Stranger Things 3: The Game

Stranger Things 3: The Game

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100% Achievement Guide English
Por King Käses†ange one ⭕⃤
A 100% Achievement Walkthrough Guide for Stranger Things 3: The Game and an overview of playable characters and their abilities.

I hope this guide helps you, wish you lots of fun while playing, and would appreciate a positive review.
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Attack: Strike
Special: Frenzy (Knocks down everything and deals extra damage to stunned enemies)
Upgrade: Brass Knuckles (Deals even more damage to stunned enemies)

Attack: Take Down
Special: Whirlwind (Spins and stuns enemies)
Upgrade: Jaws (Take Down deals 20 additional damage)
Bonus: Can open things that require a bolt cutter

Attack: Kick
Special: First Aid (Scatters health around her)
Upgrade: Hot Foot (Kick deals 20 additional damage)

Attack: Shot
Special: Bomb (Explosive shot, deals damage in an area)
Upgrade: Stink Bombs (Shot deals 10 additional damage)
Bonus: Can make rocks explode

Attack: Strike
Special: Taunt (Forces all enemies to attack Mike, temporarily dealing more damage)
Upgrade: Evil Eye (Taunt weakens enemies, makes them resist enemy attacks, and forces them to attack Mike)

Eleven (Eleven is often called "Eleven" in English as well)
Attack: Push
Special: Annihilation (Shockwave, deals heavy damage around Eleven)
Upgrade: Isolation Goggles (Boosts physical push and reduces energy for annihilation)

Attack: Rocket
Special: Spin (Rapidly spins and shoots Roman waves in all directions)
Upgrade: Wizard Staff (Spin fires additional projectiles)

Attack: Zap
Special: Chain (Hits multiple enemies simultaneously)
Upgrade: My Lightning Poker (Zap deals 20% more electric damage and Chain hits 3 more enemies)
Bonus: Can crawl through air ducts

Attack: Spray
Special: Robot (Drops a toy robot that explodes after a short time)
Upgrade: Rock'em Shock'em (Robot deals 50 extra shock damage)
Bonus: Has hacking skills

Attack: Shoveling
Special: Corrode (Throws Promethium that explodes in a chemical puddle)
Upgrade: Brain Freezer (Shoveling deals 10% more damage and slows down enemies more)

Attack: Cut
Special: Execution (High damage to a single enemy with an additional chance of critical damage)
Upgrade: Surgical Scissors (Deals extra damage on critical hits)

Attack: Strike
Special: Stun (Renders all enemies unconscious and inflicts minor damage)
Upgrade: Lens Flare (Group photos stun enemies for a longer duration)
The game begins with Mike and Lucas, frustrated by the long line for the movie. They decide to enter Scoop Ahoy, where they find Steve's keys in the back room by causing some chaos. They return the keys to Steve and gain access to the corridors of Starcourt Mall.

The elevator is without power, and you need to fix it. After defeating the rats in the adjacent rooms, Ivan offers assistance. Using Mall Keycard 1, you can access the room next to the elevator, where, following a brief tutorial, you switch on the elevator's power.

Upon reaching the top, eliminate the guard and proceed down the corridor to the pressure plates. Stand on the ones in front of the largest posters. To advance, you need to activate two switches, but if you follow the "blood" to the second switch, you'll discover another room with a chest.

After opening the door, the story continues with a cutscene.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
After the cutscene, you start in Mike's basement, where you immediately find the first garden gnome (#1 Johnny). Talk to Will, who introduces you to the quest system, and complete the first quest. You'll receive the first achievement for this.

When you leave the basement, head southeast around the house to find the next garden gnome (#2 Christine). Right in the kitchen of Mike's house, you'll find the third garden gnome (#38 Clara). Now, go out of the house and head northeast to the pool. After a cutscene, go to Mike's mother, where you'll receive an update for the quest. Following the waypoint, you'll get an introduction to the world map and fast travel system. Use it to travel directly to Starcourt Mall, where you'll find garden gnome number eight (#8 Flynn) behind a green car in the southwest. Northwest from there, a few men are guarding a door, and in the corner behind some crates, you'll find garden gnome number 3 (#3 Doc).

