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Registry Edit v1.5 of game
By WillieSea
The OLD version 1.5 of the game saved games in the registry. Using REGEDIT you could change your inventory.
Starting out
Old Registry modifications to a save game: Technical information

Save game location:
Export the folder if you want to make a backup.

Open command prompt:
reg export HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Lavaboots/Salt %USERPROFILE%\saltsave.reg
This will save it to the root of your user profile folder (C:\Users\YourName\).
To put it back, right-click the ‘reg’ file and select Merge.

Revert to previous v1.5 save version and reload it:
Run Regedit.exe either by searching for it in windows 8, or typing regedit into the run window on previous windows versions.

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Lavaboots/Salt within the registry editor window and click on that folder.

Figure out what save index your save file is. If it's the first in the list when you are loading your game in Salt, then it is index 0. If it's the second in the list, it's index 1 and so forth.

Look for an entry that starts with your save file index number, followed by "SaveVersion_hXXXXX" where the X's are just a jumble of numbers. For example, mine was the first save slot so it was 0SaveVersion_h1563917550.

Right click this entry and select "Modify".

In the Value Data section, you should see the number 2. Change this to 0 and click ok.

Restart your salt game. It should prompt you like before to update the save file when you try to load the game. Do so and it should load your inventory as it was before, including your boats."
Item codes Section 1
Save game items: Type: hex (decimal) ============================ ======================= ============ Brown Boots EquipableItems#ID 1 (1) *** *** Deer Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID 3 (3) Pristine Deer Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID 4 (4) *** *** Turqoise Boot EquipableItems#ID 6 (6) Flintstone InventoryCraftingItems 7 7 (7) Stone Block InventoryCraftingItems 8 8 (8) Rough Topaz InventoryCraftingItems 9 9 (9) Rough Ruby InventoryCraftingItems a a (10) Rough Diamond InventoryCraftingItems b b (11) White Flower InventoryCraftingItems c c (12) Crude Arrow EquipableItems#ID d (13) Hardwood ClickableItems#ID e (14) Ironite ore InventoryCraftingItems f (15) Toughite Ore InventoryCraftingItems 10 (16) Strong Hardstone Ore InventoryCraftingItems 11 (17) Pristine Hardstone Ore InventoryCraftingItems 12 (18) Wood Log InventoryCraftingItems#ID 13 (19) Deer Meat ClickableItems#ID 14 (20) Pickaxe EquipableItems#ID 15 (21) Short Bow EquipableItems#ID 16 (22) Crude Raft - 17 (23) Club EquipableItems#ID 18 (24) Tree fruit ClickableItems#ID 19 (25) Ripe Tree fruit ClickableItems#ID 1a (26) Juicy Fruit ClickableItems#ID 1b (27) Torch EquipableItems#ID 1c (28) Small Sailboat - 1d (29) Pirates Booties EquipableItems#ID 1e (30) *** *** Pristine Deer Meat ClickableItems#ID 