

58 ratings
Barotrauma - Comprehensive gardening
By Drifter
This guide provides a visual representation of growable Barotraua plants, their unique properties and numerical foundations to enhance gardening space and growth speed.
The guide below provides an overview of gardening and its nuances, updated as of Hotfix (Dec 20th, 2022).

You will find the following features in the guide:
  • Visual explanation of plant types, their usage and effects.
  • Gardening space optimization strategies.
  • Overview of theoretical gardening positions within every class of submarine.

Garden plant overview
Crafting overview of the available garden plants

Plant growth information
Two of the basic ripe fruits below, Raptorbane and Pomegrenade, are suitable as pet food for the Peanut, Psilotoad, Orange Boy and Cthulhu pets. Additionally, Raptor Bane is furthermore needed to craft the medical item Rum - more information can be found in the 'Basic Medicine' section in guide below.

The table doesn't include the chance of ripe plants breaking upon hitting the floor, which would influence the output rates.

Approximate sell and buy values of the ripe plants

To begin planting, you will need Small Planter Boxes. Important to mention:
  • Planter boxes require the skill Mechanic Engineering 20 , and are made with 2 Steel Bars & 1 Plastic .
  • Additionally, each Planter can hold 100 units of fertilizer, which is 1/8 of a single fertilizers durability.
  • Fertilizer is consumed at -0.1/ sec , which leads us to compute:
Garden space optimization
Basic planter box positioning

Planter boxes can be placed in the air, and on the ground. Some submarines can allow multiple layers of plants placed vertically. However, considering that fruits can fall and break on contact, a smaller distance to the ground is better.

Reducing planter box height points

Distance at which the ripe units fall can be reduced by placing the planters approximately 20% below the ground line (marked red). Planter boxes can be placed 50% below ground, however this removes the ability to actually plant seeds in them. Only way to detach the 'stuck' planters is by cutting open the floor with a Plasma cutter. The floor can be repaired with a wielding tool.

Optimized positioning

When a single planter box is placed, an additional box can be placed partially covering it (left image) - this however allows for both boxes to be used. This pattern can be continued infinitely as long as space is available (right image).
Garden positioning within submarines
Within individual submarines, we want to consider these location factors when choosing where to start a garden:
  • Internality of the hull : how deep inside the hull, in its center, is the garden located. This makes it slightly harder for the garden to be flooded, compared to outer hull rooms.
  • Availability of drainage : are the pumps, ballasts or rooms beneath the garden to drain flood water? This is needed when the garden is flooded, and needs to be drained.
  • Proximity to storage : this can include to main storage, medical cabinets, and manufacturing machines.

Color legend
RED - Potential garden spots
PURPLE - Drainage rooms
BLUE - manufacturing facilities
GREEN - Medical cabinet

Scout class submarines
  • Main room is mildly protected, with a medical cabinet and some storage.
  • Manufacturing in extreme proximity.
  • Ballast near for moderate drainage opportunity.

  • Every room is easily flooded.
  • Ballasts can provide drainage in the medical cabinet room.

  • Powerful ballasts allowing for a lot of potential space to be used; moderate protection.
  • Medical cabinet and fabricator within one of the areas.
  • Manufacturing in moderate proximity.

Orca 2
  • Central room moderately protected, large size.
  • Close proximity to medical fabricator and cabinet.
  • Powerful ballast; manufacturing in close proximity.

  • Large crew quarters and medbay rooms, with close proximity to manufacturing.
  • The ballast compartment can be used to drain floods - not by pumps, but by waterfalling the water inside.
  • Ballast garden can be well-protected if submarine sticks to the bottom of ocean floor.

  • Medical manufacturing in close proximity, standard manufacturing requires climbing up for several seconds from the lab.
  • Top suit locker room has good space; gets flooded easily, and often.
  • Medbay and research lab allows for vertical farming, expanding output greatly.
  • Lab compartment can be used to drain water from rest of submarine.

Attack class submarines
  • Small size, hard to protect from flooding.
  • Good ballast to drain the gun compartment location.
  • Medical cabinet in captains panel location, but can obstruct devices.

  • One good room in center of sub hull, with optimal drainage into the electricity compartment.
  • Manufacturing near main room.
  • Ballast drainage above smaller rooms, which also can be used.

  • Medbay has is optimally protected, and has good size.
  • Medical cabinet and fabricator in main room.
  • Main manufacturing one floor down.

  • Top room right above ballast for good drainage.
  • Medbay location well protected, but size limited.
  • Manufacturing facilities relatively far.

  • Strong protection for rooms in submarine center. Ballast right above a large space.
  • Manufacturing very close in travel time.
  • Medbay location has a fabricator, but limited in size.

Typhon 2
  • Good amount of internal rooms, one above ballast for drainage.
  • Medbay and manufacturing in relative proximity.

Transport class submarines
  • Lots of large rooms, far away from external walls.
  • Lower garden locations is right above ballast, for good drainage.
  • Relative close proximity to manufacturing and reprocessing facilities.

  • Two large rooms, one within medbay, albeit with limited flood protection.
  • Connected with same stairway to the manufacturing and storage location.

  • Huge available spaces for gardens - main storage has inbuilt pumps and ballast.
  • One large room mildly protected from floods.
  • Stern room (crew quarters) has medical cabinet.

Conclusion & remarks
Thank you for reading. If you have questions or notes to correct, leave a comment below or on my profile and I will address the issue ASAP.

Safe sailing o7

Scout Who laughs at Dispenser 29 Jan, 2023 @ 9:36pm 
Very cool
Drifter  [author] 2 Jan, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
@Miezhaus added reference to pet food, and linked the Rum recipe location in the Medic item guide
Drifter  [author] 31 Dec, 2022 @ 2:07am 
@Miezhaus Will update, most likely this will go in the Medical tree guide.
Wissenkatzler 30 Dec, 2022 @ 8:00pm 
Nicely done, you could add that Raptor Bane is furthermore needed for the new item "Rum".

Also, Raptorbane and Pomegrenade are suitable as pet food for the Peanut, Psilotoad, Orange Boy and Cthulhu