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NEW HTFC 5-Maps :: The Beginners' 5-Maps!... v2
Af Charizard-Delta
An expanded guide about the much, much newer version of the 5-maps run, including HT and FCat for faster Infamy Rotation times. (This is the original v2 guide, no matter what anyone says)
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Common Questions
What's different about this and the other 5-Maps variation?
The New 5-Maps rotation optimizes a lot of heists to their fullest potential, allowing for even FASTER Infamy runs! It also includes one of the more recent heists - Hostile Takeover (as an alternative to two Shadow Raids) - which is very simple to learn and master!

Do I need to be Infamy XXV+ to be able to do this?
No! Being below XXV is absolutely fine: you can do it as soon as you hit your first Infamy. Of course, at low Infamy it's preferred to use the Infamy Pool, because if you go Infamous with reputation below Infamy XXV your XP and skill points will be different, so you need more knowledge and experience for such runs.

Is the New 5-Maps run difficult?
The short answer is: no! Once you get the hang of your roles, you will be able to fly through runs easily. Your first runs may be very slow, but that's fine - we all start somewhere, including myself!

Can I use [x] mod?
This one is rather difficult to answer as not everyone is made equal in terms of processing power and mod likeness. I'd recommend keeping your modlist for the 5-Maps rush as light as possible, as long as you are able to have an ECM Timer (either standalone, or from any common HUD). Additionally, if you choose to be Green (Host) or Blue, a Second Wind timer is also recommended.

What's the deal with BeardLib? Can I use it in rushes? Does it impact me in any way?
You can't use BeardLib in rushes, so make sure you remove that (and any mods that require it) while rushing. Using Beardlib will grief the Team Boosts you have equipped on your weapons, and therefore your team will not be able to reach 100 without some mental gymnastics on why they're underleveled! It also causes a fair amount of instability to the game, since Beardlib syncs absolutely EVERYTHING your teammates do in their menus. Generally a VERY bad idea to have it in your modlist!

What if I don't/can't have mods? What do I do then?!
...First of all, oof, second, you can always ask your teammates to let you know when it's your time to place an ECM! Usually teammates will let you know about 5 seconds earlier when your ECM is about to run out. Alternatively, with more experience, these runs can be done fully modless, but this requires more experience!

I don't know what mods are, I've never used them!
They will be very helpful here! For the 5-Maps rush, you will basically only need SuperBLT[] and PocoHud3[].

Rotation Details
The heist order for this rotation is:
  1. DS0 (Diamond Store done at Level 0, with 14 bags only)
  2. HT (Hostile Takeover)
  3. FCat (fast variant of the Black Cat heist, skipping the bug objective)
  4. Election Day with bonus loot (all gold and 2 moneys)
  5. BB7 (Big Bank, but going for only 7 bags total)

  6. DS14 (again 14 bags only, but now with full skills)
  7. SR12 (Shadow Raid with exactly 12 bags)
  8. HT
  9. FCat
  10. ED with bonus loot (all gold and 2 moneys)
  11. BB7

An example of this rotation being played can be found here:

The pinned comment also has full VODs for Host, Red, and Yellow, which are great for learning. The time on this run could easily be beaten, but it's a good reference of what to expect when you master what to do on each heist.

A detailed XP breakdown for this rotation, including heist order, base XP, stealth bonus, average completion time, and real XP per heist (in that order), can be seen here:

All the builds you need!
                                — - — - — SKILLS — - — - —
This rotation has the first skill break after DS0 (Level 47), then after HT1 (Level 59), and finally before BB1 (Level 75). Your skill order depends on your color, so check the one you need below: it is very important that you do not forget them!


  • After DS0 (level 47)[]
  • After HT1 (level 59)[] (Stockholm Syndrome, Equilibrium, start building for Frenzy)
  • After FCat1 you can get Frenzy basic.
  • Before BB1 (level 75)[] (Frenzy aced)
  • After BB1 you can start building for Inspire basic inbetween heists, in order to have it for BB2.


  • After DS0 (level 47)[] (Same as Red)
  • After HT1 (level 59)[] (Same as Red)
  • After FCat1 you can get Parkour aced.
  • Before BB1 (level 75)[] (RFD aced)
  • After BB1 you can start building for Inspire basic inbetween heists, in order to have it for BB2.

Notice how Host/Green only has 3 skill setups? That's because the host only gets 3 skill breaks in the run! The other players can skill as they wish, as soon as they can get into the Inventory while the Host is buying the next heist. However, the Host MUST follow the skill breaks outlined here, otherwise there will be a LOT of complaining. Don't ask how I know. Seriously.

                            — - — - — PERK DECKS — - — - —
For almost ALL heists, everyone have to be using the Yakuza perk deck (if you don't have the Yakuza DLC, Copycat-yakuza is fine).

Exceptions to that rule:
  • Green (Host) - needs the Copycat-Hacker for Big Bank.
  • Blue - needs the Copycat-Yakuza specifically for Hostile Takeover (more movement speed when carrying heavy bags such as the NEO-2, compared to regular Yakuza).
  • Red - there are no exceptions.
  • Yellow - needs the Copycat-Hacker for Diamond Store at level 0.

Copycat-Hacker setup:

Copycat-Yakuza setup:

                               — - — - — WEAPONS — - — - —
Speaking of weapons, it is crucial that everyone has the Team Boost equipped on ANY and ALL guns they use, otherwise the team will not be able to reach level 100!

The OVE9000 Saw (whether primary and secondary) always uses sharp blade and silent motor as modifications.

For Host & Blue your default weapons are:
  • Primary: Akimbo Judges with HE rounds
  • Secondary: any shotgun with a big magazine (such as Locomotive, Grimm) with Poison shells (Tombstone slug) equipped. If you don't have poison shells unlocked, you can use 000 Buckshot, but unlock them ASAP!

For Red & Yellow your default weapons are:
  • Primary: OVE9000 Saw.
  • Secondary: automatic pistol (Igor, STRYK).

Exceptions to default weapons:
For certain heists you need to take other MANDATORY weapons:

  • Hostile Takeover - needs to take a primary Flamethrower for the lab role (and any secondary, Igor/STRYK recommended).
  • Election Day, DAY2 - needs to take a 5/7 AP Pistol to kill guards through walls after taking money.
  • Election Day, DAY2 - needs to take a 5/7 AP Pistol to kill guards through walls after taking money.
  • Big Bank - needs to take a primary Flamethrower (for Stockholm civ control) and a Single HE Judge (for instant SW immediately after masking up).
  • Needs to take a secondary OVE9000 Saw for both Election Day 2 and Big Bank (Saw is needed at the start of the heist, and switching weapons would be too slow).
  • Shadow Raid & Black Cat - needs to take a shotgun with a big magazine (such as Locomotive, Grimm) with Poison shells (Tombstone slug) equipped, which is the best way to kill enemies with 480 HP.
  • Needs to take a secondary OVE9000 Saw for both Election Day 2 and Big Bank (Saw is needed at the start of the heist, and switching weapons would be too slow).
  • Black Cat - your secondary has to be a weapon without silencer (for loud check at the start of the heist), usually Igor/STRYK unsilenced. Also take a primary shotgun with Tombstone: Raven, VD-12... to easily open cabins and clear casino.
  • Shadow Raid - needs to take a shotgun with a big magazine (such as Locomotive, Grimm) with Poison shells (Tombstone slug) equipped, which is the best way to kill enemies with 480 HP.

Keep in mind that for Diamond Store at level 0 you won't be able to pick your usual weapons.
We recommend Interceptor Pistol as your secondary.

We call the first Diamond Store of the rotation "DS0", because everyone is at Level 0 during the rush. This means nobody will have ANY skills, so each player only has 1 ECM which lasts for 20s and won't block pagers. You won't have Jack Of All Trades (JOAT) as well, so you will take 2 seconds to place an ECM.

In this rotation, we take 14 bags (minimum amount of bags to escape) on both Diamond Stores.

IMPORTANT: The display cases for the jewelry are alarmed, so if you break them the alarm will go off. Because of this, everyone should wait until Yellow inserts the keycard to start bagging. However, any other glass (e.g., windows of the store) is NOT alarmed.

                            — - — - — ECM ORDER — - — - —
ECMs are done in Lobby Order as usual, but Yellow (KC role) starts with a PCM to give Host a bit of time to clear the store and place his ECM.

                                 — - — - — ROLES — - — - —
Host: Guards + Securer
Enter the store through the door and kill / dom any guards you see. Prioritize the middle and back areas, as other roles can cover other sections.

