Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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Items (30)
!!Dualwielding Artifacts
Created by Xahkarias
///WHAT IS IT?// Allows you to equip two artifacts in the weapon slot. Enjoy two hermetic handguns, or maybe wielding two lances and crushing your foes while riding Glitterhoof. Weapons do not have to be the same, only need to both be equipped in the weapo...
A Few More Buildings and Some Roads
Created by Capdaddy
A Few More Buildings and Some Roads mod adds a few more buildings and some roads (woah!). Nothing insane, most of the buildings are very dependent on terrain so won't double-up too often. Roads do what roads do and are 'built' in a pretty natural way. Some...
Bunch of Bloodlines
Created by GoonManJones
Description: A mod that adds several decision-unlocked bloodlines available to the player. Narrative events are being added to these decisions. Compatibility: This mod does not edit any vanilla files and should be compatible with most others mods that are ...
Caesar's Wonders - Immersive Great Works [✔️HIP]
Created by DBR
Caesar's Wonders ● Adds 20 REAL historical Wonders/Great Works ● No DLC needed ● HIP Compatible - Read Below This immersion mod adds a selection of 20 historical Wonders/Great Works into the game. Every wonder features full artwork to accommodate all 5 pos...
Cities of Wonders
Created by kurthakon
Kurthakon the creator of this mod has passed away in real life. To honor his memory please continue his legacy and please credit him, from his sister. This mod adds a new type of Great Work or Wonder called a “City of Wonders” (COW), that is meant to repre...
CK3 Genetics
Created by SpectralPanda
In CK3, the genetics system has much higher chances of inheritance - marrying for congenital traits is a much better choice. In unmodded CK2, the chances of a genius heir, even with two genius parents, is only 28%. This mod changes that, raising the chance...
Decisive Battles
Created by Pzyber
Makes battles decisive once again. This mod makes the battles like they were before the 2.5.0 and later patches. In other words the mod increases casualties in battles but makes it quicker to retreat from them. Tested with patch but may work with e...
Easier Sainthood And Veneration (with Temporal Fix by Roscoe)
Created by raguel
So I was only asked to remove craven as a positive factor for veneration if the religion had Unyielding and I got a bit carried away. I made it easier for characters to become Saints by: 1. Increasing the probability of sainthood if the player doesn't alre...
Eminent Domain (Land Management and OCD Simulator)
Created by GoonManJones
Do you ever feel frustrated by your borders? Not because you don't have enough land, but because your borders are absolutely hideous? This mod aims to fix this by adding a title decision on counties within your realm to "reclaim" or "repossess" the land of...
Family Heirlooms
Created by Gnark7
This mod adds dynamically named artifacts to turn generically named artifacts that anyone can have into family heirlooms. What It Does: Whenever a ruler dies they have a chance to change a generic weapon, armor or ceremonial item into a family heirloom. Th...
Faster Council Actions
Created by General Kysieran
Are you fed up waiting for the councillor to do its job? Need to fabricate that claim for glory or border fixing but it just never happens, while some council actions you never use because it is such a low chance to fire. This mod aims to provide options t...
Forge Unlimited Bloodlines + Bloodline fix
Created by Fjarun
Forge Unlimited Bloodlines + Bloodline fix Summary This mod is a simple combination of "Forge Unlimited Bloodlines" by Nilrem, and "Bloodline fix" by Lajos Tueur. I hadn't really paid much attention to these mods prior to recently making a collection, but ...
Founder of the Republic - Standard
Created by yclept
What is it? Founder of the Republic adds a single intrigue decision allowing you, as a feudal (but not tribal) Duke, to found a Merchant Republic and continue playing as its first Prince-Mayor. To take the decision, your character must: Have their Primary ...
Friendly Non-Aggression Pacts
Created by ProphetSteve
Ever wanted to forge a Non-Aggression Pact with that great friend who has 75+ opinion of you? Now you can! Very self-explanatory mod. Make Non-Aggression Pacts with landed characters who like you! Alliances may then be formed. Idea by and created for KeT C...
Honour Guard
Created by Capdaddy
What is it? Protect your low-intrigue rulers against plots and low-combat rulers against duels. Allows powerful rulers to form an Honour Guard by decision. Disband the Honour Guard by right-clicking your portrait to gain a skilled soldier or spymaster. Can...
