Happy's Humble Burger Farm

Happy's Humble Burger Farm

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Happy's Humble Burger Farmer | Achievement Guide
By Stef
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
Estimated difficulty: 2.5/10.

Estimated 100% time: ~6-8+ hours.

Offline/online achievements: 30 offline / 0 online.

Number of playthroughs: 1 + clean up.

Glitched achievements: None.

Missable Achievements: 11. Spoiler Alert, 3rd Shift, Phreaky, Deja Vu, I'm Not Even Looking, Jukebox Hero, Now in HD!, Caffeine Rush, Straight to the Thighs, Escape From the Barn, Backpack Backpack
Story Related
I'm Lovin' It Complete your first shift
Simply go to work and finish your first night. The only thing you have to worry about is making burgers.

I Have No Mouth Find the Apartment hole
Turing Test Meet V.I.C.
Not really sure why these are 2 separate achievements, but I'll take it. At the start of Night 4, you'll hear a voice in the wall. Go into your bathroom closet to find a giant hole in your wall. Crawl through and talk to the head on the table.

But I Must Scream Find the Boss Room Ventilation Shaft
After getting the ability to craft Hackers, make one and go to work. Hack the panel to the managers office, then pull the red lever inside to reveal a grate. Open it and move forward a bit.

Do You Smell That? Discover the parking garage
After completing your shift on the 5th night, your boss will inform you that the museum is now open. Craft a bomb and head on over to explore. Once you're ready, blow up the door to the right as you enter to locate the entrance to the parking garage.

Going Down Survive the Elevator Descent
Once you're in the parking garage, follow the linear path forward to spot a few lockers. Open the middle one to discover some bricks. Take the brick to the right and smash open a button we can push to open a nearby door. Head through and sloppily parkour your way down the shaft.

Flashback Go back in time
Killer of Giants Witness the Nuclear Explosion
After defeating Charlie you'll have access to the headband blueprint (can't remember what the item was called). To craft it you need a camera, a clock, and a chip. Toss all 3 into the crafter, then press E while it's in your hands to go back in time. Leave your bathroom and go out to your balcony to witness a large explosion in the distance.

What Year Is It Escape the Simulation
A bit later in the story you'll be making orders at Happy Burger (the diner) and will eventually be tasked with bringing the garbage to the dumpster out back. Before you do this, make one of each burger and hold them in your inventory or backpack. Continue through the scripted events until you're teleported to the Farmer boss fight. Immediately run to the barn, toss a plate down on the prep board, add all 3 burgers to it, then ring the bell. When you spot the Farmer, toss the prepped plate at him to instantly end the boss fight. If you don't do this, you'll need to prep the burgers while he actively hunts you. As soon as your back, follow the linear progression route to finish the game.
3rd Shift Survive Evil Happy
Not really a boss fight, but I'll include it here. If you fail an order 3 times during any shift, you'll be put into an evil world where Happy will be moving towards you unless you stare at her. Run into the freezer and grab a rotten patty from the giant pile in the center. After you cook it, slap together a complete burger with it and toss it at her to survive. This is easiest on shift 1 when you don't have any other distractions coming in.

That's All, Folks! Defeat Evil Petey
As you leave your apartment building on night 3, you'll hear an explosion. Your manager will tell you to ignore it, but we're not going to do that. Instead, head to the construction site on the way to work and you'll notice you can now go through the gate. Enter the building slightly to your right to find yourself in an old Freddy's Happy's. You'll need to follow the colored wires on the floor to breaker boxes and activate them in the following order:
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Blue
  • Red
Doing this will awaken Petey and start the fight. You'll need to dodge his explosive projectiles, as well as a ton of exploding android people? Enter the freezer on the left side of the room and grab 3 rotten patties that we'll need to cook. The idea is to slap together 3 complete spoiled patties (all 5 toppings) and toss them into Petey's mouth all while avoiding the incoming hazards. In order to toss the burger into his mouth, you'll need to get close to him and wait for him to attack. Once he does, he'll start an inhale animation. That's our que to toss the burger at his face. Once he's eaten all 3, his stomach wil explode and we can grab our first recipe!

Salute the Colonel Defeat Evil Charlie
Charlie can be found by completing the requirements for discovering the parking garage and climbing down the elevator (see their respective achievements for more info). Once you're at the bottom of the shaft, look for the elevator that has the giant hole torn in the wall and prepare for a very tedious process, as there's a lot we need to do before we turn on the power down here.