After dealing with the guards, go to the right corner where Blue is throwing 2 molotovs, and zerk to ~5% HP. Around this time, Yellow's PCM will be ending so you'll have to place your ECM.

After zerking, go answer a pager. If 3 pagers went off, make sure to type "3" in the chat, so that one saw player can help with it, as they will usually not check pagers otherwise.

While answering the pager, look around for any jewelry you can spot, so that you can quickly take it after answering (by that time, Yellow should've already inserted the KC).

After taking your first bag, proceed to securing. Since nobody has any skills (which means no SW, no extra movement speed, low stamina, short throw distance), securers will NOT take the bags straight to van. Instead, you will throw bags to the right of this tree.

Whoever is bagging cams side will be throwing 5 bags outside of the store for you. When you take the last of these bags, take it straight to van and then start securing the other bags next to the tree.

Blue: Molotov + Securer
Go into the store through the right window. Shoot the window when you're in front of it, and dom/shoot any guards on the right side of the store and upstairs.

Then, throw 2 molotovs in the corner to zerk to ~5% HP, and run to any pager to answer it. While answering the pager, look around for any jewelry you can spot, so that you can quickly take it after answering.

After taking your first bag, you will need to start placing your ECM, while exiting the store. However, depending on pager distance, you will sometimes need to place your ECM before grabbing your first bag, or you can also request another PCM from Yellow (by typing "pcm" on chat) to line up your timing better.

Since nobody has any skills (which means no SW, no extra movement speed, low stamina, short throw distance), securers will NOT take the bags straight to van. Instead, you will throw bags to the left of this tree.

Whoever is bagging stairs side will be throwing 5 bags outside of the store for you. When you take the last of these bags, take it straight to van and then start securing the other bags next to the tree.

Red: Cams + Bagger
Go to the left side of the store, where you will zerk with 2 molotovs to ~5% HP.

Kill/dominate any guards you see on the left side. If there aren't any guards left, you can also destroy some windows while zerking.

The keycard player will sometimes type "c", indicating the keycard panel is inside the cams room. In this situation, you saw open the security door, and go to the stairs side for bagging (read "Store Distribution" below). Do NOT kill the guard inside the cams room, since you would need to answer his pager, which is a time loss. Most of the time he won't shoot at you, and even if he does, he can be played around or feedbacked.

If Host or Blue call "3pg" or "3" in chat, it means there's an extra pager that either you or Yellow need to answer. Otherwise, if "3" is not called, don't bother with pagers.

Once Yellow inserts the keycard, you can start bagging jewelry. You need to take 6 bags (you can count them in your head): throw the first 5 bags outside of the store for the securers, but take the 6th one with you to the van, and start securing the bags next to the tree.

Yellow: KC + Bagger
You will have to get the manager's keycard (she can be in one of 3 spots) and deactivate the alarm. The alarm keypad will be in 1 of 4 spots. You will also need to use a Copycat-Hacker profile, since you will be using PCMs.

Manager spawn locations:

Keypad spawn locations:

Mask up as usual, and check the third keypad spawn through the window.

Run into the store through the right window, and use a PCM when you are about to touch the glass.

Check the first keypad spawn, and look for the manager to get the keycard. You can usually ignore guards, as the other players will take care of them, and so that you can focus on fast keycard. However, you can try spamming F in your way to keycard for some free dominations.

Upon reaching the 2nd floor you will have checked 3 out of 4 keypad spawns, so you will know where it is. Proceed with your role if you've seen it, or type "c" if the keypad is inside the security room. As Yellow, don't kill any guards upstairs, because it's not worth answering their pager. If they are dangerous, Green or Blue will kill them for you.

If Host or Blue call "3pg" or "3" in chat, it means there's an extra pager that either Red or Yellow need to answer. Otherwise, if "3" is not called, don't bother with pagers.

After inserting the keycard, you can start bagging jewelry. You need to take 6 bags (you can count them in your head): throw the first 5 bags outside of the store for the securers, but take the 6th one with you to the van, and start securing the bags next to the tree.

                    — - — - — STORE DISTRIBUTION — - — - —
Important for Baggers (Red and Yellow)
We split the store into two halves (see image below):
  • The purple display cases are cams side.
  • The yellow display cases are stairs side.

The reason we split like this is because we don't want to waste time searching the cases another has already searched.

By default, Red will do cams side (since he will be close to cams already) and Yellow stairs side (since most of the keycard panels spawns are on stairs side).

However, if Yellow calls "c", Red will saw open the cams door and they will switch sides, so that Yellow doesn't have to go back to stairs side. Therefore, in that case, Red will do stairs side and Yellow cams side.

In some cases where RNG is really bad, a bagger may not have 6 jewelry on his side. In this case, it's perfectly OK to go to the other side for more bags.
Hostile Takeover
Host: Lab
Mask up and immediately start placing the first ECM. In front of you, there will be a staircase going down to the lab: go there and switch to the flamethrower when jumping down the stairs (as there will be no speed penalty).

In front of the door, there's a guard who will drop the keycard necessary to enter the laboratory. Sometimes he can be behind the desk, or going up the stairs (depending on how much time you wasted in the preplanning screen):

Kill the guard, get his KC and open the laboratory. You will now need to destroy 8 microscopes inside the lab. Each microscope takes 3 hits to break, but the flamethrower has very high Rate of Fire, so they break almost immediately.

After destroying all the microscopes, exit the lab through the other door and head into the library (you can ECM2 before entering), and start searching the bookshelves in the corner to the right, in a counter-clockwise direction (so opposite of Yellow):

Continue searching bookshelves with Yellow until both sets of 3 documents have been found (when this happens, all remaining interaction icons will disappear). Read the final section "Library Bag Moving" to see how these bags are moved between Host and Yellow!

Blue: 1F + NEO-2
You are in charge of ECM3+4.

Mask up and immediately swap to your Akimbo HE Judges to start applying SW. If this is the first Hostile Takeover (so Frenzyless build), spam your entire magazine with your first shot of SW to zerk yourself to 50%.

Enter the main office building through the front doors, and go up through the first flight of stairs and then straight ahead into the office space!

Make sure you have your SW Judges fully reloaded when entering this room, as reloading from that point on will be impossible!

There are 7 computers in your room (some will be off randomly on each run). You have to check all of them and interact with any screens that are on. The last 4 are in sets of 2, so for each pair you can always see the outline of the next one if that PC is on (in this case it's faster to jump over the desks after finishing the hack interaction, instead of around them).

While hacking the PCs, check the office nameplates for Gabriel Santiago (the voicemail objective will be in the room with said nameplate):

Each PC hack takes 5s, and if you find the correct one, a "Hand" floating icon appears (this can be in Blue's or Red's rooms): interact with it again to get the blackmail, and stop hacking any more PCs!

After hacking all PCs and checking both nameplates, head back downstairs (at this point you can place your 1st ECM early) and then right into the event room, where the NEO-2 is located:

Tie down the lady in black suit (in one of two spots next to the NEO-2), then guide her to the front of the display case:

As soon as the display case is opened, the civillian is no longer needed - you can safely SW on top of her, and focus on transporting the NEO-2 over to the van:

After this, you can often join the rest of the team while they bring the final 4 documents towards the van.

Red: 2F
At the start of the heist, kill the guard in front of you (always at the spawn area) and swap to your HE Judges. After Blue stops spamming HE, you can shoot twice for a quick zerk, then swap back to pistol. Go straight into the main office building, up the stairs (kill the 1 guard who is always between the 1st and 2nd flight of stairs) and continue up to the 2nd floor.

When you reach your floor, enter the room straight in front of you: there are up to 10 computers, and you have to interact with every PC that is on. While doing that, check the nameplates of the 2 offices in that room (on opposite corners): if the nameplate says Gabriel Santiago, the voicemail will be inside. When the voicemail is found, type "v" in the chat so Blue and Red can stop searching!

Each PC hack takes 5s, and if you find the correct one, a "Hand" floating icon will appear on it (this can be in Blue's or Red's rooms): interact with it again to get the blackmail, and stop hacking any more PCs! Type "g" in the chat so Blue also knows this is done.

After checking this first room, go to the other room on that same floor. There are 7 more PCs (hack them only if PC hasn't been found yet), 1 more nameplate (which has the voicemail if "v" hasn't been called yet), and the CEO Office (Alice Rainey) which has a drawer with the 3rd and final piece of blackmail:

You can go straight to the recorder, or after hacking all PCs, which gives you something to do while waiting for the 5s hacks. After all this, jump out of the building. For this, you have two options:
  • Jump on library side, if you are early and can help the team move library bags.
  • Jump on van side, if the team is almost done and most bags are close to the escape.

