Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line

150 ratings
100% Achievement Guide [Spec Ops: The Line] 💯✅
By Division
This is a 100% comprehensive walkthrough of all 50 achievements for new players and will cover everything about this game in details from the basic, walkthrough, and step by step. I hope achievements you miss can be replicated by such from this guide.
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Total Achievements: (50)
100% completion time: ~12-22 hours (Varies).
Difficulty modes:
  • Walk on the Beach
  • Combat Op
  • Suicide Mission (First playthrough
  • FUBAR (Second playthrough, complete Suicide first)
New Game+: No (Select Chapter)
Missables: No
Mode: Single-player, Story-Driven

Achievement Types:
1) Story Related: (20)
2) Difficulty: (4)
2) Collectable: (3)
3) Weapons: (11)
4) Miscellaneous: (12)

We will complete Spec Ops: The Line only in campaign on two walkthroughs but basically we first complete all levels, achievements and the game on Suicide difficulty before doing our last achievement for the second. This second walkthrough is on F.U.B.A.R. playthrough, now this is not a joke of the game from story and gameplay where you may die a lot so bear with it and read through the guide if you have trouble, I will provide links I find useful that help with this guide.

All collectable such as intel, miscellaneous you miss and decision-making achievements will all be covered in one roadmap perhaps you can do most of these achievements differently (Cumulative score kills in campaign), make sure you got the skills to complete some because we will put them without the use of too much chapter select. The tip I can share is:
  • Play slowly
  • Act fast
  • Do not spray and pray
  • Use your teammates to help you through the game
  • Your pistol is useless, switch even your secondary to something better
  • Checkpoints will happen so you won't restart to the beginning of chapter, you will die a lot
  • Game gets harder but with greater weapons come to play than early weapons.

Don't forget you have chapter selection, if you want to play let's say first three chapters on the difficulties before Suicide because of those achievements relating to accuracy etc. then do so I will try to get them all in Suicide difficulty which you can if you have what it takes it gets progressively hard later on but the Suicide difficulty is not that bad. Fortunately, the game has checkpoints you will die a lot like really especially in F.U.B.A.R. difficulty.

We will do the miscellaneous on easy then switch to Suicide in the first three chapters because of Sierra Hotel and the All You Can Be Achievement, while you can try on Suicide I suggest doing this on Easy difficulty and do not forget about using your AI team which is to make achievements easier to obtain so do that.

Speaking of progression, weapons must be considered, you need the required amount of class type of weapons to kill I will sort these out on my Checklist guide. These weapons need to get their amount of kills so switch and switch you will find fewer of them so do the less commons weapons such as the sniper but the assault rifles are very common, you will get them all anyways. They are also cumulative along with other progress so fear not when dying many times or quitting and selecting chapters.

Our choice won't change the whole story hence we can do them all in two playthroughs. When it comes to making your life easy there are some sections where you do not need to kill a lot of enemies I will mention them later but either way you can go through as long as you get all the Choice Achievements.

Reminder to do Adapt and Overcome Achievement, this may not be cumulative so no reloading checkpoints.

Skipping intro can be necessary after you watch it if you wish to save time as small as it gets, here is one guide but I will use one comment (corrected one spelling):
E.M.P.-ERROR Aug 6, 2016 @ 1:35am
It goes a lot easier!
Just right click on the game (in Steam), go to "set launch options" and add "-nostartupmovies".
This works with every Unreal Engine 3 game!!!

Check my other guide where I draft, put in my findings on collectables, enemy types and of course weapons. This is where I basically have a checklist in case I miss everything at least it's finished.

!! Warning: Spoilers ahead !!
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Part 1: Welcome to Dubai
1) Chapters: The Evacuation, The Dune, Underneath
2) Play the game on Suicide difficulty, easy for any miscellaneous on early chapters, do weapon kill also.
3) Intels: 5/23
4) Achievements: 10/50

Chapter 1: The Evacuation
We still need to make our shots count here on Suicide difficulty. This is an easy chapter so we do not die and fail a lot which we will do. Also, ensure you use teammates to kill enemies and don't die until Chapter 4 and have 80% accuracy for one chapter this is why at early chapter is the best way and hit a lot of headshots. Our top left bar represents progression so you know how close you are to unlocking that achievement etc..

Weapons: M4A1 - AK-47 | M9 - Micro 9mm | W1300 | RPG-7.

Tip: Execution will grant you additional ammo assuming you have ammo needed to fill up that you're using.

