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Money making methods
Por Felix Argyle
How can I earn ED?
Farming and selling items is an efficient way to earn ED.

The best items to sell are:

Magical Crystals: Most regular dungeons from Elrianode and onward will drop Large Magical Crystals. They can also be gained from dismantling dropped gear from Elrianode and prior.

Glaciem: Found in Rigomor dungeons, with best drops in Abandoned Icerite Plant (13-4). Trosh’s Nest (13-3) is also good if mew are grinding EXP simultaneously.

Shining Mystic Stones: Earned from Rosso weekly clear or farming Flame Marks to exchange at the Elrianode Alchemist. The other exchangeables can also be sold - check prices on board before deciding on what to sell. Mew can also clone this spreadsheet to have the math be done for Mew

Barrier’s Fragment: Secret Dungeons drop. The SDs with the most drops are Lanox followed by Sander; however, if mew cannot clear them fast, Altera is a good option.

Force Skills: Do the Henir weeklies on alts to craft and upgrade Force Skills.

Shining Dual Magic Stones of Pursuit and Growth: The boss damage and EXP socket stones respectively. Craft the stones at Glave, and use Heroic Certifications from your Heroic dailies and weeklies to upgrade them.

Ancient Guardian and Iron Wedges: While doing your heroic dailies, mew will drop Ancient Guardian and Ancient Stones. At Glave, 40 Guardian Stones are needed to craft an Armor wedge, and 100 Iron Stones are needed to craft a Weapon wedge. The wedges can also drop from Heroic dungeons directly. With only one free heroic entry per day, it’s nyot worth doing more than dailies.

Master Road accessories: Both the regular and artifact ones; however, due to the cost of Gold Seals, crafting the character accessories is nyot worth it. This is a high risk, high reward grinding method, entirely dependent on your RNG.
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