20 (32) Coal InventoryCraftingItems#ID 21 (33) Pirate Tunic EquipableItems#ID 22 (34) Pirate Pants EquipableItems#ID 23 (35) Short Sword EquipableItems#ID 24 (36) Pirate Hat EquipableItems#ID 25 (37) Cloth Swatch - 26 (38) Strange Journal ? ClickableItems#ID 27 (39) Albino Deer Pelt - 28 (40) Jennet’s Journal - 29 (41) Golem Hide Tunic EquipableItems#ID 2a (42) Golem Hide Pants EquipableItems#ID 2b (43) Golem Hide Boots EquipableItems#ID 2c (44) Golem Hide EquipableItems#ID 2d (45) Monster Meat EquipableItems#ID 2e (46) Campfire EquipableItems#ID 2f (47) Deer Hide Tunic EquipableItems#ID 30 (48) Deer Hide Pants EquipableItems#ID 31 (49) Deer Hide Boots EquipableItems#ID 32 (50) White Deer Hide Tunic EquipableItems#ID 33 (51) White Deer Hide Pants EquipableItems#ID 34 (52) White Deerhide Boots EquipableItems#ID 35 (53) Golem Meat Club EquipableItems#ID 36 (54) Giant Golem Hide InventoryCraftingItems#ID 37 (55) Fiery Red Cape EquipableItems#ID 38 (56) Cornhead Arrow (Willie's Favorite Arrow) EquipableItems#ID 39 (57) Gold InactiveItems0ID 3a (58) White Flower Potion ClickableItems#ID 3b (59) Black Flower - 3c (60) Black Flower Potion ClickableItems#ID 3d (61) Plant Fibers - 3e (62) Red Flower - 3f (63) Red Flower Potion - 40 (64) Scimitar EquipableItems#ID 41 (65) Hardwood InventoryCraftingItems#ID 42 (66) Hardwood Shortbow EquipableItems#ID 43 (67) Dagger EquipableItems#ID 44 (68) Sailing Raft - 45 (69) Tripwire - 46 (70) Poison - 47 (71) Bronze Key InactiveItems1ID 48 (72) Buffbeard’s Armor EquipableItems#ID 49 (73) Bulging Eye Charm EquipableItems#ID 4a (74) Mighty Axe EquipableItems#ID 4b (75) Agile Boots EquipableItems#ID 4c (76) Battlemaster Tunic EquipableItems#ID 4d (77) Battlemaster Pants EquipableItems#ID 4e (78) Battlemaster Boots EquipableItems#ID 4f (79) Pirate Ration ClickableItems#ID 50 (80) Cooked Meat ClickableItems#ID 51 (81) Silver Key InactiveItems3ID 52 (82) Pirate Ship Sailing Materials - 53 (83) Pirate Ship Hull Materials - 54 (84) Pirate Ship Rudder Materials - 55 (85) Pirate Ship Helm Materials - 56 (86) Hardstone Arrow EquipableItems#ID 57 (87) Bandage ClickableItems#ID 58 (88) Flag - 59 (89) Crafting Journal ClickableItems#ID 5a (90) Compass EquipableItems#ID 5b (91) Sextant ClickableItems#ID 5c (92) Ancient Gauntlets EquipableItems#ID 5d (93) Ancient Helm EquipableItems#ID 5e (94) Ancient Pickaxe EquipableItems#ID 5f (95) Ring of Day EquipableItems#ID 60 (96) Ancient Bow EquipableItems#ID 61 (97) Thorn Tripwire - 62 (98) Thorn Vine InventoryCraftingItems#ID 63 (99) Silver Ore InventoryCraftingItems#ID 64 (100) Topaz Ring EquipableItems#ID 65 (101) Ruby Ring EquipableItems#ID 66 (102) Diamond Ring EquipableItems#ID 67 (103) The Pardon Pusher - 68 (104) Ironite Breastplate EquipableItems#ID 69 (105) Ironite Greaves EquipableItems#ID 6a (106) Poisoned Arrow EquipableItems#ID 6b (107) Pain Reduction Tonic ClickableItems#ID 6c (108) Blow Absorption Oil ClickableItems#ID 6d (109) Bomb EquipableItems#ID 6e (110) Flared Longblade