Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Bens Time Sensitive Train Departure Board with Scrolling Letters
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2 juin 2023 à 21h00
5 juin 2023 à 21h22
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Bens Time Sensitive Train Departure Board with Scrolling Letters

Fully Customizable Lua Train Departure Screen

Scrolling Letters in the style of a split board departure screen.

Everything can be customised from Colours, Text, Locations, Times, Platforms etc

Automatically Changes when time is reached.

Important :
  • Use Lower Case for all text, NO Spaces, use underscore as a space, NO other special characters.
  • Time must be in the format 12:00, separated by a colon.
  • Time must be in order on each Slot from earliest to latest.

Bottom text can be customised, you dont have to be sponsored by me Lol.

Thanks to Benneh for the inspiration.

Enjoy :)