Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

828 평점
AAX Raven
즐겨찾기 해제
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Vehicle
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
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134.996 MB
2023년 11월 18일 오전 8시 40분
2024년 12월 7일 오후 4시 14분
업데이트 노트 8개 (보기)

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AAX Raven

Terminate those who stand in your way with the AAX Raven, the toughest gunship at one's disposal.


The RE-1 AAX Raven is a lightly-armored military aircraft used by the Earth Defense Force (EDF) as standard air support to carry out critical military operations. It possesses an arsenal of mounted turrets ranging from a rotary cannon to a gauss cannon to even a rocket system that are used to pick off individual targets from above. It also has hover and VTOL capabilities, providing easy maneuverability and brisk dodging tactics to evade incoming projectiles.

This addon incorporates the AAX Raven into Garry's Mod and allows full operating capabilities in which the player is able to pilot the aircraft and use the rotary cannon. If you want more flexible options in terms of firepower, I recommend installing the AAX Raven Expansion Pack as well.

The model is ported directly from Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered along with its textures. Its sound design has been slightly altered for improved player gameplay and immersion. The aircraft's movements, controls, and its physics had to be manually coded in, and its particle effects had to be manually implemented.

Here is a comparison between its appearance from both games:

Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered

Garry's Mod

  • Detailed mesh and high quality textures
  • Normal-mapped textures and reflections
  • Model has "gibbed" components (separate parts of the model which are also models)
  • Accurate physics collision
  • Animations for its landing struts which activate and deactivate based on altitude
  • Custom particle system that handles the thrusters and explosions
  • Custom muzzle flash and bullet tracers
  • Sounds that have been directly ripped from the base game (some are modified)
  • Dynamic lights and sprites
  • Ability to use the rotary cannon
  • Alternate between third person view and rotary cannon view
  • Alternate between faster speed or greater maneuverability (Toggle feature)
  • Health system
  • Custom ConVar attributes (e.g. can change speed and health)

Controls (Primary):
  1. Foward, Left, Back, Right → W, A, S, D (Respectively)
  2. Hover, Descent → Jump [Space], Shift (Respectively)
  3. Toggle AAX Maneuverability Mode → Reload [R]
  4. Toggle Third Person View/Toggle Rotary Cannon → L-CTRL

Controls (Rotary Cannon):
  1. Fire → Mouse 1

Console commands you can use to alter the AAX Raven's attributes:
  • "flyer_setaccel" → Changes the acceleration factor of the AAX Raven.
  • "flyer_sethealth" → Changes the health of the AAX Raven.
  • "flyer_setgibdespawntime" → Sets the despawn time for the AAX Raven's destroyed components (gibs) upon the vehicle being destroyed ('0' for gibs to never spawn, '-1' for gibs to never despawn).
  • "flyer_takebulletdamage" → Toggles whether or not the AAX Raven should take bullet damage.
  • "flyer_takedamage" → Toggles whether or not the AAX Raven should take any damage.
  • "flyer_hideplayer" → Toggles whether or not the player should be visible inside the AAX Raven.

Note: For the most optimal gameplay, it is recommended that your system is able to run Garry's Mod with at least sixty frames per second while using the AAX Raven. Any frames less than that minimum will make most of its particle effects look awful and buggy due to the nature of the Source Engine's particle system.


It took me quite a while to carefully analyze and match the AAX Raven's consistencies between Garry's Mod and Red Faction: Guerrilla as both games are made in completely separate game engines. The engine limitations made the creation of this addon difficult. Minor caveats for using particle systems in the Source Engine are that it is not only costly in terms of performance, but it also may not render the particles in some circumstances (e.g. entering a server with a user already flying the AAX Raven would not show up any particles for you). But overall, this was a fun project that I enjoyed working on and I hope you enjoy it as well. Feel free to ask any questions or address any bugs or issues.

Credit goes to Volition and the rest of the Red Faction: Guerrilla developers for the model, textures, sounds, etc. Thank you for making such an awesome game.

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Crow  [작성자] 2024년 9월 22일 오후 5시 21분 
I cannot. I'm not familiar on how to program with that framework. This addon alone uses a standalone framework and, in addition, has been optimized for use on the Expansion Pack.
chewchew1984 2024년 9월 22일 오전 7시 47분 
can you make an LVS version? of LFS... whichever it is... i forgor.
Crow  [작성자] 2024년 7월 11일 오후 7시 24분 
I've spent a long time trying to find a solution for why NPCs were not shooting at the pilot, and thanks to you it is now solved. Will be releasing an update shortly.
kwaHliveD 2024년 7월 11일 오전 9시 14분 
can you make npcs see the driver by adding AddEFlags(EFL_DONTBLOCKLOS) to the "edf_flyer_remastered" once player enters the vehicle, remove once player leaves the vehicle?
Ham 2024년 6월 20일 오전 4시 54분 
:edf: Thanks for making this! I really enjoy using this against my friends >:) :edf:
Crow  [작성자] 2024년 4월 19일 오후 5시 12분 
VTOL mode allows the AAX to be more maneuverable. It provides faster rotation and easier forward and back, left and right movement at the expense of the maximum speed it can attain while VTOL is deactivated.
Infernal 2024년 4월 19일 오후 5시 02분 
whats the difference between vtol and non-vtol
Crow  [작성자] 2024년 2월 9일 오전 11시 17분 
The controls are different for people who use different keybinds. The keybinds in the description are using the default keys. It’s likely possible you have switched the sprint key (Shift) with a different key.
El Gran ToroKaike 2024년 2월 9일 오전 10시 46분 
This is the perfect mod if you want a flying vehicle, its amazing. I only found one small issue that I can't move down inside the ship? If I press spacebar I go up, but if I press shift, it doesn't go down.
silverfish 2024년 2월 8일 오전 11시 05분 
Alec run! RUNN!!