

38 rating
100% Steam Achievement Guide
Oleh Amity
This is a guide on how to unlock 100% Steam achievements for Runescape 3.
Batalkan favorit
Achievements 1-5
99 with a flake
Reached the highest level in a skill and unfurled a flag in the prestigious max guild garden

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - Plague's End Quest[]
- Level 99 in at least one skill, or the Quest Cape
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Long (Short if you already have a 99!)

Assuming you've already completed Plague's End and activated the Lodestone, teleport to Prifddinas and Head to the Max Guild. Once inside, left click on the sealed banner of any skill you have reached level 99 in, and the achievement will pop. Alternatively, if you have somehow completed every quest but not hit 99 in a skill, you can unfurl the quest banner.

A Lick of Paint
Selected your chosen colour of kitten from Gertrude, using the ring of charos

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - Gertrude's Cat quest[]
- Garden of Tranquillity quest[] (partial)
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

You must wear a ring of charos (a) and charm Gertrude so you can select the colour of your new kitten. Gertrude will not sell a kitten to the player if they already have a kitten or cat with them or in the bank so you may need to release your cat in order to acquire a new one. Gertrude is located South-West of the West Varrock bank.

Always Prepared
Claimed an anti-dragon shield from the Duke of Lumbridge

Members Only: No
Requirements: - 33 Quest Points
- Dragon Slayer[] quest (Partial)
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

Once you've reached the point of the Dragon Slayer quest you can claim a shield, head to Duke Horacio on the 2nd floor on Lumbridge Castle and request a shield. Once he gives it to you, the achievement will unlock.

Anachronia Lodestone
Unlocked the lodestone at Anachronia, the island of great beasts

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium

To get to Anachronia for the first time you need to board the Stormbreaker located East of the Varrock digsite. Upon boarding the ship, play out the cutscene. Once you arrive, you will need to travel to the main city. Once you've arrived, work with Giles to get the materials required for the level 1 Town Hall. Once it's been built, you will be able to build the lodestone by acquiring a bit more material. Once built, the achievement will unlock.

At One with Nature
Crafted nature runes at the altar buried in the jungle

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: 44 Runecrafting
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

Bring some pure essence and a nature talisman in your inventory, and head to Karamja via Lodestone, or the docks in Port Sarim. Once there, head to the Nature Alter marked below. Enter the Alter and craft some nature runes. Achievement unlocked!
Note: Crafting Nature runes in Daemonheim does not work.

Achievements 6-10
Burthorpe Lodestone
Unlocked the lodestone at Burthorpe, the town of training

Members Only: No
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

Head to Burthorpe by travelling North-West of Falador. Once in the city, head to the lodestone marked below and click on it to activate it. Nothing fancy needed!

Castles in the Sky
Stepped inside the portal at clan camp and visited a clan citadel floating in the sky

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

Lodestone teleport to Port Sarim and run North-West to the Clan Camp. If you're already part of a Clan, right click Quick Travel on the portal. If you're not part of a clan, feel free to visit any clan's citadel. "fates pulse" is a current working Clan you can visit. Achievement Unlocked!

Embrace the Chaos
Solved the Embrace the Chaos mystery within the Infernal Source archaeology site

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - Embrace the Chaos mystery[] (29 Archaeology)
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium

Head to the Infernal Source dig site North-East of Varrock. I highly recommend following the RS Wiki guide for completing the "Eyes in Their Stars[]" archaeology mystery. Once completed you can begin the Embrace the Chaos mystery which will unlock the achievement upon entering the portal at the end. These are not difficult and don't require much in requirements but are a bit time consuming as the Arch skill is quite slow.

Lumbridge Lodestone
Unlocked the lodestone at Lumbridge, the city of stone

Members Only: No
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

Head to Lumbridge and left click the lodestone to activate it. Very straight forward on this one.

Lumbridge Beginner Tasks
Completed all the tasks in the Lumbridge beginner set

Members Only: No
Requirements: - The Restless Ghost[] quest
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium

You need to complete all 24 Beginner Lumbridge (in-game) achievements. None of these are difficult or have any level requirements, but it may take you a bit of time to action them all. I recommend following the RS Wiki guide for this[] as it has a built in tracker and in depth guides for each individual task! You can additionally track these in your "Area Tasks" section in the Hero Achievement menu.
Achievements 11-15
Lumbridge Medium Tasks
Completed all the tasks in the Lumbridge Medium set

Members Only: No
20 Smithing
31 Magic
30 Firemaking
40 Cooking
30 Woodcutting
16 Crafting
30 Fishing
20 Mining
Cook's Assistant[] quest
Started Dragon Slayer[]
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium

Similar to the beginner tasks, this time you need to do the Medium tasks. I once again recommend the RS Wiki guide for the medium tasks[] so you can easily track these while you use the guides. This list is half as big as the beginner list which is nice, but obviously require a bit higher skill requirements.

