Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

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By Sonack and 3 collaborators
this is a guide to stupid, funny and maybe useful strategies to either win in stupid ways or just have fun being annoying
Who am i?
i am a nobody
i dont play ranked because i get mad anxiety to play well and im not the best so dont expect these strats to be game changing
i mostly just play with friends in custom games and usually have anywhere between 3x and 10x eco so im basing most of these strats off of this eco, so they might be harder to achive on single planets or lower eco
most of these strats have been discovered by me or my friends or are just theorys that are soon to be tested
if you have any strats that you think are cool or fun comment them and ill add them to the "guide"
Hornet Snipe
This strategy is very simple. build advanced air factories and mass produce Hornets (around 20-30) and fly then directly into the enemy's commander
this strategy works decently well with enough of them, hornets have a decent amount of health (500 hp) and shoot quite a few missiles (0.4 shots per second) that deal 400 damage per shot which deal around 1000 dps. with around 13 hornets it should only take a second or 2 to kill a commander
however they only attack land and shoot missiles so if the enemy has anti-missile towers or is surrounded by angels this might not work
Orbital Drop
this strategy is also quite simple. build a lot of rail-gunners and omegas and send all the orbital units to the same spot (preferably where the enemy commander is) this strat works decently well because the enemy's defences will quickly get over whelmed and fall because of the amount of fire power you have in the one spot you will need quite a few omegas for this strat to work well since this is the only form of orbit to ground attack you have but hopefully if you have enough you can very quickly and easily kill their command and the fight will be over in seconds
this is probably the simplest strategy
build a lot of nukes and a lot of anti nukes, if your playing with last stand mod then make orbital anti-nukes around important area as they are quite effective
the best way to do this strat is on maps where you have a planet to your self and lots of eco
build like anywhere between 10 and 100 nukes on your planet and patrolling fabbers or kernals and spam them on everyone
its very likely that after your first few waves of nuke you will be attacked so make them count and maybe build defensive nukes around your planet for self nuking if you dont mind nuking your own eco
Zeus Spam
get eco and spam zues for one big attack
make something like 5 or 25 or even more zues and just send them into the enemys base to deal damage
Phoenix Bully
this strat usaully only works if everyone has their own planet and is building air
what you do is you make around 50 Pheonix's and send them to someones planet and make them patrol
this isnt a game ending strat just midly annoying since all your pheonixs will just kill all the enemy's air fabbers and cancel all their queued building forcing them to requeue
since this is midly annoying to the enemy expect some retaliation later on. also i recommend doing this during the early to mid game since thats when most of the building is being done
Wrym swarm
this is the easist way to destroy your enemy
all you need is atleast 40-200 wryms and send them directly to the enemy commander
wyrms are very tanky and if enough of them are produced will easily overwhelm enemy defences
the only downside is that they can only attack ground so if swarmed by air they will take a lot of damage so make sure to aviod fighter swarms
Throwing planets
If youre playing interplanitary you can build Halleys, which with enough of them for the planet you are on you can launch said planet into another one, therefore the complete annihilation of both planets and everything on said planets including orbital, and once in motion the moon or planet can not be stopped as it goes the same speed as your orbital troops in space, although it does need to rap around the sun or whatever is in the middle of your planets, causing the enemy to be able to get off planet or in some cases hitting a different planet unintentionally.
Manhatten surprise
make helios titan and prep a Manhatten to go through a portal on the ground
send the helios titan to the destination and before it lands link the portal up so that way as soon as it lands it turns the tp on and drops the Manhatten which will either be destroyed pretty quickly or just be left alone to roam the planet which at that point you can drive it over to some of the enemy's eco and self destruct it to set it off
Of course, this is quite an expensive way of sending a nuke but it cant be destroyed using anti-nukes and can create an opening in the enemy's defenses
everything below this is for defending
Catapult Lineup
catapults are a very strong defensive tower being able to attack land, sea, and orbital
they shoot missiles that deal quite a bit of damage and have a decent amount of range
make like 2 or 3 lines of catapult's and no land or sea unit is getting near these things
this strat is like whac-A-Mole expect your commander is the mole and will never get hit
have like 10 teleporters all around your planet and have your commander set to try go though an portal that is off
when you are attacked and they drop omega's or some other unit on top of your commander looking for an easy snipe. then turn your teleporter on and link it to another teleporter out of danger
this can be a useful and somewhat cheap strat as portal arn't too expensive and you can have lots around a planet or even on other planets so it would be quite hard to predict which portal you would go to, even if they knew where the portals where
Dog pile on commander
this way of defending is pretty decent
the main idea of this strat is to place as many omega's or railgunner bunched together as possible and place your commander underneath them
you can bunch the omegas and railgunners and any other unit that wont collide with other units and make them follow your commander or the unity that you want to bunch around what you have selected

this works pretty well since its quite hard to tell how many units there are in the pile of units which of they underestimate you then you can just send all those units to attack and hopefully overwhelm the enemys attack

on of the downsides to this is that since theres a lot of unit bunched up, if the enemy has vision on them then it can be a pretty big target to getting nuked, this can be solved with a lot of anti nukes since anti dont take as long to build as nukes you can place a decent amount of them with some air fabricators set to patrol in that area so they restock quickly
AdmiralAxolotl 19 Apr, 2023 @ 8:01am 
another strategy that i use is "the annoyance". build loads of stingray ships and send them to the shore of the enemy. works well on phang shores
Leg 6 Oct, 2022 @ 4:29am 
An early game strategy is to 'lob spam'. Build a bunch of lobs (3-4, since this is an early game strategy dont place too many as they require a bit of energy to run) wait until you have a few hundred dox's and just rush the enemy commander. Even if this doesnt work you probably caused quite a bit of damage. Its a good idea to target buildings are units that do AOE damage as dox's have very little health. This can kinda work later in the game as army filler but one atlas and its ggs for your dox army.