Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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LRT (base - versions) - Adaptive Networks Mod - Updates
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LRT - Tracks - Single Variants

Things possible/available with Adaptive Networks
  • Vanilla Rails [Segment Flags]
  • new Wires (static - no more swaying in the wind)
  • ability to choose Wires which will be bent on/at - Nodes and/or Segments [Segment Flags]
  • added - "Level Crossing - Covers" [Node Flags]
  • removeable Props [Segment Flags]
  • removeable Bridge Models [Segment Flags]
  • additional Rail Beds (currently available - Gravel/Grass - Theme based) [Segment Flags]
  • lots of "little" fixes and optimisations
  • everything counts for all versions, except the center Platform/Extension - Variant
  • LRT - elvtd. Station Tracks dont have all options, plus they´re accessible differently

  • new Wires

  • Level Crossing - Cover on Transition Node

  • Level Crossing - Cover on Bend - Node, in order to cover the transition between networks

  • Wire Examples
  • "C" = Segment & Node
  • "N" = only Node
  • "addition" = less cuts - has to be activated along with "base - Wire - flag"
  • Rail Bed - Grass - Theme based

  • elevated Track without Bridge Model

LRT - Tracks - Double Variants

  • everything shon for the Single Variants also counts for the Double Variants, as well as for the Double Platforms

LRT - Tracks - Double Platform Tracks

  • everything shown for the Single Variants also counts for the Double Variants, as well as for the Double Platforms

LRT - Tracks - Center Platform + Extension
  • some fixes and otimisations
  • new thumbs
  • added transition nodes [shown on the pics]

LRT - elevated Station Tracks

Things are slightly different with this network, due to my use of the segment flags. At the time of the release of this network, the AN drop-down menus werent available. I didnt change the initial setup for your convinience ... dont know if that was/is a wise choice ;) but currently it is what it is ... ;)

Below the pics its explained, how it all works on this network ... its no "rocket science" and pretty intuitiv, at least in my opinion. ;)
  • in order to change the Rails / Rail Beds - activate the last Segment Flag and use the - drop down - menu.
  • in order to change the Wires ...
  • activate the 1. Node Flag ...
  • and then change the Wire - type via the Segment - drop down menu
8 Kommentare
skallben 5. Mai 2023 um 8:23 
Alright! I could see why you'd want to keep things simple, it's a strength of your release style.

I'm likely on of very few, but yeah I would be VERY happy if you'd eventually get around to such a release since I've built the backbone of my transit with a mix of street, elevated, sunken and underground stops using your custom station tracks.

Thanks for your hard word and no need to consider this a hard expectation of mine now, I'll just be happy if it pops up one day :)
clus  [Autor] 30. Apr. 2023 um 10:14 
haha ... yeah, I did understand it exactly that way. ;) And I already considered that possibility too ... havent done it, because I am not a big fan of "double - releases". But since you asked, I`ll reconsider that decision .... after the other "waiting" stuff has been released in to the workshop. cheers ;)
skallben 30. Apr. 2023 um 10:05 
Alright, of course you have considered it.
Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing, I expressed my idea a bit vaguely.

I meant to suggest to make a second version, a new copy of the network but without the dot in the names to AN-enable, for the purpose to upgrade the old into that by using RON.

Sorry if this is exactly how you read my post and I'm just repeating myself.
clus  [Autor] 30. Apr. 2023 um 9:41 
@skallben I wanted to do that and would´ve have done it already, if it were possible. Unfortunately it isnt, due to the "naming" of these networks. Both, or at least one, do have a dot in their names ... and that isnt possible anymore in the current game version. You can ofc "re-save" any net with a dot in its name in a vanilla environment, without messing it up, but that doesnt count for saving those with AN. :/ Thats why I havent updated those networks ...
skallben 16. Apr. 2023 um 15:57 
Thank you for clarifying, and no need to apoligize - you contribution to the community is immense and I understand you guys all got lives.

I wonder then, would it be an idea to make a new AN-version to upgrade the older tracks into?
If it's not overly complicated and requires too much coding and you just don't have the time, I would be prepared to look into it myself.
clus  [Autor] 16. Apr. 2023 um 10:44 
@skallben Sry for the late reply ... not much time atm for cs.
Due to the state of the current game version and AN, this isnt possible, sadly. Those networks contain a dot in their (asset-) names and it isnt possible to keeps those dots, if they´re saved with the AN mod activated. The result of all that would be missing networks in peoples saves, because the game wouldnt find those networks anymore.
skallben 27. März 2023 um 15:58 
Got a question regarding the center platform station tracks - it's not possible to AN-enable them?

Was considering to use the games updated rail models for compatability with other networks and could convert all of your LRT-networks I use except just those tracks and I've built a shit-ton of custom stations based off of them.

I'm just asking without any expectation, I know you guys have lives and there's probably a reason why you left them out.
vic.foras 11. Jan. 2023 um 2:13 
And a two sided tram station? Is that possible?