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◆ Calamity Chinese Translation Patch ◆ 灾厄汉化补丁 ◆
Erstellt von Kcovin
Introduce This is the unofficial Chinese translation patch of Calamity Mod ...
Erstellt von 宇宙之光
工具配饰在物品栏或虚空袋存钱罐中就可以生效, 避免了在钓鱼时切换钓鱼饰品、挖矿时切换挖矿饰品、买东西时切换打折卡等等来回切换各种工具配饰的麻烦。 受影响的物品: 梯凳 工具腰带 工具箱 喷漆器 加长握爪 便携式水泥搅拌机 砌砖刀 建筑师发明背包 自动安放器 远古凿子 优质钓鱼线 渔夫耳环 钓具箱 渔夫渔具袋 防熔岩钓钩 防熔岩渔具袋 服装商巫毒娃娃 钱币戒指 优惠卡 金戒指 贪婪戒指 向导巫毒娃娃 幸运币 幽灵护目镜 宝藏磁石 空白八音盒 这些物品的前缀在物品栏中不生效。 如果你是模组制作者,你可以通过Mo...
absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)
Erstellt von absoluteAquarian
The common library for absoluteAquarian's various mods. The DLL, PDB and XML files for this mod can be found at: Many features are included in this mod, including but not limited to:...
Achievement Mod
Erstellt von metalkingpig
Allows you to unlock achievements like in vanilla and allows other mods to add achievements. Contains configuration options like having separate achievements for each player. Adds the /achievement command which you can use to give/take/reset achievements. ...
Erstellt von Roxy The Proxy
Aimbot Aimbot is a mod that allows you to automatically aim at targets. With this you can worry less about aiming your weapons and more about dodging! The aim is not perfect so against bosses that are extremely fast it is good to use weapons with a large a...
AlchemistNPC Lite
Erstellt von Gregg
This mod adds 7 NPCs (Alchemist, Brewer, Jeweler, Young Brewer, Operator, Architect and Musician), who sell potions, materials and some other stuff. New combinations of potions are sold by the Young Brewer. The spawn condition for the Alchemist, the Jewele...
Angler Shop
Erstellt von NotLe0n
Angler Shop (formally "No Fishing Quests"), Adds two shop buttons to the Angler. One Button is to buy utility items and equipment and the other for decorative items and vanity sets. Now you can get your Cell Phone without needing to fish endlessly! For mor...
Arknights Mod
Erstellt von cueV
# Hello, Doctor! This Mod for Terraria is made for Arknights Doctor. I'm creating the Mod based on the idea of Arknights, adding my own interpretation. Have a good life of Arknights in Terraria, Doctor! ## What is Arknights? Arknights is a mobile tower def...
Erstellt von Genesis
Contents: Multiplayer is available. The display of the hand-held weapon is realized. Because modded weapons are implemented in different ways, this mod can not be adapted to all modded weapons. Implemented more cool slashing effects(The hitbox of the weapo...
Armor Modifiers & Reforging
Erstellt von Aitherix
Looking for a bit of more armor buffs? Armor Modifiers is a small mod that enables vanilla-based reforging for armor. The Goblin Tinkerer can now add modifiers for your armor, albeit a bit more pricey compared to accessory counterparts. Usage Simply head o...
Auto Clicker
Erstellt von 队友的压力怪
Auto Clicker is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod. This is a module that can auto click the left mouse button. Set 'Trigger Auto Click Hotkey' through hotkeys, press it to automatically use the currently hel...
Auto Trash
Erstellt von javidpack Overview Adds an Auto-Trash Slot: Place items in the Auto-Trash slot to immediately trash them as they are picked up later. Useful for all those items that clutter your inventory. Ctrl+Shift click inventory items to quickly ...
Bank Buttons
Erstellt von patman
adds buttons that open your banks you need to have the bank item in your inventory/void bag (or chester <3). or be standing near a placed bank shift clicking the button quick stacks into that bank (togglable) there's also keybinds for each bank you can put...
Better Boss Health Bar for 1.4.4+
Erstellt von Setnour6
This is a 1.4.4+ reimplementation of n0t_UN_Owen's mod Better Boss Health Bar, which was removed from the Steam Workshop and ultimately from the mod list after citing that the 1.4.4 update made the health of the boss appear, which makes this mod "obsolete"...
Better Respawn
Erstellt von Tlotro
This mod makes the player respawn instantly, unless a boss is alive. If a nurse is alive, the player respawn with full health. It also outputs the amount of lost coins in the chat of that player. This can be configured. changelog: 0.5.8: Updated config. 0....
