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"This GIF is compressed like hell, but this game is really beautiful. Now i can play it fully maxed out (even with resolution up to 200% + RT and whatever else) at 1080p with a RTX 3060 12GB and an i5-11600K, i have no idea why others with more powerful rigs are having so many issues.
3 commenti
SYNBEAST 30 ott 2022, ore 15:48 
Forget it. Resolution scaler hits harder than Ray Tracing in my opinion but like you said ''i like cinematics feels'' You enjoy playing 30fps, so no one can stop you and at the end of the day it's a single player game not an Competitive. Have Fun :steamthumbsup:
sfarog [m0rph]  [autore] 30 ott 2022, ore 14:43 
If i turned RT off it would boost it significantly, but so far i am keeping it like this, feels more cinematic.

RT seems to cause some issues.

Main issue with everything set like this is that i get some annoying input lag whenever i grapple.

Day 1, i would have constant stutter with RT on, with no resolution scaling. It was impossible to play, but now i'd say the performance improved.
SYNBEAST 30 ott 2022, ore 14:17 
You mean Resolution scaler up to %200 And Rtx max? How much fps do you get?