Garry's Mod
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Baby Got Fronts TTT addons
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Bob Ross PlayerModel & NPC!
Автор Vengeance
I'm no longer working on models. Commissioned by Gozar. By the way i know there is that white line and when i tried to edit it out in photoshop the face file was broken in game so I left it as is, however if you find and make a fix please tell me and I wil...
Crouch to Unstuck
Автор The Stig
Makes crouching push you out of a wall, floor, prop, player etc. if you are stuck inside it! Doesn't affect crouching when you're not stuck. Settings/Options crouch_to_unstuck_key (Default: ) What key to press to trigger getting you unstuck, if blank, uses...
Custom Roles for TTT
Автор Nick
AS SEEN ON THE YOGSCAST AND ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER'S LET'S PLAY SERIES This is an updated version of my old Custom Roles for TTT addon with additional roles, fixes and improvements. IMPORTANT: All custom roles are disabled by default. Please read the ConVar li...
Custom ULX Commands
Автор SirSmokerGollum
-- Original CULX Created by;u=6288 -- This is a updated and optimised version of Custom ULX Commands, we make sure it runns as best as possible and also complies to any Gmod Rule changes like the operat...
Defibrillator for TTT
Автор Minty
Zap zap people back to the living. Recode of the well-known defibrillator. This is a D and T weapon. Differences to the original - Makes noise - Succes-rate - Doesn't show a T as alive when they get defibbed CVars - ttt_defib_successpct; % of success at en...
Double Jump!
Автор sophie
This lets players double jump. The addon is made properly and even predicted ~oooo~. You'll get errors if you don't have Team Fortress 2 installed (it's free, come on.) Configuration The multijump_default_jumps console variable sets the amount extra times ...
Elsa & Anna Playermodel & NPC
Автор ❤Yuki❤
Queen Elsa & Princess Anna from Disney's Frozen! ___________________________________________________ This Model Features: • Playermodel • NPC • Viewmodel Hands Elsa Jigglebones: • Cape Elsa BodyGroups: • Cape _______________________________________________...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
Автор LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
Futurama Bender Rodriguez
Автор Flagg
Futurama Zoidberg
Автор Flagg
GMod Tower: Player Model Pack
Автор MacDGuy
**NOTE: THIS PLAYER MODEL PACK WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED.** This is a pack of all the player models that were used in GMod Tower. Yes, they are compatible with Sandbox. Most player models have coloring support unique to their original models. Credits for c...
Gordon Ramsay - Playermodel
Автор dannio (alt)
''you fucking donkey'' - Gordon Ramsay This is a recreation of the popular british/irish chef Gordon Ramsay made in gmod as a playermodel, it can be used in Sandbox, TTT, DarkRP and a big etc. Features posable fingers and fully rigged body with collision (...
Halo 2 Zanzibar (ttt)
Автор Vader
This is an extremely accurate re-creation of Zanzibar from Halo 2. The map was created by SpyShadow. Does not require CS:S. The name for the map is ttt_zanzibar Click here for the GM version:
Halo Reach Animated Hunter Playermodel
Автор Valkyries733
Halo Reach Hunter Playermodel with animations extracted from Halo Reach Features: -Entirely new animations extracted from Halo Reach -Halo Reach skeleton -"Flawless" rigging. (Any issues with the rigging is a bungie issue lol) -Aim layers -Bodygroups for r...
Halo: CE Spartan Player Models
Автор Misterlegodude
The classic Mark V Spartan model from Halo: Combat Evolved as a player model This addon includes a Master Chief/campaign colored variant as well as all 18 multiplayer armor colored Spartans and they all have view model arms that match their armor color Wan...
Holy Hand Greande + TTT
Автор Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch(Worms). Made for Sandbox/TTT. Features Worms: Armageddon style explosion effect. Custom sounds and models. Nice icons. Big damage and radius. Sandbox/Trouble in Terrorist Town(Traitor) su...
Hotline Miami's Jacket
Автор Splinks
You have a new message! *beep* The following is intended for mature audiences only. Viewer discretion advised. All suspects are innocent until p...eriencing technical difficulties. Please hang up an.....ocate the nearest exit and contact techn...
