The Walking Dead™: Survival Instinct

The Walking Dead™: Survival Instinct

72 ratings
The Walking Dead™: Survival Instinct 100% achievement guide
By Methadon3000
100% Achievements
Different sources...

- Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
- Offline: 50/50 (1000/1000)
- Online: 0/50 (0/1000)
- Approximate amount of time to 1000: ~16 hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 2 (With partial playthroughs).
- Number of missable achievements: None, although you will need to re-do playthroughs if you miss certain achievements.
- Do cheat codes disable achievements?: No
- Does difficulty affect achievements?: No
- Glitchy achievements: Some have appeared to unlock BEFORE they should. None are harmful.
- Unobtainable achievements: None
- Extra equipment needed?: None
Story-related achievements
Oedipal Complex
Complete the First Location
Simply complete the first location (Cabot Ridge) you open the game up with and the achievement will unlock.

Sorry, Brother
Complete the First Act
The first act of the story deals with finding Merle. Complete it to unlock this achievement.

Nobody Can Kill Merle but Merle
Complete the Second Act
The second act deals with both trying to find evacuation as well as going to Barksdale where Merle says he needs to be. You will unlock this achievement after you finish Barksdale.

Moving to the 'Burbs
Complete the Third Act
The third act involves making your way to an evacuation point. This start after you've lost Merle in Barksdale.

Get Out of Dodge
Complete the Final Marked Destination on the Map
The final location is Firesign Stadium. Complete this and you will unlock the achievement.
Extreme Conditioning
Sprint Until You're Exhausted 10 Times in One Level
Quick way to grab the achievement early in the game: In the very first section of the game, run up and down the river 10 times to unlock it. This of course can be unlocked at any time during the course of your playthroughs, but why not get it done with no chance of walker interference and right away?

The Hunted Becomes the Hunter(secret achievement)
Killed 5 Walkers in the Cabot Ridge Creek Bed
You'll encounter this achievement within the first level of the game. Your objective is to simply kill 5 walkers as Daryl's dad. It doesn't matter how, with what sort of weapon as you the user kill 5. An important note though: The achievement unlocks AFTER the level is completed.

They're People, Too!
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Killing a Walker
The easiest level to complete this achievement would have to be the prologue. See "You're Just Not My Type" for a little guide to completing both of these on the first mission.

You're Just Not My Type
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Being Grabbed by a Walker
Run through the mission like you normally would up until the part when Buck goes down and the walkers are over him. DO NOT shoot your weapon or even go over and mele them. Simply allow the walkers to down you and then watch the cut scene. As Daryl simply follow the on screen cues to progress in the mission. When Jesse tells you to go out the back there will be a walker blocking your path. In order to get by without killing it press the RB to shove the walker out of the way. This is a great technique for the entirity of the mission in case walkers get in the way of your fuel targets. Simply collect the 3 fuel cans and make a beeline for the truck.

Two Heads Are Better Than One
Kill Multiple Walkers with One Bullet
I found this easiest by simply "training" the walkers behind me then turning around and quickly scoping a headshot on the lead walker. I used a high powered rifle and it went through actually killing three of the walkers following me. You could also gather the walkers in a large group and shoot for the head with a shotgun as it will also have a similar effect on killing them.

Stay Together, Stay Safe(secret achievement)
5 Survivors Were Killed While Scavenging
Before you enter a marked location you will have the opportunity to send out any/all of your survivors to scavenge. Over the course of your playthroughs you must have 5 survivors get killed during this scavenging time. Ultimately this isn't too hard to achieve as survivors take considerable damage every scavenging run especially if you don't heal/equip them well.

You're Doing It Wrong(secret achievement)
Perished 13 Times
This may come either with natural progression or farming of certain achievements throughout the course of the game. Even the most skilled should see the end at least 13 times.