EquipableItems#ID 6f (111) Black Deer Pelt InventoryCraftingItems 70 (112) Pirate Short Sword EquipableItems#ID 71 (113) Antlers InactiveItems2ID 72 (114) Hardwood Club EquipableItems#ID 73 (115) Spider Silk InventoryCraftingItems#ID 74 (116) Spider Fang InventoryCraftingItems#ID 75 (117) Spider Poison - 76 (118) Moonrock InventoryCraftingItems#ID 77 (119) Moonrock Sword EquipableItems#ID 78 (120) Night Vigor InventoryCraftingItems#ID 79 (121) Nightvigor Potion - 7a (122) The Queens Fang - 7b (123) Lantern EquipableItems#ID 7c (124) Magnetic Stone - 7d (125) Helpful Survival Recipes Vol. 1 - 7e (126) Tools of Battle Vol. 1 - 7f (127) Blueprints for Pardon Pusher - 80 (128) Black Deer Hide Cloak EquipableItems#ID 81 (129) White Deerhide Cloak EquipableItems#ID 82 (130) Ring of Night EquipableItems#ID 83 (131) Pirate Axe EquipableItems#ID 84 (132) Strong Pirate Axe EquipableItems#ID 85 (133) Hefty Pirate Axe EquipableItems#ID 86 (134) *** *** Broken Axe InventoryCraftingItems#ID 88 (136) Red Spotted Mushroom ClickableItems#ID 89 (137) Poison Antidote ClickableItems#ID 8a (138) Bamboo Fishing Pole EquipableItems#ID 8b (139) Bamboo Pole - 8c (140) Strong Plant Fibers InventoryCraftingItems#ID 8d (141) Grub EquipableItems#ID 8e (142) Worm EquipableItems#ID 8f (143) Seaweed - 90 (144) Seaweed Extract ClickableItems#ID 91 (145) Yellowfin Neurotoxin ClickableItems#ID 92 (146) Red Fishing Lure - 93 (147) Garibaldi Goo - 94 (148) Deer Guts EquipableItems#ID 95 (149) Flotsom ClickableItems#ID 96 (150) Green Fishing Lure - 97 (151) Turtle Shell Chestplate EquipableItems#ID 98 (152) Turtle Shell Helm EquipableItems#ID 99 (153) Spider Guts EquipableItems#ID 9a (154) Nightskimmer Oil ClickableItems#ID 9b (155) Ancient Stone Block - 9c (156) Ancient Metal - 9d (157) Ceremonial Mace of the Ancients ActiveItems#ID 9e (158) Ancient Flaming Eye Necklace EquipableItems#ID 9f (159) Ancient Ceremonial Dagger EquipableItems#ID a0 (160) Ancient Petrified Heart ClickableItems#ID a1 (161) Ancient Greaves EquipableItems#ID a2 (162) Ancient Breastplate EquipableItems#ID a3 (163) Ancient Stone Moss ClickableItems#ID a4 (164) Sharpening Stone ClickableItems#ID a5 (165) Ancient Core - a6 (166) Running Boots EquipableItems#ID a7 (167) Spinning Bucktail Lure EquipableItems#ID a8 (168) Spider Poison Amulet EquipableItems#ID a9 (169) Black Hood EquipableItems#ID aa (170) Bow of Poison EquipableItems#ID ab (171) Long John’s Fishing Pole EquipableItems#ID ac (172) Hightop Bloom EquipableItems#ID ad (173) Hightop Bloom Potion ClickableItems#ID ae (174) Climbing Boots EquipableItems#ID af (175) Old Worn Ring EquipableItems#ID b0 (176) Assassin’s Cloak EquipableItems#ID b1 (177) Swindler’s Eyepatch EquipableItems#ID b2 (178) The Maiden - b3 (179)
Item codes Section 2
