Space Engineers

Space Engineers

150 értékelés
Scrapyard - Spawn Rover
Type: Mod
Mod category: Respawn Ship
Címkék: NoScripts
1.005 MB
2023. ápr. 10., 16:20
márc. 7., 20:35
4 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

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Scrapyard - Spawn Rover

This is a customised drop pod/rover for use with my Scrapyard scenario. It's a simple and barely functional 4 wheel rover giving you lots of room to improve it over time.

This pod is for use on oxygen rich planets only e.g. Earthlike, Triton and Pertam. It can also be used on the planet Satreus ( as seen in my recent YouTube series.

This mod removes the vanilla survival starts leaving this truck as the only option.

Beware: this has been designed with a lot of room for the player to make improvements so drive carefully ;)
27 megjegyzés
Scrubbeth szept. 4., 6:59 
THIS THING ROCKS :praisesun:
rusmig29 júl. 10., 10:12 
John, if you added the Scrapyard - Spawn Rover and the planet that is placed. Does not appear. What has happened, is that planets atmosphere is less than 0.8. There are two options to fix this and both require asking respective mod developers permission to create a stand alone hidden mod. That gives them credit for it and explains what you changed. I would recommend reaching out to planet developer and get permission there. If they grant you permission, then you can modify the planet data and set the atmosphere to 0.8 or 0.81 or higher value. Second option would be to request permission of Scrapyard - Spawn Rover and modify it. Second option, I do not encourage unless you have knowledge of how Spawn Rover system works with planets. It is far easier to change planet atmosphere than take chance and mess up Rover system. Following is value you want to look for in your planet sbc <OxygenDensity>0.8<OxygenDensity>. Best of luck
John máj. 6., 17:42 
I am setting up a private server for my friends for Scrapyard. I have a planet that I spawned in, and it is not an the spawn menu. How do I add this rover as an option when choosing planets to the? I clicked on that link but Steam flagged as "This link has been flagged as potentially malicious." TIA
GreyGoat ápr. 16., 16:56 
Did I install this wrong? I have no canvas and I crash to the ground. Tried it a couple times and even checked my inventories, there is just no canvas. I only ask because I am trying to set up a server for my son and friends and currently in the test phase.
Martha_Farquaar márc. 31., 12:12 
As Soggy stated below, this is a 'scrapyard scenario' rover and it's not meant to be 'good'. I'd recommend grinding off the parachute hatch after you land in it and before you move off as it could have more than one canvas and activate at a very inopportune moment. Then I'd look as really just saving the survival kit, beacon and gyro, then upgrading the rest as you find resources. These size wheels are generally useless for carrying anything of worth and you'd want a wider wheel base, etc. So this is a bit of a hinderance at the start of the scenario and needs to be rebuilt when you can get something worth building.

It's not meant to help you, just give you the bare essentials for survival.
Soggy márc. 27., 23:32 
Soggy márc. 27., 23:32 

"This is a customised drop pod/rover for use with my Scrapyard scenario"

Yeah he knows this its set up this way.. go watch his youtube and you will see why
Soggy márc. 27., 23:30 
@mbproxy he wont be updating this to add the o2 gens. they are part of a scenario where you have to FIND them and install existing ones. because they wont show in G menue
Jedi22 márc. 27., 18:25 
Torch server?
Jedi22 márc. 27., 18:25 
Can this be setup on a server?