Yellow: Library
At the start of the heist, kill the guard in front of you (always at the spawn area) and swap to your HE Judges. Walk forward towards the far entrance (image below) and after Blue stops spamming HE, you can shoot twice for a quick zerk, then swap back to pistol. Kill the lead scientist down at the lab, and get his RFID tag to open the library:

Inside of the library, there will be several interactable bookshelves:

Start searching through every single bookcase, going in a clockwise direction from the closest bookcase from the entrance. Continue searching bookshelves with Green until both sets of 3 documents have been found (when this happens, all remaining interaction icons will disappear).

Host and Yellow: Library Bag Moving
When both sets of documents are found, each player immediately grabs 1 bag. Yellow walks all the way to the staircase and throws his bag up the stairs (don't re-enter the library). In the meantime, the host has thrown 2 more bags out from the library, which Yellow will move (throw one more up, then get the final one). The host, after throwing 2 bags, gets one more and walks straight out: at this point, Host and Yellow have to decide if they use the golf cart to move bags, or throw them towards the van / team to move them without cart. This choice is very simple:
  • If PC has been found, Red will soon be dropping down to help move bags → manually start throwing bags towards the van, skipping the golf cart.

  • If PC hasn't been found yet, the team will be behind and unable to help → throw bags into the golf cart, which the host will drive.
Fast Black Cat
                            — - — - — ECM ORDER — - — - —
Blue starts with ECM 1, then Host does ECM 2+3, and afterwards lobby order if beginner lobby. If the lobby is experienced, Red will do one free ECM while walking out of the vault with their first money, and Yellow will do a free ECM while walking out of the vault with the final money before 12/12. This covers the entire securing process, for the fastest inks.

                                 — - — - — ROLES — - — - —
Head towards the PC in the room next to where you spawn. Throw a single molotov in front of it, then start interacting with the PC (to zerk and apply SSW during the PC interaction).

While interacting, Yellow will shoot his loud weapon and alert everyone around. This is done so that you can call which spa room (Left or Right) has the safe with the vault code. Here's the explanation of how it works (or you can also check this video):

As a rule of thumb, you can follow this guideline:
  • If you see the lady is alerted above you, you type "L".
  • If not, you type "R".
As soon as you finish the hacking interaction, jump out of the molotov and type in chat the cabin number you see on the PC. After this, head straight to the casino while killing any guards you see along the way.

Once you reach the casino, go up the stairs on the right side and stand on the casino trigger (see image below). This will automatically complete the "Find Xun Kang" objective as soon as the spa safe is opened. You can place your first ECM when you reach the top of stairs.

While standing on the trigger there are 2 things you need to do:
  • Check for the tea in the meeting room (see image below). If it's not there, and Red hasn't called it, you need to call "far tea".
  • Kill any guards you see on the casino.

After a few seconds the shutters will open, so kill Xun Kang and grab his hand. Then jump down to the casino and head for the control room (Yellow will have opened it for you) to hack the PC there.

After the PC interaction, you can finish clearing the casino if there are guards still alive, and you should secure the tea if you saw it in the meeting room. If all of that is OK, just wait in front of the lasers until the hack is finished and Yellow disables the lasers.

Blue: Keys
Start the heist with ECM 1, while heading towards the spa (make sure you take the short path, through the bow of the ship). As soon as you reach the spa, wait in the spa trigger (see image below) until intel is reached and the spa objective updates.

While you're waiting there you should be killing guards, especially the 40 HP ones, and pay attention to which side was called by Host:
  • If the side is L, your priority is killing the 40 HP guards around Li Deng, as the Painting role will go straight into the room, without helping at all.
  • if the side is R, the Painting role will kill those 40 HP guards while running through the spa (for the shortest path to his painting), so your priority is killing guards at the center of the spa, to protect him.
As soon as the question mark appears on the center of the spa, you can run towards Li Deng, kill him, take his keys, and go to the room where Red is lowering the painting. Once the painting has been lowered, open the safe with the keys, grab the money inside, type the code in chat, and throw the money through the window.

After this, exit the spa towards the casino and go to the LEFT corridor to start checking cabins for the coke. While exiting the spa, swap to your HE judges and start SWing until Host picks up Xun Kang's hand.

If you see that 4 contiguous cabins are open, you can skip those, as Yellow will have already checked them. You should also skip cabin number 10, which is always empty. When you find the coke, type "c" in chat and start securing both cokes and weapons.

Sometimes, Host will call "far tea" before you start checking the cabins. If this happens, you will need to go to the crew deck to grab the tea (near where you spawned):

After the cokes and weapons are secured, go straight to the casino, and if you have spare time you can help clear it, if any guard is still alive. At some point before the hack finishes, you should place your second ECM.

When Yellow starts cutting the wires, throw a molotov and zerk to around 40% HP (10% HP if you are playing the second Fast Cat of the rotation), which will also give SW to the other players, especially so that Host can reach the keypad quicker.

Red: Painting
Head to the spa (make sure you take the short path, through the bow of the ship). Host will call which spa room has the safe:

(The rooms are mirrored for you. This means L is the closest room and R is the farthest.)
  • If it's L, you go there directly.
  • If it's R, you break the glass to take the shortest path, killing the two 40 HP guards next to Li Deng along the way (otherwise you'll be killed). The 480 HP guards are irrelevant, due to their low damage.

Lower the painting in the safe room (sometimes you will need to wait a bit until the spa trigger is activated), then check for the tea in the left spa room. If it's there, secure it and type "t" in the chat.

Before exiting the spa drop a molotov and zerk to ~5% HP. Exit the spa towards the casino and go to the RIGHT corridor to check cabins for the coke. If you see that 4 contiguous cabins are open, you can skip those, as Yellow will have already checked them. When you find the coke, type "c" in chat and start securing both cokes and weapons.

After the cokes and weapons are secured, go straight to the casino and get ready for the vault section (if you get there early, you can help clear casino if any guard is still alive).

Yellow: Intel + Business Card
Equip a secondary LOUD (no suppressor) pistol so that it will be auto-equipped at the start of the heist.

First thing you do is head towards the intel (briefcase). When running under the second door, you must shoot your gun, which will alert the Spa Civilian upstairs if she's there (useful information for Host and spa players).

When you reach the briefcase, open it and take the keycard inside. After this, Host will have typed in chat a room number (1 to 16): you must go to that room, and grab the Phone Card immediately.

Check 3 more cabins next to where you are, and if you find the cokes and weapons, type "c" in chat and throw a bag in that room (skip cabin #10 because coke never spawns there). Then go to the casino to open the control room with the keycard you got from the briefcase.

Around this time, the host will be getting ready to grab Xun Kang's hand, so you have to safely stand inside the casino as explained in this video, for the casino trigger (clear any guards you can see around you for safety). As soon as the hand is picked up, an objective marker "!" will appear on the lasers: if coke hasn't been found, go to the side where you didn't open any doors and check 2 more cabins. Then return to the wires and be ready to cut them after the 15s hack finishes.

At any point before the vault section, you should zerk to ~5% HP. This can be done after opening the control room, after finding coke, or while waiting next to the wires during the 15s PC hack.
Fast Black Cat (Vault Section)
For the vault section, there will be 2 baggers and 2 securers. To be more precise, 1 bagger and 1 securer will do Normal side, and the other bagger and securer will do Odd side.

You may be wondering what does Normal and Odd sides mean? Pretty simple. When exiting the vault, we call the right side "Normal", and the left side "Odd". There are 2 reasons for this distribution:
  • We avoid ghost bagging, as having both securers on the same side could lead to both of them going for the same bag, which would result in a ghost-bag for one of them.

  • One of the securers (Blue) will be doing SW for the entire vault section. By using this distribution, we can avoid the SW player from doing SW on top of the other securer.

Or if you want another perspective...

Another thing baggers need to know about is "Down-Right" (DR) and "Left-Up" (LU) bagging: Down-Right bagger bags the money on the bottom half of the vault, while Left-Up bags the top half. This is done to guarantee that there will be no ghost-bagging between the two baggers. You will understand the "Right" and "Left" parts when I explain baggerswap.

Usual vault roles:
  • Green: Down-Right Normal (DR normal) Bagger.
  • Blue: Normal Securer + SW.
  • Red: Odd Securer.
  • Yellow: Left-Up Odd (LU odd) Bagger.