We Survive by Pulling Together
Recruit 1 Optional Survivor
In the first mission following the prologue you will actually be tasked with recruiting an optional survivor. Throughout the game most of the survivors are actually optional so this achievement will come with the natural progression.
Amber Plays Games

Not a Scratch
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Taking Any Damage
Tip: If you fail sometime during the mission if you go either back to the dashboard OR to the main menu you will be able to simply reload and retry the mission instead of having to find another mission completely. This also means that you CANNOT simply restart the level--beware.
This may prove to be easy or hard depending on how well you can do running and dodging. Note that it cannot be done on the prologue mission as some have stated. There are many stated ways to do this although it's up to you to be able to find which one works best.
Sedalia may be a viable option as you can complete the entire mission in about 4 minutes. Here's a quick walkthrough to do it with Sedalia:

You Go Your Way, I'll Go Mine
Dismiss a Survivor
You can get this as early as Sedalia if you do the optional quests for both Jimmy Blake and Warren. At the end of the level you will need to let one of them go no matter what because there isn't enough room in the truck.

Group Hug
Kill 4 Walkers in a Single Grapple Sequence
Simply get grabbed by a large group of walkers and then you will be passed around from one walker to the next. All you need to do is kill 4 of them in one sequence and you will unlock this achievement. Remember that you need to aim for the head and press RS to kill them.

No Stone Left Unturned
Collect Every Stuffed Squirrel
There are 16 squirrels spread across 16 different levels. Collect each one to unlock this achievement. You will need multiple playthroughs to grab all the squirrels as there are often squirrels in both decision towns when you get to them on your map.

The Missing 8
Find Every Poster

Achievements 2
No Down Payments
Find Every Useable Vehicle
You will need multiple playthroughs to grab this achievement. There are vehicles that appear in the decision towns meaning you cannot get to both in one playthrough.

On the Road Again
Explored an Unmarked Travel Location

Zig-Zagging All Over the Road
Explore 25 Unmarked Travel Locations
25 unmarked locations cannot be done in one playthrough although you should hit about 14 or so after your first full playthrough. The unmarked events include:
  • Breakdowns
  • Survivor meetings
  • Supply runs
  • Fuel runs

Duct Tape Can Fix Anything
Survive 5 Breakdowns
Breakdowns occur most often when you are traveling by highway between the main missions. This will most likely take at least 2 playthroughs. In the breakdown missions you will need to search the area for a part that your vehicle is in need of. Grab the part and run back to your vehicle to complete a breakdown.
Remember that these stack through deaths, restarted levels, and playthroughs.

Been Everywhere
Complete All Marked Destinations on the Map
These are your main storyline missions and will require two full playthroughs to accomplish. This isn't much of a problem and will unlock naturally as you progress through either the Roadmap or simply getting achievements.

Crash Course in Brain Surgery
Kill 100 Walkers while Grappling
This will most likely come with natural progression of the game. When there are a large group of walkers near you they will typically take one swing and then all attempt to grapple you. During these sequences you must force your RS to the head of the grappling walker and then quickly press RT in order to kill it.
Remember that these stack through deaths, restarted levels, and playthroughs.

Need More Spots Up Front
Dismember 250 Limbs
Dismember limbs is something that comes natural in zombie games. Your best weapon of choice for this would be getting the fire axe. The fire axe will sever an arm in one shot, a head it one shot, and legs in two. Heads do count toward this achievement as a limb.
Remember that these stack through deaths, restarted levels, and playthroughs.

It's Gotta Be the Brain
Dismember All Limbs of 5 Walkers
This one can be a bit tricky but here's some advise:
  • Use either the Fire Axe or the Machete in order to make this process much easier (and quieter).
  • Take out the legs first. If you take out the arms first then the walker will die upon losing its legs.
  • Aim a little bit to the right of the body part you are trying to dismember to ensure you don't accidently hit the head.

Now Don't You Get Bit!
Prevent 50 Walkers from Grabbing You
This one is probably best done boosting although it could be, in theory, done with natural progression of multiple playthroughs. Essentially what you are looking for here is when a walker goes to grab you, there will be a quick QTE segment in which pressing RB will knock the grabbing walker off of you.
Remember that these stack through deaths, restarted levels, and playthroughs.

Sneak Attack
Perform Execution Kills on 50 Walkers
This will most likely be your bread and butter means of killing walkers unless you wish to attract attention to yourself. In order to perform an execute you must come up behind a walker and press and hold RB in order to initiate an execution.

