Lifeless Planet

Lifeless Planet

329 평점
100% Achievement Guide
Feeed 님이 작성
Guide explaining how to get all of the achievements in the game.
즐겨찾기 해제
First Playthrough
In your first playthrough you will want to die every way possible (Lifeless Astronaut) while also trying to get all the collectibles (Geologist and Planetary Historian). I have listed the achievements by what comes first to make it easier.

Gravity Kills
Die from a hard fall.

You can do this very early on, just find somewhere high and jump.

Spend 15 minutes in the town.

Nothing much to say here. If you finished everything in the town before getting this achievement you can just leave the game alone and come back after a while. Or do this after you have finished the game.

Enable extended boost with the jetpack.

Unmissable. In the Chasm you will get extended Jetpack as a part of the story.

Make a long and difficult jump with the jetpack.

After finding the extended Jetpack in the Chasm, jump over to the other side.

What Was That?
Something mysterious kills you.

While progressing in the story you will see a plant that stabs whenever you get close to it. You get the achievement by getting killed by it.

Solve a puzzle with the robotic arm.

Unmissable. You will get the robotic arm by progressing the story and shortly after you will have to solve a puzzle.

Don't follow the footprints in a dangerous area.

In Dead Forest, as soon as you reach the forest hug the right side until you reach roots coming from the right side and the left side. You should get the achievement by now.

Catch on fire.

In Inferno, you can stand over the lava you get burned.

Expedition Leader
Play the game for more than 10 hours.

If you finished the game without getting this (Which is what should happen as the game is short), just leave the game on until you get the achievement.

Lifeless Astronaut
Die every possible way on the planet

There is 8 different deaths required for this achievement, some of them are early in the game and some are near the end. If you missed one of them you can choose the area from "New game" in the menu to get it.

Listed by earliest:
  • Falling to death
  • Running out of oxygen
  • Crushed by rocks
  • Killed by the tornado creature near the tall building in town
  • Activating bomb and getting blown up by it
  • Stabbed by the plants
  • Grabbed by the flower tree
  • Getting burned by the lava

You don't need to get killed by the fan in the research facility to get this achievement.
Second playthrough

Finish the game in under 4 hours.

Survive the game without dying.

You don't have to do these in your second playthrough, but i would recommend doing that as it will make the game much easier. You will be familiar with the maps, won't be exploring for collectibles and you will know what kills and what doesn't. All of these allow you to finish the game very fast.

You can't use the "Last Checkpoint" option as it will count as a death, so be wary of getting stuck or you will have to restart from the beginning. Although its possible to Alt+F4 and then start the game again and resume it, this will not count as using last checkpoint and should give you the achievement. It also sets back some of the progress so if you die you can use this method to reset your death.
Mineral Samples

Rock Hound
Collect 10 science samples.

Collect 15 science samples.

There is a total of 17 minerals in the game, you will have to collect 15 of them to get this achievement. If you have missed some you can go back and get it by choosing the area from "New Game", but you will have to save and quit for it to save.

Chalcanthite When you jump over the pillar and it collapses you will have to go through a small cave, in the very beginning is a rock with a blue mineral behind it.

Rhodochrosite You will eventually reach and area where you have to push down a rock, on the way to pushing the rock is another path, take that path and it will lead you into a mineral.

Sulfur When you see a waterfall go in the opposite direction, climb up and you will soon see the mineral.

Garnets You will find this while following the woman, it shouldn't be hard to see.

Almandine Garnets After you get the extended Jetpack make the long jump, after you reach the other side move on until you find it.

Rose Quartz After you get the oxygen keep moving on the right side, there will be a narrow path with the mineral inside.

Celestine After finding the Rose Quartz you will have to go back to the main path, you will find collapsed rocks blocking your path forcing you to take alternative route. After you move up go to the right.

Yellow Quartz After the scene take a left instead of right.

Rose Quartz After you get the extended Jetpack you will have to jump over the pillars. After jumping over the first 3 pillars keep moving on until you have other pillars to your right and a single pillar in front of you. Jump over to the weird looking pillar and keep moving. Eventually you will have to go down and there you will reach the mineral.