Commander’s Trousers EquipableItems#ID b4 (180) Commander’s Gloves EquipableItems#ID b5 (181) Commander’s Boots EquipableItems#ID b6 (182) Commander’s Tunic EquipableItems#ID b7 (183) Commander’s Ring EquipableItems#ID b8 (184) Signet of the Alchemist EquipableItems#ID b9 (185) Alchemist’s Necklace EquipableItems#ID ba (186) Skipper’s Gloves EquipableItems#ID bb (187) Amulet of Valor EquipableItems#ID bc (188) Fine Materials InventoryCrafting_ID bd (189) Crate Splinters InventoryCrafting_ID be (190) Spy Glass EquippableItems_ID bf (191) Mariners Compass EquippableItems#ID_ c0 (192) Old Pirate Ship - c1 (193) Boat Supplies Vol 1 ClickableItems#ID c2 (194) Volatile Ore InventoryCraftingItems#ID c3 (195) Proximity Bomb EquipableItem#ID c4 (196) Treasure Hunters Cape EquipableItem#ID c5 (197) Tools of Battle Vol 2 ClickableItems#ID c6 (198) Desert Island Treasure Cache ClickableItems#ID c7 (199) Blunt Pickaxe EquipableItems#ID c8 (200) Skeleton Key ClickableItem#ID c9 (201) Shovel EquipableItems#ID ca (202) Treasure Hunters Shovel EquipableItems#ID cb (203) Herbalist's Sandals EquipableItems#ID cc (204) Nimble Pants EquipableItems#ID cd (205) Volatile Catalyst InventoryCraftingItems#ID ce (206) Catalysed Fused Bomb EquipableItems#ID cf (207) Catalysed Volatile Bomb EquipableItems#ID d0 (208) Chip Log - d1 (209) Climbing Rope ClickableItems#ID d2 (210) Durable Climbing Rope ClickableItems#ID d3 (211) Sand Flower InventoryCraftingItems#ID d4 (212) Sand Flower Potion ClickableItems#ID d5 (213) *** *** Ornate Gemstone Ring EquipableItems#ID d7 (215) Natural Island Treasure cache ClickableItems#ID d8 (216) Chronometer ClickableItems#ID d9 (217) Innkeepers Sword - da (218) Innkeepers Feathered Hat - db (219) Old Pirates Hat EquipableItems#ID dc (220) Explorers Charm EquipableItems#ID dd (221) Ancient Skull InactiveItems#ID de (222) Cultist Staff EquipableItem#ID df (223) Cultist Ritual Tome ClickableItems#ID e0 (224) Purified Ancient Skull InventoryCraftingItems#ID e1 (225) Corrupted Ancient Skull Staff EquipableItem#ID e2 (226) Small Vial of Blood EquipableItem#ID e3 (227) Ancient Skull Quiver EquipableItem#ID e4 (228) Cultist Robe EquipableItem#ID e5 (229) Cultist Pants EquipableItem#ID e6 (230) Cultist Belt EquipableItem#ID e7 (231) White Elder Cultist Staff EquipableItem#ID e8 (232) Cultist's Horn ClickableItems#ID e9 (233) Ancient Skull Staff EquipableItem#ID ea (234) Hunters Arrow EquipableItem#ID eb (235) Deer Scent ClickableItems#ID ec (236) Giant Deer Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID ed (237) Pristine Giant Deer Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID ee (238) Perfect Giant Deer Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID ef (239) Cloak of the Alpha Stag EquipableItem#ID f0 (240) Stag Hide Tunic EquipableItem#ID f1 (241) Stag Hide Pants EquipableItem#ID f2 (242) Stag Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID f3 (243) Pristine Stag Hide Tunic EquipableItem#ID f4 (244) Pristine Stag Hide Pants EquipableItem#ID f5 (245) Pristine Stag Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID f6 (246) Perfect Stag Hide Tunic EquipableItem#ID f7 (247) Perfect Stag Hide Pants EquipableItem#ID f8 (248) Perfect Stag Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID