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Event Rewards and Rotation
By chocolatekake
Up-to-date list of general event information and all event rewards with screenshots/links.
About this Guide
Over the years since its release Survive has seen a lot of changes to how events are handled, so a lot of information out there is no longer relevant. This guide will give an updated general description of each event and the event rotation, along with a list of all current rewards and their cost, plus video links/images where relevant.

This is not a guide about how to clear the event missions, as there are plenty of resources out there showing how to do so, but I will be linking to videos of the event missions being played as examples.
List of Events and Rotation
There are six different events which all last for two weeks, rotating every other Tuesday at 09:00 UTC. Each has different requirements for accruing Battle Points.

The Encounter - 1964
An Unhoped-for Help
The Researcher's Story [and Special Edition]
The Ferryman's Legacy
The Encounter - 2014
The Captive Ferrymen

Four of these are in a general cycle, with two of them interrupting that cycle. The general cycle follows this rotation:

The Encounter - 1964 → An Unhoped-for Help →
The Encounter - 2014 → The Captive Ferrymen

But, The Researcher's Story occurs every third (or sometimes fourth) event, while The Ferryman's Legacy occurs every fourth (consistently). So the only real way to know which event is coming next is to know which events happened recently. Unfortunately, this means that if you missed an event in the general cycle, you'll have to wait a few months before it returns. The actual order looks more like this:

... The Encounter - 1964 → An Unhoped-for Help → The Researcher's Story →
The Ferryman's Legacy → The Encounter - 2014 → The Researcher's Story →
The Captive Ferrymen → The Ferryman's Legacy → The Researcher's Story →
The Encounter - 1964 ...

The Researcher's Story also has a "Special Edition" that occurs during the weeks surrounding Halloween every year. I have noticed a different event going on for three weeks instead of two, likely to line up the Special Edition event better with Halloween. In 2023, it was the fourth event before, but this may not be consistent.
Tentative Schedule (Nov. 2024 - Apr. 2025)
Based on the above information and my records of previous events, this should be the schedule of events for the next few months. Due to unexpected schedule changes (like 3 week-long events), this may not be accurate, but is my best guess.* See the section on The Ferryman's Legacy for more information about the parenthetical identifiers.

Oct. 22-Nov. 4 - The Researcher's Story (Special Edition)
Nov. 5-18 - The Ferryman's Legacy (FOXHOUND)
Nov. 19-Dec. 2 - The Encounter - 1964
Dec. 3-16 - The Researcher's Story
Dec. 17-30 - An Unhoped-for Help
Dec. 31-Jan. 13 - The Ferryman's Legacy (Diamond Dogs)
Jan. 14-27 - The Researcher's Story
Jan. 28-Feb. 10 - The Encounter - 2014
Feb. 11-24 - The Captive Ferrymen
Feb. 25-Mar. 10 - The Ferryman's Legacy (Otaku Spirit)
Mar. 11-24 - The Researcher's Story
Mar. 25-Apr. 7 - The Encounter - 1964
Apr. 8-21 - An Unhoped-for Help
Apr. 22-May 5 - The Ferryman's Legacy (Peace Walker)

*Konami, please stop changing up the schedule...
The Encounter - 1964
This MGS3 themed event grants access to a unique Event Mission and cosmetics.

How to Earn BP
Most BP - Event Mission
Less BP - Daily Missions

Event Mission
Available Difficulties: Easy, Hard, Extreme
Mission Area: Area 4 Abandoned Airport
Special Conditions:
  • Metal Gear RAY replaced with Shagohod
  • No battle conditions
  • Only one set of enemy paths (East)

Reward List
Reward Name (Limit: each item is restricted to 1 unless otherwise noted) [BP Cost]
Items in bold are only obtainable from this event.
Items followed by an asterisk have image previews at the end of this section.

