522 ratings
rust commands, binds and exploits
By hmmm
A list of useful keybinds and commands that are not commonly known about that are actually useful.

Anywhere in the guide you see <key> you need to replace it with the key that you want to use. For example I might replaces <key> with 'o' if I want the bind to be bound to 'o'.

A few 'exploits' in here like 1 way angles, no fall damage and seeing through water.
This guide is mainly a list for my self so I can keep coming back to this and adding to it and also to give these binds and commands to other people and explain what they do.

This is a list of binds and commands that are good to use for gameplay. Some of the commands don't save and will need to be re applied each time you load the game, but at the end I have a way to make it easy.
'true' is equal to '1' and these can be interchanged. The same goes for 'false' with '0'. If you are doing something with a character limit, use 1 or 0 instead of 'true' or 'false' to save characters.

Binding to your desired key:

Anywhere in the guide you see <key> you need to replace it with the key that you want to use. Anywhere in the guide you see <command> you need to replace it with the command that you want to use. For example I might replaces <key> with 'o' if I want the bind to be bound to 'o'.

How to make a custom bind:

How to bind 2 keys to 1 command:
bind <[key1+key2]> "<command>"
bind [leftshift+k] kill

For a command:
bind <key> "<command>"
bind y "graphics.fov 90"

For a hold to use:
bind <key> "<command1>;<command2>"
bind y "graphics.fov 70;graphics.fov 90"

For a toggle:
bind <key> "~<command1>;<command2>"
bind y "~graphics.fov 70;graphics.fov 90"

How to unbind a key:
bind <key> ""
bind y ""
Streamer Mode
Streamer mode is an under used feature in rust. Streamer mode automatically assigns every account with a user name that can never be changed, meaning playing in streamer mode can make peoples names much easier to remeber as they cant change their name to hide from you. Also, streamer mode name are usually short and are very unique, I have never seen 2 people with the same name before.

The one downside to using streamer mode is the fact that the people that you talk to in chat likely don't use streamer mode, so if you call them by their streamer mode name they probably wont understand.

Also, using streamer mode hides the map when you die, this can make it hard to spawn on bags if they're unnamed. However, using this bind will allow you to see the map when you hold G.

bind g +map;global.streamermode false;global.streamermode true

(thanks tacularr for giving me the bind)
bind <key> "~mesh.quality 200;mesh.quality 0"
Object quality 0 gives you the benefits of being able to see and SHOOT THROUGH small gaps on small oil rig that anyone else cant, 200 just makes things look nicer.

(this is a bind for switching between object quality 0 (lowest) to 200 (max) posted in the comments by @WormLover41)

hitnotify.notification_level 2
Stops you from hearing a hitmaker when u get an invalid shot, however there will still be a hitmarker if you get an invalid headshot.
headlerp_inertia 0
Makes you look back to the middle of the screen quicker after alt peeking.
graphics.lodbias 5
Renders better (higher quality) models from further away getting you better visibility with minimal performance loss.
gc.buffer 2048
Changes how often the game run a gc cycle, therefore reducing lag.
graphics.waves 0
Removes wave effects in the ocean for better visibility and performance.

(This no longer works but its good to keep in case it returns in the future)
player.recoilcomp 1
Makes it so your aim auto readjusts when tap firing some weapons. Decent for PVP.

(This no longer works but its good to keep in case it returns in the future)
+meta.if_true "grassshadows 1";+meta.if_false "grassshadows 0"
Removes some unnecessary shadows for better visibility.
graphics.itemskins 0
Command no longer works :(

Disabling (new) community skins for better visibility (skins from ~2016 and facepunch made skins will stay on and items that use different models, like space suit, ak47 ice, artic suit, etc...)
global.perf 5
Shows fps and ping.

(Blocks some of the TeamUI in the bottom left)
global.hideinteracttextwhileads 1
Changes the opacity of interactive text ('open door' 'open box') is and where it is on the screen when aiming down sights for better visibility.

bind <key> "graphics.fov 70;graphics.fov 90"
Binding this to a key will make it so when you hold down that key, your FOV will be set to 70 (the lowest) allowing you to zoom in. Letting go of the key will set it back to 90 (the max FOV).