Need a Hand?
Prevent a Walker from Damaging You by Severing Its Attacking Limb
This can easily be done with a gun or any axe type weapon. To make this easier shoot off of cut off one of their arms so they only have one viable way to swing at you. Once you've done this go in to bait and attack and when they swing pull back and shoot/chop off the arm.

Have a Nice Trip!
Kill a Walker That Is Falling Due to Dismemberment
This isn't as hard as it may seem. The achievement is fairly lenient with the grace period between dismemberment and death giving you a few key seconds to get the kill. Essentially what you need to do is blow a leg off a walker and while the walker is falling kill it. If you don't get this naturally in your play with the shotguns then definitely try to single out a walker and shoot the leg off first then go for the head.

Good Samaritan
Complete 25 Optional Objectives
Optional objectives are secondary objectives that will progress the narrative of the story or give you access to new aspects of the game, but are not required for the progression of the game itself. Each mission has at least one optional objective and most missions have a few.
These objectives stack with deaths, restarted levels, and new playthroughs.

True Dixon
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map Using Only the Crossbow
You get the Crossbow after Barksdale in which Merle goes to meet up with his old gang. The missions following Barksdale are quite tough and laden with walkers so it may be best to do a marked destination on new game+. What you need to do in order to unlock this achievement is use only the crossbow to kill walkers in an entire level. It's believe that executions still count toward only the crossbow being used.
Achievements 3
Say Hello to My Little Friend
Complete a Marked Map Destination Using Only Firearms
Just like completing a marked destination only using the crossbow, just using firearms is just as it sounds--you cannot use anything but bullets to kill walkers. This means if you get grabbed you must let the walker kill you as the stabbing with the hunting knife counts as a knife kill. Some levels are of course easier than others, although getting one kill with a gun and then running through the rest of a missions is always a viable option.

Mind if I Borrow This?
Pull a Bolt From a Walker Then Kill Them With It
Once you’ve acquired your crossbow, simply shoot an arrow into a walker’s leg. Now walk up to him and retrieve the arrow and fire it back into his head. Walker must be killed with the same arrow you retrieved.

Shoot a Walker with 10 Bolts without Killing It
Once you've acquired ten or more bolts for you crossbow, you’ll want to find one walker that you can single out from the rest. Make sure he’s the only walker in the vicinity to ensure you don’t get bitten by other walkers. Once that's done, simply let off ten or more bolts in any part of his body other than his head/neck. Try not to shoot bolts in the same part that you've already hit, as most of the time the bolt will fall off of the walker. After your 10th bolt the achievement will unlock so long as it did not kill the walker.

I Used to Be a Human Like You
Shoot a Walker in the Knee with a Bolt
Daryl gets his crossbow back in the town of Barksdale. LT is used to zoom in and RT is used to pull the trigger. Simply aim for the knee and watch the achievement pop.

Ooh, Shiny!
Distract 50 Walkers with Items
Distracting walkers with items is like throwing bait and having them flock to it. Items that can be used for distractions are as follows:
  • Glass Bottle
  • Flare
  • Car Alarm

BOOM! Who Needs a Headshot?
Kill 5 Walkers with One Explosion
There are many situations throughout the game where there are large numbers of walkers together making this achievement fairly easy. The very last level may be the easiest as there are propane tanks all over the ground, and with you being in a turret machine gun the walkers get plenty close enough to kill at least 5 with one explosion.

This Is How Hot Dogs Are Made
10 Walkers Killed with Saw Blades in the Logging Camp
The achievement is toward the end of Oakview. After you've met with Svenson and he gives you the pass code you will make your way through the lumber yard. The blades will be running and the conveyer belt will be pulling toward the blades. Simply bait the walkers close or actually shove them into the blades. Anytime any walker goes into a blade it will count toward your total even if you didn't push them in yourself.

It's Not Venison, but It'll Do
Consume 50 MREs
MREs are the equilavelent of health packs in TWD. You will most likely won't go through 50 in the natural progression of the game, but this achievement enables MREs consumed to transfer from deaths, restarts, and new games. To grab this easily load up on MREs, hit a checkpoint or a new level, eat them all then go quickly die to restart.

