Paragon: The Overprime

Paragon: The Overprime

Otillräckligt med betyg
Av Velovar

Go to:
or copy paste this into your windows explorer:

open Engine.ini
and add this at the bottom of the file:

[SystemSettings] r.EyeAdaptationQuality=3 r.FastVRam.EyeAdaptation=1 r.SkyLightingQuality=1 r.SkylightIntensityMultiplier=0.4 r.LightFunctionQuality=1 r.LightShaftQuality=2 r.HighQualityLightMaps=1 r.LensFlareQuality=3 r.LightShafts=1 r.LightShaftQuality=1 r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale=3 r.RefractionQuality=3 r.Color.Mid=0.35 r.SceneColorFormat=4 r.TonemapperQuality=1 r.TonemapperFilm=1 r.TonemapperGamma=2.2 r.Streaming.UseFixedPoolSize=False grass.CullDistanceScale=1.5 r.SSGI.enable=1 r.SSGI.Quality=3 r.SSGI.HalfRes=1 [/script/engine.renderersettings] r.CreateShadersOnLoad=1 r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2 r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1 r.bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=True [/script/engine.userinterfacesettings] ApplicationScale=0.95

save and set as Read Only
(more graphic commands may be added here, but are unnecessary)


In the same folder open file Game.ini
under [OverPrimeSettings] find and change numbers 3 to 4 for the follows, so it looks like this:

EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Graphic_All=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_ViewDistance=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_AntiAliasing=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Shadow=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_PostProcess=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Texture=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Effect=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Foliage=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Shader=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_StaticMesh_LOD_Distance=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_Landscape_LOD_Distribution=4: EGameSettingDetailType::EGSD_Graphic_ScreenPercentage=4:

That's it! Save files, when you enter the game under graphics settings it should say "TEXT BLOCK"

Step 1 changes or fixes things like grass popup
Step 2 all assets; meshes / shaders / effects / etc are loaded or rendered in higher quality (for some reason dev's forgot to include this highest setting)
Good luck, have fun!
14 kommentarer
Suren1990 22 feb, 2024 @ 8:36 
Why do you dicide close the game?
Breaksense 11 jun, 2023 @ 8:12 
For me it crashes the game while in matches :(
XenoMachina 12 feb, 2023 @ 15:11 
i followed the directions but i don't see the TEXT BLOCK. Is there something i'm doing wrong? Elp
MachJetUpper 16 jan, 2023 @ 8:00 
How do I increase the contrast please? I want to make the colors more vibrant! This is great, thank you
Glorious House of Gainz 16 jan, 2023 @ 7:02 
So good, makes the game look AAA.
Styro The Lean Dragon 13 jan, 2023 @ 14:21 
Would love to try it! But sadly can not find the file, and the search does not work for me either...
KillmyFlow 12 jan, 2023 @ 12:21 
Cool! Are you familiar with UE4 engine settings?

For another ToF game, the settings for Engine.ini by Kenshinakh ( are cool, they are generally suitable for other games on the engine, but manual settings are still required, it would be cool to have such a performance for the game Paragon: The Overprime. :steamthis:
Sonnolo 12 jan, 2023 @ 11:48 
No screenshoot no sense try it.
R3d4r_[NLD] 11 jan, 2023 @ 10:58 
Works like an charm, thx!
I've already been missing the very high settings.
Sander 11 jan, 2023 @ 6:58 
I teared up when I saw how absolutely gorgeous everything was that I layed my eyes uppon here. A chefs kiss to this brilliance. And of course this also deserves an award.