1 Obol (Limit: 2) [10000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [30000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [50000]
Ocelot Unit Beret [250]*
Ocelot Unit Beret [w/ Balaclava] [250]*
Crocodile Cap [1000]*
Fatigues [Naked Snake] [5000]*
Sneaking Suit [Naked Snake] [5000]*
Sneaking Suit [THE BOSS] [5000]*
Jumpsuit [EVA] [5000]*
Face paint: Green [400]*
Face paint: Black [400]*
Face paint: Splitter [400]*
Face paint: Woodland [400]*
Face paint: Zombie [400]*
Face paint: Oyama [400]*
Nameplate: FOX [1000]*
Nameplate: PATRIOT [1000]*
Nameplate: SHAGOHOD [1000]*
Nameplate: Tsuchinoko [1000]*
Gesture: You're pretty good. [1000] Preview
Gesture: Think you can pull the trigger? [20000] Preview
Gesture: Dap: Fireworks [20000] Preview
Tape: Takin' on the Shagohod [1000] Preview
Recipe: Large Survival Bag [5000]
Recipe: Medium Survival Bag [2000]
Recipe: Small Survival Bag [1000]
SV Coins (20) (Limit: 3) [500]
Revival Pills (Limit: 3) [500]
Field Manual: Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Food supply (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Medical (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Defense (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Exploration (Limit: 4) [500]
Weapons Case (Epic) [5000]
Gear Case (Epic) [5000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) (No Limit) [1000]
Gear Case (Legendary) (No Limit) [1000]
Materials Case (Epic) (Limit: 10) [5000]
Materials Case (Legendary) (Limit: 40) [1000]
10 Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [3000]
Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [300]
10 Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [2000]
Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [200]
10 Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [1000]
Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [100]

BP needed for all unique items: 69900
BP needed for all limited quantity items: 372900

Ocelot Unit Beret

Ocelot Unit Beret [w/ Balaclava]

Crocodile Cap

Fatigues [Naked Snake]

Sneaking Suit [Naked Snake]

Sneaking Suit [THE BOSS]

Jumpsuit [EVA]

Face paint: Green

Face paint: Black

Face paint: Splitter

Face paint: Woodland

Face paint: Zombie

Face paint: Oyama

Nameplate: FOX

Nameplate: PATRIOT

Nameplate: SHAGOHOD

Nameplate: Tsuchinoko
An Unhoped-for Help
This event adds a few new cosmetics and nothing else.

How to Earn BP
Most BP - Daily/Weekly Missions
Less BP - Standing Missions

Reward List
Reward Name (Limit: each item is restricted to 1 unless otherwise noted) [BP Cost]
Items in bold are only obtainable from this event.
Items followed by an asterisk have image previews at the end of this section.

1 Obol (Limit: 2) [10000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [30000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [50000]
Snorkel [5000]*
Ski Goggles [5000]*
Pilot Goggles [5000]*
Visitor [5000]*
Color Variation 38 (Head) (Metallic Cyan) [500]*
Color Variation 38 (Torso) (Metallic Cyan) [500]*
Color Variation 38 (Arm) (Metallic Cyan) [500]*
Color Variation 38 (Leg) (Metallic Cyan) [500]*
Color Variation 39 (Head) (Metallic Pink) [500]*
Color Variation 39 (Torso) (Metallic Pink) [500]*
Color Variation 39 (Arm) (Metallic Pink) [500]*
Color Variation 39 (Leg) (Metallic Pink) [500]*
Color Variation 43 (Head) (Metallic Sage) [500]*
Color Variation 43 (Torso) (Metallic Sage) [500]*
Color Variation 43 (Arm) (Metallic Sage) [500]*
Color Variation 43 (Leg) (Metallic Sage) [500]*
SV Coins (20) (Limit: 3) [500]
Revival Pills (Limit: 3) [500]
Field Manual: Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Food supply (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Medical (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Defense (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Exploration (Limit: 4) [500]
Weapons Case (Epic) (Limit: 3) [5000]
Gear Case (Epic) (Limit: 3) [5000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) [1000]
Gear Case (Legendary) [1000]
Materials Case (Epic) (Limit: 10) [5000]
Materials Case (Legendary) (Limit: 40) [1000]
10 Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [3000]
Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [300]
10 Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [2000]
Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [200]
10 Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [1000]
Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [100]

BP needed for all unique items: 26000
BP needed for all limited quantity items: 341000


Ski Goggles

Pilot Goggles


Color Variation 38 (Head/Torso/Arm/Leg) (Metallic Cyan)

Color Variation 39 (Head/Torso/Arm/Leg) (Metallic Pink)

Color Variation 43 (Head/Torso/Arm/Leg) (Metallic Sage)
The Researcher's Story [Rewards List]
This event adds a bunch of new music tapes and only awards BP from completing base digs, which means you can't participate unless you have cleared the story. The most efficient dig to farm is the highest you can reliably complete from plans 2, 4 or 5. Plans 2 and 4 give a decent amount more BP than plans 1 and 3 respectively, but are not much harder. Plan 6 on the other hand is a great deal more difficult than plan 5, but does not give an equivalent increase in BP. If you have completed at least two waves of a dig, you can Suspend to end it early and earn last minute extra points on the last day of the event.