Now, enter Starcourt Mall, where if you go counterclockwise, you'll meet Cheryl, who has the shampoo you need for the quest. Now, head downstairs, where you'll pick up a pretzel for Billy at Knot So Good. You can also pick up the next garden gnome at Scoops Ahoy (#10 Baskin) by going through the back room behind the counter.

Before riding the escalators back up, look in the southeast direction, where you can spot another garden gnome (#36 Bastion). Now, return to the pool and only talk to the corresponding characters to complete the quest. In the far southeast corner of the pool area, near the shed, you'll find another garden gnome (#4 Indiana).

Now, you need to go to Dustin's house, which is northwest of Mike's house, to surprise him. After a cutscene, he joins the group, which is handy because Dustin can open some locked doors, like the one to his room, for example. This earns you the next achievement.

Next, you need to find an umbrella, duct tape, and aluminum foil, which are easily found in the house. Take them to the workbench in the garage and earn the next achievement.

Before heading to Weather Top, it's a good idea to pick up the next garden gnome in the northeast of Dustin’s house (#27 Falco). It's behind the fence, which, if you follow it, leads to a small opening hidden behind trees.

Now, fast travel to Weather Top. After a cutscene with Lucas' bomb ability, destroy the rocks and go to the thugs. Take them down and collect the loot.

Heading to the northwest of the map, you'll find stairs leading to a secret tunnel. There, among many enemies, you'll also find a garden gnome (#9 David). Now, go back to Cerebro for a cutscene and earn the achievement.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Now, you need to find Eleven. Fast travel to Hopper's Cabin to talk to Hopper and find some enemies and a chest to your left. In the northeast, you'll find some rocks that need to be destroyed with Lucas. Behind them, you'll face some enemies who will drop a combination. Then, head southeast until you reach the fence with a waypoint. Behind it are more enemies guarding a chest that you can open with the found combination. Around the house, you'll find another chest. Talk to Eleven and Hopper.

Next, you need to go to the mall to get a gift. In the mall, go to Clare's and buy any gift. While you're at the mall, visit Scoops Ahoy, where you'll have a cutscene with Steve and Robin, and you'll need to get a translation book from the library. Complete the quest and receive the next achievement.

Now, head to Hawkins Square, and go northwest to reach the electronics store. There's a small puzzle here where you'll need to free the path from cameras with both characters. One character operates the security cameras, and the other goes northeast and then down toward the southeast to restore power and then back to the other switch and into the area without power. You'll need to repeat the process of disabling power and operating cameras until you reach an area with pressure plates. Here, one character can operate the cameras for the other. In the northwest, you'll find a chest. After a cutscene, you'll need to fight some more enemies. After that, go to the computer in the corner to complete the quest and receive the next achievement.

Before leaving the hardware store, make sure to pick up the garden gnome you can find in the southeast of the main room (Garden Gnome #13 Marty). Now, head back to Hawkins Square, where you'll see the next quest symbol in the hardware store. Talk to the owner to get the next quest. Simply kill all the rats. You can also find a chest. Once you've completed the quest, you'll receive another achievement.

Before leaving the hardware store, be sure to grab the garden gnome located in the southeast of the main room (Garden Gnome #13 Marty). If you now go to the town hall, you can pick up a side quest from the Crazy guy and obtain an item that increases damage or armor. For the quest, you'll need to buy a flashlight from the hardware store.

Now, go into the town hall and talk to the receptionist to complete the Golden Gift quest you received from Cheryl at the mall. If you also chop down the bushes in front of the town hall, you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #14 Mikhail). In front of the library, you'll find yet another one (Garden Gnome #6 Elvis).

Now, enter the library. Defeat all the enemies and in the last room, which has a TV in the corner, you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #7 Jack) before heading to the library's basement.