How the vault section works
Before the vault opens (realistically, before the lasers are turned off), both baggers should call what side they're bagging (DR or LU) and to what side they're throwing (Normal or Odd). So, for example, if we follow the usual roles, Yellow would say "LUO" (Left-Up Odd) and Host "DRN" (Down-Right Normal).

After Yellow cuts the wires and the lasers disappears, Host will rush to the keypad, type the code that Blue has written in chat and use the hand to open the vault. Because the vault opening animation is pretty slow, everyone will take their first bag through the wall, following these guidelines:
  • The 2 Saw players will be on the right side of the vault. Red will be crouching to grab the money on the bottom, while Yellow will be standing up to grab the money on the top.

  • The 2 SW players will be on the left side of the vault. Blue will be crouching to grab the money on the bottom, while Green will be standing up to grab the money on the top.

Grab your first money through the wall and walk up to the vault entrance to throw the bag to your respective side, depending on whether you are Normal or Odd securer.

Go back to the vault and repeat this with 4 more bags. However, you will secure the last one yourself, taking it straight to the sea (through the short path, not the long one), leaving 4 moneys inside the vault.

Talking about the last 4 bags, as baggers you should try to leave these 4 moneys on the vault as shown on the screenshot. However, this is just a commodity more than anything, so don't worry if you accidentally took some of these bags.

If you're Yellow, then you should be placing an ECM while exiting the vault with your 5th bag.

After grabbing your first money through the wall, exit the vault and head to the sea to secure it, following the long path. The baggers will be throwing you 4 more bags which you will need to secure (so 5 in total, counting the first one you took).

If you're Red, you should be placing an ECM while exiting the vault after taking your first bag through the wall.

This strategy is done to secure 12 / 12 money bags as soon as possible. When we secure our 12th bag, the game gives us the option to place ink to render the remaining money useless. The reason why we place ink instead of just grabbing the money and securing it is because it triggers the "lower the lifeboat" objective quicker. However, before the ink explodes, each player will take 1 more money bag from the vault. That way, we secure all money bags for more XP, while also achieveing faster completion times.

After everyone secures their last 5th bag, you will return to the vault, where there should still be 4 more moneys. The securer who arrives there first will start placing ink (usually we leave this for Red, but if he's late and the ink interaction already appeared, Blue can do it too).

For the 4 final bags, each player should follow these guidelines to avoid any ghost-bagging:
  • Blue will take the Top Right money.
  • Red will first place ink (if it hasn't been placed already), and after that take the Bottom Left bag.
  • Whoever was bagging Down-Right (usually Host) grabs the bag on the Bottom Right.
  • Whoever was bagging Left-Up (usually Yellow) grabs the bag on the Top Left.

After taking these 4 final bags, Yellow will drop his and run towards the wheel to lower the lifeboat. The rest of the team will secure the bags, and either Host or Blue will go back for the bag Yellow dropped. At this point, either Red or Yellow can place their final free ECM, just in case.
Election Day, DAY 1
The main reason Election Day is so good in many rotations is because of the huge 20% XP stealth boost you get for the next heist (Big Bank in this case).

The basic idea of the first day is:
  • 1 person goes to tag the correct truck, while remembering the colors of any open containers he sees.
  • The other players check the colors of the open containers, typing their initials in chat (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow).
  • 1 of these players uses the PC if needed.
Always make sure to kill any guards you see while doing your role, in order to prevent other players from getting downed when running to the escape zone.

                            — - — - — ECM ORDER — - — - —
For this short heist, Blue takes care of ECM12. Note that ECM1 always has to be done very quickly, immediately as the heist starts!

                                 — - — - — ROLES — - — - —
I'll provide images showing the containers each role needs to check, as well as the pathing they'd need to follow. The white arrows indicate the pathing, and the purple rectangles and circles the containers (the purple arrows indicate in which direction the containers would be open).

Host: SSW + Tagger
As soon as you spawn, throw two molotovs and zerk to ~5% HP for the yakuza boost, while also doing SSW for your team. After zerking, rush to the trucks using the following path.

There's always a total of 6 trucks, and you need to tag the correct one. But how do you know which one is the correct one? By ruling out trucks based on their color and their company. Let me explain.

You can rule out colors by looking for open containers. Each role is assigned a specified set of containers they need to check for around the map, and if they find any, they will type the initial of its color in chat. Host should also be looking for open containers on his way to trucks, with the only difference that Host doesn't need to type them in chat, since he's the only one who needs that information.

Once all containers have been checked, you will usually end up having 3 colors, which means you need to tag the truck whose color was not found.

The correct truck will always have a unique company. This means that if 2 trucks have the same company, then you can rule them out. However, most of the time this information will not be enough, as there could be 2 trucks with unique companies, and that's why we also need the color information.

Different scenarios
Depending on RNG, you will encounter one of these situations when having to tag the right truck:
  1. The simplest scenario is when there's only 1 truck of the correct color. In this case the company doesn't matter.
  2. In some cases you will have 2 trucks of the correct color. If this happens, you need to check their companies and look at the other trucks' companies to determine which one is unique.
  3. Sometimes, when the above happens, you may also realize that both trucks have unique companies, at which point you need to call their initials in chat, so that the player that has PC can tell you which is the correct one.

Blue: Far Right + SW
You will be in charge of ECM 1+2 (although usually only 1 is needed), so place your first ECM immediately while heading towards the gate.

You have a total of 6 containers to check, using the following path.

As for SW, you don't need to start SW'ing as soon as the heist starts, since Host will be doing SSW for everyone at the start. Instead, you want to start SW'ing after jumping on the containers, and you will keep SW uptime until the end.

Red: Far Left
Start by killing the guards at spawn and opening the gate if it's not open.

You need to check 5 containers, and then head to the Far Left warehouse to search for the PC in case it's in there.

Pathing and containers to check:

Possible PCs spawn locations in your warehouse (the upstairs ones are behind a metal door, so you will need a saw to open those):

If you find the PC and Host didn't tag yet, start hacking immediately until you figure out which company is the correct one (check the AK Rule below) or until Tagger tags a truck, at which point you can head to the escape.

Yellow: Mid
You need to check 8 containers (some of which are at the very spawn), and then head to the Mid warehouse to search for the PC in case it's in there.

Pathing and containers to check:

Possible PCs spawn locations in your warehouse:

If you find the PC and Host didn't tag yet, start hacking immediately until you figure out which company is the correct one (check the AK Rule below) or until Tagger tags a truck, at which point you can head to the escape.

How to use the PC properly and the AK Rule (Important for Red and Yellow!)
When using the PC, there are 2 things that you need to keep in mind:
  • The order at which the companies appear is always the same: Avalon → Kranich → Omni Exports → Hefty.

  • However, the correct company will NOT appear.

And this implies two things:
  • When you complete a hack and the company that appears is not the expected one (according to the order I specified above), then you can immediately stop hacking and call the company that didn't appear.

  • You will NEVER need to do 4 PC hacks. If Avalon and Kranich appeared on your first two hacks, by process of elimination you can determine if the right company is either Omni or Hefty in your third hack.

But it doesn't end there. When Tagger has 2 company options, he will type them in chat. So for example, if both Avalon and Omni are an option, Tagger will type "AO" or "OA" in the chat. At this point, the player that has PC would only need to do 1 PC hack: If Avalon doesn't show up on the first hack, then we know that Avalon is the correct truck, but if it does appear, then the only remaining option is Omni.

So, as a rule of thumb, when Tagger types two companies in the chat, you should think which one should appear first on the PC, so that you can easily determine the right company with just the minimum amount of hacks possible.

The worst case would be when Host calls "OH" or "HO", since you would need a total of 3 PC hacks to determine whether Omni or Hefty is the correct company.

The 5% chance
Every now and then the 4 colors will be found, in which case Host will type "4" in chat to let everyone know. When this happens, one of the containers will contain voting posters, which means that container's color is the correct one.

For this reason, after you checked your respective containers and if you don't have PC, your next priority should be to check all the containers you can in case one of them has the voting posters, until Host finally tags a truck, at which point you can go straight to the escape.

As an example, if you find the voting posters, you can type "r vote", to let the Tagger know that red is the correct color. However, since this has a 5% chance of happening, we always assume no voting posters spawned for faster completions.

That's it for Day 1! Here are some videos you might want to watch.
Election Day, DAY 2 (with bonus loot)
Your goal is to hack 6 voting machines that will be inside random crates: each time someone finds a machine, they will count it in chat while interacting with it. Each hack requires 30s to complete.