Illuminati player model
Автор Nicolai SeveN
xXx_D3SCR.I.P.TION_xXx UUUUUUHHHHHH-OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!THAT MILESTONE IN 100K!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SIMPLE GR3AT M8!!1!1!! 8/8 NO HATE!!!1!11!!! xXx_Cr3ators_xXx Real xXx_рussуhunt3r_xXx creator! Nicolai xXx_360ms_ping_faster_internet_xXx S...
Indiana Jones Playermodel
Автор Voikanaa
Indiana Jones Indiana Jones from Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Player Model CREDITS Models and textures: Artificial Mind and Movement / Amaze Porting, rigging and compiling: Voikanaa ...
Iron Man [Playermodel/NPC]
Автор Dusty
Iron Man's Mark 7 armor, used as his primary suit in The Avengers. The Iron Patriot's armor, as seen in Iron Man 3. What's in it: - Two NPCs for each set of armor, good and bad. Sorry, they just use the standard rebel and combine base - no flying, laser bl...
Jesus Playermodel
Автор Rokay
Jesus from Heaven Player Model CREDITS Models and textures: Marc "Pharaoh" Nuar Porting, rigging and compiling: Rokay "Rambo" If you enjoy my work, please consider leaving a tip!...
Kermit The Frog Player Model & NPC
Автор Lord Shoopington
Play as the Kermit The Frog (Or Joel's Dad, for you Vinesauce fans out there) This is also my first playermodel, too. CREDITS: Ripping: Lemurboy12 Everything Else: Me Model obtained from: Enjoy!...
Left Shark playermodel
Автор The One Free-Man
A player model and ragdoll of the real MVP. First skin uses the player colour, but switch to the second for that distinct and authentic all-shark blue! Say no to good choreography and dance like you're not wearing a shark suit Also, I don't know why I made...
Lich King Model and playermodel
Автор Maxxy
Arthas the Lich King has arrived for Source Engine! Arthas is the final boss of the Icecrow Citadel in World of Warcraft. For Garry's Mod, It's available as a ragdoll and playermodel! (Looking for someone who can turn it to an NPC!) Features: The model ver...
MapVote - Fretta-like Map Voting
Автор Lucien
MapVote is a Fretta-like map voting system for Garry's Mod 13, with a few added features. It was originally created by Willox and released in the facepunch thread here. I have received permission from Willox to continue this and release it here. Features +...
Minecraft Steve [Custom PM]
Автор Kermit the Frog
Steve Now you may be asking "another minecraft steve model?! we already have like a hundred of them" but hear me out. This isnt just any minecraft steve playermodel, this one is actually blocky, no elbows or knees, it has completely custom animations that ...
Monke (Playermodel┃Ragdoll)
Автор Reino76
NOW INCLUDES A PLAYERMODEL TOO THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE DOWNLOADS! IT'S INSANE HOW WE'RE ON THE FIRST PAGE Become a monky Look no further, you'll make your ancestors proud with this playermodel. I made this because I saw a funny video about an orangutan ...
Mos Mesric
A map designed around the star wars location Mos Mesric. Orginally designed for Star wars: Sagas. This map was made by Ardowa Lalin. This map features a Tatooine city, just the city. An R2 unit wanders around the map, there's a housing section, Cantina, an...
Mos Mesric Map Textures
Автор xXWestCoastKillaXx
ATTENTION: YOU NEED COUNTER STRIKE SOURCE FOR THIS TO WORK IF you are too poor to afford Counter Strike Source then goto: k a j a r 9 . w i x . c o m / c s c h e a t e r 2 # ! d o w n l o a d s / c h g d There is the files you need for Counter Strike Sourc...
Mr. Meeseeks playermodel & NPC
Автор Hummy_Seed
I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! This file should give you a player model and ragdoll of Mr. Meeseeks. NPCs are also available in the humans + resistance category The npcs use the combine soldier animations For the ragdoll, open spawn menu and look in you add...
Mr. Poopybu**hole Player Model and Npc
Автор KittyHawk
Mr. Poopybu**hole PLayer Model and NPC! from the best show ever Rick and Morty everything by me have fun!...