There, you'll encounter another puzzle. In the main room, the left two switches control the left side (northwest) of the basement, and the right two switches control the right side (southeast) of the basement. The switch on the pillar in the middle controls the room you're in. Here's the solution: Left on – off – off – on – off | Right off – on – on – off – off. If you've done it correctly, the door will open, and you'll find the book you need.

Now, you can address the Rat, Paper, Scissors quest. On the way there, you can pick up a side quest southeast of the library. Simply go into Petal Pushers, smash the crates, and combine the notes to figure out where Samantha hid the spare key. Once you've completed it, you'll receive an achievement.

Now, simply follow the quest marker back to Hawkins Post. There, you'll see a guy with a quest symbol over his head. You don't need to talk to him to activate his quest; just go into the closed store and wreak havoc. In the pressure plate puzzle, have one character stand next to the tree so the other can push the trash container onto them and then onto the pressure plate. In the next room, defeat the enemies and press the switch, and you should have collected all five personal items. Now, talk to the guy with the quest symbol over his head and receive the achievement.

Now, finally enter the Hawkins Post and talk to Nancy, who will then join the team and provide the next achievement.

In the southeastern part of the building, you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #37 Magnum). Now, go to the conference room. After making the coffee and answering the phones, Jonathan will join the team, providing a new achievement.

Now, it's best to go back to Hawkins' suburb and the pool. Next to Karen is Susan, who asks you to get a hairdryer, activating the Wake-Up Call quest. On your way out of the swimming pool, Chet wants a milkshake. Now, fast travel to the mall and go down to Scoop Ahoy. You can talk to Steve right away, and then to Robin, who will make you a milkshake once you've obtained the shake mix from the back room behind some crates.

Now, head to Melvad's at Hawkins Square. Buy the hairdryer and clean out the store of rats, take the laxative, and then return to Scoop Ahoy to get the special shake to go back to the swimming pool. Give Chet the shake and Susan the hairdryer. You'll receive money and the achievement.

Now, fast travel to Driscoll Farm. Talk to Mrs. Driscoll, go into the house and check her closet, the sink, and the dead rat in the bathroom, and then the fertilizer in the basement. Go back to Mrs. Driscoll, and she will open the barn. In the barn, take the northwestern exit and follow the path around the barn to find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #15 Denver). Back inside, go southeast and loot the rooms. In the last one, there will be a short cutscene. After returning to Mrs. Driscoll, you'll face your first boss battle against her in the basement. She is relatively easy to defeat. Just turn on the lights with the switches and attack her in the light. Be cautious that the clumps don't merge and become overwhelming. Before leaving, make sure to head northeast. There, you'll find a maze of breakable rocks and logs, and another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #11 MacDonald). Now, head back to Hawkins Post to complete the quest.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Continue to talk to Will, and on the other side of the room, talk to Max, who will then join the team. For this, you'll receive the achievement.

Now, head back to the Starcourt Mall and go to Scoop Ahoy. First, go to the back corridors and talk to Ivan. He'll ask you to collect some items. You can pick these up while in the area, so let's return to Steve and Robin. Robin will send you to the loading dock outside the mall. Talk to the bad guys, and the door that you can hack provides you with a faster way to access the mall corridors where Ivan is. Now, talk to Steve to complete the quest. When leaving Scoop Ahoy, head to the right, to the red car, and smash the cassette player to get an item for Ivan.

Fast travel to Hawkins Square and enter Melvad's. Talk to Joyce, who will then join the team. There's no achievement for this, but now you can use bolt cutters to open some doors. One of them is in the back room of Melvad's. Loot through it and don't forget to take a garden gnome (Garden Gnome #12 Clint).

Since there's a workbench and you can also buy some ingredients here, you can try crafting enough items to get the achievement.

You can also go to the library to pick up the VHS cassette on the ground floor from the room with the TV. After that, you can go to the electronics store behind the locked door, which you can now open with Joyce.