You will need a crowbar to open these crates. There are always 6 available crowbars, so everyone will be able to find one. Two players will be entering the building from the left side, and two from the right side, to make sharing crowbar spawns easier. Here's a video that shows paths for checking crowbar spawns (timestamp = 13m00s):

After starting the last 6th hack, the team will search for AT LEAST 2 money bags inside the cages, and when the last hack finishes they will take the 7 golds inside the truck.

Important notes for all players:
  • The "no cages" rule: You may notice there are crates inside some of the cages (the same ones we'll search later for money). However, do NOT open the cages until the 6th machine has been found. There will always be 6 machines outside of the cages.

  • The backup rule: When you finish your role, you should go help others if they have not finished theirs. You can usually help with Mid or Outside crates, but if you notice that a teammate doesn't have a crowbar by the time you finish your role, you can definitely go cover him.

  • We will be performing a trick known as the "loud escape". With this strategy you get more than double the usual stealth experience AND you get to keep the huge 20% stealth bonus. However, to perform this strategy, every single guard and civilian needs to be dead by the time the last hack is finishing. So, when you are leaving the building, if you see that anyone's alive and you are the closest, you should go and kill him. For this purpose, Green and Blue should bring 5/7 pistols to this day, as it can greatly help dealing with enemies through walls. Here is a video to explain this strategy better.

                                 — - — - — ROLES — - — - —
For this heist, we're dividing the building into 5 areas: Left, Mid, Right, Upstairs, and Outside. Each of these areas have a fixed amount of possible crate spawns, as well as a limit in how many crates can actually spawn in them. Here's a video that explains the crates spawns for each of these areas, so make sure to learn at least your area (timestamp = 10m45s):

Important note for all players: As a formality, we say that the LUO role (Blue) will be the one doing Outside. In reality, any role that has finished his area can cover Outside. Whenever you are OPENING your last crate in your area, you can decide either to cover another player (remember the backup rule), or you can call "o", meaning that you will be doing Outside. If you happen to have a machine in your last crate, that's ok, because if you type a number immediately after calling "o", everyone can assume you'll be going outside after a 6s delay, so other people can also call "o" if needed.

Host: Rmid
Similar to DAY1, first thing you do is throw two molotovs to zerk and for SSW. After zerking, follow Red and enter through the Right side of the building, but you'll be doing the Mid room, which has a total of 8 crates to check, all of which may or may not spawn.

Blue will be doing ECM 1+2. As for your ECMs, if the 6th machine hasn't been found yet and Blue's second ECM is running out, you can place an ECM anywhere without worries. However, after the 6th machine has been found, you want to place an ECM in any window/glass you can see, that can also be easily shot from the spawn.

Once the last hack has around 2 seconds left, shoot the window/glass where you placed your ECM, and then get prepared to take your gold and for performing the loud escape trick (more of that at the end).

Blue: LUO
Similar to DAY1, you'll be in charge of ECM 1+2, so as soon as the day starts, immediately place an ECM while heading towards the Left side.

You'll be doing the Upstairs and Outside crates (although remember that in reality, any role can do Outside if they finished their role, so if that happens, just help another area).

There's a total of 6 possible crate spawns upstairs, but only 2 crates will actually spawn, so as soon as you check your second crate upstairs, you can stop checking the other spawns and go Outside if nobody's doing it, or help another player.

There's a total of 4 possible crate spawns outside, but only 1-2 crates will actually spawn.

If you get a crowbar quickly, you should be able to place your second ECM around the time that you open your second crate.

Red: RR
You'll be doing the crates on the Right side of the building. Make sure to equip a secondary saw, as you will need it to cut open the fence to the right of the gate when you spawn.

You need to check 2 rooms. The first room has a total of 4 possible crate spawns, but only 1-2 crates will actually spawn, and the same goes for the second room.

Yellow: LL
You will be checking the crates on the Left side of the building. Make sure to equip a secondary saw, as you will need it to cut open the fence to the left of the gate when you spawn.

You need to check 2 rooms. The first room has a total of 4 possible crate spawns, but only 1-2 crates will actually spawn. The second room also has 4 possible crate spawns, but will always have only 1 crate.

                                 — - — - — MONEY — - — - —
All cages and loot are ignored until the 6th machine is found (i.e. someone types "6" in the chat). At that point, the two saw players will go to one side each, and open the cages on their side to find money. Open all 4 first, and then check inside starting from the last one you opened. At the same time, each SW player will follow one Saw player, and start checking for money inside the cages, starting from the 1st cage.

Note for all 4 players
If you find 2 moneys inside a cage, and the partner on your side doesn't have money, you can throw one out for them, and grab the second one for yourself. While you do this, you can also type "2" in the chat, to make sure your partner notices. This is much faster than forcing them to continue checking cages until they reach your current one, and it also lets them know immediately if there aren't any more.

For this rotation, you only need 2 moneys on each Election Day, although most of the time you can get 3 without any time loss, sometimes even 4 if the spawns are nice. Never risk the run for bonus money beyond 2 though!

                                  — - — - — GOLD — - — - —
As soon as the 6th hack finishes, the gold will spawn inside the truck after a brief ~0.5s delay, so we'll grab the first 3 golds through the wall before the truck even opens. These will be taken by Blue, Red, and Yellow, and the line-ups are as follows:

The truck will finish opening very quickly after securing these 3 golds, and all 4 players will go inside to grab one more gold each. Each color is assigned one of the 4 golds, to avoid ghost-bagging:

After all gold has been secured, all clients (Blue, Red and Yellow) will stand inside the escape area. Host will be hugging the truck wall (which is slightly out of the escape area, see image below), and as soon as one pager triggers the alarm, he will walk into the escape area, therefore performing the loud escape trick.
Big Bank
                   — - — - — GENERAL INFORMATION — - — - —
Don't kill any civilians, nor the camera guard. You should only tie the manager and keep him alive in order to delay the assault later on. That way, Host can break the final ECM sooner and let the alarm go off as soon as possible without worries, which is important for the fastest bus possible.

                            — - — - — ECM ORDER — - — - —
  • Green PCM, Green ECM, Green PCM, Green ECM.
  • Blue ECM x2
  • Yellow ECM x2
  • Green PCM, Red ECM, Green PCM, Red ECM.
For this Big Bank rush, the first bag must always be taken in stealth, because this will give a huge XP bonus when we go loud. This is what we call the "Vault XP" bonus. But to achieve this, Host is required to bring PCMs, otherwise you wouldn't make it in time for taking the first bag in stealth.

                    — - — - — PRE-TIMELOCK ROLES — - — - —
Red and Yellow will check for the server room and hack the PC inside, while the other players position themselves. When Red/Yellow interacts with the server PC, one PC in the offices area will make a beeping sound and will display the following red message in its screen for a brief moment.

Whoever sees this red message needs to start hacking that PC ASAP and type "get" or "g" in chat to let everyone know the PC has been found so that they can move on.

If nobody was fast enough to see the red message (i.e. nobody called "got"), everyone should try hacking a PC using the beeping sound as a guide. Red/Yellow will keep interacting with the server PC until someone calls "got", so when they finish their second interaction you will be able to see if the red message appears on the PC you were hacking. If it appears, finish hacking it and call "got". If it doesn't, just cancel interaction and probably someone else will call "got".

There's also a rare 5% chance that the correct PC will be the server one, which will result in no beeping sound and in an instant hack, so if this happens you can just move on.

Host: upstairs PCs
Get ready to PCM as soon as you hear a camera beep, since Blue will apply instant SW with his secondary Judge. Enter the bank and go up the right-side stairs. Keep attention to your PCM's remaining time and place your first ECM. Then stand around this middle point, where you'll have good sight of 4 PCs, plus you can quickly get to the other upstairs PCs if needed.

Blue: downstairs corner PCs
As soon as you mask up, shoot yourself 2 times with the secondary HE Judge to apply SW, so that the saw players can reach server room quicker. Head to this corner of the downstairs offices and stand in this position:

Once PC has been hacked, it's your job to wait in front of the time lock and interact with it as fast as possible (time lock interaction becomes available 20 seconds after hacking the PC), and start applying SS with your primary flamethrower (you should actually do one first quick flamethrower shot once you reach the offices corner).

Red: right server
Head straight to the right server room location.

If it's there, saw it open and start hacking the PC until someone says "got" or "g" in chat. If it's not there, go to the downstairs PCs area and position yourself here.

Yellow: left servers
You need to check these two server room locations:

If you have either of the server rooms, saw it open and start hacking the PC until someone says "got" or "g" in chat. If it's not there, go to the downstairs PCs area and position yourself here.

