Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

40 rating
How to deal with Hackers
Oleh StylZ
In this guide, I will show you list of hacks and way to deal with them.
Batalkan favorit
Hacker is rarest type of players in TF2 universe. I have over 1000 hours play time but only encounter 2 hackers. Why hacker is very rare in TF2? This is because of the existence VAC (Valve Anti Cheat).

The VAC is enabled on all server in TF2 (there are few to none server didn't active it). Any hacker banned by VAC will automatically banned from any protected server. VAC also do detect hack too but they can only detect few types of hack. Why Valve can only detect few types of hack automatically but not to all type of hack? This is because if VAC became too strict, it may ban someone randomly and cause lot of complaint to Valve.

Anyway, let's getting straight to the guide.
List of hacks
This section contain every list of hack exist in TF2.

I can confidently say every hacker out there will use aimbot. Aimbot will automatically aim enemy's head. One cannot defeat aimbot easily because aimbot can detect anything around them. Also, if you attempt to strike aimbot hacker from behind, their aimbot will detect you then they will suddenly turn back and firing at you.

I also have noticed aimbot have range and class priority system. Aimbot will prefer to shot closest enemy than long range enemy, this is added to make aimbot hacker finish off their threats. Furthermore, it will attempt to kill enemy sniper first, this is added to prevent hacker get sniped by their enemies.

Sniper and Heavy class is aimbot hacker's most favorite class.

In this video, this hacker got a very bad aimbot. Most of aimbot these days include auto fire system.

Full Crit

The full crit hack is one of the most dangerous hack out here. It force hacker's client firing crit weapon all the time.

Name Changing / Flooding
Almost all TF2 hackers use this. This hack allow hackers switch to other people's name or flooding the chat. This is one of the most frustrating hacks in TF2, because it make hacker much harder to get banned. Also, one may voteban wrong player because of this hack. Also, when they flood the chat, it cause other player cannot communicate well.

Achievement Hacks

Similar to Name Changing hack but this one spam the "Achivement Get" in the chat.

Spinning Hack

Hacker usually use this to confuse other player. Other player will saw hacker spinning crazily but the hacker actually did not spin. If one spectate hacker with this hack, one may get dizzy in 1 minute.

Speed Hack
Many hacker in TF2 did not using this hack ingame. This is because VAC can detect this hack automatically.

Accuracy Hack

This hack allows hacker never miss their shot. If this hack is combined with aimbot and full crit hack, it is total disaster in that server.

Sound Spam Hack?

If you watched the second video (in the Full Crit hack section), you will notice the hacker is spamming lot of scary noise effect. However, it is unknown if this is new type of hack or server plug in.

How to detect Hacker.
1) Hacker has totally weird name because they never care about it. For example they have name like this:

2) Usually, hacker will never type anything in chat.

3) Most of the hacker is F2P because they will never cheat with premium. Any hacker using cheat in premium account is dumb because they waste their money.

4) Hacker usually use stock weapon.
Report it to Valve
This is the most basic and old school way. You can report with 2 way. The first way is report using F7 button. The second way is report hacker directly from their profile.

In my opinion, this is one of the best way out here to deal with hacker. However, it may take some time for Valve to look into this case and ban the hacker.

Also, get a lot of proof before you report hacker to Valve because the more proof you have, the more likely Valve going to trust you.
One of the best way to dealing with hacker, but this method require lot of player's assistance. If one can successfully trolling hacker, it is a very big humiliation for him. Sound cruel but who care about these cheating f*ckers anyway? You gain more fun by humiliate these noob.
Vote Kick / Ban
I didn't like this way but this is the quickest way to get a hacker out of server. Kick hacker out from server doesn't stop hacker from hacking. They will try to ruin more player's fun at other server.
Abuse the Hacker's weakness
*Some hacker can be easily getting trolled
*Some hacker can be very easily to getting scared
*Some hacker can be very stupid. I have encountered a hacker don't know how to use their hacks correctly.

* Vaccinator provide resistence that can help friendly sniper take down hacker.
* Aimbot cannot kill ubered enemies.
* Wearing Darwin shield can prevent quickshots, it give you chance to kill him.
* Using Battlelion's backup, it give player crit resistence. It prevent aimbot sniper from doing headshot kills.
* Aimbot hacker usually never charge their rifle. Any class with more than 150hp can survive single headshot.
* One can survive crit headshot many times with dead ringer. If you luckily, it might confuse aimbot's system and cause it distracted.

Spin Hack
* Spinning hack's only use is piss off anyone spectating the hacker. So, it is one of the weakest hack out there.

Crit hack
* Vaccinator can block crit damage, gives player more time to kill crit hacker.
* Battlelion's backup gives player resistence and crit immunity, use it to make crit hacker's hack became useless junk.
* They can't deal critical hits to building.

Speed hack
* If you are quick enough,you can kill them fast.
* Some speed hacker always fail,they sometime may running into pit.
* VAC can ban anyone using this hack.

Accuracy Hack

* One can avoid getting shot by using other route.
* Ubercharge can protect you from this hack.
Conclusion & Anti Hack Group
Well, this guide has come to the end. I apologize if you spot any grammar mistakes in this guide. I am not a very fluent Englishman.

You can join this group to report the hacker and phishers! We cannot completely wipe out hacker from gaming community but we can stand against them and try to get them banned.

The Gamer's Anti Hack and Phishing Group.

60 Komentar
ltsquidward1 14 Feb 2021 @ 5:43pm 
this sounds like heavy lmao
DrewGryffindor 14 Apr 2020 @ 11:52am 
I love how irrelevant this post is now lmaoo
Astaroth 9 Apr 2020 @ 2:09am 
You missed lag-bots. But they're gone so it doesn't matter that much
❤ Juniper 4 Agu 2018 @ 11:44pm 
You missed "Wall Hacks": They allow the cheater to see other players through walls, and even from across the map.
Bush Dwarf 2 Mei 2018 @ 2:20am 
Obviously valve/Steam is doing sweet FA to stop the hacking since then! I have just played 3 games, 4 hackers on the first game 1 in the second, and 3 in the third, yesterday playing in a team we had to kick on our own team at least 5 people in less than an hour, from LAG-BOTS that CANNOT be kicked to blatant AIM-BOTS and more, you know they are hacking when they have no steam profile and sub few hrs on record, add into that and ever increasing score way above anybody else! Hackers are completely ruining TF2 and are SCUM! valve/steam dont give a toss! Maybe if we all demanded our hard earned cash back for all the things we've bought for TF2 over the years they might actually do something!
Emi 23 Agu 2017 @ 5:23am hacked my friend and stole all his rocket league items, the items were worth more than the game
Jill Valentine 29 Agu 2016 @ 6:22am 
Sometimes to deal with hacker it's good to just use more gun.
I saw hacker who had aimbot, name changing and flooding, and also spinning hack.
I knew where he was going so i placed sentry there, and quickly ran away.
He did not even hurt it, and he got killed. Maybe aimbot does not work on sentries? I don't know.
Otchoze 1 Agu 2016 @ 3:41pm 
I now kniw what I must do...
ManMaggot 16 Jul 2016 @ 10:22pm 
i was playing casual and encounterd 4 guys all working in a team
vince 15 Jul 2016 @ 1:30am 
"Nothing stokes my ire like a cheater. Deception, duplicity, murder -- these are merely tools in a toolbox one can use to ensure a job done well. But cheating? I cannot even wrap my head around the point of it. Wouldn't you know you had cheated? How on Earth could you maintain crisp certainty of your superiority to all others? And if you're unable to do that, what's the point of anything?" — The Administrator