Автор Mechanical Mind
A gamemode of deception and murder, based off of Murder in the Dark. One person is a murderer with a knife, who is trying to secretly kill off the other players. The other players must use their wits to find out who it is and kill them first. Unfortunately...
OW- Mercy Playermodel
Автор Zynth
Before a bunch of Overwatch models were removed from the workshop due to a thirparty DMCA issue. Though after doing some reading it seems to be resolved and models are now being uploaded once more. I saw that there had yet to be a Mercy one so here it is! ...
OW- Reaper Playermodel
Автор Zynth
Before a bunch of Overwatch models were removed from the workshop due to a thirparty DMCA issue. Though after doing some reading it seems to be resolved and models are now being uploaded once more. I saw that there had yet to be a Reaper one so here it is!...
OW- Widowmaker Playermodel
Автор Zynth
Before a bunch of Overwatch models were removed from the workshop due to a thirparty DMCA issue. Though after doing some reading it seems to be resolved and models are now being uploaded once more. I saw that there had yet to be a widowmaker one so here it...
OW: Tracer P.M. and Ragdoll
Автор Lenoax
If you want, and you like my workshop, I think the donation is the best thing you can do to help me! and if you do that, I will appreciate that, thank you for your collaboration! "Cheers love! The cavalrey's here!...
Oogie Boogie Playermodel
Автор FZone96
Picolas Cage playermodel
Автор aap15
Do you like pickles? Is nicolas cage your favorite actor? then this is your lucky day. you are now able to play as PICOLAS CAGE. And the only thing you have to do is to click the subscribe button. don't hesitate. Just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams...
Pingu - Player Model
Автор MystFro
"Noot Noot" ― Pingu 28 May 1986 – 3 March 2006 Pingu is a clay penguin who is very mischievous and playful. He lives in the Antarctic where he plays with his family and his friend the seal. Enjoy :)...
Playermodel - Kermit the Frog
I decided to do some quick playermodels tonight. I hope you like it!...
Prop Hunt
Автор EP45
I won't reply any more comments. If you want help, subscribe this one instead. Sorry :( ==========PROP HUNT=========== Where did you find this? - Here. Who made this? - I don't know Who fixed this? - This guy Who added icons and settings - Me Frequently As...
PropHunt (Hide'n'Seek) - Original
Автор kowalski7cc
PROP HUNT IS BACK!!!! Contribute at GitHub: READ THE F.A.Q. AND DISCUSSIONS BEFORE POSTING!!!! Your answer could be there ;) PropHunt plays much like a Hide and Seek. Players on the RED team, disgu...
R6S: Jäger P.M. and Ragdoll
Автор Lenoax
Huge thanks to Luxox_18 on FacePunch for extracting the model and converting it to OBJ. ✓ If you put SPAM in this article: DELETED ✓ If you want a model and you don't comment in the correct side: DELETED ✓ If you don't like the model, put me a dislike, but...
Resident Evil 2 Remake - Hunk [PM, NPC, Ragdoll]
Автор jolly ol' chap
Do NOT use playermodel or npc ragdoll for posing. For obvious reasons npc and pm are using lower poly version of the model, ragdoll is left as is. Features: - His MP5, fully bodygrouped and rigged - Original bone weights and rigging - Jigglebones - Playerm...
Rick playermodel, NPCs, and ragdoll
Автор Hummy_Seed
Rate up if you enjoy! A friendly and a hostile version of the Rick NPC has been added to the Humans + Resistance category. A ragdoll should also be available in the spawn menu under 'addons' Hold C and choose player model to change your playermodel to Rick...
Space Marines Pack (Warhammer 40k)
Pack with Warhammer 40k models. Contains: -Default Space Marine Playermodel (Two skins, bodygroups for different armor parts) -Devastator Marine Playermodel (Two skins, bodygroups for different armor parts) -Assault Marine Playermodel (Two skins, bodygroup...
Автор Tuscan37
Spung ur ared a good carton 1.5.2K-1 - 27.9.2K18 for bois who ascc is a PM PATRICK IS HERE! SQUIDWARD IS HERE! MR KRABS IS HERE! GARY IS HERE! MERMAIDMAN AND BARNACLEBOY ARE HERE! SANDY IS HERE! 700 liek ant i giv u a perl kreb 800 liek ant i giv u a lari ...
