Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

178 valoraciones
Lalafell's Heartlake town
Mods: Map
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10 DIC 2022 a las 8:38
22 MAR 2023 a las 5:11
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Lalafell's Heartlake town

I love you

It is my first map, hope you will like it :)

Workshop ID: 2900006618
Mod ID: Lalafell's Heart Lake Town
Map Folder: Lalafell's Fortress
27 comentarios
黑生化 3 DIC a las 16:55 
Quintillus 31 JUL a las 1:52 
cool :8bitheart:
Matt 4 JUL a las 15:48 
Many of the buildings are copypasted from the vanilla map, like most of them actually... what's the point?
Ryan 4 MAY a las 17:07 
cell number is 33, 35
Ryan 4 MAY a las 17:03 
cells used?
ColinNSick 3 MAR a las 17:50 
Love this Mod. It's my wife's favorite spot. Tons of cool decorations
kyo2002tw 6 FEB a las 22:13 
I hope Heartlake town can have a fire station to explore; also, the military camp is surrounded by unclimbable walls and cannot be entered. :steamsad:
银色鸟的飞行 2 FEB a las 2:09 
boring.talkings 29 NOV 2023 a las 7:03 
what's the cell?
自爆專家 31 MAR 2023 a las 6:09 
玩了一下來稍微抱怨一下.... 這個地圖的出生點不會在建築物裡 而是會直接刷在大街上 並且沒有附帶開局安全屋(清除範圍內的殭屍)特性,所以,對,出生就是死。 笑死,這張地圖只能當探索地圖用,不建議作為出生地圖使用XD