Still Not Buying a Hybrid
Consume 250 Fuel
This will easily be achieved during your playthroughs although it will take into your second to unlock. You consume the most fuel by driving with the backroads instead of the streets or the highway.

That Looks Like It Hurt
Restore Survivors 25 Times
You will need MREs to heal the fellow survivors. This can easily be "boosted" by simply having survivors in your party, healing them, going into the level, restarting and repeating until the achievement pops.

I Can Handle This Myself
Enter Sherwood Without Any Survivors
Between when you first see that you can travel to Sherwood and the last stop before Sherwood you need to dismiss any and all survivors. The achievement is as simply as that. Go into Sherwood without anyone but Scout who automatically comes along as she is a main plot-line character.

Guys Night Out
Arrive at Final Destination with Only Male Survivors
See "Rosie the Rampager."

Rosie the Rampager
Arrive at Final Destination with Only Female Survivors
For both of these achievements your last chance to make sure your group is gender specific is directly after you complete Sherwood. It's best that you dismiss them either after leaving Danvers or Polksville, but you still have a chance before Sherwood. Sherwood even provides you a place to grab either the male or a female survivor with either Harrison or Jane (not able to grab both). This of course will make you have to do 2 playthroughs.

Down to My Last
Complete the Game with Only 1 Firearm and 1 Bullet Left in Your Inventory
The best/easiest way to grab this achievement would be to go into the final mission with at least another gun aside from the assault rile. During the map waste all of the ammo except one bullet in that gun (i.e. a shotgun) and then switch to the assault rifle as your primary weapon. Once Merle brings you the Humvee to shoot on top of drop everything except for the weapon that only has one bullet in it. At the end of the mission you will be awarded with the achievement.
Achievements 4
Next Step: Bullet Belt
Fire 300 Bullets
Ammunition is fairly common throughout the locations of the story line. This achievement simply requires you to shoot 300 bullets. This may seem like a daunting task, but unless you are going completely stealth mode you will most likely shoot this by the end of one playthrough.
Remember that these stack through deaths, restarted levels, and playthroughs.

That's a Nice Swing You've Got
Kill Walkers Using Every Melee Weapon

Hunting Knife: Found in Cabot Ridge right after you gain control of Daryl.

Hammer: Found in Cabot Ridge right beside Jesse before you go out the back door to begin to find fuel cans.
Found in Sedalina in the super market under Jimmy Blake. Once you enter the super market make a left and then head down the little isle--the hammer is sitting on a shelf.
Found in Pemberton inside the gas station next to the walker feasting by the windows in the front.

Lead Pipe: Found in Sedalina right next to the squirrel. In order to get to this location you must go up ontop of the supermarket and then head over to the roof right next to the one Jimmy Blake is standing on. Head down the ladder and right behind you is the lead pipe on the desk. Beware of the walker who is slumped against the wall opposite the pipe as he will wake up if you make too much noise or go close to him.
Found in Danvers on the bottom floor after opening the security gate. Daryl will make the comment about finding the rest of the team. The pipe is on the ground next to a dead male walker.

Fire Axe: Found in Danvers, inside the ClaraChem building. When you go up the stairs inside the building it's stuck in the wall at the very top flight of stairs.
Found in Cleburne holding closed a door marked with "Don't Open! Dead." You will pass this doorway on your way to the morgue.
Found in Lafferty right next to Noah if you've saved him or on the middle level shelf adjacent to the ATM machine.

Hatchet: Found in Taggart behind Charlene's home in the shed. It's on the bench right next to the squirrel.
Found in Sherwood inside of Jane's garage behind the desk.

Baseball Bat: Found in Lemon Hill during the searching for fireworks objective. After you proceed down the long alley way searching for fireworks head up the ladder. Once you arrive at the top hand a left and go up to the next rooftop. You will see a gap and a hanging body to your left. You must jump the gap in order to make it into the next building. Once inside you will see the baseball bat on the desk that is in front of the open doors.
Found in Taggart inside Charlene's house beside her bed on the floor next to the window.