T. Rex Playermodel
Автор 2XMM2
everyone's favorite dinosaur, now with longer arms Features • Very silly proportions • Red and not-red color variants • Ragdoll & playermodel • NPCs! citizen & combine variants • Hitboxes that should be compatible with TTT • Jigglebone jaw! (poseable with ...
TFA Base
Автор YuRaNnNzZZ
Frequently Asked Questions Documentation for Developers Community Translations (and how to make one yourself) (all links dubbed in changelog tab above) For users: -A rich, thoroughly tested feature set including: Holographic HUD, reminiscent of FA:S2 Viewb...
TTT - Grapplehook (WITH ICON)
A re-upload of the TTT - Grapplehook with a fixed icon....
TTT - Headcrab Launcher
Автор JuicyGibs
Launch 3 headcrab canisters, theres no damage on impact. ...
TTT - Jetpack
Автор Lykrast
This device can be bought by both traitors and detectives for 1 credit. Simply hold your jump button while holding it in your hand and watch yourself fly upward ! Just be careful, as getting up is easy, but going down or changing direction mid air is a rea...
TTT - Medkit (Traitor)
Автор Roy301
Medkit for TTT ----------------------------------- Controls: Left-Click: Heal people! Right-Click: Heal yourself! ----------------------------------- It's for the traitor! ----------------------------------- Made by Roy301...
TTT Black Ops Weapons - Default Replacements
Автор Karate Walrus
==About Me== I could use some help. I'm very sick and need medical treatment that isn't covered by insurance - and is whats going on with me in general *** ATTENTION *** You need to subscribe to the 'required i...
TTT Detective Shield Gun
Автор dhkatz
Left click to charge up ammo - The ammo defines the strength, accuracy and view punch of the SWEP. As more ammo charges, the more bullets you shoot, meaning more damage. Release to shoot your weapon - Fully charged ammo gives a little bonus damage. Right c...
TTT Golden Gun
The Golden Gun is Dedective only. It is pretty simple for TTT, you got one shot and it does one hit if you hit a Traitor with it, but beware if its a Innocent then you're instantly dead. I hope you enjoy the gun :)...
TTT Handcuffs
Автор Porter - This is a Handcuff SWEP for Trouble in Terrorist Town - > HOW DOES IT WORK? < - You can buy it as Detective in the Shop. - Choose the Handcuffs and Click with the ...
TTT Homerun Bat
Автор Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its a HomeRun Bat, you guess what it does. If you hit a Player ist loses 1 Ammo and he will fly away instantly. Only loses Ammo If y...
TTT Jihad Bomb
Автор Keydose
This is a TTT compatible Jihad Bomb. Everything you need to get this up and running on your TTT server is in this addon, no need to change anything, it is also rather balanced. Want to make sure all of your players can hear it coming? Download this and dra...
TTT Literally My Room
Автор Jxlp
TTT map of a 1:20 scale of my room. Made for fun because I was bored lol....
TTT Maps (Server Content)
Автор Zee
All Maps in This Pack: ttt_67thway_v3.bsp ttt_camel_v1.bsp ttt_canyon_a2.bsp ttt_cluedo_b5.bsp ttt_district_a4.bsp ttt_lost_temple_v1.bsp ttt_minecraft_b5.bsp ttt_nexus_v2.bsp ttt_office_b1.bsp ttt_rooftops_a2_f1.bsp ttt_thething_b3fix.bsp ttt_whitehouse_b...
TTT Maps: Minecraft City V3
Автор Natolikin+
This is not mine, but it is used on many servers and I was surprised noone had uploaded it here yet. Please Enjoy this map, again, IT'S NOT MINE. ~Natolikin...
TTT Minecraft Potions
Автор Malivil
A standalone version of the Minecraft potions from Superlandi's Minecraft Desert Map. Potions All potions can spawn on the ground among the weapons and ammo. NOTE: Enabled and Max Ammo convars only take effect after the 2nd map load. This is because these ...
TTT Nuketown
Автор AleXD
REQUIRES: Counter-Strike: Source Original map is dm_nuketown by ThaOmegaCheeseb. Map fixed for ttt by me. I lost the domain with the map file so if any of you want to send me a link to the extracted version of the map I'll put it here so no one has to use ...