                        — - — - — TIMELOCK ROLES — - — - —
Timelock will take exactly 2:30 before the door opens. In this time, everyone should be focusing on finding two keycards (which are needed to disable the timelock door lasers):
  • Random keycard (called "R").
  • Manager's keycard (called "M").
"R" will spawn somewhere in a random location. When you find it, type "R". Check this video for all random keycard spawns (timestamp = 5m10s):

For "M", first look for the manager (see image below) and tie him up. If he drops a keycard, take it and type "M" in chat.

If he doesn't drop the keycard, type "SM" or "MS" to let the others know that the M keycard is inside the manager's safe (in his office behind the painting).

Red or Yellow are the most suitable players for lock-picking the safe, as Host doesn't have Nimble aced, and Blue has to keep up the Stockholm Syndrome.

After finding the keycards, you will probably still have a lot of time, so you can look for the 10 gage packages scattered around the map. Here's a video showing all packages spawn:

Yellow will die in front of the time lock when there's around 20 to 30 seconds remaining. Start reviving him when there are 6 seconds left on the time lock, or 3 seconds if you have inspire. At the same time, remember to use a PCM before Red's ECMs.

Keep using your flamethrower to keep up SS (Stockholm Syndrome), and stop shooting when the timelock has around 40-45s remaining. This way, the civs will start getting up and calling the cops just in time for the fastest alarm.

At any moment before the timelock ends, you should zerk like usual: take the initial splash damage of the molotov and 4 hits of the fire.

Additionally, remember that Host will be using a PCM before each of your ECMs. However, note that your first ECM should already be placed by the time the door opens, since you can't place your ECM while also running towards the right button. So basically, if there's spare time in Host's PCM or even Yellow's ECM, just place your ECM 2 seconds before timelock finishes.

After you place your last ECM, and between 20 to 30 seconds remaining on the timelock, throw a molotov in front of the timelock door and kill yourself. Host will be picking you up just before the door opens so that you can make use of the RFD (Running From Death) skill for the next part.
Big Bank, continued
                   — - — - — POST-TIMELOCK ROLES — - — - —
Something everyone should know for these next two sections is that the vault will spawn in 1 of 4 possible different locations. We differentiate between these vault spawns by calling them V1, V2, V3 and V4:

So, once the timelock has finished and the door opens, everyone will do the following.

Host: Left Button
Head for the left button and click it as soon as the interaction appears.

After this, go to the vault to open it as soon as possible (Yellow will also be doing this with you), and remember to PCM before Red's final ECM.

Blue: SW + Manager's PC
You'll be staying at the manager's PC. Once the timelock finishes, start applying SW and keep the uptime until you can interact with the manager's PC (after Host and Red press both buttons).

After hacking the manager's PC, head to the vault and check the 4 remaining gage packages spawns along your way. Before the vault opens, you can zerk to around 2% HP, since Host will be the only one doing SW from now on.

Red: Right Button
Head for the right button and click it as soon as the interaction appears.

After this, go to the left button room and wait to place your last ECM on the bulletproof glass (remember that Host will be using a PCM first):

Yellow: Vault RFD
With the RFD speed bonus, rush straight to the vault after Host revives you, and interact with the keypad. When the timelock door opens, an exclamation mark will appear wherever the vault spawned, which lets you know to which way you need to go.

After interacting with they keypad, you can zerk throwing a molotov to the ground without taking initial splash damage, and taking only one hit from the fire. Lastly, wait for the vault interaction to appear and open it as soon as possible (Host will also be doing this with you).

                           — - — - — VAULT ROLES — - — - —
We call this rush BB7 (Big Bank 7) because, instead of getting all bags, we only get 7. This way, we get a much faster completion time while also getting most of the EXP, and nearly eliminating all effects from vault RNG.

After opening the vault, wait next to the last ECM that Red placed on the glass, and as soon as the Vault XP is awarded, shoot yourself with your HE Judges to break the ECM and apply SW at the same time (see clip). Remember that you'll be in charge of keeping SW uptime until the end of the heist.

After breaking the ECM, go to the adjacent bus room and wait for the phone interaction to call the bus. Once the bus has been called, go to the vault and grab only 1 bag. Note that you can take either gold or money, since with Copycat Hacker there's no penalty for moving heavier bags like gold. Take this bag straight to the van, and then secure the bags that the clients will be throwing under the bus.

When the vault opens, you will simply go to the closest gate, which is usually to the left if it's V1, or to the right for the other vaults. Check the "Client bag moving" section to know how to move your bags.

Red & Yellow
The 2 saw players will be splitting the vault either into left and right sides, or upper and lower floors, depending on the vault layout. Because of this, before the vault opens, they need to say which side/floor they are doing, by typing "LU" or "DR" in chat.
  • The DR (Down-Right) player will do Right side, or Lower floor if the vault is a 2-floor vault. This is usually done by Red.

  • The LU (Left-Up) player will do the Left side, or Upper floor if the vault is a 2-floor vault. This is usually done by Yellow.
For beginners who are not quite familiarized with the layouts, you can think of it this way: if it's a 1-floor layout, just stick to the Left or Right wall (depending on whether you are LU or DR respectively), and open the cages you stumble upon. If it's a 2-floor vault, just go up or down depending on your role, and start by opening the closest cages.

Let's see some examples. If V1 spawns with a 1-floor layout, you would split cages like this.

If V3 spawns with a 1-floor layout, you would split cages like this.

If V2 spawns with a 2-floor layout, you would split cages like this.

Client bag moving (Blue, Red and Yellow)
Each client will take only 2 bags from the vault. When moving bags, basically pretend you're playing solo and focus on moving only your 2 bags. It's important to not go back for a 3rd bag at any point, because someone will already be going for that one, so you would end up either wasting your time or your teammate's time.

The exact way you move and secure these bags will depend on the vault spawn, but the main idea is always the same:
  1. Throw the first bag into this corner in the bus room.

  2. Take the second bag through the bus and throw it under the bus.

  3. Then go back to the bus room corner to get the first bag you dropped there. Move it through the bus and throw it into the van.

  4. Finally, secure the remaining bags that were thrown under the bus.

Small notes and exceptions for V4 (Especially for Host and Blue)
When Vault 4 spawns, we change a bit the way in which Host and Blue move bags, since it's too far for Host and it wouldn't make sense for him to walk all the way from the bus room to the vault just for 1 bag.

For this reason, whenever you get Vault 4, Blue will need to take 3 bags (instead of the usual 2), while Host will NOT go to the vault, but instead will take 2 bags thrown from the vault and move them as the "Client bag moving" section describes.

Finally, something that all clients can apply when Vault 4 spawns is the tarramas throw for the last bag you take out of the vault (2 in Yellow's and Red's case, or 3 in Blue's case)

We do this jump to throw a bag up the stairs, so then we can take 1 bag from the bottom of the stairs. That way, we save a bit of time by not having to go back downstairs when we go back for the second bag.

Optimal bag moving (vault-specific)
If the vault is V1 we move bags like I just described. However, if the vault is not V1, we always do one intermediate throw between the vault and bus room corner. So, it would look like this for each vault:

If the vault is V1, we go through this door:

However, if it's any other vault, we go through this door:
Diamond Store (non-Level 0 version)
For the second Diamond Store of the rotation (aka DS2) we will still apply the overall idea of DS0, but with some really important changes. The main and obvious one is that now you can kill all guards without needing to worry about pagers, since the ECMs now block pagers.

Furthermore, everyone will be using a Yakuza profile, including Yellow (who previously used PCMs in DS0). Host will be doing ECM 1+2, which should be more than enough.

                                 — - — - — ROLES — - — - —
The roles are overall the same, so I'll be explaining the changes.

Since Yellow won't have PCMs this time, as soon as you mask up place your first ECM. After that, do the usual thing: dom / kill guards on the store. When the keycard is inserted, take your first bag (usually from the back of the store) and zerk yourself spamming the entire mag of your HE judges right when you are on the store's entrance, so that you will destroy any windows and display cases nearby.

In this DS2 you won't need to throw the bags to the tree, since you already have skills. Instead, you will have enough stamina and speed (with SW) to take the bags straight to the van. At some point of the securing process, you will need to place your second ECM, so pay attention for that.

Blue role changes quite a bit. You won't be entering the store instantly this time. Instead, you will throw one molotov here to apply SSW for everyone. You do NOT need to zerk to low HP, since you will be doing SW for the entire securing part.

If you see that a guard is upstairs near the window, you should kill him, or he will be a problem later when securing.

Swap to your HE judges and wait outside of the store, in the front row of display cases. As soon as the keycard is inserted, shoot yourself with the judges to apply SW and to destroy the nearby cases (on stairs side). If there is no jewelry on the front row, you can either go to the front row of cams side, or you can search inside, but try to be as close to the van as possible.