Machete: Found in Fontana inside the freezer behind where Scout and Noah are. You need to do the optional questline for Scout in order to retrieve it.
Found in Oakview Follow the main objective until you sneak through the hole in the fence, just after the area with the searchlights and people gunning down walkers. Once on the other side of the fence, where all the tents are, keep to your left. There is a chain linked fence erected against a redbrick building, there is a door into the building, which had a chain linked fence door in front of it, neither are accessible. The Machete is on the ground in the grass, almost, in front of that door.
Found in Archer's Creek after pushing the first car it's along the right hand side behind one of the tents.
Found in Firesign Stadium at the end of the tents designated for waiting in line. The machete is sitting on a row of desks with computers on them which look like one big check-in station.
Found in Firesign Stadium to the left of the checkpoint area where the first machete is found. Go through the fence all the way to the two trucks parked on your left hand side. It will be lying on the ground next to a shotgun.

Sledge Hammer: Found in Lemon Hill when you are passing through the church graveyard you will come upon a shed right before you go to the church itself. The sledgehammer is in the shed.
Found in Sherwood in the home of Harrison. Go to the back of the house in the garage, the hammer is standing next to a table with a squirrel on it.
Achievements 5
They Know Me at the Range
Kill Walkers Using Every Ranged Weapon

Bolt Action Rifle: Found in Cabot Ridge next to the first fuel can and the pack of ammunition.
Found in Sedalina inside the police station by the exit going toward the trailer park. It's resting on the ground next to a walker. Beware the other walker in the room slumped over is not dead.
Found in Fontana inside the theater by the back entrance. Coming out of the diner you can see the back entrance door but it is locked. Go through the long hallways wrapping around the theater to get to the rifle resting on a bench.
Found in Sherwood right next to Aiden ontop of the roof.

Revolver: Found in Sedalina on the desk right in front of the open counter in the police station. There is a walker feeding right next to it.
Found in Pemberton inside the same building the sheriff is in. If you go down the hall from where he is it will be your first door, open, on your left directly at the intersection of the hallways.

Grenade: Found in Pemberton inside the police station in the same room as the revolver. This is down the hall from the sheriff himself.
Found in Garwater inside the ranger's house in the room he is trapped in. They are sitting on his desk.
Found in Danvers passed the security gate bottom floor just pass the elevator on the right hand side.
Found in Firesign Stadium next to the dead soldiers on the final helipad.

Pump Shotgun: Found in Pemberton at the primary objective of finding the sheriff's deputy. The shotgun is on the floor right next to his dead body.

Hi-Powered Pistol: Found in Fontana right next to the squirrel. In order to get to the pistol you need to go down the alley you start in all the way until you hit the chain link fence with a pile of boxes next to it. Jump up the boxes and over the fence. Kill the two walkers in this area then climb the car to get on the metal roof. The pistol is in the dead man's hand.
Found in Polksville after the helicopter spots you and the horde swarms you. It will be the first open box car down on your left hand side. There is a dead walker right next to it.

Double Barrel Shotgun: Found in Garwater at the beginning of the mission. It's given to you by the police officer.
Found in Fontana at the main entrance to the police station. If you work your way from the back the shotgun is down the hallway, to the left, on the desk by the double doors.
Found in Barksdale inside the donut shop where you also find a squirrel. The shotgun is on the ground in the room that you click through the hole in the wall to get to.
Found in Sherwood inside the home with the black car parked out front. Go all the way to the back in the bedroom with the light on. The shotgun is laying at the foot of the bed on the ground.

Fast-Action Pistol: Found in Cleburne on the top floor of the hospital, on the floor, opposite side of a barricade under a blue-lit "Parking" sign. This is JUST before you enter the room with the scientist working on a serum.
Found in Archer's Creek on the ground right before pushing the second car.

Crossbow: Found in Barksdale after Merle has it out with his old gang. After you pick up your knife off a dead body and then kill the walker with your bow you will have it.

Semi-Auto Shotgun: Found in Lemon Hill inside the gas station where Merle is playing with fireworks. It's on the ground right in front of the counter.
Found in Archer's Creek right beside the very first car you need to push or at the very back of a pickup you stop pushing the car next to.
Found in Polksville right across from the boxcar you need to jump up into to continue on with the mission. From where you start after the horde notices you, quickly turn around and it will be the first boxcar on your right.
Found in Sherwood inside the mechanic shop where you need to find Aiden. It's on the ground next to the duffle bag.
Found in Firesign Stadium to the left of the checkpoint area where the first machete is found. Go through the fence all the way to the two trucks parked on your left hand side. It will be lying on the ground next to a machete.