Better Zoom
Erstellt von NotLe0n
Better Zoom This mod allows you to zoom in and out much further than what's possible in Vanilla. Very useful to people who play in lower resolutions or who want to have high resolution sprites. Comment on the forum post or join my discord if you have any p...
Boss Checklist
Erstellt von javidpack
Bug reports in the workshop comments here will likely not be seen, come to our Discord or Github to report issues. Boss Checklist Boss Checklist lets you view a checklist of all available bosses while playing so you can progress through them as you defeat ...
Boss Cursor
Erstellt von kgoyo
Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss. This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim. The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how fa...
Calamity Demutation
Erstellt von 凝视那侧颜
Add removed items back to CalamityMod(weapons、accessories、potions、the special effect of lore items......) Add some useful configs......(toggle texture、change your cursors......) 120+ Items ...... ...... ...... The mod is constantly being updated 最新几次更新日志: ...
Calamity Flamethrowers
Erstellt von GinYuH
Calamity Flamethrowers Adds a flamethrower for almost every Calamity boss that doesn't have one. Note: May not be completely balanced yet All flamethrowers have a 25% drop rate in Normal Mode and 33% in Expert Mode (except the sentinels which have a third ...
Calamity Mod
Erstellt von Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki LIMITED TIME! Gimme Swag Plushie Campaign The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes...
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
Erstellt von Imogen
An extension mod for Calamity that adds an extra difficulty - Infernum This difficulty is harder than Death mode and can be activated with the difficulty selection UI in Calamity. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs. Some bosses...
Calamity Mod Music
Erstellt von Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to use the Calamity Mod in order to naturally o...
Calamity: Wrath of the Gods
Erstellt von Lucille
A random side project done as a means of enjoyment alongside bigger things. Implements a Noxus and light deity boss fight based on one of the Calamity Mod's old ideas. Don't expect other such projects. If I make more it'll be because I want to. This mod ha...
Calamity Ranger Expansion
Erstellt von 承影
Join our discord sever Calamity Ranger Expansion is a mod that provides several extra ranger ammunitions and accessories, in order to provides more options for rangers and play for fun, instead of doing strict researches about "Who is the strongest equipme...
Calamity's Vanities
Erstellt von GinYuH
Calamity's Vanities Discord Official Wiki Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod. The mod does not require Calamity to run. Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made m...
Can I Shimmer This? [CIST]
Erstellt von Terry
Adds a tooltip to items that can be transmuted into another item or NPC via the Shimmer liquid. Has configuration options to show what exactly items will transmute into (off by default.) Note: Translations may not be 100% accurate. Developed By MutantWaffl...
Calamity Rarities
Erstellt von The Golden Knight
Calamity has added ModRarity support to their items as of Calamity v2.0.1.2. This mod now only gives Calamity items with unique rarities ModRarity compatibility. Config Options Use Unique Rarities: Enable this to give calamity items with unique colored tex...
Catalyst Mod
Erstellt von apotofkoolaid
Catalyst Mod Discord Official Wiki The Catalyst Mod is a new game+ style add-on for the Calamity Mod. It currently adds various new items and enemies, some based on the superboss Astrageldon. The mod is planned to add much more content in the future, such ...
Census - Town NPC Checklist
Erstellt von javidpack Overview Census - Town NPC Checklist modifies the housing panel to show missing townspeople. A "✓" signifies that the conditions for spawning that npc have been fulfilled. An "X" means that conditions have not been fulfilled...
Cheat Sheet
Erstellt von javidpack Cheat Sheet is a tool for developers and those who just want to play around with any vanilla or mod item, recipe, or NPC. There are also tools to "paint" tiles to make building easier and faster. Press K (or whatever hotkey ...
Colored Calamity Relics
Erstellt von Altixal
Adds color to every relic from the Calamity Mod. If relics were placed without the mod loaded prior, break and re-place the relic to add the colors. Note that the mod places variants of relic tiles, and unloading the mod will also unload any existing relic...
Compare Item Stats
Erstellt von Vlidmir Putan
Compare Item Stats is a clientside mod that allows you to view differences between the currently selected item and the one you are hovering over in the tooltip. If you hover over armors or wings, and the selected item is not the same archetype, it will com...
Craftable Calamity Items
Erstellt von Aqurtex
This mod lets you craft some items that are uncraftable in the mod and sometimes are a pain to grind. Thanks to my friend Pezus who helped me with some errors in the code. This mod adds recipes for the next items, the items are ordered from oldest to lates...