Deer Hunter
Kill an oryx. (campaign only)
Achievement #1: Before dropping down from the bridge you must shoot the Oryx, I did 2 shots to kill it.

Intel #1 - Konrad Confession Letter: As you crouch and move forward, turn left and then grab the intel.

Recover one Intel Item.
Achievement #1: Collectable. First intel mentioned by Intel #1.

They Live
What's lost is found.
Achievement #3: Story Related. Once you watch a cutscene via after a white flash you get the achievement immediately as you take control.

Intel #2 - Damaged Black Box: Once you enter the plane wreck, you grab the box which is in-front of you before going further.

When you are done, Chapter 2 may be a little harder to do the easy miscellaneous so I suggest going back to Chapter 1 for accuracy, then you can do the rest on Suicide assuming you know how and being quick but feel free to do this on easy. I decided to select previous chapter in easy rather than suicide before I move on because I mess up in accuracy on new save.

When you even start a new save the intel in easy or any difficulties excluding FUBAR your intel also saved. Along with it being saved are your weapon marksman and headshots.

Good Training
Sprint into cover 10 times while under fire. (campaign only)
Achievement #4: You can do this in Chapter 1 and yes while enemies are present shooting at you and to your teammates just move from one cover to another until you get this, in that case I unlock this close to the plane wreck outside while making sure I get 100% accuracy no misses.

In Your Face
Kick an enemy by vaulting over a cover. (campaign only)
Achievement #5: All I see are people saying you can obtain this on Chapter 2 but however this is easy to get generally, you can do this inside the plane wreck just save one enemy as you go up and then immediately since you are on easy get to that cover and vault kick him.

All You Can Be
Complete any chapter with 60%+ accuracy without dying or reloading a checkpoint.
Achievement #6: If you maintain an accurate fire without misses you get this unlocked as the cutscene in Chapter 1 on the plane starts playing. Now on our last achievement for this.

Blind Luck
Kill 5 enemies using blind fire. (campaign only)
Achievement #7: Easy as it is, kill them when you are in cover while they are also on cover. Them standing up never counts.

I did some short grind in this game and selecting Suicide starting from Chapter 1 again we will not be killed until Chapter 4. I did Chapter 1 one time on Suicide and two times on easy then moving on to Suicide.

Chapter 2: The Dune
Weapons: Scar-H | Frag Grenade.
Extra weapons you already found from Chapter 1 are found here, this will be repeated throughout but I will include newer weapons listed here.

Intel #3 - Radioman Tape - Welcome to Dubai: While you killed two guys you can find it at the end before turning right to move forward.

Intel #4 - Sandstorm Cover-up: Inside the Assai News Dubai where the music is playing, as you move downstairs turn right the intel is in the middle it is a cassette tape.

If you are careful with Suicide and Sierra Hotel ongoing unless you are on easy then you will get there.

Treacherous Ground
Look out below.
Achievement #8: Story Related. While fighting Insurgents in the opening the Sandstorm will come and wreck the place so hold on and keep protecting then the achievement will unlock before you drop down the area. You may die here almost greatly in Suicide but there are two covers, use the one your teammates are not at the breakable cover via grenade I almost died here.

Chapter 3: Underneath
Weapons: Extra

Battle Management
Kill 50 enemies using only the Attack Command. (campaign only)
Achievement #9: This progress carries over. This is an essential tool for your walkthrough even FUBAR so make use of your squad and you will have it easy. They won't die instantly until the meter fills up so it is game over similar to dying.

Intel #5 - Looter Bullets: After escaping the area where the C4 is and moving the next area, drop down and the intel is on your left.

Sierra Hotel
Complete three chapters in a row without being killed or reloading a checkpoint.
Achievement #10: Doing this in Suicide before Chapter 4 is not hard, you just use teammates, get lucky in not getting shot and dodging lethal explosives and lastly just using cover you will unlock this during the descent via elevator after the Sandstorm.
Part 2: Descending into Madness
1) Chapters: The Refugees, The Edge, The Pit
2) 100 small arms kills, 50 sniper kills, 50 grenade kills.
3) Intels: 10/23
4) Achievements: 25/50

Chapter 4: The Refugees
Weapons: UMP 45 | M32 MGL | Flash Grenade

Intel #6 - Child's Doll: Before you go down the stair near the Financial Centre logo, turn right and then there is a doll.