Semi-Auto Rifle: Found in Lemon Hill in the church right at the foot of the altar.
Found in Oakview after you climb up the ladder in order to get through the lumber mill, when you jump off the balcony below you will be a walker laying down on a large log. Land on top of the walker and look to find the rifle laying right under the walker's arm.
Found in Polksville in the boxcar you need to climb through in order to progress through the train yard. Right after the horde notices you do a 180 and it will be the first boxcar on your left with 2 open doors. Beware there are 3 walkers in this boxcar so kill them first then grab the rifle.

Assault Rifle: Found in Firesign Stadium directly in front where you start the mission. There is a walker feasting on a dead soldier. The rifle is behind the ammunition box.
Found in Firesign Stadium not too far from where the machete is at the check-in station area. When you emerge from the tents used for holding people in lines make a quick right at the desks and then look to your left before going around the side of the tents. The assault rifle is inside a large tented area. DO NOT go any farther than the rifle itself. There are well over 20 walkers inside the tented area and you will be flanked and killed.
Games and Such
Achievements 6
Every Man, Woman and Child
Choose to Travel at Least Once with Every Optional Survivor
Top Tip: When travelling between towns where a random survivor may occur. If you haven't encountered them by the time the characters start talking while your travelling, quit out to the XMB and then reload the game. You'll be back at the main destination you set off from, so therefore you'll have another chance to get the survivor to appear. Also, travel on the back roads.
This carries over playthroughs, so make sure you try and get as many survivors as you can in your playthroughs to minimize the chance of having to do playthroughs just for survivors.
There is a total of 14 survivors you need to travel with in order to unlock the trophy. In the spoilers below, you will find the survivors you encounter in the main marked destinations, and also the random ones. The random ones are a pain as it is random,wherever you will encounter them while travelling between towns, but if you use the method above you shouldn't need luck on your side to get the random ones.

Survivors encountered in marked destinations:
Jimmy Blake (Sedalia) - This survivor is found on top of the store you travel through at the start; go up the ladder to reach him and complete his optional objective to recruit him.
Warren Bedford (Sedalia) - This survivor is found in the gas station; you will recruit him as part of the main mission.
Mia Park (Fontana) - This survivor is found at the theater. After speaking to Scout, head across the road and enter the theater. Walk around a bit in here and then you will see Mia open a door; approach her and she will run away. Follow the stairs up then you will speak to her and recruit her.
Mike Swenson (Oakview) - During this mission, you have to find Merle anti-biotics. After the part with all the tents and the people shooting at you from the building, you'll reach another building., You have to recruit him as part of the mission.
Todd Jeffries (Cleburne) - After falling through the floor and after being chased by a load of zombies, exit the door and go right. Pass the blockade, Todd can be found in the last room on the left.
Noah Cruz (Lafferty) - This survivor is found in the first room of the shop you enter. There are two parts to being able to recruit him though. Back in Cleburne, you had the choice to let Noah die or go and help him; if you choose to go through the door to help him he will still be alive and will appear in Lafferty. However, if you didn't go to Cleburne in the destination before he will be in Lafferty regardless.
Shelia Schneider (Danvers) - This survivor will automatically join you when you Danvers.
Terry Harrison (Sherwood) - This survivor is found in the house (The one with the squirrel in it) to the left of the sign in the middle of the street, in the bedroom with his wife. In order to recruit him, you have to go into his house at the end and save him, not go into Jane's house.
Jane Carroll (Sherwood) - This survivor is found to the right of the sign in the middle of the street; she is standing in the hallway. In order to recruit her, you have to go into her house at the end of the mission and not Terry's house. She has locked the door, so you need to use the backdoor to speak to reach her