f9 (249) Strong Bandage ClickableItems#ID fa (250) Deer Popper EquipableItem#ID fb (251) Jungle Skimmy EquipableItem#ID fc (252) Fishermans Vest EquipableItem#ID fd (253) Fishermans Pants EquipableItem#ID fe (254) Fishermans Boots EquipableItem#ID ff (255) Lucky Fisherman's Hat EquipableItem#ID 100 (256) Jungle Lure EquipableItem#ID 101 (257) Deep Sea Lure EquipableItem#ID 102 (258) Tiger Guts EquipableItem#ID 103 (259) Gambler's Lure EquipableItem#ID 104 (260) Chestguard of the Sunken Hero EquipableItem#ID 105 (261) Plunderer's Beacon EquipableItem#ID 106 (262) Barracuda Venom ClickableItems#ID 107 (263) Stalkers Shirt EquipableItem#ID 108 (264) Stalkers Breeches EquipableItem#ID 109 (265) Stalkers Boots EquipableItem#ID 10a (266) Jungle Bud InventoryCraftingItems#ID 10b (267) Healing Recoil Potion EquipableItem#ID 10c (268) Claw Trap ClickableItems#ID 10d (269) Splintering Arrow EquipableItem#ID 10e (270) Antitoxin Ring EquipableItem#ID 10f (271) Tiger Fang InventoryCraftingItems#ID 110 (272) Luthor's Tail - 111 (273) Blood Jungle EquipableItem#ID 112 (274) Tiger Fang Necklace (10 STR) EquipableItem#ID 113 (275) Tiger Fang Necklace (30 STR) EquipableItem#ID 114 (276) Jungle Spear EquipableItem#ID 115 (277) Spear of Tiger Spirit EquipableItem#ID 116 (278) Poachers Tunic EquipableItem#ID 117 (279) Poachers Pants EquipableItem#ID 118 (280) Poachers Boots EquipableItem#ID 119 (281) Eel Bait EquipableItem#ID 11a (282) Pink Fishing Lure EquipableItem#ID 11b (283) Luthor's Fang - 11c (284) Tiger Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID 11d (285) Pristine Tiger Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID 11e (286) Perfect Tiger Pelt InventoryCraftingItems#ID 11f (287) Tiger Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID 120 (288) Tiger Hide Pants EquipableItem#ID 121 (289) Tiger Hide Tunic EquipableItem#ID 122 (290) Pristine Tiger Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID 123 (291) Pristine Tiger Hide Pants EquipableItem#ID 124 (292) Pristine Tiger Hide Tunic EquipableItem#ID 125 (293) Perfect Tiger Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID 126 (294) Perfect Tiger Hide Pants EquipableItem#ID 127 (295) Perfect Tiger Hide Tunic EquipableItem#ID 128 (296) Precise Sextant EquipableItem#ID 129 (297) Jungle Ruby - 12a (298) Poacher's Herb Bag EquipableItem#ID 12b (299) Thick Hide Cloak EquipableItem#ID 12c (300) Thick Hide Boots EquipableItem#ID 12d (301) Jungle Grips EquipableItem#ID 12e (302) Ragged Boot - 12f (303) Spider Hair Chaps EquipableItem#ID 130 (304) The Jungle Queen's Fang - 131 (305) Jungle Spider Silk InventoryCraftingItems#ID 132 (306) Jungle Bindings ClickableItems#ID 133 (307) Jungle Spider Fang InventoryCraftingItems#ID 134 (308) Jungle Spider Poison ClickableItems#ID 135 (309) Junglewood Log InventoryCraftingItems#ID 136 (310) Junglewood Whittling Knife InventoryCraftingItems#ID 137 (311) Jungle Heartwood Arrow EquipableItem#ID 138 (312) Wood Splinters InventoryCraftingItems#ID 