Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

50 ratings
Rainbow SIx Vegas 1&2 WFVM MOD (Widescreen Overhaul)
By urialia
fov and viewmodel fix MOD for perfect widescreen gameplay.
What is WFVM MOD?

WFVM MOD is weapon and gameplay overhaul for modern widescreen gameplay.
original fov value is extremely low (59 degree) so very harsh to widescreen gaming.
WFVM mod change value to 78 degree. (it works like 103 ~ 105 of other game)
also, it fix every glitch of first person viewmodel, include several animation issues.

the change is:

- Fully support Vegas 1 & Vegas 2
- Change ingame fov value. (59 to 78)
- Fix broken viewmodel in widen fov.
- Adjust every viewmodel position as modern gaming style.
- Adjust every weapon correctly matched to crosshair.
- Fix every ADS position (iron sight, C-More, Acog) for widen fov.
- Fix every weapon's running, aiming animation for widen fov.

1. Change ingame fov 59 to 78.

2. Adjust weapon position for modern style gameplay.
- MG36

- SR25

- Same refinement fix to every weapon

3. Fix every first person viewmodel position to remove border glitch.
- MP5 Broken viewmodel fix in higher fov

- MP9 Broken viewmodel fix in higher fov

- Same refinement fix to every weapon

4. Adjust every weapon pointing, correctly matched to crosshair.
- FAMAS Pointing

- USP Pointing

- Same refinement fix to every weapon

5. FIx every run animation for widescreen gameplay.
- AK47 Broken run animation

- Same refinement fix to every weapon

6. Fix every ADS (include iron sight, C-More, Acog) aiming position with animation.
- Iron sight MP9

- Iron sight MAC10

- C-More alignment

- Acog alignment

How to Install
Install Rainbow Six Vegas 1
1. Unzip downloaded file and open "WFVM Vegas 1" folder.
2. Replace "Core.uppc, Engine.uppc, R6Game.uppc" in next path:
(GameDirectory)\Rainbow Six Vegas\KellerGame\Content\CookedPc
3. Replace "KellerWeaponsConfig.ini" in next path:
(GameDirectory)\Rainbow Six Vegas\KellerGame\Config\PC

Notice: WFVM for Vegas 1 is only surpport default "r6hud.mgb". so if you changed hud setting to "r6hudWide.mgb", please use original mgb file for perfect mod working.

Install Rainbow Six Vegas 2
1. Unzip downloaded file and open "WFVM Vegas 2" folder.
2. Replace "CameraConfig.uppc" in next path:
(GameDirectory)\Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\CookedPC\Packages\Camera
3. Replace "DefaultWeaponsConfig.ini" in next path:
(GameDirectory)\Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\Config
WFVM MOD Playing Video
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Gameplay

Rainbow Six Vegas 1 Gameplay

Known Issue
- Original first person animation is designed for low fov, so some animation glitch is still remain.
- Due to high frame rate issue, NPC and player character's head is constantly shaking.
- Vegas 2 has stair up speed bug in windows 10.
urialia  [author] 21 Dec, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
the last thing i guess is Win 11 compatibility problem. trying run vegas1 in compatibility mode lower than Win 10.
TrustMeNothing 21 Dec, 2024 @ 2:38pm 
that did not work, but thanks a lot for your help. i use normal english system. is there any other ways? i really want to play the game.
urialia  [author] 18 Dec, 2024 @ 4:23pm 
hi there, vegas1 have a start up crashing bug in the case of non-english windows system (like korean or chinese), so if you are using non english windows just trying unicode changing via 'Locale Emulator' (you can find it in google search) and set value to turkish.
TrustMeNothing 18 Dec, 2024 @ 2:44pm 
Hi, this mod does not even work for me (Vegas 1). It crashes on startup. I found the problem is on the Engine.uppc and R6Game.uppc. Nothing worked for me, including running in Admin mode, openning compatibility mode.

I use Win11.

Someone please help me.
urialia  [author] 19 Nov, 2024 @ 6:19am 
@Yogi the bear, man
hi there, thanks for using my mod!
Yogi the bear, man 17 Nov, 2024 @ 8:27pm 
This mod works great, thanks!
I had the correct resolution set in Vegas 2, but the field of view was way to zoomed in. It was unplayable before I used this mod
Moustache Cash Stash 10 Nov, 2024 @ 11:11pm 
Oh, that looks great, and good to know they work well together! Thanks!
urialia  [author] 10 Nov, 2024 @ 10:11pm 
@Moustache Cash Stash
Hi there, this patch is not involve in screen ratio. so if you want fixing screen ratio perfectly, using widescreen fixer.

I think using widescreen fixer + viewmodel fix config could be best result.
Moustache Cash Stash 9 Nov, 2024 @ 2:45pm 
Does this add a 21:9 aspect ratio to the game? Because for some reason the game has resolutions for 21:9 monitors, but no actual 21:9 aspect ratio, so it ends up looking stretched/squashed, and also does that thing where it shoves around all my other open windows instead of leaving them in their place. If not, does this mod pair well with any existing aspect ratio fixes?
超级暴龙战士 17 Jul, 2024 @ 2:31am 