(with the bind I listed above you have to hold the key for it to zoom in, however with this bind posted by @WormLover41 you only need to tap it as this bind is set to toggle the FOV until you press the key again.)

bind <key> ~graphics.fov 70;graphics.fov 90
bind mouse1 "+attack2;+graphics.vm_fov_scale 0;graphics.vm_fov_scale 1"
Changes the viewmodel FOV scale from 0 to 1 only when you ads. This makes the weapon appear closer to the screen and take up less screen space giving you better visibility.
client.lookatradius 20
Using this will change how close you have to look to interact with things. If you lower the look radius then you are at a disadvantage in most cases, for example if its really low you cant loot the fuel part of a mini while sat in it, with it higher you don't need to look as close to things to interact with them, like opening boxes or picking up loot from the floor. HOWEVER, if you set you look radius to really low you CAN reach between gaps in to upgrade walls and foundations that you otherwise cant reach because of the interact text.

I would recommend playing with look radius 20+ and setting it lower when you need to.
input.holdtime 0.1
The number at the end of the command is the amount of seconds that 'E' needs to be held before it counts as an interaction. The default is 0.2 so this command halves the time you need to hold 'E' before it registers. This is only really useful for inputting lots of codes, turning lots of furnaces on / off or other similar things.
bind <key> "~audio.master 0.1;audio.master x"
A bind that will change your sound volume to 0.1 when you press the key, if you are in a boat, heli or are soft siding you can press the bind to lower the game volume and then press it again to increase it. Change 'x' in the last part of the bind to what you have your master volume on.

For example if you play on 0.8 master volume it would be
bind <key> ~audio.master 0.1;audio.master 0.8

This bind also allows you to exceed the 'max' master volume setting, in the menus the most you can put is 1 but with the bind you can go as high as you want.
audio.master & x
Both of these commands 'audio.master' and '' will allow you to change the volume of parts of the games sound individually. I personally use these commands to increase the volume of the headshot crunch.

To do this, you need to change 'audio.master' to a higher value, I use 5. (audio.master 5) Then, you need to set to something much lower, i use 0.3 ( 0.3). Doing this will increase the over all volume of the game to 500%, but using the second command you are only lowering the actual game volume to 30%, meaning sound effects not in the game (like the headshot crunch) will stay a lot louder.

audio.master 5 0.3
bind <key> meta.if_true "water.quality 2";+meta.if_false "water.quality -1"
This bind will allow you to see through water when you spam it. For the bind to you work you need to have your water quality set to 2 before pressing the bind.

This bind can be used to find dead bodies easier and other things in the water.
Digital Vibrancy / Saturation
To make the game look a lot more saturated / vibrant you can use Digital Vibrancy (for nvida) or saturation (for AMD).

By going into your GPU's control panel and going to the display / colour settings you can change these respectively.

I wouldn't recommend using these on the max values as you can get 'colour blobbing' where you start to see similar colours merge together and become worse for visibility, like red and oranges. using the red and orange example, if someone is on rig with a red skin (default hoodie) they could start to blend in to the walls and floor on small rig.

Also, i wouldn't use these settings for anything other than gaming, if you watch YT with these on and someone in a video has this on too, its going to look so bad... and also normal use on ur pc will become worse as greys and whites become to similar.

I don't use this personally, but I would if i could auto have them turn on when I open rust and auto turn off when I close it just like old colour filters :(
Disable fish
Is what it is really, you can disable the fish for better viability and probably performance too.

environmentfishmanager.maxfishdistance = the distance you can see the fish from (meters)
environmentfishmanager.maxfishpertype = the amount of fish on the screen

setting both to 0 will disable the fish completely

environmentfishmanager.maxfishdistance 0
environmentfishmanager.maxfishpertype 0
bind <key> "~graphics.vm_horizontal_flip 1;graphics.vm_horizontal_flip 0"
The bind will swap what hand the gun is in when you press it, just like the csgo one.
bind <key> forward;sprint
A key that can be used for auto running across long places, just tap the key you set this to and you will sprint in the way you look. To stop moving tap the forward key, to stop sprinting, tap the sprint key.