Survivors randomly encountered in un-marked locations:
Sarah Bell - This survivor is found on top of a petrol station between Sedalia and Fontana. The unmarked event is called 'Search the town for supplies'.
Holly Gaines - This is found randomly between Fontana and Barksdale. The unmarked event is called 'Diner'. You can tell if you have encountered her as they'll be no walkers at all on the road. She will be in the farm building.
Ahmad Farran - This survivor is found randomly while traveling between Fontana and Barksdale. The unmarked event is called 'Campsite' and he is in the middle of the road on a trailer.
Gloria Garcia - This survivor is found randomly while traveling between Barksdale and Sherwood. The random event is called 'Freight'. You will see he standing on top of a train as soon as you enter the area, if you got lucky and she spawned.
Shelly Berger - This survivor is found randomly when travelling between Barksdale and Sherwood. The unmarked event is called 'Abandoned Neighborhood'. Head to the two cars to the right of you when you start; you then want to break the fence just past these cars and enter the house. Shelly is found in here if you got her to spawn.
ShotDead Kev
EXTRA - Relics
Crossbow/Assault Rifle
Survivor: None
Location: None
How to Unlock: Finish the Campaign
Function: When enabled, the player will gain access to a Crossbow and Assault Rifle in the beginning of the game.

Silenced Weapons
Survivor: Jimmy Blake
Location: Sedalia
How to Unlock: Jimmy Blake reaches the Firesign Stadium.
Function: When enabled, the player will gain access to a silenced Pistol and Rifle in the beginning of the game.

Survivor: Warren Bedford
Location: Sedalia
How to Unlock: Warren Bedford reaches the Firesign Stadium.
Function: When enabled, the player decreases the range of the walkers detection.

Bigger Clips
Survivor: Mia Park
Location: Fontana
How to Unlock: Mia Park reaches the Firesign Stadium
Function: When enabled, the player's clip size in all range weapons will increase.

Item Boost
Survivor: Mike Swenson
Location: Oakview
How to Unlock: Mike Swenson reaches the Firesign Stadium
Function: When enabled, the relic makes Restorative and Distractive items more effective.

Survivors Success
Survivor: Noah Cruz
Location: Lafferty
How to Unlock: Noah Cruz reaches the Firesign Stadium
Function: When enabled, the relic increases the condition and the efficiency in scavenging of the survivors included in the player's party.

Faster Stronger
Survivor: Sheila Schneider
Location: Danvers
How to Unlock: Sheila Schneider reaches the Firesign Stadium
Function: When enabled, the player's condition and movement speed are increased.

Marksman Boost
Survivor: Terry Harrison
Location: Sherwood
How to Unlock: Terry Harrison reaches the Firesign Stadium
Function: When enabled, the player can fire all ranged weapons faster and with greater accuracy.

Melee Boost
Survivor: Jane Carroll
Location: Sherwood
How to Unlock: Jane Caroll reaches the Firesign Stadium.
Function:: When enabled, the player's damage using melee weapons increases.

Unlimited Ammo
Survivor: None
Location: None
How to Unlock: Gain all the other Relics.
Function: When enabled, the player will have unlimited ammunition.
Dennis 3 Sep, 2024 @ 11:05pm 
go on amazon. you can buy a legit key there.
Abda_fr 3 Sep, 2024 @ 10:56pm 
Im here 10 years later asking if there is still anyway i can download the game or where i can find a download link
Methadon3000  [author] 12 Aug, 2018 @ 9:23pm 
thx :D:
Dennis 9 Aug, 2018 @ 3:56am 
Rated and Favorited!
Methadon3000  [author] 8 May, 2015 @ 6:47pm 
Was my pleasure :D::HealthKey:
scarletteshadow333 8 May, 2015 @ 5:03am 
Rated up and favorited. Thank you so very much for this guide ;-)
Methadon3000  [author] 1 Jan, 2015 @ 1:04pm 
geraldvincentt 1 Jan, 2015 @ 1:43am 
Rated up and favorited. This is hands down the best guide of the game since all of the other ones are written in foreign language. Still have no idea why this guide haven't recieved the ratings yet. Anyways, great job and thanks for making this :happymeat:
Methadon3000  [author] 23 Jul, 2014 @ 5:14pm 
Thx a lot!:D:
OwlGoRhythmz 22 Jul, 2014 @ 11:34pm 
Excellent work bringing all the info over. Looks very presentable on top of it. Top job and thanks!