A choice can be made here which is the first, regardless the choice does not influence the end it will be important to make your life easy:
1. LIVE: If you let him live, he will grapple down and warn the others so we must fight through.
2. KILL: If you kill the 33rd soldier, he won't warn the others.

The Lost Battalion
We have contact.
Achievement #11: Story Related. Regardless of your choice we unlock this achievement we will be fighting the "enemies". You can kill him during FUBAR.

Intel #7 - Castavin's Diary: When you grapple down, the intel is near you on the desk.

Army of One
Kill 3 enemies with a single grenade. (campaign only)
Achievement #12: Can do this on the spiral staircase where there are multiple soldiers. Throw one and wait until this unlocks.

Desert Storm
Engineer an exit strategy.
Achievement #13: Story Related. After destroying the window wall by the turret we unlock this achievement. Remember if you want to unlock Marskman - Heavy Arms Achievement as early than late you need your M249 SAW to grind on one area but we will find a lot of good weapons later on.

Chapter 5: The Edge
Weapons: Scout Tactical | M249 SAW.

Marksman - Small Arms
Kill 100 enemies with any pistol or SMG. (campaign only)
Achievement #14: I got this just before rappeling down the building you can find some decent firearms such as the UMP 45 in my opinion my favourite of small arms.

Intel #8 - Dossier on Grey Fox: Just before you leave the building via rappel, there is a room near the elevator are intel files laying on ground.

This is where we can reload checkpoint or simply die if you want to keep grinding because there are already enough to use in killing enemies for a specific type.

Damn Close
Kill an Edged Weapon Expert while he is up to 5 meters away. (campaign only)
Achievement #15: This is a new enemy type you'd find when you drop down. Shoot him until you unlock this achievement otherwise reload checkpoint there are two of them that you will find and later we can find them on later levels, such as two found in Chapter 5, another two in Chapter 10, one in Chapter 12, and the final one in Chapter 13.

Marksman - Sniper
Kill 50 enemies with any sniper rifle. (campaign only)
Achievement #16: Straight-forward, snipers are rare to come by so grind in this spot.

Airspace Control
Kill 10 enemies while they use zip lines or are rappelling. (campaign only)
Achievement #167: This one is the same area like I said keep grinding here for achievements, you can kill them even before they rapple down.

Aim High
Kill 250 enemies with headshots. (campaign only)
Achievement #18: If you've racked up headshots even on Marksman then you get this unlocked even reloading checkpoint or starting a new chapter select save since they carry. Conserving ammo is key for FUBAR.

Preventive Diplomacy
Kill an enemy just as they are throwing a grenade. (campaign only)
Achievement #19: You can see their arms move without firing so shoot them quick.

Intel #9 - Radioman Tape - Evacuation Cover-Up: Just before moving forward, go up the stairs and then you will need to go around to find the intel near the bed.

Chapter 6: The Pit
Weapons: 417 (At the very end of this chapter) | Desert Eagle | Sticky Grenade.

Applied Force
Hit 10 enemies with your melee attack. (campaign only)
Achievement #20: You do not need to kill them just hit them.

Marksman - Grenade
Kill 50 enemies with grenades. (campaign only)
Achievement #21: Straight-forward like the rest.

The Human Factor
Kill an enemy by tagging him with a sticky grenade. (campaign only)
Achievement #22: Straight-forward, an enemy will be panicking but watch out of them charging at you.

Intel #10 - Interrogator Confession: While walking through massive piles of corpses, you will find an intel at the table near the executed people.

The Horror
Face the horrors of war.
Achievement #23: Story Related. Can't miss this it will unlock after the cutscene begins.

Close Combat Carnage
Kill 4 enemies with a shotgun in 10 seconds or less. (campaign only)
Achievement #24: We can do it here as shown on the image.

Situational Awareness
Stun an enemy by dumping sand on their head. (campaign only)
Achievement #25: Can do it here before the end of chapter, near the MG station just lob a grenade not kill them.
Part 3: What have you done, monster
1) Chapters: The Battle, The Gate, The Road
2) 75 shotgun kills, 150 heavy arms kills
3) Intels: 13/23
4) Achievements: 30/50

As we progress, two choices will be present later so it's best we either do this early or save the best option on FUBAR since FUBAR on some sections will have a different outcome in combat but yeah just play it safe and good luck.

Chapter 7: The Battle
Weapons: M1014.