Knights and Squires Mod (Beta)
Created by DaMonkey
This mod attempts to add some more flavor in as light a way as possible by adding in Knights and Squires. This is my first go at modding since Hearts of Iron 3, so there are bound to be bugs - I am determined to fix bugs and improve the mod over time! Feat...
Less Random Deadly Duels
Created by Dragatus
This is a simple small mod that makes duels less random. You should no longer lose a duel if you are by far the better duelist. The exact threshold varies depending on circumstances, but if your skill is 100 points higher than your opponent's skill you sho...
Medieval Trade Routes (Vanilla)
Created by DonJulan
#MTR - Medieval Trade Routes for Vanilla Map Ever wondered why the trade ends at Middle East and North Africa? Wonder no more. It is known... Well actually its not. I have no idea either. Was there no trade in Europe in Middle Ages at all? Yes there was an...
More Historical Bloodlines
Created by GoonManJones
I have often thought that many historical families/ figures that deserved bloodlines in the base game were overlooked. This mod attempts to rectify that. Description: This mod aims to add historical bloodlines for several characters and dynasties that I th...
Created by idm
Compatible with 3.2.* (Iron Century) but should work regardless of version as this makes no direct changes to the base game, only to files added by this mod. Mod Features 187 new nicknames Almost every trait in the game now has a nickname associated with i...
Path of Destruction - Siege Outcomes
Created by Gaming
* Do you like Dr Gonzo's Destruction and Depopulation Mod but you think that the destruction of buildings and even holdings is a bit too much? Do you think that maybe AIs should be able to destroy your provinces (to a certain level)? If you answered YES to...
Plotting To Kill Your Kids
Created by Era [FR] Translation by google If you want to improve the translation of the mod or its description, thank you to let me know in comment Plotting To Kill Your Kids This mod Allows you to plot to kill your children. ------------------...
Rich Childhood
Created by Slothinator
So your ruler has died and your heir is a two year old. Time to painfully drag yourself for 14 more years right? Not any more! The Rich Childhood mod adds 52 childhood events that will occur periodically giving your young ruler a chance to form a personali...
Ruler Designer Unlocked!
Created by Dog M@ster X
The original mod was missing from the Workshop so I thought I'd reupload it for a friend. Make all traits free in the ruler designer and adds RDU trait that enables a special decision in the intrigue menu. Since this isn't my own mod I won't be able to hel...
Trait Softcap Exterminated
Created by XDbored
in Crusader Kings 2 when a character has more than 5 personality traits random events start removing them this is known as the Trait softcap this mod removes those events here's a couple of examples of the events removed "Justice is a harsh mistress and i ...
Sin's Genocide Mod
Created by SinStar87 (He/Him)
Sin's Genocide Mod ---------------------------------------------- Now, As a non-kind and independent King+ at peace, if you have any provinces that aren't your religion/culture, an intrigue option will become usable to commit a great atrocity and kill ever...
Ultimate Tooltip
Created by Natz
This is a mod I personally uses in the last few days. I merged all the existing tooltip mods as of the day this mod was uploaded and added Ethnicity and Plot line. Basically all you need to know from charinfo is now available on ironman with this mod. Keep...
VIET Events Reborn - A Flavor Event Mod
Created by cybrxkhan
Current Version: 2.0.15 "Scarbrough Fair" (Released 8/30/20, Compatible with Patch 3.X and Holy Fury) Discord Server for my mods Official Website for my mods Please See Forum Thread For More Info Direct Download available on Github Hello all! As of 8/30/20...
Warrior Societies
Created by kurthakon
Kurthakon the creator of this mod has passed away in real life. To honor his memory please continue his legacy and please credit him, from his sister. Warrior Societies (WS) simply adds Warrior Lodges to those few religion groups that currently lacks them ...
Your Personal Castle
Created by Nuubialainen
This mod brings the benefits of a family palace to feudal rulers, and also adds flavor random events and decisions. HOW IT WORKS: - When the mod is enabled, you (as well as the AI) can build unique castle upgrades in your capital holding. These will give y...