You can trade gum for a shock or fire boost with the crazy guy in front of the town hall.

Now, it's best to explore the new locations you can access in the suburbs. From Dustin's house, take the magazine from his room, which you'll find on the bookshelf. From there, go southwest to Granny Perkins' house. You'll need to complete a few tasks for her. Simply smash the leaf piles and don't forget to take the garden gnome (Garden Gnome #18 Norman) with you. Then, complete two small tasks before getting locked in the basement. Examine the bathtub and the shelves in the northwest. In the southwest, a new area opens up, where behind a breakable wall, you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #19 Herbert) and a chest, which is heavy enough to crack for you to get the achievement. Just kick the trash bin into the next room to activate all three pressure plates. At the top, you'll fight Granny Perkins, and you'll get the achievement.

Now, when you return to Ivan and hand over the items, you'll also receive the achievement.

Additionally, you can sell excess materials to Ivan if you need some extra money.

Now, go to Hopper's Cabin to add Hopper and Eleven to the team. For this, you'll get the achievements.

Create a blindfold and then get the sleeping bag southwest of the cabin. Go back to the TV and start researching with Eleven's powers. Once you're in the darkness, search for Billy following the clues. Now, go to Max's house in the suburbs in the northwest part of the map. Go inside and check out the rooms, then head to the backyard where you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #29 Sonja) behind 2 trash bins.

Go back inside and find the clues that will lead you to the swimming pool. Go to the women's changing room and smash everything to find the glasses. The key to the next room is under the bench. In the room with the switch, there's another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #22 Rutger). Flip the switch and enter the showers. If you haven't crafted the glasses yet, you'll need to leave the bathroom and go to Dustin's house to use the workbench. Now, use Eleven's powers to go back to the darkness and find Heather.

Now, go to the Hawkins Lab. Before entering the lab, behind the fence, you can find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #25 Kitt). Now, go inside the lab. Open the door on the first floor in the northwest for a few crates with loot, then head southeast to break open the next locked door. Activate the breaker and then the switch to proceed. To bypass the cameras, break open the locked door, which will trigger an alarm. The red version of the breaker is the shutdown for the alarm. It's hidden behind a few crates. Go into the next room with the table in the center and head southeast. Now, you'll go down a dark corridor where you'll find another locked door with loot behind it and a switch for power. Activate it to cross the camera beam.

Now, go downstairs in the lab's basement. You'll need to craft a fuse, and you likely have the materials already. In the room behind the locked door are more enemies to defeat, and use a character change to operate the switch to turn off the power. Then, go down the dark corridor, turn the power on, and enter the room with the switch. After that, you'll reach a security room where one character needs to stay behind. Don't forget to pick up the keycard from the chest surrounded by green canisters, which you can now open with Joyce. With it, you can open the last doors and return to the character you left behind. Activate the pressure plates to proceed. In the next room, defeat the enemies and press the button to continue. Now, you'll get the red keycard. Go to the only new path to the next locked door. Inside is a puzzle where you need to align the left rat with the space poster, the second rat with the switch, and the third rat with the bookshelf. Now, turn on the power.

Defeat the enemies and enter the final room, where you'll find a workbench to craft the fuse. Turn off the power and go into the room with the rift. Smash everything and look for the three clues. This will open a door, and you can access the second floor of the lab. When you turn the corner, there's another time limit. Defeat the enemies as quickly as possible and go to the second room where you must activate both pressure plates. Additionally, there's another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #26 Huey) here. Now, you should have 25 garden gnomes and receive the achievement.

Now, turn the power on, activate the pressure plates, and go into the adjacent room.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Talk to Will to trigger a quest. To do this, you'll need to collect the instructions. One is at Mike's house in the southwest, one is in Dustin's bathroom, and Lucas's instructions are northwest of Max's house. Now, return to Will, who will join the team, and you'll receive the achievement.

Next, go to Hawkins Square, where the crazy guy offers an offensive or defensive item in exchange for brass knuckles, which you can buy at the pizza shop.

