Airborne Kingdom

Airborne Kingdom

32 valoraciones
Airborne Kingdom Complete Guide — 100% Achievements
Por Nyeptun
Explore, harvest, and conciliate. With style!
This is a guide for 100% completion of Airborne Kingdom, including recommended practices, resource refinement, map exploration, building, and a little bit of everything you may find useful to overcome all challenges presented.

There is a total of 30 achievements. While most can be completed in a single playthrough, a quick New Game+ is necessary for collecting all metal alloys and paints.
The achievements relations are:
  • 12 alliance with Kingdoms
  • 5 city status
  • 3 tapestry conditions
  • 4 wonders
  • 2 exploring Lost Tundra
  • 1 with all blueprint bought
  • 1 with all research complete
  • 1 with all dyes collected
  • 1 with all metals collected

This guide recommended route is starting your first game on Hard Mode, then doing the NG+ in normal mode with Nomad's Orrery as the Town Center. Further instructions are on the sections below.

The thumbnail animation was also made by me! I hope this guide may be useful for those who are discovering the game, have fun!

In Airborne Kingdom, the first step is to know and manage your resources. There are 12 resources, with 4 being crucial to the city while 8 are materials subject to refinement.
While in range of the resource, you can click on the source and send pilots in planes to collect them on the ground. Note that this is never automated.

Main resources:
  • Coal — Fuel that maintains the city on air.
  • Food — Also fuel, but for your people. Can be produced by farms using water.
  • Water — Consumed by inhabitants and buildings. Can be extracted from air.
  • Wood — An indispensable resource with many uses. Can be processed into coal.
Refined resources:
  • Clay — Seen as yellowish-brown ground patches, mostly everywhere.
  • Adobe — Refined Clay. Used a lot by most buildings.
  • Iron Ore — Seen only on the Hillside. Possibly hard to spot due to the canyons.
  • Iron — Refined Iron Ore. Used by advanced buildings.
  • Quartz — Seen as bright crystals, more easily found in the Desert.
  • Glass — Refined Quartz. Used by advanced buildings.
  • Cotton — Seen only on the Shallow Lands, on wide plantations.
  • Canvas — Refined Cotton. Used by ornaments and a few advanced buildings.
More details on [+][]

Your city inhabitants have certain needs to be happy, or more properly, jubilant. While you do not need to worry about comfort and miscellaneous activities in the early game, it is important to know how to manage these needs before they start accumulating.

This is the icon for the overall satisfaction of your inhabitants. The meter counts to quests and settlement recruitment.

You can recruit up to three inhabitants in settlements scattered on the map. Note that you can only recruit the third inhabitant if your overall population is jubilant.

You also earn inhabitants by finishing a quest for a kingdom.
Map and Building Strategies
The map generates itself slightly differently for each game, which means it is impractical to share a useful map. There are constant values you could use to navigate:
  1. There are 4 biomes, 3 main and the Lost Tundra
  2. There are 12 kingdoms, 4 in each biome
  3. There are 9 wonders with 3 pieces each. 1 unique piece in each biome.
These are the main three biomes:

  • Desert — Starting biome, balanced resources. No Iron Ore or Cotton is available.

  • Shallow Lands — The biome has abundant food and water, but low quantities of coal. Building a Charcoal Hut might be necessary. Each allied desert kingdom supplies the city with 1 unit of wood per hour, which is enough for two Charcoal Huts. With this, it becomes the easiest region to explore.

  • Hillside — This biome has iron ore, but no reliable food sources. Building farms seems like an obvious key to trivializing Hillside, but it will demand a lot of water to do so. Building a few water condensators will help mitigate this high demand until you achieve positive water income.

Rushing Nomad's Orrery
While carefully exploring and searching for each collectible, you could rush the wonder Nomad's Orrery. Building this wonder on your city reveals every important spot on the map, which makes exploring achievements very easy to accomplish. Remind yourself that there is one piece of this wonder in each biome. Good luck!

Building Efficiently
Some buildings have an area of effect. Windmills and water filtrators boost the efficiency of their related buildings. The image on the left depicts the ideal layout for farms-windmills, capable of producing 16 food/h, in exchange for 8 water/h. Creating an array of water condensers with one water filtrator in a similar manner is ideal.

There is a good article with images with more layouts on [+][]
Lift, Propulsion and Weight

Lift can be generated by 4 different buildings, each with unique properties. Wing and Fan are the ideal buildings to sustain lift.