Once you reach the alien artifact take a right, it should be directly behind the artifact.

Crocoite Once you reach the area with red spikes that is blocking your path, take the hidden path on your left.

Autunite You will need to use the stabbing plant to jump over to another platform, move on the left until you reach the shining mineral.

Last Stand
Quartz A while after you have used your extended Jetpack you will reach one of the stabbing plants, go to the left and you will find the Quartz.

Dead Forest
Coal Once you reach the forest keep hugging the right side. You will find big roots from the right and the left, thats when you will know you are in the right place.

Water Ice While following the green on the ground you will reach iced mountains. Keep moving over the green until you see a non-iced area on your left.

Obsdian You will find this naturally as you walk on your way through the map.

Planetary Historian
Read 20 documents.

There is 23 documents in the game, majority of them can be gotten while progressing the story because they are directly in your path.
댓글 66
SETH ROCKET 2024년 9월 22일 오전 11시 59분 
Can i get rockteer and survivalist achievement without deleting my 1st playthrough?
balearadu 2023년 12월 23일 오후 10시 39분 
@I followed the guide here and got Lifeless Astronaut pretty easy that way,about the playtime achievement,it's pretty buggy ,I just left the game running while going to work,you can't leave it open in the background,just start a chapter or something and leave it,it still took me around 20 hours I think...
Dirt Casual 2023년 12월 23일 오후 3시 07분 
Are there any tips for getting "Lifeless Astronaut?" I followed a YouTube video showing the necessary deaths, read the English and Russian guides that said 8-9 deaths were necessary. Did it all in one play through.
Also have 15 hrs in gameplay but didn't get the 10hrs achievement, is that a single game play too?
Crys1s 2023년 3월 20일 오전 8시 53분 
@CorvusCorax - "Stabbed by the plants" - these are black root lookalike growing from the ground and by walking to them, you get stabbed. You can see them here at 1:24 -
CorvusCorax 2023년 3월 20일 오전 8시 51분 
I have finally got "Lifeless Astronaut" by burning on the last level. I find this interesting as this is my second playthrough and Inferno is difficult enough for me to have survived without dying on my first try.

It is possible that all deaths must be obtained during one playthrough. Also, reaching the area with the geysers has some small lakes where you can drown. Perhaps this also counts.

@Crys1s: Thanks, I think I also missed the flower tree during my first playthrough I just find it interesting that the achievement only unlocked after falling into the lava.
Crys1s 2023년 3월 20일 오전 8시 49분 
@CorvusCorax - "Grabbed by the flower tree" - these are the ones where you have to jump off them fast or else you will be swallowed (killed) by them. Don´t recall what happens exactly but I am sure they kill your character if you´re not fast enough. You can see them here at 1:58 -
CorvusCorax 2023년 3월 20일 오전 8시 40분 
@Crys1s: You did not specify if you have to be in-game or the main menu will suffice. Words such as "running" and "focused" do not make it clear. But thanks for finally confirming it with your latest reply.

Do you have comments to my other questions?
Crys1s 2023년 3월 20일 오전 8시 36분 
@ CorvusCorax - I already wrote the solution for the Expedition Leader achievement. You can find it a few comments below yours. And yes, you have to be in the game standing in one place, not in the main menu.
CorvusCorax 2023년 3월 20일 오전 7시 49분 
For Expedition Leader: "If you finished the game without getting this (Which is what should happen as the game is short), just leave the game on until you get the achievement."

Leave the game on: What does this mean? In the main menu? Or you have to be in game standing in one place? I did the former and the achievement didn't pop. Can others who got this confirm the solution?
CorvusCorax 2023년 3월 20일 오전 7시 48분 
"Stabbed by the plants
Grabbed by the flower tree"

Again, something lacking clear description.

There are no plants in this game. Are you referring to the black roots that stab you when you step on them? And by tree do you mean those platforms that light up once you touch them and you have a couple of secs to quickly jump over?