Now, head to the town hall and past the reception to the southwest. Defeat the security guards and turn the power back on. Then, go northeast and take the elevator to the basement of the town hall. Here, you'll need to defeat some enemies and activate two switches to get the next elevator running. However, instead of using it right away, go northeast, where you'll find a hackable door with another garden gnome behind it (Garden Gnome #32 Charlene).

After the elevator, you'll return to the town hall. In the northeast, enter the consultant's office to find a switch and another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #30 Ripley). You can find the next garden gnome (Garden Gnome #31 Tiny) by opening a hackable door in the southeast.

Now, enter the mayor's office where you'll need to pull a lever in the bathroom. You'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #33 Willie) near the sink. Then, return to the consultant's office and pull the lever there. Now, go back to the mayor's office, where you'll need to move some shelves to access a secret room with the last lever, which opens the door in the southwest. Talk to the mayor to complete the task.

Now, return to the pool. You need to talk to Billy and then to some bathers to gather information. Afterward, smash the trash cans to get a T-shirt. Talk to Chet at the entrance, but before you go back to the men's locker room, go to the women's locker room where there's a locked door, behind which you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #20 Burt).

Now, go into the men's locker room and go through the conversation options to find out what you need. Talk to Chet to get access to the shed. There, you'll find the doll. The walkie-talkie is at Dustin's house.

Once you have everything, return to the pool and enter the men's locker room. Turn off all the lights, for which you'll need to solve a small puzzle. It's best to start at the showers and work your way clockwise.

Now, you need to fight against Billy. It's best to first break all the crates in the room. Then, simply dodge Billy and wait for him to run into a wall and become stunned. When you've reduced his energy by half, he'll switch to the next room. Here, it's the same again, except that rats will appear, and Billy will change direction again while charging. Wait until he's stunned, and then attack. In the last third of his energy, he'll move to the next room again, where it continues as before. Once you've defeated him, the task is completed.

Now, all you need to do is go to Scoop Ahoy and talk to Steve. Head to the Chinese restaurant, and then return to Steve to proceed to the next chapter.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5

Return to Scoop Ahoy to do another translation. The hint you're looking for is the shoe store near the entrance. Now, simply go back to Steve.

Next, go to Hess Farm. Take the engine from the chest in the southwest and then enter the farmhouse. Here, you'll need to place some items correctly. The two moose must point downwards, the bear statue should look out of the window, and the clock must be set to 9:00.

Now, enter the Russian base beneath Hess Farm. Here, you'll need to turn on the power to hack doors and turn it off again to bypass the cameras. You'll come across one bear and need to find the rest to solve the puzzle. You can find these bears in the southeast.

In the southwest, you'll find a lab with two corpses. These provide hints on how to position the bears. Here, you can also craft the cranks you need to open some doors. You'll need a total of three. Now, go to the bears and position them as follows: from left to right, they should point to the southeast, northeast, southwest, and southeast.

Before taking the new path near the pressure plates, go to the northeast and use the cranks to open the doors where you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #16 Drago). Now go through the door near the bears.

In the next area, you'll need to hack and bypass cameras alternately. It's best to go southwest first and then through the locked doors to the northeast. When you've found the scientist, take him outside. Press the second, the first, and then the third switch to open the passage after the pressure plates. Continue through some enemies and another small puzzle. Simply try it; the switches reset if you get it wrong. Now comes another puzzle.

The order of the switches is: 3, 1, 2, 5, 4. Assign the numbers to the switches from left to right and then press them from 1 to 5.

Now you can leave Hess Farm. However, before you do, you should go into the barn where you can find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #41 Adora). It's a good idea to equip an item for more speed.

Now, go to the hospital and talk to the receptionist. Head northwest and look for a handbag. A few rooms further, you'll find a hospital key card. With the key card, you can access the archive. Defeat all the enemies and hit the file cabinets to make the required information fall out.