Dialogue Panel Rework
Erstellt von Cyrilly Discord This mod completely reworks NPC dialogue panel and sign editing panel. Inspired by the mobile version. Text scrolling is added. You can hold left to make it scroll faster. Mods that also modified NPC dialogue panel m...
Deimos, the Starborn Princess
Erstellt von Kernschmelze
This is a small addon mod for Calamity Mod created by everquartz with the help of a few people. It aims to include the Starborn Princess (Deimos) as an NPC and items relating to her and stuff like that. It's not too big of a mod, but it does include what p...
Erstellt von javidpack DPS Extreme! Ever wondered who dealt the most damage to a boss? Ever felt the need to track your Damage Per Second in relation to your friends? Have you ever wanted sweet, sweet looking meters to show off how much your chara...
Fargo's Mutant Mod
Erstellt von Fargowilta
A Quality of Life mod that makes various adjustments and additions across the game to provide information and convenience. Adds the Mutant town NPC, who sells boss summons of nearly every mod, along several others. Other features include: -Infinite ammos, ...
Fargo's Souls Mod
Erstellt von Fargowilta
Fargo's Souls Mod is a content mod that adds the powerful Enchantments and Souls accessories, as well as a variety of bosses and minibosses. Features the Eternity Mode, a mode that reworks many parts of the game and adds exciting challenge! If you intend t...
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen
Erstellt von Cyrilly
This mod makes the gravity inversion effect not flip your screen, only the player flips. (This mod has no text at all so every language is "localized") Github:
HERO's Mod
Erstellt von javidpack HERO's mod is a tools mod. It is a pick and choose server mod that allows you to decide how you want to run your world. You can turn on and off any features and you can allow different groups to use some but not all features...
HP Awareness
Erstellt von Core
This is a simple client-side mod that contains: Hurt and low HP/Health overlays + optional audio indicator Player HP bar Audio and visual indicator above you whenever potion sickness wears off Debuff indicators above you whenever you obtain a debuff + opti...
Hypnos in Calamity Mod
Erstellt von GinYuH
Hypnos Mod Discord Hypnos' Wiki Page It’s the one and only XP-00 Hypnos! 100% faithfully recreates from his page on the officially unofficial Fandom Calamity Mod Wiki!!! The mod contains: The one and only XP-00 Hypnos and his legion of 12 trusty Aergia Neu...
In-game Translate (Supports both v1.4.4 and v1.4.3)
Erstellt von Cyrilly
Machine Translate for Terraria Discord | Github Provides quick machine translation of in-game text, supporting text added by other mods. Functions 1. Quick translate item tooltip 2. Automatically translate chat messages 3. M...
Infernum Master and Legendary Modes Patch
Erstellt von rawJIo
This mod removes Calamity Infernum Mode limitations that disable you to play it with Master Mode and For the Worthy or Zenith (getfixedboi) secret seed enabled. Thanks to Infernum Mode developers for making it a lot easier to make this patch in the update ...
Loot Beams
Erstellt von ChemAtDark
A special thank-you to everyone who has supported this small mod that I threw together in a few minutes, I never would have imagined something like this becoming as popular as it is, and for that I am very grateful. Latest Update: As there has been only on...
Item Display Base
Erstellt von Cleyera
=========================================== -Description- =========================================== Add a Display Base that items can be displayed. Some effects can be toggled from config. A normal Display Base can be crafted from 6 Smooth Marble Blocks ...
Lan's Unlimited Buff Slots
Erstellt von Lanboost #DopeRust
Gives the player an extra 200 buff slots so buffs doesn't override each other. Now uses TModLoader's internal code for this. Developed By Lanboost...
LuiAFK Reborn
Erstellt von miningcrack
LuiAFK Reborn Author and Owner of the original Code: Luiafk Ported and Maintained by: miningcrack and TheBrutalSkull ^-^ IMPORTANT: This is mostly not my (miningrack's) Code, It is taken from the Mod Luiafk and altered to be working in 1.4. If you encounte...
Erstellt von 凝视那侧颜
This is a Chinese-translation Mod for LuiAFK Reborn Mod. 懒人模组个人汉化 直接订阅即可使用!!!!!! 早上赶工到晚上,点点赞吧= = 1.同时订阅LuiAFK Reborn和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用LuiAFK Reborn和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 有想汉化的模组可以联系下, 有空能翻就翻,没空就算力 新创了汉化和模组制作相关的群:184667287 可以友好交流下...
Magic Storage
Erstellt von absoluteAquarian
Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems! This mod offers a solution to storage problems on...