139 (313) Glowing Heartwood - 13a (314) Druid Spirit Idol EquipableItem#ID 13b (315) Junglewood Club EquipableItem#ID 13c (316) Old Pirate Ship (colored) EquipableItem#ID 13d (317) The Red Maiden EquipableItem#ID 13e (318) The White Narwhal EquipableItem#ID 13f (319) Red Maiden Plans EquipableItem#ID 140 (320) Piece of Eight EquipableItem#ID 141 (321) Strange Coin EquipableItem#ID 142 (322) Strange Coin Shard EquipableItem#ID 143 (323) Strange Lockbox EquipableItem#ID 144 (324) Ring of Flight EquipableItem#ID 145 (325) Strange Mask EquipableItem#ID 146 (326) Scavengers Gloves EquipableItem#ID 147 (327) Dark Red Ink EquipableItem#ID 148 (328) Bright Red Ink EquipableItem#ID 149 (329) Bright Blue Ink EquipableItem#ID 14a (330) Dark Blue Ink EquipableItem#ID 14b (331) Dark Green Ink EquipableItem#ID 14c (332) Orange Ink EquipableItem#ID 14d (333) Dark Guardians Blood EquipableItem#ID 14e (334) White Ink EquipableItem#ID 14f (335) Golden Compass EquipableItem#ID 150 (336) Jungle Queen Silk EquipableItem#ID 151 (337) Assassin's Boots (Stamina Regen) EquipableItem#ID 152 (338) Gold Chest Key EquipableItem#ID 153 (339) Dark Mail Tunic EquipableItem#ID 154 (340) Dark Mail Gauntlets EquipableItem#ID 155 (341) Dark Mail Boots EquipableItem#ID 156 (342) Dark Mail Mantle EquipableItem#ID 157 (343) Dark Mail Helm EquipableItem#ID 158 (344)
Item codes Fish
Bait Fish EquipableItems#ID 3e8 (1000) Small Mouth Sea Bass ClickableItems#ID 3e9 (1001) Medium Mouth Sea Bass ClickableItems#ID 3ea (1002) Large Mouth Sea Bass ClickableItems#ID 3eb (1003) Huge Mouth Sea Bass ClickableItems#ID 3ec (1004) Gigantic Mouth Sea Bass ClickableItems#ID 3ed (1005) Red Salmon ClickableItems#ID 3ee (1006) Poisonous Yellowfin ClickableItems#ID 3ef (1007) Herring ClickableItems#ID 3f0 (1008) Piranha ClickableItems#ID 3f1 (1009) Orange Garibaldi ClickableItems#ID 3f2 (1010) Night Skimmer ClickableItems#ID 3f3 (1011) Sea Turtle Shell ClickableItems#ID 3f4 (1012) Marlin ClickableItems#ID 3f5 (1013) Shark ClickableItems#ID 3f6 (1014) Jellyfish ClickableItems#ID 3f7 (1015) Dragonfish ClickableItems#ID 3f8 (1016) Red Crab ClickableItems#ID 3f9 (1017) Blue Crab ClickableItems#ID 3fa (1018) Venomous Barricuda ClickableItems#ID 3fb (1019) Tiger Fish ClickableItems#ID 3fc (1020) Jungle Racer ClickableItems#ID 3fd (1021) Guar Snout ClickableItems#ID 3fe (1022) The Crimson Sea Anaconda ClickableItems#ID 3ff (1023) Electric Eel ClickableItems#ID 400 (1024) Elusive Joe ClickableItems#ID 401 (1025)
Item codes Mountables
Torch Holder ClickableItems#ID 7d0 (2000) Bed ClickableItems#ID 7d1 (2001) Storage Chest ClickableItems#ID 7d2 (2002) Windy Sail ClickableItems#ID 7d3 (2003) Storage Crate ClickableItems#ID 7d4 (2004) Deck Fire Pit ClickableItems#ID 7d5 (2005) Painting - Landscape Hill ClickableItems#ID 7d6 (2006) Painting - Island ClickableItems#ID 7d7 (2007) Painting - Moonlight ocean ClickableItems#ID 7d8 (2008) Painting - Ancient Statue ClickableItems#ID 7d9 (2009) Painting - Raft in Ocean