Building Cost
Vertical Rotor
10 Wood | 5 Adobe
15 Wood | 5 Adobe | 1 Worker
7 Wood | 7 Canvas | 1 Worker
15 Wood | 5 Adobe | 2 Worker

  • The most efficient lift machine is Fan, which can achieve 250 lift points per coal with both upgrades researched.

  • The Wing can only be positioned on the very edge of the city, either left or right. Similar to the Propeller. No coal consumption.

  • Balloons provide little lift but are extremely useful to solve inclination problems. No coal consumption.

  • While Vertical Rotors consume a lot of coal, the machine has a significant brute lift and can help in the Lost Tundra challenge.

All lift machines proprieties can be found on [+][]

While lift maintains the city afloat, Propulsion makes it go forward. They make exploration way easier.

Speed definition is not intuitive as lift, there is a relation between weight and maximum speed due to drag. And there is no fixed value for them in-game, so we'll simply compare the speed impact.

Speed Impact
Building Cost
Very High
8 Adobe | 8 Iron | 8 Glass | 12 Wood | 4 Workers
5 Adobe | 5 Wood | 1 Worker
5 Adobe | 15 Wood | 2 Workers
10 Adobe | 15 Wood | 4 Workers

  • Propellers are a middle ground between fins and oars, delivering average speed for only two workers. Works great in small cities, but significantly loses speed impact while you progress throughout the game. Propellers have to be in front of the city.

  • Fins are big, coal inefficient, and expensive, but has the greatest speed impact. It can greatly increase your speed, even in the cold Lost Tundra. Fins always have to be on the back of the city.

  • Oars are cheap, coal-free, easy to build, and operated by only one worker, but only work in the early game due to low-speed impact. Oars have to be on either side of the city.

  • Sails have a high operational cost of workers, which can be filled in late game due to great population (and unoccupied) numbers. Also, Sails can be installed amidst buildings and inside the city.

Propulsion machines on the wiki [+][], although their proprieties are empty.

Weight is a mechanic that makes your city inclined toward a certain direction. Each building has a certain number of weight points that are equivalent to the lift required to sustain it. Thus, weight is directly related to lift.

The weight-inclination impact of each building can be tested in placement. The most significant changes you can make to inclination are with lift machines, such as Vertical Rotors and Fans. The city is tolerant to up 5º inclination on any direction. More than that, inhabitants will receive a debuff. As mentioned above, you could use Balloons to adjust your inclination.
The Lost Tundra Challenge
This region is found in the northmost part of the map. The further north you go, the colder it gets. The cold level affects buildings' efficiency, speed and lift generated, until the city becomes unsustainable and begins to fall. The countermeasure is building Furnaces to heat nearby buildings and prevent the freezing of lift machines. The goal is to rescue ALL stranded inhabitants on the Lost Tundra.

There are two achievements tied to this region: Savior in the Frost and Hardened Savior.

If you started your first game on Hard Mode, good! Hardened Savior can only be achieved on Hard Mode with default Town Center.
If not, then do it on New Game+.

The Furnace also counts toward 100% research completion.

Sacrifice some parts of your city, rebuild it, and adapt to every cold level change. The cold reaches a hard limit before the last settlements. As soon as your city can handle the maximum cold, the challenge is almost complete.

  1. Stockpile a lot of resources. Food, water, everything.
  2. Compact your city.
  3. Build Fans to compensate for the loss of lift.
  4. A couple of Fins can shorten the trip significantly.
  5. Charcoal Huts are essential. Build a couple more during the trip.
  6. Maintain everything stable, the only thing you can spend heavily is wood. Wood can be gathered from frozen forests.
  7. Plan your trip to be the quickest possible, settlement to settlement.
  8. If things are going wrong, turn back a little and redo.

After rescuing all stranded inhabitants, return to the camp where you got the quest.

Glorious return!
1 comentarios
Hariman 28 OCT 2024 a las 10:53 a. m. 
All three of the Wonders should be found and built ASAP, in my opinion. They're that good.

For a first playthrough, a haphazard city design can work. On new game + optimizing building placement will benefit a player greatly.

As for the Tundra... SPEED is the greatest asset, as is lift, and a large supply of charcoal huts/wood. A stockpile of pretty much everything helps too.

This is a good guide though, with helpful tips.