This can also be used to auto swim, however make sure you are looking upwards so you dont drown.
inventory.quickcraftdelay 0
Removes the delay when you first open your inventory and you cannot craft anything using the quick craft menu.
bind f1 consoletoggle;combatlog
Very common bind, pressing F1 will auto print the newest combat log, no real reason not to use this imo as pressing F1 will still show the console normally for inputting other commands, however it can be kinda cluttered if you keep opening your console.
bind f2 consoletoggle;combatlog_outgoing
combatlog_outgoing Is a command that will open the combat log but will only show the inputs of you, meaning you wont see when they hit you in the log, only when you hit them. Can be kinda useful if you want to remove clutter from the log.
bind <key> "~global.showblood 1;global.showblood 0"
A bind that toggles 'show blood' on and off, blood off will make it look like water splashes instead of blood when you get hit.
bind <[key1+key2]> "kill"
This is a bind that will make you suicide when pressing 2 keys at once. Good for preventing accidentally pressing kill binds.

I use shift+k for my kill bind.

bind [leftshift+k] kill
graphics.shadowdistance -1
Reduces the amount of shadows on the screen (can still see player shadows). Useful for visibility and performance.
gfx.ssao 0
Better performance.
grass.displacement 0
Disables dynamic grass, mainly good for a subtle performance increase but means grass will not displace when you walk over it.
graphics.shafts 0
Disables some of the glare from lighting in the game, including some god rays.
water.reflections 0
Disables water reflections (as far as i know, players reflections are not reflected either way).
graphics.branding 0
Slight performance boost.
player.eye_blinking 0
Slight performance boost and disables eye blinking on characters.
player.eye_movement 0
Slight performance boost and disables eye movement on characters.
Method 1 (PATCHED):
(2 people needed)

Capping your in game FPS to 1 will make you fall in slow motion. If you set your FPS to 1 and start falling, you can then have a teammate jump on your head and fall slowly on your head. You (the player with 1 FPS) will still take the full fall damage, however your teammate can jump off your head just before you hit the floor and then pick you back up.

This can be used in caves to get down the bucket exit easily.

bind <key> "~fps.limit 1;fps.limit 0"

(If you want more control when you're falling, you can set the FPS to 5 instead of 1 however you will fall faster)

Method 2:

This is very well known, but when you touch fire you will fall slower.
If you shoot an incendiary shotgun shell at the edge of a drop, you can stand on the fire ball as you fall down and you will not die from most falls. You will just take significant fall damage. You can survive the bucket drop using this method and you can do this solo without any special binds.

You can do this with any type of fire.
Not recommended binds:
These are binds some people use, but I don't recommend you use them, but ofc this is just my opinion so if you want them / like them then use it.

Disable the HUD when you aim in / ADS
bind mouse1 +attack2;+graphics.hud 1;graphics.hud 0

Bad because you do not see your health bar, blood marks / spatters on the screen when you get hit, so its hard to know what health you are on when you ADS. Also this command is annoying when you right click in your inventory / boxes etc, the hud goes away.

Light toggle when you aim in / ADS
bind mouse1 +lighttoggle;+attack2

Bad because you cant aim in before you want to shoot as you will reveal your position if you have a light on your gun, also if you have a laser sight thats already on, aiming in with this command will disable it.
my premade FPS config
See my cfg here.

Take the content of the pastebin, then add it to a cfg in your game files. This is located here: Steam\steamapps\common\Rust\cfg

However you can also access it like this:

Go to Steam library > right click Rust > manage > browse local files.
Once here, open the folder called cfg.

Once you are in the cfg folder, you can take any existing cfg file, copy it > rename it > and then paste my cfg in (I named my cfg 'fps.cfg' so that's how it will be referenced going forward).

To use the cfg file, load up rust, open the console (F1 by default) and type "exec fps.cfg" (without the "" marks).

If you do this in a server, you will get a message popup in the chat telling you that it has worked (only you will see this message), as well as a message in the console telling you that it has worked (only you will see this message).

You can edit the config as you wish, adding or removing commands and binds as you want to.

If you don't know, in a cfg file, anything with '//' before it will be ignored by the game. This means any lines that have // and some text, can be removed if you really want. They are just there for human interpretation as I have put a few instructions in there.
creating an FPS config
For this we will make a new config file with all of the commands we want and then execute the config in game.

Go to where your config is stored, it should be in your rust game files. To get there, go to Steam library > right click Rust > manage > browse local files.