Marksman - Shotgun
Kill 75 enemies with any shotgun. (campaign only)
Achievement #26: This will be obtained naturally, if you miss the other Marksman despite plentiful enemies the end fight is the best since they got many weapons being guns like the AA12 (it is not part of the Achievement Shotgun I do not know why but it's on Heavy Arms) and M1014 and the AA12 is the powerful bunch as my favourite, it's also part of Heavy Arms along with the Shotgun class. All will be cumulative so it's okay to keep dying and grind with the same weapons.

Intel #11 - Radioman Tape - After The Storm: At the stop sign after the fight it's before you drop down while you radio-talk Konrad.

Intel #12 - Radioman Tape - Soldier Interview: After taking care of the new enemy type, 33rd Heavy w/ M249 SAW at the White Phosphorus area, before you move inside the building the intel is near to it on your left.

Also there is a Scout Tactical sniper on the ground so if you miss Marksman - Sniper Achievement now is the time to grab it or grab the M-99 on Chapter 13.

Recover 12 Intel Items.
Achievement #27: Collectable. If you collect 11 intels from their obvious spots you will unlock this achievement, we only need 11 more next.

Our second choice and first achievement choices at the same time will be present outside shortly after the building. This can end up differently but outcome is the same regardless.

1. STEALTH: Recommended to have either your M9 or M4A1 no other guns have a silencer attachment. Proceed carefully and use cover after all you are attempting to save civilians and reducing the frustrations on FUBAR difficulty.
2. LOUD: To do this, we kill all of the enemies we see including the executioneers, this results also civilians being killed but also since we are on Suicide we decide to do this.

A Man of Action
Play it loose.
Achievement #28: Story Related. Playing it loud is why we save the safe option for FUBAR which I mentioned, proceed further on with the story and once the cutscene ends for the next chapter we get this achievement.

Chapter 8: The Gate
Weapons: 417.

Marksman - Heavy Arms
Kill 150 enemies with any heavy weapon. (campaign only)
Achievement #29: While dying a lot and using your weapon of choice you carry throughout the fewer chapters there is always any other weapons. My favourite are the M249 SAW and AA12. I got this achievement inside the next building, keep in mind even this can be hard on FUBAR like a lot of times you will die.

Chapter 9: The Road
Weapons: FAMAS.

Intel #13 - Konrad Flag: Once you take control, go back to the wall of memorial names and grab the US flag.

Our third choice takes place outside of the building and after the cutscene we will get this:

1. OBEY: If you shoot either one who those two are hanging you will be spared or rather not get shot by those snipers, plain and simple we save this for FUBAR.
2. DISOBEY: Rather than shooting any one of the hangings, you shoot those four snipers but be careful you will die if you take long to kill them.

Damned if You Don't
Buck the chain of command.
Achievement #30: Story Related. Disobey and shoot all four snipers then you unlock this achievement.
Part 4: Responsibility accounted
1) Chapters: Riggs, Alone, The Rooftops, Stealing Water
2) 350 Rifle kills
3) Intels: 17/23
4) Achievements: 35/50

Chapter 10: Riggs
Weapons: P90 | AA12 (Only part of Heavy Arms).

Intel #14 - Radioman Tape - No Relief Aid: At the beginning, proceed until you hit 5 meters the intel is on the table inside the tent.

Intel #15 - Konrad's Psych Profile: After the flashbang, near Riggs is the intel on the table.

Marksman - Rifle
Kill 350 enemies with any rifle. (campaign only)
Achievement #31: This will come naturally as there are common weapons like these especially the M4A1s. My favourites are the M4A1 and 417.

Adapt and Overcome
Blow up 10 explosive objects, killing at least one enemy each time. (campaign only)
Achievement #32: I unlocked this during the stadium section, if you miss this then you can find more on Chapter 12 etc..

Chapter 10 - Part 2: Stealing Water:
There are some propane tanks so along with your MGL shoot everything you see and you can rack up the progress for the achievements.

Chapter 11: Alone
Weapons: .44 Magnum.

The fourth choice will be taken place on Riggs at the wrecked truck, once again nothing will change in battle:

1. SHOOT: Just shoot him.
2. WALK: Just let the fire consume him.

Friendly Fire
Show mercy.
Achievement #33: Story Related. Shoot Riggs into his head before the fire consumes him.

If you miss an Oryx in Chapter 1, this is the right time to shoot it but you need 1 bullet on your .44 Magnum otherwise it will run away from you.

