Legend of Keepers

Legend of Keepers

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100% Achievement Guide: Legend of Keepers
Bởi brutalnerd
This is a step by step guide with visuals, to help you attain all 24 achievements. I decided to make this guide as I could not find an English detailed version for myself.
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Bỏ thích
Who's the Champion now!
Kill a Champion.
Kill any enemy that has the yellow highlighted health/morale bar.

I've got the power!
Gather 5 Artefacts during a game.
This came naturally through game play, but some ways to help are:
  • Do every plunder available and select any that have a chance of finding an artefact.
  • Select every event in the hopes to Take, Keep or Steal an artefact.
  • Select every mission that has a reward as an artefact.
Run for your life!
Make 3 heroes flee.
This is extremely annoying to achieve and takes some planning and nice RNG. I achieved this by doing the following:
  • Start Mission I using Slaveholder as your Master.
  • Select Customization>Easy>Start.
  • Choose monsters that do area damage to morale NOT health.
  • Choose traps that do area morale damage only.
  • Artefacts that can be helpful are Demonic Pendant, Knight's Ashes.
  • Use the Intimidation spell.
  • Try to keep Demoralised and Terrified even on all heroes.
  • Pray to the RNG Gods all 3 flee at the same time.

Suggested monsters and traps:

Raining Blood!
Apply 20 stacks of "Bleeding" to a single hero.
This achievement is fairly easy through normal game play. Just use all bleed monsters, traps and artefacts. Artefacts that can be helpful are Cain's Dagger and Orochi's Stolen Sword.

Suggested monsters and traps:

It's a trap!
Kill 3 heroes simultaneously with a trap.

A difficult one to get all 3 heroes dead with one trap. Definitely some trial, error and some luck.

My strategies were:
  • Start Mission I using the Engineer as your Master.
  • Select Customization>Easy>Start.
  • Choose monsters that do decent area damage to health NOT morale. Select a couple of monsters who can do front and back damage if you need help keeping the health bars of all heroes as even as possible.
  • Select Gnome Technician for your first trap to get two attempts at killing all heroes with your second trap. Choose second traps that do area physical life damage only. You can't predict what heroes will have weaknesses to with the elements.
  • Don't upgrade anything except the traps.
  • Artefacts that can be helpful are Enchanted Cogs, Mysterious Screwdriver, Magic Purse, Prank Pie, Protean Barrel.
  • Try placing one - two monsters in each room. On easy mode you want all heroes at even health when they get to the trap. Not dead, but close!
  • Use spell Targeting Drone.

    Suggested monsters and traps :

A real monster!
Upgrade a monster to max level.
Very easy achievement. Just keep upgrading one monster with the Trainer, until it can no longer be upgraded.
3 birds 1 stone
Kill 3 heroes with a single attack.
This is another relying on some planning and nice RNG. I achieved this by doing the following:
  • Start Mission I using Slaveholder as your Master.
  • Select Customization>Easy>Start.
  • Choose monsters that do low area damage to health NOT morale. Select a couple of monsters who can do front and back damage if you need help keeping the health bars of all heroes as even as possible.
  • Choose traps that do area life damage only.
  • Don't upgrade anything except the Slaveholder's Enslavement ability, health or power.
  • Try placing one - two monsters in each room and only one trap. On easy mode you want all heroes at even health when they get to Slaveholder, not dead.
  • Use the Intimidation spell if morale is high. Try not to use the other spells, to keep the heroes' health bars even.
  • Use Enslavement to kill all three heroes at once. This can take some trial and era, especially if some heroes are stronger than their whole group.

Suggested monsters and traps:

True denial
Finish a game without seeing the Therapist.
Very easy achievement. Never use the Therapist. Only heal your monsters in the Garrison.
Family's strength
Use only the same type of monsters during a dungeon.
To make this easier to achieve:
  • Select Mission I as Slaveholder>customization>easy.
  • Always select missions with a monster reward to try and get duplicate classes of monsters.
  • Take all plunders to get extra gold or try for a free monster.
  • Always visit the merchant to buy/refresh to get duplicate classes of monsters.
  • Don't waste money on upgrading any traps, or training monsters.
  • Place only the SAME CLASS of monsters in both rooms. Example: All monsters are Skeletons ONLY.
  • A very helpful artefact is the Cheerleader's Pom Pom. You can cut one room out altogether.

    Example: Mechs ONLY

    NB: I have not tested if putting only one monster in both rooms of one class will get the achievement to pop. This could be worth trying. If it works please let me know to update the guide.
Expert recruiter
Recruit 5 rare monsters with the Headhunter.
  • Play on easy mode if you find it more manageable. You want to keep a lot of gold and see as many events as possible.
  • Plunder as much gold as possible.
  • Keep as much gold as possible by not upgrading anything too much.
  • Click on every event in the run to find the Headhunter.
  • Recruit the rare monster with a star above their portrait.

Mischief managed
Steal 10 Artefacts from the Collector.
This I feel is the second hardest, maybe hardest achievement of the game. You need to steal an artefact from the Collector (an event) 10 times. You need to own the monster the event requires for it to be stolen. It is very reliant on RNG if the event even appears. I have found the event usually shows up mid-late year when it does. Here are my tips to be successful:

  • Play on Mission I as Slaveholder and choose easy mode.
  • Aim to have one of every monster possible, as early as possible.
  • Take all missions that reward a monster or the most gold.
  • Plunder for as much gold or monsters you can. Go for gold first, as you may get a monster you already have.
  • Take every single event looking for the Collector.
  • Take every merchant if there is no event, and buy any monsters you do not have. Refresh if you can and buy more.