Now, take the southwestern exit that leads you back to the lobby. Talk to the receptionist again to gain access to the elevator. On the next floor, work your way to the southwest and open a path back to the lobby. Then go northeast and open the way forward using a hack keypad. There's still a door that needs to be hacked. Now go southwest and search for the master key, which allows you to enter Peewee Herman's room where a locked door awaits.

Inside, you'll find a defibrillator. Now, return to the reception desk where you can perform a hack to open the door to Mrs. Driscoll's room. She's not in her room, but you can continue northeast where you'll need to hack a door. It's best to buy something from the vending machine again because a boss fight is imminent.

The boss fight is actually quite simple. The two heal when they're close together. Once you've defeated the boss, you'll need to escape. Then, you'll receive a new achievement.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Head to the mall and meet up with the others at the loading dock outside the mall. To get in, you need to unlock Erica, and for that, you need a sledgehammer from Dustin's house. You can find everything else at the General Store at Hawkins Square.

If you're short on money, you can also complete another task first, like the pizza quest, which you can get when picking up the blueprints. To do this, go to the Town Hall and talk to Anton. For this quest, you'll need a sardine, mackerel, salmon, tuna, and dough. You should already have the mackerel from one of the women by the pool at the Freibad and the tuna from Wetterspitze.

Go to the pizzeria where the door to the back is now open. This door is only open while the quest is active, so it's best to loot everything until you reach a room with some statues. In the next room next door are a few posters that will give you tips. If they're not enough: you have to align the statues to Pi (3.14).

In the next room, you must form a circle with the pressure plates. You can tell this by the lights next to the pressure plates.

Once you've solved the puzzle, you can collect the dough in the next room. However, to collect the final ingredients, you need Erica as a playable character.

Now go back to Town Hall and talk to the woman at the reception, who tells you where to find the plans. The shelves are M, P, B, and the number 0451.

Before you go back to the mall, quickly go to Murray's warehouse. Before you go in, go around the building where you can find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #34 Arnold). Talk to Murray at the door, for which you need to pass a few tests. In the next room, you must disable a self-destruction timer.

For this, start in the northwest corner and press the switches in the order of 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8. For this, you'll get a garden gnome (Garden Gnome #35 Falken). If you've made it to Murray, you'll get an achievement.

Answer the phone, and the task is completed.

Now, continue with Erica's task. Go to Scoop Ahoy and talk to Erica, then go to the loading dock, where you must talk to Erica again. She joins the team, and you get another achievement.

Now that you can play as Erica, you can crawl into all the ventilation ducts. So, you should pick up garden gnomes in the suburbs.

You can find one in Dustin's house by going through the ventilation duct (Garden Gnome #43 Alexander). The next one is in Max's house. Crawl through the ventilation duct in the bathroom (Garden Gnome #46 Tubbs). Now, go to the abandoned house in the northeast. In the southeast is a bathroom with a ventilation duct.

The solution to the puzzle is: 5-7-2-5-7, 7-3-7-9-7, 7-7-9-2-7, 8-7-7-4-2, and 1-4-8-4-7.

In the room that opens, you'll find a garden gnome (Garden Gnome #17 Fletch). Now, go to the Freibad and into the women's changing room, where you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #44 Papa Gnome). You can find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #28 Glenn) in the hardware store. To do this, go through the locked door and the ventilation duct. At Petal Pushers, there's another one (Garden Gnome #21 Seth). Make sure the golden bear points towards the plants and go to the southeast, where you'll find the chest and the ventilation duct. You can also find one (Garden Gnome #50 Jareth) at Wetterspitze. Another one (Garden Gnome #42 Samantha) is in the basement of the Hess Farm, northwest of the bear puzzle. In the Hawkins Lab, you can find one (Garden Gnome #24 Charles), but you need to go to the northwest corner in the basement. In the room with the switches, open high, high, down the door to the southeast. High, down, high opens the door to the northwest (the sardine for the pizza quest is also located there), and down, high, high opens the door to the southwest. Now, go to the hospital and to the ICU level. There, fight your way to the northwest through the door just behind the counter. Here, you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #39 Deckard).