Three Kings
Stand united.
Achievement #34: Story Related. You get this after you unite with your team.

Chapter 12: The Rooftops
Weapons: Extra.

Intel #16 - Radioman Tape - Konrad Interview: After you rapple and kick an enemy then either shoot him or beat him to death, either way you go to the right where the intel is before the stair.

Intel #17 - Radioman's Press Badge: Before going upstair you will go to the small room with a sink, an intel badge is there. You can go back here after the upstairs.

The Great Escape
Get out of here!
Achievement #35: Story Related. You get this while on the helicopter wrecking havoc to send the 'message'.
Part 5: No more heroes
1) Chapters: Adams, The Bridge, Welcome, Eplilogue
2) 350 Rifle kills
3) Intels: 23/23
4) Achievements: 44/50

Chapter 13: Adams
Weapons: TAR-21 | M-99 Sniper.

Intel #18 - Radioman Tape - Street Artist: As you see 26 meters on screen to objective you can go left and get the intel before proceeding.

Our fifth choice takes place where Lugo is hanged and we attempted to save him, this can go any ways but the end will be the same:

1. SPARE: Shoot up into the air few times and the crowd of civilians will run away.
2. KILL: Shoot the crowds or some of them and move on.

Intel #19 - Konrad Effigy: Just after your choice we can get the intel near the stand on the ANTHEA logo.

A Line, Held
Choose restraint.
Achievement #36: Your next achievement will unlock here after you spare the civilians, do not shoot them and this unlocks near where the intel stand is passing by. Also, you can find a unique weapon, TAR-21, only if you want to use it.

Chapter 14: The Bridge
Weapons: None.

Intel #20 - Code of Conduct: Before moving forward via pass door there is an intel on your right after upstairs.

Intel #21 - Konrad's Final Orders: After dealing with the Heavy and few of the enemies, you should go towards the wall and grab the intel just before the stairs leading up to the last fight.

Chapter 15: Welcome
Weapons: None.

Intel #22 - Konrad Letter - Poem for Elizabeth: Exit the elevator, go to the right of the stair not where Konrad is but just the one near the elevator, then grab the intel on the desk.

Intel #23 - Konrad's Letter - a Message to Jeremy: Go back down, go to the table resembling a living room to grab the last intel near where it resembles a bedroom.

Intel Operative
Recover all Intel Items.
Achievement #37: Collectable. After collecting all 23 intels you unlock this achievement.

A Bridge Too Far
The end of the line.
Achievement #38: Story Related. Of course as the cutscene begins you immediately unlock this achievement

Our sixth choice takes place while we uncover the truth for real, just do what is needed:

1. DAMNATION: When you point to Konrad as he counts to five, you can shoot him which means you will unlock the Epilogue, important for achievements.
2. REDEMPTION: When you point yourself to shoot, not only you did what is necessary but you end the game there.

Too Late The Hero
Carry on, soldier.
Achievement #39: Story Related. Just shoot Konrad and once the cutscene ends, this achievement unlocks and along comes with difficulties but not so fast we need to do one last thing before we move to FUBAR.

Complete game on "Walk on the Beach" difficulty.
Achievement #40: Story Related. Complete the game on easy difficulty, this achievement stacks.

We Were Soldiers
Complete game on "Combat Op" difficulty.
Achievement #41: Story Related. Complete the normal difficulty, this achievement stacks.

The Devil's Disciple
Complete game on "Suicide Mission" difficulty.
Achievement #42: Story Related. Complete the game on 'normal' (hard) difficulty to earn the other two difficulty achievements.

Our seventh and last choice will take place here assuming you do not kill yourself at Chapter 15, then after we made one we select chapter and select the final choice or alternatively reload checkpoint you can watch the cutscenes anytime.

1. SURRENDER: When a soldier tells you to drop your weapon, you do so by pressing the prompt button or let him take your weapon the cutscene is the same either way and then you will go home but is it really home you are going? After watching the cutscene you end the game.
2. VIOLENCE: Begin by initiating the fight, after killing them all we get a short cutscene and the game ends. While we do this we can also die to unlock this achievement either way.

The Road Back
Live and let live.
Achievement #43: Story Related. This achievement unlocks for a few seconds after you surrender also ever since the cutscene started. Watch further if you want.

The Road To Glory
Live and let die.
Achievement #44: Story Related. The achievement can be earned by living after killing all soldiers or dying from them so the achievement unlocks that instant.