TTT Pistol Pack
Автор Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 2 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 2 using deagle ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. Remington Fires faster but deals less damage than your traditional Dea...
TTT Randomat
Автор Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"- Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Randomat is an Item for the Detective which will, after it was used, do something random. I will try to add new things every we...
TTT Sawed-Off Shotgun
Автор Hagen
I just fixed the fixed the Physics of the Normal one and made an Icon. The Original addon is : from fortyeightthousand This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox ...
TTT Shotgun Pack
Автор Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 3 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 3 using shotgun ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. Striker-12 Fast firing but low damage shotgun. Nothing really more to...
TTT Space Street 67
Автор Yashirmare -=REQUIRES COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE=- I present TTT Space Street 67, inspired by Lt. Nugget's 67th way! (Yes, the original) Originally created for a Facepunch mapping contest. Set in the distant future, humanity has travelled ...
TTT Taser
Автор MissChief
A reupload from an Addon I onced used but didn't found in the workshop anymore. A stungun for the detective which when fired will stun a target for a small period of time....
TTT Weapon Collection
Автор Fuzzik
THIS IS NOT A SANDBOX/SINGLE PLAYER ADDON! This content is for TTT servers only (listen and dedicated). None of these weapons will show up in sandbox. TTT doesn't take advantage of all available CS:S guns by default, so this addon takes those unused models...
TTT Weapon Placer
Автор Bad King Urgrain
Trouble in Terrorist Town Weapon Placer tool, for creating TTT rearm scripts. Add TTT weapons and ammo to maps that don't have any, or change them on maps that do. Not sure how to use this? Check out the guide on the TTT site! https://www.troubleinterroris...
Автор Delta7x
Please Note: This is NOT my map, nor am I the original Author of this map. I am only re-uploading the map for an easier method of download. I agree to remove this submission of the original Author or if Valve decides. ***This map uses CS:S Props and Textur...
A spin on Nick Alger's classic TTT map dm_island17! There now is an elevator that takes you to the top of the lighthouse! For those extra lazy traitors. Now has weapons included....
TV-Head Playermodel
Автор fingerbum
A TV for a head character. Features: Different TV-Cases -Plain -Plain, Colourable -Wooden Different Screens (that are lit up) -Lost Signal -Eyes -Question Mark -Green and Blue Screen, as requested by a couple users Colourable Body Custom Hands Proper Hitbo...
Terminator Playermodels
Автор Grumpy
Fully functional Terminator Playermodels, these high textured models have been brought to you by Joazzz. However, they've been converted to be used as regular GMOD Playermodels, there are two models that aren't configured to use PM animations however, thou...
Toy Story: Woody Playermodel
Автор Voikanaa
Woody Woody from Toy Story Player Model CREDITS Models and textures: Avalanche Software / Asobo Studio / n-Space Porting, rigging and compiling: Voikanaa ...
Автор [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
ULX Module for Custom Roles for TTT
Автор Nick
An updated version of the Trouble in Terrorist Town ULX Commands addon made by Bender108 and Skillz, with added functionality for the roles added by Custom Roles for TTT. REQUIRES ULX AND ULIB Official Links: Github:
Автор [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
VJ Base
Автор DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
YOGSCAST TTT hitbox fixes
Автор Ashuraa
Hitbox fixes for Lewis's, Ben's, and Zylus's playermodels. Credit goes to all original model and texture creators....
Автор Shadows
Zangief From Street Fighter...
Zero Punctuation | Player Model
Автор B-Bud
For fans of Zero Punctuation. Features: Four hat bodygroups; Yahtzee's hat, hatless, pants on head, and hair of the MASTER RACE. Colorable A wide* (*moderately-sized) range of facial expressions, including a Zombie skin. Option for gender. Big buff torso o...
[Gamemode: TTT] Detective Portal Gun
Автор RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds the Portal Gun from Portal to the Detective Shop in Trouble in Terrorist Town. Please report any Bugs you encounter and ...
