The Serpent Rogue

The Serpent Rogue

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Taming creatures 101, and other ways to get followers
By Mushroom
An easy guide to taming creatures in the serpent rogue, with a few tips and tricks (and some secrets)
The mechanics of taming
Well, first thing you need to know to start taming creatures in the game, is how to do it

There are two options: Taming a friendly creature in the wasteland/marsh, or taming a corrupted creature

You canNOT tame creatures that belong to other spirits, like the ones that walk by the camp, or the chickens that usually follow a Faun in the wasteland. You can find out if the creature already belongs to someone by discovering it, a blue thread appears connecting the creature to the owner if there is one.

Starting with the easier: taming an already friendly creature.

First, you need to find out what the creature likes to eat. Each creature has its own particular taste, and only eat certain foods. I wont give spoilers of what each one likes to eat yet, but you can find out in the handbook by discovering a certain number of creatures, by trial and error, or by just reading a guide online. (i will not include the list of creatures/foods here, cause the guide will get too long, but i might create a new guide in the future when i complete the creatures in the handbook)

Second, you need to check if the creature is hungry. Taming only works on the hungry, and only vivid creatures get hungry - skelleton creatures cant be tamed just like that. There are two potions that will help with that: Vivify (for turning an skeleton into a vivid creature), and Hungry (to make a creature hungrier). If the creature is not hungry or not vivid, just aim and throw the correct potion flask at them.

You might need to train your aiming beforehand using a spare object, so you dont waste potions (anything can be thrown, i suggest using a log, cause it doesnt break). There is a ragdoll near the abandoned house you can use for training.

Now that you have the favourite food, and the creature is hungry, you can either drop the food from the inventory near the creature, or you can equip the food and click on the "feed" buttom that will now be available when you get close. Sometimes it takes more than one food to tame, so be sure to pack a few extra snacks.

When they are tamed, the name will change from "wild (creature)" to a random name, the blue thread appears, and they start following you around. Now when you select them again, you have many options, like checking the creature's inventory (they can carry stuff for you), sending them to camp, play, or checking stats.

Now, if you like a challenge and decided to tame a corrupted creature, you will need to purify them first (cleaning the corruption from them). You will need a Purify potion that can be obtained from the wishing well at your camp. By throwing 100 coins into the well, a glowing light will appear. You need to click to contain the light into a sanctum. To get the potions, you will need to break it (the carrying option is for a different situation). 100 coins give you a sanctum, and a sanctum gives you five potions.

Now, like the other potions, you need to throw it at your target until its purified. Make sure you know well how to aim, because corruped targets will try to attack you when you get close. Get close, aim, and throw fast. It might need more than one flask of Purify potion, so make sure you have extras in the backpack.

After the target is clean, just follow the same instructions for friendly creatures. Get the favourite food, check if its hungry, and feed until they are tamed.

And thats it. The same mechanic aplies to all the creatures that can be tamed, the only thing that changes is how many Purify potions you will need to clean them, what is the favourite food, and how many times you will need to feed them.

Other ways to get followers (spoilers)

Now, you can get followers by different methods other than taming. There is even some of the creatures in the game cant be tamed, like humans and fauns, or creatures that are hard to find or hard to tame. Dont worry, there are other ways. But there are many spoilers involved in those methods.


You can get human followers by trading souls at the pier - you can get both skeletons and vivid humans there. To unlock the pier, you will need to get a lit torch and go through the vines that grow in the camp (make sure you have the torch equiped in your hand - it doesnt work if its only in the backpack).

Wait for the ship with souls to arrive (when the number on top of the screen is 99%), and talk to the NPC that will be standing at the pier. You can trade coins for souls. Some souls carry objects with them, and you can get get special swords and things like that with the most expensive ones. After trading, check their inventary and take the item you want.

You can also give weapons to human followers, so they can defend themselves or attack. Human followers are also the only ones that can carry the sanctum from the wishing well, so might need to get a few humans in your camp.

To earn coins to trade, you can sell potions at the kiosk, just read the requests and bring the right potions to each of them. You can reject a potion request if you dont have the ingredients to craft it, that way the slot is available for a different request and you dont get stuck. You can also find coins inside chests in the wasteland and marsh, or from the secret places to explore around the map (like a digging spot in the camp)


Mavka is a NPC unlocked later in the game. Mavka's shelter is east of the marshland, and you can bind lots of creatures from there.

It works similarly as the pier, but instead of a ship arriving, Mavka starts to play the song of the forest in her flute, and you trade butterflies intead of coins.

Before you can unlock the song, you will need to rescue a few tiny furry creatures using a special key you can buy from the merchant.

Spoiler: There is one in the abandoned house sealed with corruption (throw a purifying potion at the door), one locked in the undertaker's house (unlock with the key), another locked in a cage in the church's basement (key), and i dont quite remember, but there might be a fourth one, i believe its at the gorgon lair, but im not sure.

There are many creatures that you can bind from Mavka, both vivid or skeleton (if you want a cool looking skeleton animal following you around, you can get one from Mavka, or throw the correct potion at a vivid one). The selection of creatures is random. The ones i've seen so far:
- Chicken
- Rat
- Dog
- Frog
- Snake
- Valvran
- Faun
- Ghoul
There are probably more than that, and i will update the list if i ever see another creature there.


You can make many types of creatures using the "create (creature)" or the "(creature) form" potions in the game.

The Create potion will create a temporary animal that can be helpful for a task, and its useful if you need an specific animal but already have too many followers in the camp and dont want another one. They cant be ressurected like the regular followers.

The Creature Form Potion allows you to turn yourself temporarily into a creature, OR, turn a follower permanently into that creature. Its extremely helpful, and a cheap way of getting certain types of followers. You just need to check the stats of the follower you are planning to turn, cause some creatures are imune to certain changes. One i usually enjoy is turning weaker human followers into snakes (they spit acid and are good for combat).

There is a "Human Form" potion as well, and you can use them for turning certain animals into humans. Its useful for quests when you need to bring a human follower across a dangerous path. Bring some resistent animals with you, turn them human when you arrive, finish the quest. Again, not every creature can be turned.

And thats all i know so far.
I hope this tips are helpful, and feel free to leave a comment if there is any info i missed in this guide.