In this DS2 you won't need to throw the bags to the tree. Now you already have skills, so you will have enough stamina and speed (with SW) to take the bags straight to the van. Remember to keep SW uptime for the entire securing part, until the heist finishes!

Unlike DS0, you don't need to zerk (as you have frenzy now), so you will open cams room immediately. Go into the store killing / dominating any guards on your way to the cams door. If you see that the keycard panel is there, type "c" in the chat to let Yellow know, and go to the stairs side to start bagging as soon as keycard is inserted. Other than that, it's all the same.

Just like Yellow does, you can check two keypad spawns on your way in, and if you see the keypad then you don't even need to open cams.

You really just do the same as DS0, but without using PCM at the start (since your perk deck is now Yakuza). You also have Lock n' Load now, so you can shoot any guards you see on the stairs or upstairs.

Also note that Red will open cams door instantly, and will type "c" in chat if the keycard panel is in there. Regardless of that, you check two keypads early so you will often know if the keypad is inside cams even before Red types it. Remember that, whenever the keypad is inside the cams room, the two baggers swap sides.

Also unlike DS0, there is never a situation where you need to type "c" here.
Shadow Raid (SR12)
SR12 refers to playing Shadow Raid, aiming for exactly minimum loot (12 bags).
The armor is always taken, so 8 more bags are needed. Counting to 8 would be very chaotic, and impossible to coordinate - in order to simplify the counting strategy, there are 5 specific bags which are guaranteed to spawn: so we always take them, and this means we don't need to count them. The other 3 random bags (random cokes, loot inside of crates, close server for Yellow...) are counted in the chat.

The 5 guaranteed bags are:
  • The coke located on top of a box upstairs (this one must always be picked up by Yellow).
  • The weapons downstairs (on the shelf) always spawn at the same spot, and they are always taken by Red.
  • The painting (which is inside of a square-shaped crate) always spawns, either upstairs (3 spots, checked by Green) or downstairs in the main warehouse room (checked by Blue).
  • There are also 2 moneys, which are guaranteed to spawn somewhere around the warehouse (outside of crates). However, they won't always be on the same place - to be precise, there are 8 spawn locations where these moneys can spawn: Blue (warehouse) has to check 2 spawns, Red (offices) has to check 2 spawns, and the four upstairs spawns are checked by Yellow (cages and cams), and shared between Yellow and Green (left side upstairs).

                            — - — - — ECM ORDER — - — - —
Blue starts with ECM 1, and then Host does ECM 2+3. If the rush is well performed, this should be enough, but if it's needed anyone can place an ECM, especially while moving a medium or heavy bag (money-weight or heavier).

                                 — - — - — ROLES — - — - —
I'll provide images showing the loot each role needs to check, as well as the pathing they'd need to follow. This is how to read these screenshots:
  • If an item is colored PURPLE: you need to count it in chat.
  • If an item is colored BLUE: you don't count it.
  • If an item is between parenthesis, it means it's a POSSIBLE spawn (it may or may not spawn there).
  • If an item is NOT between parenthesis, and it's surrounded by a square, it means it's a GUARANTEED spawn (it will always spawn there).
  • Purple rectangles represent crates.
  • White numbers are used for separating the entire pathing into steps, which will be further explained in a list format.
  • The orange outlines mark windows through which you'll be throwing loot.
  • The orange numbers identify windows.

For clients
When the heist starts, all clients will need to help opening the gate (if closed), and killing any guard you see in the courtyard while heading towards the warehouse.

Host: Role 4
When the heist starts, throw 2 molotovs and zerk to around 20% HP for the Yakuza boost, and for SSW. Don't zerk lower, because you'll need to do a bit of HE SW later on. After zerking, follow the other players into the warehouse: you can take care of any guards that the other players may have missed.

Once you've entered the warehouse, go through the left door and head upstairs. Kill the orange civ near the stairs and pick up his keycard. Then, you'll be following this path:

Let's break down what you're doing here (in order):
  1. Go grab your crowbar. Sometimes there'll be a coke next to it, in which case you count it in chat and throw it out down the window #1. Note that 5% of the time the keycard civilian won't be on the stairs, but rather near this crowbar.
  2. Check your first 2 painting spawns (one outside, and another inside the cage). If the painting is inside the cage, Yellow will have opened it for you.
  3. Optional: open the crate (this is often skipped unless the team hasn't even counted 1 at this point).
  4. Check the last 2 money spawns (sometimes Yellow will check these faster than you), and the last painting spawn. Drop down and insert your keycard on the vault.

Once the vault opens, start doing SW. You'll be "taking turns" with Yellow to bag the armor, because two players can't bag the armor at the same time, or their interactions get cancelled.

Video demonstration:

Blue: Role 1
First thing you do when the heist starts is place your first ECM.

As soon as you reach the warehouse entrance, swap to your primary HE judges and start SWing, since Host's SW will be running out. You will be in charge of keeping SW uptime until the vault opens, at which point Host can take over.

Here is what role 1 does (the yellow rectangle indicates where you need to drop your bags):

  1. Check the first money and weapons while running towards to the crowbar. If the money is there, take it immeditely, drop it in the yellow area, and then keep doing the rest of the path. If the weapons spawned, count them but take them after checking all the other spawns and after 3 has been counted in chat.
  2. Grab your crowbar.
  3. Check the far money and painting spawns. If you have any, take them and throw them in the yellow area.
  4. If 3 hasn't been counted by the time you checked and dropped your loot, start opening crates.
After checking all your loot and after 3 bags were counted, proceed to securing.

Video demonstration:

Red: Role 2
Here's what you will be doing:

  1. When you enter the warehouse, go through the left door and straight to your guaranteed weapons. While approaching weapons and while taking it, you can check the first 3 coke spawns.
  2. Once you checked these and grabbed the weapons bag, go through the lockers room to check the 2 remaining coke spawns.
  3. Drop your weapons bag through the window and check for the 2 possible money spawns while going back for any coke you may have spotted.
After you got all bags, go help Blue with securing.

Video demonstration:

Yellow: Role 3
Once you reach the warehouse entrance, go through the left door and head upstairs. You can kill any guards you see, but do NOT kill the civilian on/near the stairs (Host will take care of him). You will be making the following path upstairs:

Let's break down what you're doing here (in order):
  1. Check the closest cage to stairs (white circle). If there's money or painting inside, saw it open and grab the money if it's there.
  2. Open cams room, swap to your secondary, and kill the cams guard. Check for the money and server spawns in cams room, throw any loot you have down the window. Then, take the keycard dropped by the cams guard.
  3. Take your guaranteed coke.
  4. Head to the corridor and check the two money spawns (sometimes, Host will be a bit quicker than you and will already have checked them). If there is money, throw the coke you were carrying, and take the money. When done with these loot checks, drop down the window #2 and insert your keycard in the vault.

After inserting the keycard, if you are carrying loot you can approach the securers and drop it near them while you wait for the vault to open. Besides, you will be "taking turns" with Host to bag the armor, because two players can't bag the armor at the same time, or their interactions get cancelled.

Video demonstration:

Optimal Heist-Specific Weapons
The mandatory weapons for some heists (based on your color) are already listed in the "All the builds you need!" section. Anything not mentioned there can safely be any weapon you like, depending on personal preference.

However, if you want to optimize the weapons on each heist for maximum performance (based on draw speed, damage, ammo...), here is a list for your Primary and Secondary, for each heist, depending on your color.

Make sure all your weapons have Team Boost equipped!