[Gamemode: TTT] Traitor Harpoon
Автор RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds a throwable harpoon to the traitor shop in Trouble in Terrorist Town. Please report any Bugs you encounter and I will tr...
[TFA] TTT Black Ops Weapon Pack V2
Автор NSACloud 2.0
Please leave balance feedback, I am only one person, so it is difficult to test over 40 different weapons on my own. This is a pack of almost all weapons from Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer. These weapons are only available in TTT. Features 41 weapons ...
[TTT/2] Detective P90 (CS:S)
Автор Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon comes with a sniper like scope and is buyable once per Detective. Type: Equi...
[TTT/2] Dual Elites (CS:S)
Автор Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Also have a look on my Dragon Elites for Traitors ...
[TTT/2] Famas (CS:S)
Автор Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] Hot Potato!
Автор SkyDivingL
Hot potato, hot potato! Hot potato, hot potato! Hot potato, hot potato! Potato! Potato, potato, potato-- *BOOM* A fun new traitor weapon for TTT/2! How To Use The Hot Potato can be purchased from the equipment menu (traitors) for 1 credit. It takes up the ...
[TTT/2] Jihad Bomb (Charred Corpse)
Автор Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features Every Traitor can buy a Jihad Bomb once per round and/or spawns with it (configurable vi...
[TTT/2] TMP (CS:S)
Автор Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] Traitor AK47 (CS:S)
Автор Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is buyable once per Traitor. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automa...
[TTT/2] Zombie Perk Bottles
Автор Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. The normal version is this one: I just fixed it. Features: Juggernog - You wi...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Sandwich (Medkit)
Автор Zaratusa
Features The sandwich is a simple Medkit for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars), it heals 25 (configurable) life per use and can either be used on yourself or every other player. Primary attack to heal other player, secondary attack to heal...
[TTT/SB] Fortnite Building Tool
Автор LeBroomer
[TTT] Floor Weapons Spawner
Автор The Stig
Automatically spawns guns/ammo on the ground of maps that don't have enough, automatically arms any Gmod map to make it playable with TTT! Also gives guns to anyone who doesn't have any when a round properly begins. Forget about manually adding guns to map...
[TTT] Slot Removal for Bought Weapons
Автор The Stig
Buy any combination of weapons available to your role! One of the most annoying restrictions in TTT finally removed!...
[TTT] Star Wars - The Force
Автор LeBroomer
This is an addon for the mode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Pls don't report errors or leave negative comments if you tried it in another mode.
Автор Fool
This is a modified version of the CSS map Clue. (originally created by NIPPER, ). It is intended to be used as a Gmod-friendly map for the gamemode Murder. This addon includes default spawn and loot data for Murder -...
Автор Azeth
This is my first map and it's created for prophunt gamemode....
Автор Skate6788
PROP HUNT UPDATE 1.1.0 ph_westerncity Hi, This is my first real map created from scratches, before I was just editing already existing maps. About Map originally was made for prophunt gamemode, some builds are inspired by red dead redemption, and others on...
Автор *Squint*
A TTT map based on the Among us map, Skeld This is version 1, please do let me know if anything needs changing/fixing/adding V1_1 updated Weapons spawns, info_nodes, table button functionality, Other notes: To use Vents and doors you will need to be a play...
Автор Zion Fox
Almost identical to ttt_clue, however this map adds various sound effects. From eery music being played from a jukebox in the attic, rain and thunder happening outside, to various radios and gramophones playing music in different rooms, and even a recordin...
Автор Flechita
Map for TTT gamemode made by me. Based on some kind of flying ship. Features: · 32 Player spawns. · Traitor tester for 2 players (needs 2 players to work). · Rideable helicopter (fixed path). · 2 traitor buttons. Includes custom skybox texture made by Koma...
Автор Colek
Introducing TTT_Casino ported from the source engine mod Goldeneye Source. I take absolutely zero credit for any textures, models or brushwork within this map. This map currently supports the following: - 32 players (Generally only 16 is needed however mor...
Автор Bender180
Hey check out the festive reskin of this map i made for the holidays here: So this is one of my oldest maps its the second one i created and my personal favorite. - Multiple traitor traps and ...