Now, go back to the loading dock at the mall. Enter the Russian base with Erica. Here, you need to repeatedly defeat guards and disable the alarm before the time runs out. As you progress further, you'll encounter Russians with machine guns. Use Erica to open new paths through the ventilation ducts. You'll then encounter enemies with sight beams. Simply avoid them and press the button to let your team member in.

Go further southeast and hack the panel. Send Erica through the duct and collect the key card. Go to the key card door and then head northeast. The door requires a Level 2 key card, so go southeast to find Robin. Operate the switch in the room in the southeast, destroy everything in the next room, and turn off the alarm.

The pressure plates lead to a room with some loot and a room with a ventilation duct where you can find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #40 Tommy Lee). You'll return to a room with an alarm, where you need to turn off the alarm using the pressure plates. Simply push the trash can onto one of the pressure plates. The chest contains the Level 2 key card you need.

Go through the Level 2 key card door and be careful not to go through the metal door with the tape. Instead, focus on the area in the southwest. Allow the guards to press the alarm to open the door. Use Erica through the duct to operate the switch. Then there's a dialogue about suspicious posters and some hints. Now, go to the metal door with the tape. You'll trigger a countdown. Turn off the alarm by pressing the switches (from left to right) in the order 3, 1, 2, 4. Get the Level 3 key card and go through the door in the northeast.

When you step on the pressure plate, you trigger an alarm and a puzzle. On the right side, simply walk around the pressure plates in a circle. Then operate the lever in the room that is now open.

On the other side, you'll need to flip five levers in the correct order. First, the lever on the bottom of the central block. Next, the lever above the left glowing pillar. Then the lever to the left of the upper door. Now the lever to the right of it. Finally, the lever all the way on the left.

Go to the next room and then to the room in the northeast and rescue Steve and Robin. Steve then joins the team, and you get an achievement.

Continue heading southeast. You'll find the last fish you need for the pizza quest. Now, hack the door and get into the car. Use the car to drive to the next door, which you need to hack again to continue driving. This repeats a few times before you reach the elevator again and can leave the base in the mall.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7

Before heading to the fair, go back to Town Hall to complete the pizza quest, and you'll receive an achievement.

Now travel to the fair. The mayor runs away, and you need tickets to follow him. Complete various tasks, and once you've collected enough tickets, purchase the ticket. Beforehand, head to the northeast. Near Porta-John's, you can pay 10 tickets to watch a show. You should do this because there's a garden gnome (Garden Gnome #47 Coleman) there. Another garden gnome is near the Funhouse. If you go around the outside, you'll find the garden gnome (Garden Gnome #45 Gunther).

Pay the entrance fee and enter. If you go southeast, northeast, southeast, northeast (always the upper door, then the lower door), you'll find another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #48 Slash). Then exit the room and go to the northeast, then northwest on the second floor.

Go southeast and northeast here and go through the exit to floor 3. Go southeast here and destroy everything. You'll see a map on the floor.

On the fourth floor, the exits are a bit more randomly distributed, but you won't need to try for long.

On the fifth floor, go to the large clown face in the southwest and answer 5. Then go northwest and right back. Here, there's another garden gnome (Garden Gnome #49 Freddy). Go northwest and then northeast and enter a room with a medipack and another clown. Answer the clown with 2. Go out to the northeast and then to the northwest through a room to another room with a clown and a hack button. Answer this clown with 10 and continue to the southeast. The clown here needs the answer 5. Now go to the southeast, where there's another clown and the yellow doors. Talk to the clown, and if the answers were correct, the door will open. After a cutscene, you must defeat the Russians and confront the mayor.

Now travel to Hopper's cabin. Take the glasses from the other room and go to the TV. You can ignore the enemies and run straight to Billy to talk to him.