The Special Edition only occurs during Halloween and adds the Pyramid Head cosmetic as well as the Ginger Cookies consumable. Throughout the whole game, XOF Gunners and Armored Wanderers have their helmets replaced with the Pyramid Head cosmetic and Mortars and Devastators also wear Pyramid Head as helmets. A unique Event Mission is also accessible, but it does not award BP.

How to Earn BP
Only Source - Base Digs

Event Mission (Special Edition Only - No BP)
Available Difficulties: Easy, Hard, Extreme
Mission Area: Area 1 Wrecked Base
Special Conditions:
  • Normal Wanderers replaced with Crawlers and Watchers (and Grabbers on Hard/Extreme)
  • Unique battle condition on Extreme - Infestation (small creature attack/defense up)
  • Extra XOF Gunners/Armored Wanderers
  • No Bombers/Trackers

Reward List
Reward Name (Limit: each item is restricted to 1 unless otherwise noted) [BP Cost]
Items in bold are only obtainable from this event.
Items followed by an asterisk have image previews in the next section.

1 Obol (Limit: 2) [10000]
Pyramid Head (Special Edition Only) [3000]*
Ginger Cookies (Limit: 10) (Special Edition Only) [100]
Tape: Silent Hill [5000] Preview
Tape: Undiscovered world... [5000] Preview
Tape: Eternally for you... [5000] Preview
Tape: Shine... [5000] Preview
Tape: Hello boys and girls... [5000] Preview
Tape: She is my wife [5000] Preview
Tape: Wow Wow VENUS [5000] Preview
Tape: How to Cook Delicious Rice... [5000] Preview
Tape: GENESIS NOTE [5000] Preview
Tape: TENTEI [5000] Preview
Tape: Our Manifesto [5000] Preview
Tape: Marital Vows [5000] Preview
Tape: Jungle (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: THUNDER LANDING (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Divine Bloodlines [5000] Preview
Tape: Cross a Fear [5000] Preview
Tape: Vampire Killer (Rondo of Blood) [5000] Preview
Tape: Bloody Tears (Rondo of Blood) [5000] Preview
Tape: Beginning (Rondo of Blood) [5000] Preview
Tape: Dracula's Castle [5000] Preview
Tape: Lost Painting [5000] Preview
Tape: The Tragic Prince [5000] Preview
Tape: Challenger 1985 (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: TABIDACHI (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: In The Wind (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: In The Wind [5000] Preview
Tape: Power of Anger (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Power of Anger [5000] Preview
Tape: Hello, Paro-chan (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Theme of Tako (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Twinbee's Home Town Song (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Fantastic Power (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Calling for the Wind (Twin memories) [5000] Preview
Tape: Gift of the Wind (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Twin Flight (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Go Forth Nicol, Rescue Stella! [5000] Preview
Tape: American Patrol [5000] Preview
Tape: Esper Dream na no sa [5000] Preview
Tape: Goemon Otogashira [5000] Preview
Tape: Getsu Fuma Den Stage Theme [5000] Preview
Tape: Searching for the Promise Land [5000] Preview
Tape: The Theme From Quarth (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Tape: Breeze (Arcade) [5000] Preview
Recipe: Advanced Weapon Workshop [10000]
Recipe: Advanced Gear Workshop [10000]
Recipe: Copper Statue [3000]*
Recipe: Wooden Tower [3000]*
Recipe: Moai [3000]*
Recipe: Medium Floodlight [3000]*
Recipe: Large Floodlight [3000]*
Recipe: Streetlight [1500]*
Recipe: Floodlight [1500]*
Recipe: Palm Tree [1500]*
Recipe: Cactus [1500]*
Recipe: Sign: "STOP" [1500]*
Recipe: Sign: "Beware of Animals" [1500]*
Recipe: Large Quiver [5000]
Recipe: Medium Quiver [2000]
Recipe: Small Quiver [1000]
SV Coins (20) (Limit: 3) [500]
Revival Pills (Limit: 3) [500]
Special Case: Field Manual (No Limit) [5000]
Weapons Case (Epic) (No Limit) [10000]
Gear Case (Epic) (No Limit) [10000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) (No Limit) [1000]
Gear Case (Legendary) (No Limit) [1000]
10 Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [3000]
Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [300]
10 Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [2000]
Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [200]
10 Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [1000]
Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [100]