Ore Excavator (1.4.3/1.4.4 Veinminer)
Erstellt von CrazyContraption
Welcome to Ore Excavator! - Last Updated August 14th, 2024 Found an issue? Join our Discord and help report it:
Quality of Terraria
Erstellt von 太阳照常升起
Quality of Terraria, a mod to greatly improve your gameplay experience Join our Discord to report bugs and get replied quickly! These features may bring you better gameplay experience Only some functions are enabled by default, please check mod configurati...
Recipe Browser
Erstellt von javidpack Recipe Browser! Recipe Browser is an indispensable mod for any player. It provides a service to the user that the Guide could only dream of providing. With Recipe Browser, you have access to p...
Shop Expander
Erstellt von Exterminator
Shop expander aims to solve a problem encountered by many players using multiple large mods. Town NPCs have a limited amount of free shop inventory space. When multiple different mods add items to a single vanilla NPC's shop, it can overflow, causing any a...
Lights And Shadows
Erstellt von yiyang233
要打开原版那个”水波质量“。 提供光影效果。 在ModConfig里可以设置一些值。 Adds lighting and shadow effects, which can be adjusted in the Mod Config. Credits: •Gryfu (Polish translation) •Alino4kaHvoshch & xenofite (Russian translation) Developed By yiyang233...
Erstellt von 新萌の绿草
这个模组将会增值你的信息类饰品的功能!你的雷达将会显示出敌人的方向!你的金属探测器能指出宝藏的方位!你的稀有生命探测器也将显示出目标的方向!并且,这个模组我将保持开源,请随意使用其源码,但在使用其源码后请注明作者! This mod will add value to the functionality of your informational trinkets! Your radar will show the enemy's direction! Your metal detector can pin...
Wing Slot Extra
Erstellt von Aitherix
This mod adds a dedicated wing slot near the armor and accessories page of the inventory. Updated with permission from original author abluescarab. Usage • Right-click on wings from inventory to move it to wing slot. • Right-click vanity wings to swap with...
Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)
Erstellt von TGBGames91
When you look at a modded item, block or NPC, WMITF will show you the name of the mod which it came from. This can be useful if you're playing with lots of mods at once, or if you're a YouTuber and you want your viewers to see which mods you're using. (Ins...
Unofficial Calamity Whips
Erstellt von Poroboros
Do you like whips? Do you like Calamity? So do we! Unofficial Calamity Whips is a mod that aims to add several whips to the Calamity mod, in order to fill in progression gaps for summoner whip builds. DISCLAIMER: Unofficial Calamity Whips is in no way affi...
UnNerfs Calamity
Erstellt von Roxy The Proxy
A mod that simply removes some of the nerfs Calamity does to the vanilla game. Main features: - remove defense damage - restore NPCs selling potions - soaring insignia infinity fly again - no summon damage reduction - no damage reduction cap - and more! Ev...
Touhou Little Friends ~ Adventure with cute partners
Erstellt von 中学生
Touhou Little Friends ~ Adventure with cute partners Adventure with partners from Gensokyo! NOTE: The author is a Chinese and his English sucks, so the next time when you want to submit some bug reports, please describe it with details as more as you can. ...
Summoner UI (Latest Beta Release)
Erstellt von Tetriscat66
This mod adds an indicator for your minion and sentry slots by your health and mana bars. This mod is inspired by a suggestion I saw by u/Russ_Guss_Doodles from the r/Terraria subreddit. (Their account is linked as the homepage) Localization Credits: - Eng...
Subworld Library
Erstellt von John Snail
An API for modders to easily add dimensions (referred to as subworlds) to their mods, making all the necessary code injections, handling Multiplayer and managing every subworld. Report issues on the forum page or GitHub:
Smarter Cursor
Erstellt von Quandratic
Smarter Cursor is a fairly simple mod that tweaks the way smart cursor works with platforms, allowing it to better reflect your intentions when building. No more constantly making stairs when you just want to make a flat bridge, as this mod fixes that issu...
Shop Expand
Erstellt von 泠潇丶苏ゆき
Shop Lookup Lookup NPC shop items at any time! Please bind shortcut keys before using Use bindKey on an item to query all NPC shops and their indexes that sell this item You can also lookup all shops and items of an NPC when you are chatting with it Suppor...
Show the body of bosses in minimap
Erstellt von 雅莎_Yasa
Added the effect similar to the final stage of The Devourer of Gods in CalamityMod to the Eater of Worlds and The Destroyer. Now with Skeletron and Skeletron Prime! And Calamity bosses...(Except DoG, for I can't disable this effect in Phase 2。)...