Lumbridge Hard Tasks
Completed all the tasks in the Lumbridge hard set

Members Only: No
40 Smithing
50 Crafting
59 Magic
50 Cooking
45 Prayer
57 Runecrafting
60 Firemaking
Cook's Assistant
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium

More tasks! The hard list is quite short at only 7 tasks and none of them are particularly difficult but just require skillchecks. I once again recommend the RS Wiki guide for the hard tasks[] to track your list as well as use their guides.

Unlocked the lodestone at Prifdinnas, the city of the elves

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - Plague's End[] Quest (This requires a slew of high level skills and quests)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Long

Odds are if you've completed the Plague's End quest, you already have the lodestone. If not, you need to complete it. With all the requirements and required quests this one can be a doozy if you're early on in your RS career. Once the quest is completed, you will unlock the city of Prifddinas. Simply run directly to the centre of the city and left click the lodestone to activate it. Achievement unlocked!

Sinking Fast
Completed a sinkhole activity

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium

I recommend doing this on world 134, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ server for Sinkholes. First, you need to head to Daemonheim and speak to Talsar. The quickest way to get there is to use your ring of Kinship. He will give you a time and a hint as to where the next Sinkhole will spawn. He will also offer to teleport you directly to the sinkhole 5 minutes before it spawns. Teleport to the next sinkhole, and enter it after it spawns to start the activity. Note this is safe, and will require you to bank most items before you can start. All you need to do is complete the activity once for the achievement to unlock. If you would like a detailed guide on how to play the game, I have linked it here[].

Sir Mitt
Climbed to the top of the white knights' castle and saw all there was to see

Members Only: No
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short

Climb up the western tower of the White Knight's Castle until you reach the top floor and this achievement will unlock. You'll know you're in the right place if you see a herb patch.
Achievements 16-20
Something Barrowed
Defeated the 6 (or 7) barrows brothers and claimed their loot 5 times over

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - Priest in Peril[] quest
Started The Nature Spirit[] quest
Difficulty: Medium - High
Length: Medium

Once you have started the Nature Spirit quest, you will be able to navigate to the Barrows brother minigame located far South-East of Canfis by running through the swamp. While there are technically no requirements beyond the two quests required to navigate here, it is highly recommend you are at least level 70 in your combat skills with good equipment as well as this minigame is NOT safe. You must complete the minigame by defeating the 6 barrows brothers and looting the chest at the end 5 times. Note if you've done the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, or Kindred Spirits quests, they each respectively add an additional brother/sister to be fought. To get a full understanding of how to play the minigame and what each brother can do, I recommend reading up the RS Wiki strategy guide[].

The Jack of Spades
Gained access to the golden city of Menaphos by completing the Jack of Spades quest

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - The Jack of Spades[] quest
(Two prerequisite quests with no skill levels required)
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Long

You need to complete the quests Stolen Heart, Diamond in the Rough, then The Jack of Spades to unlock the city of Menaphos which unlocks this achievement. None of these quests are hard or have any skill requirements, but they're all considered at least medium length so it may take you a bit of time to get all three completed. To begin the Stolen Heart quest, speak to Ozan in Draynor Village.

Treasure Seeker
Finished 10 clue scrolls and claimed their loot

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - None to start, but the clues themselves have a bunch of unique skill and quest requirements
Difficulty: Easy to Hard
Length: Very Long

This is the first achievement where luck is required and can be extremely time consuming if you know nothing about Treasure Trails. You need to first get your hands on some clue scrolls. They rarely drop from a ton of Runescape's enemies, but can also be acquired in other ways such as pick-pocketing certain enemies, some skills like fishing, etc.
Clues drop in different levels of difficulty including easy, medium, hard, elites and masters.
Depending on the clue you get, you will be tasked with a treasure hunt filled with a variety of different puzzles and eventually a reward casket which could be as lame as a couple hundred coins, or have an extremely rare item potentially worth billions of gold! Note that just outside the bottom gate of the grand exchange, there is an NPC named Zaida who can trade in your treasure trail points for even more clue scrolls.

To try and farm these I recommend the following enemies:
Easy - Man (level 2) 1/128 drop rate
Medium - Falador Guard (level 16/18) 1/128 drop rate
Hard - Hellhound (level 92) 1/64 drop rate

Once you actually have the scrolls, I recommend RuneHQs excellent guides[] on individual clues to solve these. Once you have opened your 10th reward casket, this achievement will pop. Good luck!!

Travelled to the Arc islands and visited 50 uncharted isles

Members Only: Yes
Requirements: - Impressing the Locals[] quest
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Long - Very Long

Once you have completed the required quest, you can simply travel to the Arc by speaking to Quartermaster Gully in Port Sarim. What you need to do is spend supplies and travel to 50 uncharted isles. This obviously means you should stick to small isles as they only cost 5 supplies, meaning you need a total of 250 supplies. There is a very long and lazy way to earn this, or a more painful but much faster way to do this.