When you're back in the cabin, take the boards and the boards from the garden and barricade the windows and the door. Now you just have to fight the tentacles and keep nailing the windows. Once you've done that, you'll receive another achievement, and Chapter 7 is completed.
Chapter 8
Chapter 8

Go outside, stock up on medkits, cola, and anything else you might need, talk to Murray, and travel to Weathered Peak. Enter the hut and use the keycard. After the wooden door, you'll encounter some enemies and a switch. You can find the combination by reading the bulletin board (from left to right: R, L, R, R, L, L, R). After flipping the switches, use the blue lever to open a secret passage.

Read the bulletin board again, which will provide you with a new combination (L, R, R). In the next area, take the door in the southeast. The only door you need to open is in the northwest. Go upward, and use the combination L, R, R to unlock the door.

Continue southeast until you reach a kitchen and a computer. Use the combination L, R, R again to access the next secret tunnel. You'll find a garden gnome (Garden Gnome #5 Chunk) here. Now, you should have found all the garden gnomes and received an achievement.

There's nothing else you need down here, so continue into the next secret tunnel. This one is much quicker to traverse. When you're back outside, go to Cerebro and defeat the enemies.

After a brief cutscene, you'll need to defeat waves of enemies. I recommend using Will as your primary character and Mike as the second character. This way, you can use Mike to pull the enemies away from Cerebro, preventing them from causing damage, and then attack them from behind. Once you've completed this, you're ready for the final battle. If you need anything else, you can craft it in the suburb.

Now, head to the Starcourt Mall and the fountain. When the Mindflayer appears, go into the store in the northeast. Go to the back and through the ventilation shaft to open the locked door and stand on the pressure plates to exit.

In the next area, one of the tentacles needs to be on the third pressure plate. In the next room, there's a hack button at the end. You can do some more shopping here. After a cutscene, the boss battle begins.

You must align and fire the cannons positioned around the area. After one-third of the boss's energy is gone, you must fire all the cannons at once.

Once you've defeated the Mindflayer, return to the Russian base and talk to Murray. He'll give you a keycard to open the door in the southeast near your starting point. Work your way through the enemies to a puzzle where you'll need to have your second character activate a switch to open a door containing the required key. Once you have it, go through the door at the end of the long corridor. This is your last chance to go back and purchase medkits or cola. When you approach the console, a cutscene plays, and the door opens for the final boss battle.

You can only hurt Grigori after you've blocked one of his blows or when he's in one of the energy beams. It's best to use Joyce to hit him if you have her upgrades. In the barrels and tanks, you'll mostly find hearts. When Grigori shoots, try to get behind the tanks; he will destroy them, and you'll get more HP.

Once you've defeated him, there will be another cutscene, and you'll receive two achievements, completing the game.
Eliminator Mode
Eliminator Mode is a challenging game mode where your characters become permanently unavailable if they die. Here are some tips to help you succeed in this mode:

Choose Characters Wisely: Be cautious about the battles you engage in, and consider which characters you can afford to lose if necessary. Try to preserve your strongest characters for more difficult encounters.

Avoid Unnecessary Fights: Not all fights are necessary. If you can sneak past or avoid encounters without adverse consequences, do so. This will help conserve your characters for when you really need them.

Prepare Strategically: Stock up on medkits and other healing items. Ensure your characters are well-equipped with the best gear, weapons, and abilities. Choose your equipment and upgrades carefully.

Save Before Tough Fights: If you're about to enter a difficult battle, save your game right before. This way, if you lose a character, you can reload the save without losing your progress.

Persevere: Be patient and persistent. Eliminator Mode is meant to be challenging, so you may face setbacks. Learn from your mistakes and adapt your strategies as you go.

Trial and Error: It might take some trial and error to figure out the best approach for each challenge. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying different tactics until you succeed.

By carefully selecting your battles, strategic character choices, and a focus on keeping your best characters alive, you can make your way through the Eliminator Mode. Upon completing the game in this mode, you will earn the final achievement. Good luck!