First of all, this area can be divided into 3 sections. The intro section where you start, the middle section with most of the burger ingredients, and the power hallway. To begin, there's 3 pipes we need to find throughout the area.
  • One can be found as soon as you enter the area. Turn left and look behind all the rubble.
  • The next one can be found in the second area, right next to the giant painting.
  • The final one can be found in a corner of the power room.
Either toss the pipes in your backpack, or if you don't have the backpack, go back to the first room and look for a giant sealed door. Plop the pipes down somewhere safe near it. Now that we have the pipes, it's time to craft 3 burgers.
  • The cheese can be found in front of the giant painting in the middle area.
  • The lettuce can be found to the left of the middle area, just before entering the power hall.
  • Facing the power hall, look to your right to spot a vent you can crawl through. On the other side is the pickles.
  • From the pickles are 3 lasers to jump over, followed by another vent on your right. This second vent leads to the grilling station, the buns, and the spoiled meat tucked behind the X on the floor.
  • Starting at the entrance to the power hall look immediately to your left to find a vent. Go in and go left, then follow this all the way to the end to find yourself in a white tiles room. The tomatoes are in here, as well as another pipe piece if you need it.
  • Down the power hall on the right is the power room. This also contains the onions.
Once you have 3 fully prepped burgers, it's finally time to turn the power on and free Charlie. Head back to the power room and your goal is to stop the 4 rotating slivers on the pizza shaped outline. Once all 4 are properly in place, a bunch of doors will open - including Charlies! Stealth your way back to the door I mentioned earlier for the pipes. Inside you'll find an area to place all 3. Once they're slotted, make your way back to the power hallway and look for Charlies room on the left. Head inside and plop the 3 burgers on the plate to draw Charlie over. As soon as you do that, the vent to the left will open. Crawl in and head to the room with the viewing glass and button. As soon as Charlie is in the cage, roast him!
Have It Your Way Buy something from a vending machine
Around the various areas of the game are vending machines. One can even be found in the lower hall of your apartment building. Simply buy any item. You'll likely be buying things from here often.

Spoiler Alert Spoil 10 meat patties
You can earn this as early as the first night. As soon as you get to the restaurant, open the freezer and toss any 10 patties on the floor outside. After a few seconds they'll spoil.

Oops Serve a wrong order to a customer
My Bad Serve 5 wrong orders to a customer
Let Me Speak to the Manager Serve 10 wrong orders to a customer
Simply serve 10 wrong orders. If you don't feel like doing this in story mode and dealing with Happy, you can easily knock it out in Endless mode.

Nobody Panic! Put out a grill fire
Starting on night 4 the grill can start to catch fire. You simply need to pull the sprinkler lever (located near the back door) until the fire goes out.

Phreaky Hack a vending depot
Create a hacking device (see Funkytown for more info) and slap it on to any vending machine. Complete the mini-game for the achievement and an assortment of free items!

Funkytown Create a Keypad Hacker
After meeting V.I.C., you can start crafting recipes in the machine to his left. You'll first need to kill Petey to find this recipe (see his achievement for more info). Once you have it, either purchase or find a Bobo-Cell Battery, Rolopaste Glue, and an FM Tansmitter Chip. Slap all 3 into the machine to craft a Hacker. You can find free batteries in the corner of the cafe, free chips on the table next to V.I.C.

Bomb Dot Com Create a Burger Bomb
To create a bomb you'll first need the recipe. You need to craft a Hacker and break into the tunnel under your bosses office (see the dedicated achievement for that). Once in there, follow the path to a red wire going two ways. One end leads to a switch we need to pull. After pulling the switch, follow the wire to the other end to find a new room we can go in with the recipe. To craft it we'll need a patty, a clock, and a battery. We can get free batteries from the corner of the cafe, free patties from work, but the clock will cost you $30 at the pawn shop. Slap all 3 into the crafting machine.

Crafty Find your first recipe
The first recipe we can find is on night 3 for killing Petey. See his achievement for more info.

Deja Vu Die 10 times
Simply die 10 times by any means.

I'm Not Even Looking Take 25 pictures
Jukebox Hero Buy the Jukebox
Now in HD! Buy the Flatscreen TV
After completing your first shift, the roadblock to the shopping strip will be cleared. Enter the Steal & Sell and interact with the vending machine. The camera costs $90, the TV costs $100, and the jukebox costs $180. I recommend clearing all 3 optional tasks each night to earn extra money. Also be sure to store the camera somewhere safe, like your room! We need it for a story achievement. Don't be an idiot like me and toss it away.

Caffeine Rush Drink 10 Jazzy Javas
You need to drink 10 coffees by equipping them and pressing E. You can either buy them form the cafe, or you can find 2 for free every time you enter Toe's apartment. one on his dining table and one in his pantry.

Straight to the Thighs Eat 10 Energy Bars
You can either find these throughout the game for free, or buy them for $2 a pop. However you get your hands on them, simply eat 10 by equipping them and pressing E.

Escape From the Barn Destroy the Truck in the Burger Barn
After being able to craft Burger Bombs, craft one and head to work. Enter the freezer and look in the back to find a frozen hole we can destroy. Blow it up and drop into the water below. Our first task is to locate a valve ominously lit red that we can turn to drain the water. Once we're on solid ground, go behind the flooded building to find a truck with a bomb on it. Activate it fore the achievement.

Backpack, Backpack Find the Backpack
You can find this at the start of night 4, so long as you've killed Petey and acquired the Hacker recipe. Directly across from your apartment is a door locked by a keypad. Use the hacker to open it, then drop down and look to your left by the graffiti.
Qwazzy 21 Apr, 2024 @ 6:28am 
One small detail that might help, if you craft the helmet and witness the nuke without having done the 25 pictures achievement, you can do so here, because there's a camera sitting on the table on the balcony. So at that point you can pick it up and spam 25 pictures for the achievement.