Long and Lazy: Every day after Runescape resets (7pm EST), head to Quartermaster Gully, and travel to the island of Waiko. Beside Rosie in the central hub, she will have a box of free supplies you can take from. These give you 5 supplies. Travel to a small island, check for any washed up supplies or chimes, leave, rinse and repeat and in a very short 50~ days, you'll have your achievement. You can also do this once every 10 days as her supply box can store up to 50 supplies at a time.

Painful but Faster: Lets earn some chimes! Chimes can be used to purchase supplies from Rosie we have referenced above(25 chimes = 1 supply).
Chimes buy us supplies, which get us to isles, which we can earn more chimes from. This method is only recommended if you have very high skill levels.
When travelling to these isles, I recommend three things:
1. Check for washed up supply boxes on the shore. These will give you a few supplies back and quicken the process. Also look for chimes on the ground. These can be spotted by the red dots on your minimap.
2. If you have 96 fishing and cooking, catch Wobbegong and bank them at the boat until you deplete the resource. These fish can be cooked into oil and sell for a ton of chimes at the fish seller back near Rosie.
3. If you have 90 woodcutting, chop bamboo! The bamboo can be fletched into bundles and sold to the bamboo seller back near Rosie for a decent amount of chimes.

Rinse and repeat these steps until you get the 250 supplies required for travelling to small isles!

Who's the Boss?
Killed 1000 of RuneScape's bosses

Members Only: No
Requirements: None
Difficulty: Easy - Hard
Length: Long - Very Long

1000 Bosses is a lot. Depending on the bosses you decide to farm, this could take a few days, few weeks or few months.
One of the easiest bosses that I highly recommend and is available to non-members is the King Black Dragon. It's not overly powerful, has a cheap instance fee and if you're high level it's mostly AFKable, you just need to keep an eye on your antifire.

I recommend heading to the Artefact North-West Edgeville as it will safely take you to the KBD without needing to enter the wilderness. Create an instance for yourself for 50K with the fastest possible respawn rate, enter the arena, drink your super anti-fire and any other useful potions like overloads and prepare to fight. I will link a guide here for the KBD[] but its a extremely straightforward fight and as long as you have reliable healing and antifire. Its a very easy fight that can be finished in around 20-40 seconds.
The End!
That's it! Hope you found this guide helpful in one way or another. Feel free to thumbs up or leave awards if that's your thing, no worries if not :)
If you find any errors or helpful tips to further the guide, feel free to leave a comment!

Happy Runeing!
16 Komentar
Slenderman2525 4 Feb @ 5:39pm 
just doing some testing yea, chaos element seems quickests and full inventory and the fact it drops food makes it very chill
Slenderman2525 4 Feb @ 3:55pm 
will say aswell i think chaos element is extremly quick but really active and annoying, but if there manually defo one to consider
Slenderman2525 4 Feb @ 2:51pm 
sorry for spamming to add to this im a pretty stubborn player, playing on legacy combat and meele focused, so others might be faster with eoc and ranged but this works for me : )
Slenderman2525 4 Feb @ 2:48pm 
to add arch glacor 0 mechanics is a completely free fight and no fail state, if you die dont lose anything and doesnt cost anything to start the fight
Slenderman2525 4 Feb @ 2:45pm 
nope lol, game does warn you before entering it, but can fight it, then set up portal to it in wars retreat to take you straight to it, works better for me than other low level alternatives 250/1000 kills !
just thought might be worth mentioning as an alternative for people.

no need for that achievement although its a slog regardless of what boss you choose!

btw thx for the guide used it and been a great help : )
Amity  [pembuat] 4 Feb @ 2:40pm 
Ah that's my misunderstanding. I assumed you needed to go through the entire quest line in that area to access it.
Slenderman2525 4 Feb @ 2:38pm 
if you dont care about the story or whatever and just want the achievement, you can access arch glacor boss fight without any quest progress, and been working quicker for me than all the set up needed with kbd, but tbh im a stubborn meele player lol
Amity  [pembuat] 4 Feb @ 2:36pm 
You honestly might be right, but I aimed at adding a boss that was pretty accessible regardless of gear and quests. KBD is a big nothing sandwich which requires your attention here and there for pots, but it's as easy as they come next to the Giant Mole (which has less than ideal kill times)
Slenderman2525 3 Feb @ 9:56am 
adding to this, i think easiest boss to grind for 1000 kills is arch-glacor, with 0 mechanics, took longer than black dragon per kill but much more afk, less to worry about and use resource wise, but if just care about the achievement go for it.
Amity  [pembuat] 18 Feb 2024 @ 11:20am 
Hey there, yes! Open your "Hero" menu, select "achievements", click the trophy on the left side, then go under "combat". It will open a long list of bosses, go to the bottom of that list and click "Final Boss". You will have a list of achievements in here and "Who's the boss?" should tell you exactly how many you have.