The monsters I found he wanted the most were :
All Hail, Golthor!
Summon 10 monsters in front of the Ninth Door.
  • Take every event in a run to hopefully run into Golthor.
  • Keep as much blood as possible so you can get a monster from Golthor, without taking damage to your master.
  • Just take the damage to your Master if need be, so you can accumulate the requirement of doing this 10 times.
Complete all missions!
Complete all missions with the Enchantress, Slaveholder and the Engineer.
This is easily achievable by just enjoying this great game! Complete Missions I-V for each of these Masters.
Ascensions 5, 10, 15, 20

Well, that was easy
Complete level 5 of Ascension Mode with any Master.

This is getting interesting
Complete level 10 of Ascension Mode with any Master.

I'm the Boss
Complete level 15 of Ascension Mode with any Master.

Am I... a God?
Complete level 20 of Ascension Mode with any Master.

You can achieve this with any build, or Master you enjoy. I used the Slaveholder, a morale build, and the Monster classes skeletons and creatures of the deep. I used Father of the Damned as the intern.

You can change your starter monsters and traps before you play Ascension mode by clicking Ascension>Edit>Add/Remove as long as you stay at 1500 gold (top right)>Next>select classes>Save>Start.

I custom chose the following monsters and traps on startup:

Endless Mode 156 and 260

Morning routine
Reach 156 weeks in Endless Mode.

Never tired of it
Reach 260 weeks in Endless Mode.

Again you can achieve this with any build and Master you prefer. I chose Slaveholder again. I tried a few different builds but found fire worked best for me. I used when I could:
  • Disaster spell - Heatwave or Blizzard.
  • Spell - Show No Mercy! mostly, sometimes Burning Whip.
  • Intern - Colossal Hydra fire spell.
  • Focus on 2 traps and upgrade them to max.
  • Place the Oil Cauldron in Room 1. Ideally have trap 2 (Furnace) before Room 2. You want to have burn on the heroes by Room 2 either from monsters, your traps or your intern. This is so the Flame Eaters can take full advantage of their upgraded Level 3 spell, that can do big damage.
  • Use whatever final Slaveholder spells to get the job done. I mostly used Enslavement then Whiplash.
  • Artefacts - Fang of Melinda, Knight's Ashes, Cursed Spirit, Flame of Power, Devouring Whip, Bewitched Glove, Staff of Speech, Winged Boots, Transmutation Circle, Pocket Mirror, Horn of Plenty, Tar Ball, Two Birds Stone, Skaelland Figurehead.

You can change your starter monsters and traps before you play Endless mode by clicking Endless>Edit>Add/Remove as long as you stay at 1500 gold (top right)>Next>select classes>Save>Start. I chose skeletons and demons. These are my starter monsters and traps:

I tried to end up using these monsters as much as possible, with the same above traps.

Artefacts 25, 35, 45

Looking for something?
Unlock 25 Artefacts at the Archivist.

Playing with toys
Unlock 35 Artefacts at the Archivist.

Spoiled child
Unlock 45 Artefacts at the Archivist.

These achievements came naturally and easily just by playing the game. If you are wanting a particular artefact just go to Archivist > Artefacts and click on the box to read how to attain it.
I hope you have a wonderful experience playing and unlocking all of the achievements. I hope you found this guide useful and my future "Congratulations!" on your 100%.

I would like to do more guides in the future, as I'm an avid achievement hunter on the games I really love. There's been quite a few games I've had trouble finding information on, yet I managed to get 100% eventually through much googling, asking, experimenting. This frustration has led me to start giving back to the community who may be looking for the same thing as myself - a 100% guide where there isn't one or not one in English.

As this is my first guide, any feedback is especially welcome either on steam or feel free to stop by and have a chat at http://twitch.tv/brutal_nerd

Happy Hunting!

8 bình luận
Milkopilko 5 Thg01 @ 12:40am 
who is the pumpkin head monster pictured after "I tried to end up using these monsters as much as possible, with the same above traps."?
brutalnerd  [tác giả] 18 Thg08, 2024 @ 6:07am 
Looks like it, as I don’t have the DLC.
Scream 12 Thg08, 2024 @ 10:32am 
Hey, u can get all the achievements without any dlc?
Jerroxix 29 Thg03, 2024 @ 6:42am 
Started actively hunting to complete today. 13/24 With my latest being "It's a trap!" using this guide.
PlaneswalkerPRH 13 Thg06, 2023 @ 8:39am 
Finally got them all! Many thanks for helping! :lok_chalice:
PlaneswalkerPRH 10 Thg03, 2023 @ 8:22am 
Great work, well done mate!
brutalnerd  [tác giả] 4 Thg02, 2023 @ 6:35am 
You're welcome!
thefrozeneskimo 28 Thg01, 2023 @ 9:58am 
Finding this very helpful so far, thanks! I am playing on another platform but hadn't been able to find a lot of info on getting the achievements so I appreciate this!