BP needed for all unique items: 239000
BP needed for all limited quantity items: 290000
BP needed for all Special Edition items: 4000
The Researcher's Story [Images]
Pyramid Head (Special Edition)

Recipe: Copper Statue

Recipe: Wooden Tower

Recipe: Moai

Recipe: Medium Floodlight

Recipe: Large Floodlight

Recipe: Streetlight

Recipe: Floodlight

Recipe: Palm Tree

Recipe: Cactus

Recipe: Sign: "STOP"

Recipe: Sign: "Beware of Animals"
The Ferryman's Legacy
This event is unique in that it has a few rotating rewards and uses a ladder system where, rather than purchasing rewards, they are automatically granted when a specific amount of BP has been accrued. There are four different nameplates with four variants for each, and the nameplate available changes every time this event occurs. This is the rotation cycle:

Otaku Spirit → Peace Walker → Foxhound → Diamond Dogs

How to Earn BP
Most BP - Daily/Weekly Missions
Less BP - Standing Missions

Reward List
Reward Name [Total BP Required]
Items in bold are only obtainable from this event.
Items followed by an asterisk have image previews at the end of this section.

Nameplate: [Naked] [50]*
Recipe: Improved Primary Weapon Holder [50]
Recipe: Large Grenade Pouch [50]
Recipe: Large Planted Explosives Pouch [50]
Recipe: Large Disc Case [50]

SV Coins (20) [100]
Materials Case (Legendary) [300]
Special Case: Field Manual [500]
Revival Pills [1000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) [1500]
Special Case: Field Manual [2000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [2500]
Color Variation 40 (Head) (Metallic Green) [3000]*
Color Variation 40 (Torso) (Metallic Green) [3000]*
Color Variation 40 (Arm) (Metallic Green) [3000]*
Color Variation 40 (Leg) (Metallic Green) [3000]
Gear Case (Legendary) [3500]
Special Case: Field Manual [4000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [4500]
1 Obol [5000]
Weapons Case (Epic) [6000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [7000]
Special Case: Field Manual [8000]
Revival Pills [9000]
Color Variation 35 (Head) (Metallic Blue) [10000]*
Color Variation 35 (Torso) (Metallic Blue) [10000]*
Color Variation 35 (Arm) (Metallic Blue) [10000]*
Color Variation 35 (Leg) (Metallic Blue) [10000]
Gear Case (Epic) [12000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [13000]
Gear Case (Legendary) [14000]
RICKY [15000]*
Special Case: Field Manual [16000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) [17000]
Weapons Case (Epic) [18000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [19000]
1 Obol (2) [20000]
Nameplate: [Bronze] [20000]*
SV Coins (20) [21000]
Special Case: Field Manual [22000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [23000]
Gear Case (Epic) [24000]
Color Variation 34 (Head) (Metallic Red) [25000]*
Color Variation 34 (Torso) (Metallic Red) [25000]*
Color Variation 34 (Arm) (Metallic Red) [25000]*
Color Variation 34 (Leg) (Metallic Red) [25000]
Special Case: Field Manual [26000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [27000]
Special Case: Field Manual [28000]
Revival Pills [29000]
Special Case: Field Manual [35000]
1 Obol [40000]
SV Coins (20) [45000]
Materials Case (10) (Epic) [50000]
1 Obol [50000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [55000]
Special Case: Field Manual [60000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [65000]
Revival Pills [70000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [75000]
1 Obol [80000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [85000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [90000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [95000]
Special Case: Field Manual [100000]
1 Obol [100000]
Materials Case (Epic) [110000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [120000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [130000]
Special Case: Field Manual [140000]
Materials Case (Epic) [150000]
1 Obol [160000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [170000]
Materials Case (Epic) [180000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [190000]
Special Case: Field Manual [200000]
1 Obol (2) [200000]
Nameplate: [Silver] [200000]*
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [210000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [220000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [230000]
Materials Case (Legendary) [240000]
1 Obol [250000]
Special Case: Field Manual [300000]
1 Obol (2) [300000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [350000]
Special Case: Field Manual [400000]
1 Obol (2) [400000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [45000]
1 Obol (3) [500000]
Nameplate: [Gold] [500000]*
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [550000]
Special Case: Field Manual [600000]
1 Obol (2) [600000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [650000]
Special Case: Field Manual [700000]
1 Obol (2) [700000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [750000]
Special Case: Field Manual [800000]
1 Obol (2) [800000]
Gear Enhancement Kit Part (50) [850000]
Special Case: Field Manual [900000]
1 Obol (2) [900000]
Weapon Enhancement Kit Part (50) [950000]
1 Obol [1000000]
Special Case: Field Manual [1100000]
Special Case: Field Manual [1200000]
Special Case: Field Manual [1300000]
Special Case: Field Manual [1400000]
Special Case: Field Manual [1500000]