Автор Vizzys
ttt_fastfood is a medium sized trouble in terrorist map fun for around 10-20 players. The map takes place around a fast food place that is inexplicably unnamed (yet) This is version a6. (May 21st, 2013) Probably final version ...
Автор Hamhock
A trouble in terrorist town map made of Lego. No need for Counter Strike textures! Please leave suggestions of what to add or change in the map. UPDATE: Works for multiplayer dedicated servers, no broken textures. Models from the 2001 game Lego Island 2....
Автор tc
A rooftop map for TTT. Inspired by rooftops_a2. Find version two here:
Автор Littlehavok
Office Space for up to 8-16 players. There is a traitor button that will switch off the lights for some spooky attacks. Enjoy and let me know what needs to be fixed! You need to have CS installed, along with Half Life 2 for the textures and some props. Add...
Автор youmenow1
ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 has arrived, bringing with it an immense number of additions, enhancements and changes to both the visual and mechanical. After years of development, I am glad to finally introduce ttt_rooftops_2016, the definitive ttt_rooftops version...
Автор Notexa
A small/medium map with lots of water and some gimmicks here and there. CS: Source assets are required for models and textures to work. This is my first TTT map, so feedback is always welcome. Have fun! As played by the Yogscast:
Автор Zaratusa
A small map which takes place on the three upper floors of a skyscraper for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). Features: 8-24 Players are recommended good C4 spots many rooms only close and medium range combat areas You need Counter-Strike: Source or downloa...
Mr. X's majestic cruise ship the Cotopoxi is brought to life in a new exciting way, designed for the Trouble in Terrorist Town Gamemode. ----- The Terrorists embark on a journey they soon won't forget- The cruise of a lifetime on a top of the line ship, Th...
Автор It hurts when i pee
This map is a small to medium sized TTT map. Themed on the back alleys of Tokyo. The map can support about a max of around 32 players. The map has a T room with a water trap, a car trap and features a metro station with trains passing through. Map contains...
Автор Dooglz
A Trouble in Terrorist Town map based in a swimming pool complex. Small/Medium map (5/10 players) Treacherous Traps for the Traitor to torment Terrorists with. The 2 large waterslides are traitor detectors, a light at the top lights either red or green and...
[TTT] Demonic Possession
Автор LeBroomer
If you have ideas on how to improve the item or run into technical issues, feel free to post here to let me know about it. I will try to improve and fix it to the best of my abilities. This is an addon for the gamemodes "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Pleas...
Автор Comrade Stinger
ttt_mc_skyIslands is a medium/large Gmod Trouble in Terrorist town map. The goal of the map from the very start was to make it look as similar to minecraft as possible. We have seen several Garry's mod maps attempting to copy the style of miencraft but mos...
TTT Dead Ringer
Автор Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its the Dead Ringer from TF2, fixed, and now working with SpecDM (newest version of it, please look out for it)! If you buy and enab...
Thomas TTT Weapon
Автор Doc Snyder
Fork from All credits to Thendon.exe ( ) Fixed hitbox, which is now aligned with the rotation of the model. Smaller kill radius (25% smal...
Thomas The Dank Engine
Автор MonkeysInRavenholm
This is Thomas the Dank Engine Playermodel. Features: 17 different skins! Dankness slider! Meme worthiness! Source material: Click me! Want this model but the file is too big? Try this one instead! Requested by: Gunter Models used: Thomas the tank Suits an...
Super Discombobulator (TTT)
Автор Ikkou@:)
Works exactly like a normal discombobulator, but on a much much bigger scale. Throw it and watch people fly. (Warning: No Cape included.)...
Isabelle Doom Armor
Автор Suscubus
Not much needs to be said, Isabelle decided to wear the doom armor for a bit, and now she's going to rip and tear until it's done and then head back home and have some fun. Together, they are one. Playermodel has working hitboxes so it'll work with TTT Ori...
Blue Oath - Ryuujou - PM & NPCs
Автор GabryTheSniper
Ryuujou in Garry's Mod. Starring: GabryTheSniper: Port a L4D2 Model into Garry's Mod Shikimi Ch.: Creator and reuploader of the L4D2 Addon that replaces as Francis. (Credits goes to him). Features: Playermodel Viewmodel Arms. Face Flexes NPCs Custom Taunts...