Optimal weapons for host on each heist:
Contractor pistol
Hostile Takeover
Igor Automatik pistol
Black Cat
Any (usually SW Judges)
Locomotive shotgun
Election Day, DAY1
HE Judges
Igor Automatik pistol
Election Day, DAY2
HE Judges
5/7 Pistol
Big Bank
HE Judges
HE Judges
Igor Automatik pistol
Shadow Raid
HE Judges
Locomotive or Grimm shotgun

Optimal weapons for Blue on each heist:
Contractor pistol
Hostile Takeover
HE Judges
Igor Automatik pistol
Black Cat
HE Judges
Locomotive, Grimm, or Argos shotgun
Election Day, DAY1
HE Judges
Igor Automatik pistol
Election Day, DAY2
HE Judges
5/7 pistol
Big Bank
The Judge shotgun, with HE ammo
HE Judges
Igor Automatik pistol
Shadow Raid
HE Judges
Locomotive, Grimm, or Argos shotgun

Optimal weapons for Red on each heist:
Contractor pistol
Hostile Takeover
HE Judges
Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Black Cat
Grimm shotgun
Election Day, DAY1
Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Election Day, DAY2
Any Akimbo pistols* or the Kross Vertex
Secondary Saw
Big Bank
Any Akimbo pistols or the Kross Vertex
Secondary Saw
Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Shadow Raid
HE Judges
Grimm shotgun
*(preferably the Káng Arms for the AP Underbarrel)

Optimal weapons for Yellow on each heist:
Any (Saw in case something goes wrong)
Contractor pistol
Hostile Takeover
HE Judges
Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Black Cat
VD-12 shotgun
Unsilenced Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Election Day, DAY1
Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Election Day, DAY2
Any Akimbo pistols* or the Kross Vertex
Secondary Saw
Big Bank
Any Akimbo pistols or the Kross Vertex
Secondary Saw
Igor Automatik (or STRYK)
Shadow Raid
Grimm or Locomotive shotgun
*(preferably the Káng Arms for the AP Underbarrel)

How to Host + Preplanning
This section will be dedicated to learning how to buy contracts and starting heists ASAP. Many people overlook this but it's actually very important.

We have to establish a few rules before we get to contract buying.
  1. Host is never allowed to get any skills outside of skill breaks (remember that there are only 3 skill breaks: After DS0, after HT1 and before BB1).

  2. Buying contracts before doing skills is generally faster.

  3. Relevant for clients as well: during skill breaks, if clients leave the "in skills" status at any time, Host will assume they are ready, and start the heist. Outside of skill breaks, the host will insta-start anyway, even if someone is "in skills".

Now let's get onto Contract Buying
To make clicking the 'Contract Broker' easier, you should expand the sidebar so the button for the contract broker is much bigger. This makes it easier to move your mouse to it, and makes it less likely that you will missclick some other buttons. Here's an example of how it looks:

When buying heists from the contract broker, scrolling down until you find your next heist would take way too long. Clicking on the search bar to type the name of the next heist is also not needed. The most optimal way to buy heists when you reach the lobby after finishing the previous heist is as follows:
  1. In lobby, press Enter to go into CrimeNET. You should already be moving your mouse towards contract broker, click it.

  2. Type a couple of characters (specific list for each heist is below) so that the broker will filter and only show you the heist you want. For example, for Diamond Store, you would type «d s», «re», or « st», which your game will automatically type into the search bar.

  3. Use your mouse to click on the contract.

  4. Now to confirm the contract press Enter, Arrow key up, Enter again and the contract is purchased (Death sentence dif. should already be selected, use the Lobby Settings mod). All together it should look like this:

This technique applies to all heists but they have different words you need to type to see them in the filter or whatever. Note that spacing is important, won't work otherwise.The full list is as follows:
  • Diamond Store: «d s» or «re» or « st»
  • Hostile Takeover: «ver» or «e t»
  • Black Cat: «ac»
  • Election Day: «da»
  • Big Bank: «g b»
  • Shadow Raid: «w » (there is a space after the w)

Preplanning (For Host and Blue)
For most heists, Host will need to buy certain preplans / assets which will help to complete the heist as quick as possible. This is the reason why he is the only player who takes Sixth Sense aced, since nobody would be able to buy some of these preplans / assets otherwise. Additionally, for FCat and BB, Blue will need to help Host with the voting.

Since buying each preplan manually everytime you play a run would be quite slow and boring, we usually use a mod which saves and loads the preplanning for each heist with the press of a button! You can download the mod from this link, and it will have all preplannings already set for each heist, so that you don't have to worry about saving them![] You can change the "Save preplan" and "Load preplan" keybinds from the options menu.

However, if you would like to know what the saved preplans are on each heist, continue reading.

Diamond Store
No assets are needed at all! Easy enough.

Hostile Takeover
The only mandatory preplan is the "Open Alice Rainey's Office Door". Without it, Red would need to do a 10 seconds lock pick to get the recording.

We still have plenty spare favors, so we can spend those on these spycams!

Black Cat
  1. The "Crew Deck Entrance" vote for instant masking, and a convenient spawn for Host to hack the crew deck PC.

  2. The "Crew Deck Unlocked Doors", so that we don't have to worry about closed doors.

  3. The "Briefcase Keycard", which Yellow will need for opening the Control Room.

  4. The "Hall Medic Bag", in case someone needs to heal. This is especially useful for Blue if he gets to a low HP, since even though he needs to zerk a bit, he also needs to save some HP for SW during the vault section. It could also be useful if Red or Yellow got hit and want to reset HP to get a precise zerk.

Election Day
For both days, you should buy the "Spotter" asset (you can "Buy all assets" for quicker buy). It's not really mandatory, but it's always nice for easily spotting guards.

Big Bank
  1. The "Bus Loud Escape" vote. We need to go loud since it gives more XP after you grabbed the first bag in stealth, and the bus escape is the fastest and safest one.

  2. The "Time Lock Glitch Routine", as it decreases the time lock wait by 30 seconds.

  3. The "30s Alarm Delay", since you'll be going loud as soon as possible, so you want to delay the cops arrival as much as you can.

Shadow Raid
The only mandatory preplan is this "Loot Drop Off Point", where you'll be securing every bag.

We still have plenty spare favors, so we can spend those on these spycams!
Closing Thoughts
Thanks for reading!

This guide would not have been possible without the help of several people (listed in no particular order):

  • Marcmb - wrote the first draft for some sections (DS0, FCat), summarized some sections (HT and other general changes) and did proof-reading for the material that the other very talented rushers wrote.
  • zmani - wrote the original ECM rushing guide.
  • Dominik361 - wrote Weapons section and Big Bank.
  • SRelampago - wrote large part of the Heists, including images and some videos.
  • fitty - helped with suggestions, photos and video demonstrations

I honestly wasn't sure I would ever finish this guide without their help, as progress has been VERY slow due to several in real life circumstances (plus the fact i've already hit infamy 500 lol).

Thanks for reading.
- Chari

終わりました。 願わくば、私たち全員が何かを学んだことを願っています。[]

I am not getting involved in the comments of this guide, any questions you have should be directed to me personally
17 kommentarer
Idiosyncrasy 11. maj 2024 kl. 18:02 
@Bunners I meant fastest that they have :steammocking:
Bunni 11. maj 2024 kl. 17:59 
@idio you act like marc has the fastest strategies tho, they're just doing our rush from 9 months ago and pretending its fast
Idiosyncrasy 11. maj 2024 kl. 17:48 
@d0damage tbh rushing with Marc kinda does get boring because you can't access the fastest strategies unless you're a certain rank but in other servers you can actually contribute towards the optimization & do faster rushes so that makes it more fun!
Charizard-Delta  [ophavsmand] 11. maj 2024 kl. 17:38 
i'll just let everyone work things out between each other in the comments, i'm not getting involved in them this time :torielsad:
Mr. Impact 11. maj 2024 kl. 17:36 
just another guide for ecm rushers noobs with a silly maps: bb, ed, diamond store, black cat and NEWEST FARMING HEIST - HOSTILE TAKEOVER. why do you keep farming these heists, doesnt it get boring or smh?
Bunni 11. maj 2024 kl. 15:04 
theo was made fun of repeatedly and everyone that played border crossing with us (when it was still included in real rotations) got a dm from difar telling them they're shit for wanting to learn it, then you guys posted memes in e8 taunting theo and making fun of the fact that you wouldnt share a vod with him.

good job stealing from char tho, and stealing our rotations. cant wait to see a vod on Ds, Ht, MM, Hcat, Ht, Bcross, Hcat, Ed, Bcross, DS (chocolate) that we did 9 months ago from you guys in a couple weeks since you guys did peach tea like that too! good luck and hope you escape the cult soon!
Dominik 361 11. maj 2024 kl. 14:57 
Theo was never bullied and is still in our community with e8 privileges and was recently streaking. After talking things over (a thing you guys cant do) we came to an agreement and he plays with us:) The guide wasnt stolen it was literally made by us... And we changed everything chari wrote out of respect.
We tried talking to him about the guide, we got completely ghosted for several days. The guide couldnt be published with the content inside it, and if he changed one thing (and not spread drama randomly) it would have been all good...
Idiosyncrasy 11. maj 2024 kl. 14:53 
what didn't he cooperate with?
bun was her (e) 11. maj 2024 kl. 14:52 
Crazy Guide, way better than anything I've seen other than this one
BobbeyKEK 11. maj 2024 kl. 14:51 
だめだね だめよ だめなのよ