When there open the folder called cfg.

Click once on client.cfg > right click > copy

Click once in a blank part of the folder > right click > paste

You should now have a file called client - copy.cfg, this is the file we will edit to make our config file.

Open the client - copy.cfg file with any text editor (notepad), and add the commands in you want. Save the file when you're done adding the commands (file > save).

Close client - copy.cfg.

Go back to the cfg folder, right click the client - copy.cfg file > rename. Now rename the cfg file to something meaningful like 'fps' or 'commands' or something you can remember. Don't use any spaces, use underscores (_) instead.

Load up rust and join a server, then open the console and type: global.exec (config name).cfg.

(if you named the cfg file fps it would look like this: "global.exec fps.cfg")
creating an FPS bind
Some of the commands in here will not stay on after the game closes. This keybind includes all of those commands and all you need to do is bind this to a key and every time you load the game press this key and then all of the commands will execute. You just need to remember to press the bind.

bind <key> hitnotify.notification_level 2;headlerp_inertia false;graphics.lodbias 5;gc.buffer 2048;graphics.waves false;player.recoilcomp true;+meta.if_true "grassshadows 1";+meta.if_false "grassshadows 0";graphics.itemskins 0;global.hideinteracttextwhileads 1;audio.master 5; 0.3;headlerp 100;environmentfishmanager.maxfishdistance 0;environmentfishmanager.maxfishpertype 0
creating FPS launch options
If you're going to use launch options then you have no need for the bind above as these commands will automatically execute on the start of your game.

here is the launch option commands for the bind listed above, copy everything in one and paste it.

To access the launch options:
steam library > right click rust > properties > general > and there is a box for your launch options to go in.

-hitnotify.notification_level 2 -headlerp_inertia false -graphics.lodbias 5 -gc.buffer 2048 -graphics.waves false -player.recoilcomp true +meta.if_true "grassshadows 1" +meta.if_false "grassshadows 0" -graphics.itemskins 0 -global.hideinteracttextwhileads 1 -audio.master 5 0.3 -headlerp 100

In case you want to add your own commands to the launch option, all you do is add a '-' sign infront of the command. for example for adding 'graphics.itemskins 0' to my launch options would be:

'-graphics.itemskins 0'

Someone commented saying there is a character limit with these (thank you), so i would recommend creating a separate config file for the commands you want, or using the bind in the above section if you have this issue.
I will continue to update this guide as I add more commands and binds to my config.

My workshop ;

Thanks to everyone who commented, people gave suggestions for binds, people who awarded, people who favourited, people who upvoted and everyone for viewing the guide.

Special Thanks to:
76561199166679629 this guy who always changes his name for giving suggestions and updates etc.
KCmo for featuring my guide in his video.
2-0 TIL BUSSEN 17 Dec, 2024 @ 10:27am 
bind <key> ~audio.master 0.1;audio.master 0.8
this command dosent work anyone who got a fix?
hmmm  [author] 10 Dec, 2024 @ 2:21am 
strange, im assuming you've fixed it by now but if you get issues like that then you can just rebind it to default using the settings screen
evan 4 Dec, 2024 @ 6:19am 
bind mouse1 "+attack2;+graphics.vm_fov_scale 0;graphics.vm_fov_scale 1

this command fucked my game up now i cant even ads, any help? just slightly brings my gun closer instead of letting me aim down sights lol
Kovi 20 Nov, 2024 @ 11:02am 
it helped ty :luv:
big balled greg 8 Nov, 2024 @ 11:21am 
went from 120fps to 110, dont use
Monco 30 Oct, 2024 @ 4:51am 
what does gfx.ssao 0 and graphics.branding 0 do?
hmmm  [author] 8 Oct, 2024 @ 3:05am 
thats what the bottom part of the guide is for, you make a bind with all of the commands or a config file with them all. You can also use the launch options but that has a character limit
Loydgamer10 7 Oct, 2024 @ 6:33am 
can I get rust to remember all the commands I enter so I don't have to enter them all every time I play
tex 27 Aug, 2024 @ 12:54am 
hmmm  [author] 25 Aug, 2024 @ 1:09pm 
all good, lmk if there's any more issues :steamhappy: