, Sai will wait outside and you can find the Diamond handle
  4. The Square handle is the easiest to find, located in the room with the control panel on top of the barrels (I recommend putting the fuse 5 into the 5 spot while you are here to save time)
  5. The third fuse (10) is found in the cupboards right beside the previously mentioned barrels
  6. The Star handle is found using the copper key on the locked door near the bathroom and completing a mini puzzle
  7. In the same room you can find a silver key in one of the bookshelves which unlocks the locked gate in the operation room from the start. Inside this room is the fuse 20 and a rune
  8. Give both runes to rune and he will give you a map and a flat head screwdriver, go back to the mini puzzle room and to the vent at the back to enter a room and grab the fuse 15
  9. The pentagon handle is found in the room with the really big doors up the stairs from rune

Now that you have all four handles and five fuses, all you need to do is put them in their respective spots (each number next to their number and 40+20 + 10-15), (DO NOT TURN THE HANDLES BEFORE COLLECTING ALL FUSES OR YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO AND WILL HAVE TO RESTART) and the achievement should unlock!
ethanaijingzhe 23 Nov, 2024 @ 1:45am 
ehh ig if its possible u could try to go n check hymn's guide? (his is rlly complete on lots of stf)
Silverfox 31 Oct, 2024 @ 2:16am 
So now I gotta do another playthrough to get everything right also theirs a flower can get for the artist inspiration if you happen to have the bolt cutters with you. Then cut the fence right where the last coin is in the locked area idk if it will count towards the safer path achievement though probably not, but you can get the petrified stone sculpture looking thing unsealed with it.
Silverfox 31 Oct, 2024 @ 2:11am 
Thanks bro this was really helpful I already knew how to get most of the achievements theirs was only a few I did not know how to get. Also thanks for the tip I didn't know I wouldn't be able to collect the fuses if I turned any of the handles, I'd honestly thought this was a bug because after collecting a few fuses they suddenly disappeared after I got killed by the shadow creatures.
unknown3553 8 Oct, 2024 @ 9:26am 
There are 20* (18 +2) total, fish for a coin, check the lavender bushes for a coin, go behind the tent for a coin, look inside the third toilet from the left for a coin, inside the engine room check behind the cabinet on the left wall for a coin, give rune all four runes in the facility to get a coin, remove the fuse for the doors and in the right room fourth door from the left? A coin, (also the door you can't reach has a rainbow potion, if only you could get to it... hmmmm) and finally the last exit door, behind that is a coin, added with the 11 from the queen of fools achievement that's 20 coins also worth noting that talking to spider before the ms knives fight allows you to get a temporary rainbow potion that'll set your HP to 3, making it a much easier battle for that achievement (fixed a logical mistake)
Kanashii  [author] 5 Oct, 2024 @ 10:40pm 
oooo i thought there was only 11 total but I will update it in the guide when you've finished the game because now i entrust u to find any other ones ive missed too haha. Thank you for helping me fix the guide and i hope you have a great time playing!!
LostK 4 Oct, 2024 @ 9:21am 
There's also another coin in the third toilet from the left in the bathroom in the facility. (I'm updating as I play, so this is why I'm commenting on such short intervals, sorry...)
LostK 4 Oct, 2024 @ 8:54am 
Fun fact! There is another coin behind the moths' tent. I wass snooping around when I found it. ^w^
Kanashii  [author] 7 Sep, 2024 @ 10:15pm 
all good! it was so fun making the guide and im glad its helping so many people get 100%
Spirésto 7 Sep, 2024 @ 2:18pm 
Thanks dude.
cogito 29 Jul, 2024 @ 6:52pm 
I'm missing one last success, which is the bucket, as I haven't been able to find it on the stairs since my second run. Can anyone help me?