Nameplate: [Naked] (Otaku Spirit)

Nameplate: [Bronze] (Otaku Spirit)

Nameplate: [Silver] (Otaku Spirit)

Nameplate: [Gold] (Otaku Spirit)

Nameplate: [Naked] (Peace Walker)

Nameplate: [Bronze] (Peace Walker)

Nameplate: [Silver] (Peace Walker)

Nameplate: [Gold] (Peace Walker)

Nameplate: [Naked] (Foxhound)

Nameplate: [Bronze] (Foxhound)

Nameplate: [Silver] (Foxhound)

Nameplate: [Gold] (Foxhound)

Nameplate: [Naked] (Diamond Dogs)

Nameplate: [Bronze] (Diamond Dogs)

Nameplate: [Silver] (Diamond Dogs)

Nameplate: [Gold] (Diamond Dogs)

Color Variation 40 (Leg/Torso/Arm/Head) (Metallic Green)

Color Variation 35 (Leg/Torso/Arm/Head) (Metallic Blue)

Color Variation 34 (Leg/Torso/Arm/Head) (Metallic Red)


The Encounter - 2014
This MGS4 themed event brings a new Event Mission with a new enemy alongside some cosmetics.

How to Earn BP
Most BP - Event Mission
Less BP - Weekly Missions

Event Mission
Available Difficulties: Easy, Hard, Extreme
Mission Areas: All Areas
Special Conditions:
  • Metal Gear RAY replaced with Metal Gear REX (summoner can aim and shoot machine guns in first person)
  • Devastators replaced with Gekkos
  • Wave 3 on Easy spawns a Gekko
  • Wave 3 on Extreme spawns a Gekko (Poison Gas) which can inflict Poison (Severe) status
  • Wave 4 on Extreme spawns Mortars

Reward List
Reward Name (Limit: each item is restricted to 1 unless otherwise noted) [BP Cost]
Items in bold are only obtainable from this event.
Items followed by an asterisk have image previews at the end of this section.

1 Obol (Limit: 2) [10000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [30000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [50000]
Raiden [5000]*
Haven Trooper [5000]*
Nameplate: Otselotovaya Khvatka [1000]*
Nameplate: Outer Haven [1000]*
Nameplate: METAL GEAR REX [2014] [1000]*
Gesture: EYE HAVE YOU [1000] Preview
Gesture: GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS [3000] Preview
SV Coins (20) (Limit: 3) [500]
Revival Pills (Limit: 3) [500]
Field Manual: Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Food supply (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Medical (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Defense (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Exploration (Limit: 4) [500]
Weapons Case (Epic) (Limit: 3) [5000]
Gear Case (Epic) (Limit: 3) [5000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) [1000]
Gear Case (Legendary) [1000]
Materials Case (Epic) (Limit: 10) [5000]
Materials Case (Legendary) (Limit: 40) [1000]
10 Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [3000]
Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [300]
10 Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [2000]
Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [200]
10 Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [1000]
Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [100]

BP needed for all unique items: 17000
BP needed for all limited quantity items: 332000


Haven Trooper

Nameplate: Otselotovaya Khvatka

Nameplate: Outer Haven

Nameplate: METAL GEAR REX [2014]
The Captive Ferrymen
This is the only event that awards BP from playing Rescue Missions. Two new Rescue Missions are also added as Event Missions and some new cosmetics are available as well.

How to Earn BP
Only Source - Event/Rescue Missions

Event Mission
Available Difficulty: Extreme
Mission Areas: Area 2 Fallen Village, Area 5 Forsaken Ruins
Special Conditions: Elemental Wanderers

Reward List
Reward Name (Limit: each item is restricted to 1 unless otherwise noted) [BP Cost]
Items in bold are only obtainable from this event.
Items followed by an asterisk have image previews at the end of this section.