You can reload a checkpoint after you earn The Road To Glory Achievement via dying or the other way then earn The Road Back Achievement, this saves time.
Part 6: Welcome to (MFWIC) hell
1) Complete the game on FUBAR difficulty
2) Achievements: 50/50

If you like (hate) Suicide difficulty, then you will love FUBAR difficulty, it is the most frustrating mode you will die like burst shots if you are too slow to react and never adapted to persevere they are still not a joke. However, this is forgiving because of things we can note here:
  • As always, you regenerate health which is better than nothing.
  • Your choice determines the firefight, we can take the ones from the first two choice then Chapter 7 is what I mentioned to avoid firefights unnecessarily. Make sure to stealth entirely if possible and make use of covers often.
  • Taking the tactic from cover shooters like Uncharted, people suggested the fake cover trick but basically you can take cover instead of exposing half of yourself to the enemy while cover you can have the crosshair aimed on the enemy while not exposing yourself fully.
  • Your AI team will be useful do not ignore on using them we need their help whether it's spamming calls to kill enemies and they can tank shots that you won't normally do. Do not go and revive them when enemies are present the gauge meter is slow to fill up so long as you take care of yourself your fine but you had learned this already when you attempted the Sierra Hotel Achievement.
  • Grab a common weapon while your powerful weapon is secondary, take the timing to care in order to save ammo.
  • Do not rush, be methodical and never panic but no slowing down, just don't take long on breakable barriers.
  • Execute often better than shooting them if the enemy is downed for additonal ammo provided you got no full stock of ammos on your main weapons the enemies can also drop grenades.

Chapter 7:
A Man of Patience
Play it smart.
Achievement #45: Story Related. Stealth your way through and attempt to save the civilians until the cutscene plays the end is the same.

Chapter 9:
Damned if You Do
Follow your orders.
Achievement #46: Story Related. Shoot either one of the captured hanging two guys the four snipers will spare you.

Chapter 11:
Unfriendly Fire
Save a bullet.
Achievement #47: Story Related. Let Riggs burn while you walk away.

Chapter 13:
A Line, Crossed
Choose vengeance.
Achievement #48: Story Related. Shoot the civilians and move on.

Chapter 15:
A Farewell To Arms
You are relieved.
Achievement #49: Story Related. Shoot yourself to end this purgatory.

Complete game on "FUBAR" difficulty.
Achievement #50: Story Related. If you did persevere after suffering through a lot you will unlock this achievement the same way as you do on previous stackable difficulties then congratulations you earn this, 'hero'.
This game is a hidden gem, so much to unpack and there are multiple reasons why this game is my favourite of third person shooters. This made me invest into the story due to how dark it is no other games can top it off especially the White Phosphorus scene and all themes it offered. The FUBAR difficulty was honestly frustrating but this is a worthy game to play for and the achievements are what it is very easy to get.

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100% finished, keep it up people and good luck :)

If you want to consider donating, I have the link here so you can send your money. Otherwise if not then that is fine, continue using this guide at your own benefit I won't ask too much.

Other guides:
kanashimih 23 Jan @ 6:26pm 
I love this game. Thanks for the guide!
Asian_Tom 12 Oct, 2024 @ 11:39am 
cheers man, got the intel. missed 1 on chapter 2&3. just need to finish the game doing all the other decisions.
HEARTBREAKBALL00NS 12 Oct, 2024 @ 8:18am 
This guide's incredible, thank you so much. FUBAR is a fucking nightmare but this game has such a great story.
Division  [author] 9 Sep, 2024 @ 12:58pm 
@Extreminator69 I think you can since it's only singleplayer achievements you can do.
Extreminator69 9 Sep, 2024 @ 10:53am 
can u still do all the achievements in the game ? Even after the shutdown ?
Dabbewear 4 Aug, 2024 @ 3:05pm 
Sucks that it's gone for good now. :steamsad:
Division  [author] 26 Feb, 2024 @ 10:50am 
No problem, I'm glad you got it done.
Blazkowicz 26 Feb, 2024 @ 10:22am 
awesome guide 100%
Division  [author] 21 Feb, 2024 @ 5:44pm 
@Khvostov I would recommend doing this on the easiest difficulty to finish your 100%. Personally, I don't have any problems with the achievement before.
Blazkowicz 21 Feb, 2024 @ 5:24pm 
Yeah I’ve been playing on walk on the beach, I probably should do suicide I bet it’s the difficulty