ClickableItems#ID 7da (2010) Painting - Tri-Mast Ship ClickableItems#ID 7db (2011) Painting - Ruined ClickableItems#ID 7dc (2012) Bamboo Mat ClickableItems#ID 7dd (2013) Painting - Pirate Captain Bobo ClickableItems#ID 7de (2014) Painting - Pirate Portrait ClickableItems#ID 7df (2015) Ironite Storage Chest ClickableItems#ID 7e0 (2016) Wooden Mounting Plaque ClickableItems#ID 7e1 (2017) Hardstone Mounting Plate ClickableItems#ID 7e2 (2018) Hardwood Mounting Plate ClickableItems#ID 7e3 (2019) Stone Mounting Plate ClickableItems#ID 7e4 (2020) Round Table ClickableItems#ID 7e5 (2021) Table Lantern ClickableItems#ID 7e6 (2022) Small Jungle Statue ClickableItems#ID 7e7 (2023)
Item codes Books
Creatures of the Night ClickableItems#ID bb8 (3000) Captain Longbrow's Journal ClickableItems#ID bb9 (3001) Cultist: Truth or Myth? ClickableItems#ID bba (3002) The Cursed Skull Vol 1 ClickableItems#ID bbb (3003) The Cursed Skull Vol 2 ClickableItems#ID bbc (3004) The Cursed Skull Vol 3 ClickableItems#ID bbd (3005) The Cursed Skull Vol 4 ClickableItems#ID bbe (3006) The Cursed Skull Vol 5 ClickableItems#ID bbf (3007) Journal of Mutiny ClickableItems#ID bc0 (3008) A Fool and his Impatience ClickableItems#ID bc1 (3009) A Strange Ring ClickableItems#ID bc2 (3010) Pirate Petey's Journal ClickableItems#ID bc3 (3011) Battles with Bobo Vol 1 ClickableItems#ID bc4 (3012) Battles with Bobo Vol 2 ClickableItems#ID bc5 (3013) Battles with Bobo Vol 3 ClickableItems#ID bc6 (3014) Battles with Bobo Vol 4 ClickableItems#ID bc7 (3015) Battles with Bobo Vol 5 ClickableItems#ID bc8 (3016) Ealgar's Journal ClickableItems#ID bc9 (3017) Sana's Diary ClickableItems#ID bca (3018) Commander Bart's Log ClickableItems#ID bcb (3019) Arnath's Journal ClickableItems#ID bcc (3020) Lenvell's Log ClickableItems#ID bcd (3021) Samuel's Journal ClickableItems#ID bce (3022) Eliza's Diary Part One ClickableItems#ID bcf (3023) Eliza's Diary Part Two ClickableItems#ID bd0 (3024) Eliza's Diary Part Three ClickableItems#ID bd1 (3025) Eliza's Diary Part Four ClickableItems#ID bd2 (3026) *** *** Disappearing Deer ClickableItems#ID bd4 (3028) Thoren's Journal ClickableItems#ID bd5 (3029) Ethaniel's Diary ClickableItems#ID bd6 (3030) A Hunters Guide Vol 1 ClickableItems#ID bd7 (3031) A Hunters Guide Vol 2 ClickableItems#ID bd8 (3032) A Hunters Guide Vol 3 ClickableItems#ID bd9 (3033) A Hunters Guide Vol 4 ClickableItems#ID bda (3034) Hunting the Alpha ClickableItems#ID bdb (3035) Orders from Buffbeard ClickableItems#ID bdc (3036) Adam's Journal ClickableItems#ID bdd (3037) Journal of Beorn ClickableItems#ID bde (3038) Percy's Diary ClickableItems#ID bdf (3039) Tales of Luthor ClickableItems#ID be0 (3040) The Fog ClickableItems#ID be1 (3041) Rumors of a Jungle ClickableItems#ID be2 (3042) Stalkers of the Jungle ClickableItems#ID be3 (3043) An Eye for Gold ClickableItems#ID be4 (3044) Ode to Adventure ClickableItems#ID be5 (3045) Here to Lay the Sea ClickableItems#ID be6 (3046) A Hymn of Darkness ClickableItems#ID be7 (3047)