1 Obol (Limit: 2) [10000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [30000]
1 Obol (Limit: 2) [50000]
Boxman [Diamond Dogs] [5000]*
Color Variation 42 (Head) (Metallic Blush) [500]*
Color Variation 42 (Torso) (Metallic Blush) [500]*
Color Variation 42 (Arm) (Metallic Blush) [500]*
Color Variation 42 (Leg) (Metallic Blush) [500]*
Color Variation 47 (Head) (Metallic Bronze) [500]*
Color Variation 47 (Torso) (Metallic Bronze) [500]*
Color Variation 47 (Arm) (Metallic Bronze) [500]*
Color Variation 47 (Leg) (Metallic Bronze) [500]*
SV Coins (20) (Limit: 3) [500]
Revival Pills (Limit: 3) [500]
Field Manual: Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Food supply (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Medical (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Development (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Base Defense (Limit: 4) [500]
Field Manual: Exploration (Limit: 4) [500]
Weapons Case (Epic) (Limit: 3) [5000]
Gear Case (Epic) (Limit: 3) [5000]
Weapons Case (Legendary) [1000]
Gear Case (Legendary) [1000]
Materials Case (Epic) (Limit: 10) [5000]
Materials Case (Legendary) (Limit: 40) [1000]
10 Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [3000]
Materials Case (Rare) (No Limit) [300]
10 Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [2000]
Materials Case (Uncommon) (No Limit) [200]
10 Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [1000]
Materials Case (Common) (No Limit) [100]

BP needed for all unique items: 14000
BP needed for all limited quantity items: 329000

Boxman [Diamond Dogs]


Color Variation 42 (Head/Torso/Arm/Leg) (Metallic Blush)

Color Variation 47 (Head/Torso/Arm/Leg) (Metallic Bronze)
Removed Items, Closing and Thanks
Removed Items - No Longer Available
  • Color Variation 36 (Metallic Silver)
  • Color Variation 37 (Metallic Brass)
  • Color Variation 41 (Metallic Copper)
  • Color Variation 44 (Metallic Black)
  • Color Variation 45 (Metallic Olive)
  • Color Variation 46 (Metallic Purple)
  • Color Variation ?? (Metallic Gold? maybe? possibly unused, I can't find the ID for it)
  • Support Defender

Early on, many events had a ranking system. For example, during The Ferryman's Legacy event, only the players who earned the most BP were awarded the bronze, silver and gold nameplates along with increasing numbers of Obols and Support Defenders. Support Defenders are still available, but only as SV coin purchases, so they may as well not be available.

Some color variations were rotated with various events, but these rotations are also no longer happening. There is one color that I have not been able to find records of. I've managed to find a way to add the rest of these colors back in. If you want to try equipping them, I made a video demonstrating the process.

And here are pictures of what the colors look like.

Color Variation 36 (Metallic Silver)

Color Variation 37 (Metallic Brass)

Color Variation 41 (Metallic Copper)

Color Variation 44 (Metallic Black)

Color Variation 45 (Metallic Olive)

Color Variation 46 (Metallic Purple)

"Removed" Items - Still Available
Some materials such as napalm and copper as well as upgrade kits for specific weapons/gear were previously available, but are now randomized in cases.

Heart of Jehuty, Blue Feather of Jehuty, Heart of Anubis and Black Ear of Anubis were available as rewards, but are now only available by deployment, finding the animals in the wild or by capturing Anubis in cages.

Rations were available as rewards, but are now given every day as a login reward.

Closing and Thanks
This information is all current as of March 23rd, 2024, but Konami has made various changes over the years, so this may itself be outdated eventually.

Thanks to gazza23 gta and Ameslarii on YouTube for recording playthroughs of the Event Missions.

Thanks also to Aatvark on GitHub for GzsTool and FtexTool which allowed for sourcing some images.
Popple 3 Dec, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
Fantastic guide, I appreciate the work put into learning all this... you're pretty good.
UlalaSir 20 Nov, 2023 @ 10:39am 
Thanks for guide
John Guango 18 Nov, 2023 @ 7:41pm 
Holy moly
интроверт 18 Nov, 2023 @ 6:19pm 
Great guide! :ontoagoodthing: