Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Complete CS2 Settings Guide
󠀡⁧⁧pstck tarafından
This is huge guide for beginners and active players to comfortably playing CS2, guide contains CFG commands, FPS boost ways and better game looking ways.
Guide contains:
- CS2 Launch options
- Complete prepared Autoexec
- Very useful Aliases and Binds
- HUD, Viewmodel and crosshair guide
- Performance boost for Nvidia and AMD users
- Ways to make CS2 look better (Candy look)
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Launch Options
At the beginning paste this commands in CS2 launch options:

-novid -high -exec autoexec -nojoy -refresh X -freq X

Description of commands:
-novid - Disables video at the beginning.
-high - Sets high priority for CS2 on your PC, it can help you with performance.
-nojoy - This command disables joystick for CS2, it can make some FPS/smoothness of game.
-exec autoexec - This command written in launch options will automatically apply autoexec every CS2 launch.

(If you don't want this, just don't paste this into launch options, do it just in game, open console with ` key and type manually.)

-refresh X - This command sets how many Hz your monitor has, it's not necessary but it can help if you have problems with that.

-freq X - It is probably the same thing as refresh command, you don't have to add it, but you can.

X - Your own monitor frequency (Hz)
Creating AUTOEXEC in CS2
For comfortable editing .cfg files you need program to edit text files like:
  • Visual Studio Code

  • Notepad++

Download one of these and after that follow this instructions:
  • Go to steam library
  • Right-click on CS2 -> Properties

  • Installed Files -> Browse...

  • Then go to this path: game/csgo/cfg
  • In windows explorer at the top (VIEW button) then show button at the bottom and make shure that you have checked "File name extensions" setting.

  • Create "autoexec.cfg" file.
  • Open it with one of recommended programs and now you can fill your cfg with my useful commands.
All useful commands you need in your Autoexec
I chose all (in my opinion) necessary commands and binds to autoexec.

If you want you can just copy and paste this into your AUTOEXEC, but i recommend to test all by yourself, you know preferences.

// ===================================================
// ===================================================

con_enable "1" // Enables console in game.

// ===================================================
// ===================================================

volume "0.4" // Main sound volume.
snd_voipvolume "0.7" // Voice chat volume (0.7 - 70%).
snd_mute_losefocus "0" // Disables sound of game when minimized. [0 - Sounds turned on, 1 - Sounds turned off]

snd_headphone_eq "1" // Audio equalizer profile. [0 - Standard, 1 - crispy, 2 - smooth].
cl_player_ping_mute "0" // Position ping sound volume. [0 = enabled, 1 = disabled].
snd_menumusic_volume "0.015" // Main menu volume
snd_roundstart_volume "0" // Music volume at round beginning.
snd_mapobjective_volume "0" // Music volume after planted bomb.
snd_deathcamera_volume "0" // After death sound volume.
snd_roundend_volume "0.1" // Music volume after round ends.
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0" // Music volume when there are 10 seconds left before the bomb explodes.
snd_mvp_volume "0.04" // MVP music volume at the end of the round.
snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players "1" // Completely disables MVP music when the opponent is alive and the round ends. [0 - enabled, 1 - disabled].

// ===================================================

fps_max "299" // The maximum amount of FPS in the game.
fps_max_ui "100" // Maximum FPS in the menu. You can set it to Hz in your monitor, but i recommend around 100.

r_show_build_info "0" // Disables build info on bottom-left.

r_fullscreen_gamma "2.6" // Game brightness level. [Default 2.2]

cl_teamid_overhead_mode "2" // Shows nicknames through walls. [0 - disabled, 1 - tag, 2 - tag, nickname and equipment]
cl_teamid_overhead_colors_show "1" // Turning on colour nicknames. [0 - team color, 1 - player color, 2 - player color and icon]

// ========================
// ========================

alias +drob "slot5"
alias -drob "slot5; drop"
bind "X" +drob

//Now in CS2 bomb dropping bind isn't working like in CS:GO
//This bind will throw away bomb if you have it, but don't click
//this button when you don't have bomb, and you have any weapon
//in your hand, you'll throw it away.

// X - Your own key

// ========================
// ========================

alias "+bang" "-attack; -attack2";
bind "X" "+jump; +bang";

// X - Your own key

// ========================
// ========================

alias "+shh" "incrementvar volume 0 2 0.1; +sprint";
alias -shh" incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.1; -sprint";
bind "SHIFT" "+shh";

// This alias increases your game volume when walking on shift, you can edit it if you want to increase/decrease by editing bolder numbers.
// Useful in cluthes when you want to hear more things.

// ===================================================
// ===================================================

alias "dc" "disconnect" // Disconnect from server.
alias "s" "status" // Displays the status in the console - server IP, player list, etc.
alias "c" "clear" // Console clear

// ===================================================
// ===================================================

// Quickly giving weapons on the local server with sv_cheats 1
// There is no need to enter "give weapon_name" of the weapon in the console, just enter its name like "ak".

alias "ak" "give weapon_ak47"
alias "m4" "give weapon_m4a1"
alias "m4s" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
alias "galil" "give weapon_galilar"
alias "famas" "give weapon_famas"
alias "aug" "give weapon_aug"
alias "sg" "give weapon_sg556"
alias "tec" "give weapon_tec9"
alias "fiveseven" "give weapon_fiveseven"
alias "cz" "give weapon_cz75a"
alias "beretki" "give weapon_elite"
alias "dual" "give weapon_elite"
alias "p2000" "give weapon_hkp2000"
alias "usp" "give weapon_usp_silencer"
alias "glock" "give weapon_glock"
alias "deagle" "give weapon_deagle"
alias "p250" "give weapon_p250"
alias "mp9" "give weapon_mp9"
alias "mac10" "give weapon_mac10"
alias "uzi" "give weapon_mac10"
alias "mp7" "give weapon_mp7"
alias "bizon" "give weapon_bizon"
alias "ump" "give weapon_ump45"
alias "mag7" "give weapon_mag7"
alias "swag7" "give weapon_mag7"
alias "mp5" "give weapon_mp5sd"
alias "sawedoff" "give weapon_sawedoff"
alias "sawnoff" "give weapon_sawedoff"
alias "soff" "give weapon_sawedoff"
alias "sawed" "give weapon_sawedoff"
alias "sawn" "give weapon_sawedoff"
alias "nova" "give weapon_nova"
alias "xm" "give weapon_xm1014"
alias "xm1014" "give weapon_xm1014"
alias "awp" "give weapon_awp"
alias "scout" "give weapon_ssg08"
alias "scar" "give weapon_scar20"
alias "scar20" "give weapon_scar20"
alias "g3" "give weapon_g3sg1"
alias "c4" "give weapon_c4"
alias "negev" "give weapon_negev"
alias "m249" "give weapon_m249"
alias "rev" "give weapon_revolver"

// Grenades
alias "flash" "give weapon_flashbang"
alias "he" "give weapon_hegrenade"
alias "smoke" "give weapon_smokegrenade"
alias "molo" "give weapon_molotov"
alias "decoy" "give weapon_decoy"
alias "snowball" "give weapon_snowball"
alias "tag" "give weapon_tagrenade"

// Quickly turning on a map with bots by entering its name without "de_"
alias "anubis" "map de_anubis"
alias "ancient" "map de_ancient"
alias "mirage" "map de_mirage"
alias "nuke" "map de_nuke"
alias "aztec" "map de_aztec"
alias "cache" "map de_cache"
alias "cobble" "map de_cbble"
alias "dust" "map de_dust"
alias "dust2" "map de_dust2"
alias "inferno" "map de_inferno"
alias "overpass" "map de_overpass"
alias "train" "map de_tain"
alias "vertigo" "map de_vertigo"
Crosshair - HUD - Viewmodel
Here you'll know how to change your viewmodel, crosshair and how to customize your HUD by yourself in basic way.

How to change HUD settings:

Go to VIDEO settings in CS2

You can change HUD position with button on screenshot:

You can also change color of your HUD and its size here:

For crosshair i recommend to use CROSSHAIR GENERATOR from steam Workshop from Crashz':

This is how it looks:

It's very simple, just click on "subscribe" button, then go to CS2 -> Play -> Worskhop maps -> Choose map and go on.

If you want to change viewmodel you i recommend to use VIEWMODEL GENERATOR from steam Workshop by Crashz':

This is how it looks:

Graphics settings & Peformance boosts
You can skip first way for performance, but i think its helpful in-game.

1. windows search ->
type - "graphics settings"->
click change default graphics settings ->
optimization for windowed games and TURN ON

(it can reduce your input lag in game which is very important)

2. For AMD users:


Radeon Software ->
Radeon Anti-Lag - ON

(It helps to reduce input lag in games, it's very helpful.)

3. For NVIDIA users:

Go to CS2 advanced video settings in game, turn on NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency. Option only for Nvidia card users, even better than AMD anti-lag.


1. In windows search type "Power plan"

2. Click "Advanced power plan"

3. Then choose "High performance" and click "ok".

(Sets the processor for better performance)

In this section i'll show you how to change CS2 colors to more "candy" with AMD Software and Nvidia Geforce Experience

Some of you can remember program called "SweetFX" from old coutner-strike, the purpose of this program was to change your game colors to more saturated, that means it looked like candy.

It would look similar to this:

Here is how to do that with AMD card, without any thir-party softwares fully legal.

1. Go into AMD software.

2. In HOME tab click this arrow underlined in red.

3. Click 3 dots, then add game.

4. Go to cs2.exe location in explorer, then click and open.


There is two cs2 profiles in AMD SOFTWARE if you ever launched CS2, after add game proper is "cs2" not "Counter-Strike 2"
If you will change any setting in AMD for "Counter-Strike 2" profile, nothing changes.

5. If you have 2 monitors choose the right one, which you're playing.
6. Enable "Color Temperature Control" setting and change saturation from 100 to 200 or any what you want to.

Now your skins and game looks a lot better :)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

For NVIDIA you don't need to struggle with this like in AMD.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

All you have to do is get "GEFORCE EXPERIENCE" (similar to AMD Software, program for driver updates etc.)

1. Open Geforce Experience
2. Go to settings on right bottom

After enabled In-game overlay in Geforce Experience you have to boot up your CS2.
In game click "ALT + Z" (Default) and you'll see Geforce panel.
Then, on left side click "Game Filter"

Now on left side you can see styles panel, choose between 1-3, and now you can edit.

You can use same settings like on screenshots, but i really recommend to edit it with own preferences to get the best color looking for you.

Now your skins and game looks a lot better :)

if you found this guide useful you can leave a like, reward, add to favorites and share it to your friends if you want to.
If there are new features for the game, I will probably add them here.
Thank you for your attention.