STAR WARS™: Dark Forces

STAR WARS™: Dark Forces

191 beoordelingen
Making the controls not suck!
Door Snorkel
How to edit your keyboard and mouse controls to feel more like a modern game.
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Dark Forces Remaster
Force Engine Mod
This mod comes highly recommended, instead of all the steps below

I will leave the rest of this information below as well, in case it's still needed at some point.
Mouse Improvements
This solution uses GlovePIE to give you vertical mouse aiming, alternate fire with the right mouse button and weapon scrolling on the mouse wheel.

Download GlovePIE[]

Alternate download link[]

Run GlovePIE whenever you play Dark Forces.

Enter the following script:

PageDown = delta(Mouse.DirectInputY) < -1 PageUp = delta(Mouse.DirectInputY) > 1 Key.R = Mouse.RightButton // Alternate Fire Key.F9 = Mouse.WheelUp // Cycle weapons with scrollwheel Key.F10 = Mouse.WheelDown

If you want inverted mouse, switch the first two lines for:

PageUp = delta(Mouse.DirectInputY) < -1 PageDown = delta(Mouse.DirectInputY) > 1

If you do not want the vertical aim to be as sensitive, replace the 1s with a higher number, example:

PageDown = delta(Mouse.DirectInputY) < -5 PageUp = delta(Mouse.DirectInputY) > 5

If you want the weapon scrolling to scroll in the other direction, replace the last two lines with:

Key.F9 = Mouse.WheelDown // Cycle weapons with scrollwheel Key.F10 = Mouse.WheelUp

"Save As" to save the script. Then you can go to the "Recent" or "Open" menu option to re-load the same script next time you play. Press the "Run" button to run the script. Then load up the game!
Keyboard improvements - short version
Edit: Having trouble with download links.

Open notepad and paste the following:

hand_shutdown "key 290 mod1"
hand_capmouse "key 291 mod1"
hand_fullscr "key 13 mod2"
hand_pause "key 19 mod2"
hand_mapper "key 282 mod1"
hand_speedlock "key 293 mod2"
hand_recwave "key 287 mod1"
hand_caprawmidi "key 289 mod1 mod2"
hand_scrshot "key 286 mod1"
hand_video "key 286 mod1 mod2"
hand_decfskip "key 288 mod1"
hand_incfskip "key 289 mod1"
hand_cycledown "key 292 mod1"
hand_cycleup "key 293 mod1"
hand_caprawopl "key 288 mod1 mod2"
hand_swapimg "key 285 mod1"
key_esc "key 27"
key_f1 "key 112" "key 282"
key_f2 "key 103" "key 283"
key_f3 "key 105" "key 284" "key 99"
key_f4 "key 109" "key 285"
key_f5 "key 102" "key 286"
key_f6 "key 287"
key_f7 "key 288"
key_f8 "key 104" "key 289"
key_f9 "key 290"
key_f10 "key 291" "key 291"
key_f11 "key 292"
key_f12 "key 293"
key_grave "key 96"
key_1 "key 49"
key_2 "key 50"
key_3 "key 51"
key_4 "key 52"
key_5 "key 53"
key_6 "key 54"
key_7 "key 55"
key_8 "key 56"
key_9 "key 57"
key_0 "key 48"
key_minus "key 45"
key_equals "key 61"
key_bspace "key 113"
key_tab "key 9"
key_q "key 113"
key_w "key 119"
key_e "key 101"
key_r "key 114"
key_t "key 116"
key_y "key 121"
key_u "key 117"
key_i "key 105"
key_o "key 111"
key_p "key 112"
key_lbracket "key 91"
key_rbracket "key 93"
key_enter "key 13"
key_capslock "key 301"
key_a "key 97"
key_s "key 115"
key_d "key 100"
key_f "key 102"
key_g "key 103"
key_h "key 104"
key_j "key 106"
key_k "key 107"
key_l "key 108"
key_semicolon "key 59"
key_quote "key 39"
key_backslash "key 92"
key_lshift "key 304"
key_lessthan "key 60"
key_z "key 122"
key_x "key 120"
key_c "key 306"
key_v "key 118"
key_b "key 98"
key_n "key 110"
key_m "key 109"
key_comma "key 44"
key_period "key 46"
key_slash "key 47"
key_rshift "key 303"
key_lalt "key 308"
key_space "key 32"
key_ralt "key 307"
key_rctrl "key 305"
key_printscreen "key 316"
key_scrolllock "key 302"
key_pause "key 19"
key_insert "key 277"
key_home "key 278"
key_pageup "key 280"
key_delete "key 127"
key_end "key 279"
key_pagedown "key 281"
key_up "key 273"
key_left "key 276"
key_down "key 274"
key_right "key 275"
key_numlock "key 300"
key_kp_divide "key 267"
key_kp_multiply "key 268"
key_kp_minus "key 269"
key_kp_7 "key 263"
key_kp_8 "key 264"
key_kp_9 "key 265"
key_kp_plus "key 270"
key_kp_4 "key 260"
key_kp_5 "key 8" "key 118" "key 261"
key_kp_6 "key 262"
key_kp_1 "key 257"
key_kp_2 "key 258"
key_kp_3 "key 259"
key_kp_enter "key 271"
key_kp_0 "key 256"
key_kp_period "key 266"
mod_1 "key 306" "key 305"
mod_2 "key 308" "key 307"

Save it as mapper.txt to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dark forces\ (or the location of your Steam directory, if not Program Files).

If there is already a mapper.txt file, you may want to back it up. Easy way to back it up - rename the original to mapper.txt.bak
Keyboard improvements - long version
This solution uses the DosBOX key mapping tool. When the game is running, press Ctrl-F1 to open the dosbox key mapper.

These are my suggested changes. This should give you enough information to play around for yourself and make different changes if you desire.

Click on the Backspace button in the keymapper (it looks like a left-pointing arrow, but it's where the backspace key on your keyboard is).
Click on the Del button on the keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press Q on your keyboard
Q key now quickswitches and backspace does nothing.

Click on Left-Ctrl in keymapper
Click on Del in keymapper
The control key no longer fires weapon

Click C in keymapper
Click Del in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press Left-Ctrl on your keyboard
Left ctrl now does crouch and C does nothing (it's important to also do the step above, or else you will also shoot whenever you crouch)

Click Numpad 5 in keymapper (it's in the box below the main keyboard)
Click Add in keymapper
Press Backspace on your keyboard
Click Add in keymapper
Press V on your keyboard
You can now re-centre your view vertically by pressing Backspace or V as well as the default numpad 5.

Click F1 in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press P on your keyboard
You can now access the PDA by pressing P as well as the default F1

Click F2 in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press G on your keyboard
You can now access the Infrared Goggles by pressing G as well as the default F2

Click F3 in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press I on your keyboard
Click Add in keymapper
Press C on your keyboard
You can now access the Ice Cleats by pressing I or C as well as the default F3

Click F4 in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press M on your keyboard
You can now access the Gas Mask by pressing M as well as the default F4

Click F5 in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press F on your keyboard
You can now access the Flashlight by pressing F as well as the default F5

Click F8 in keymapper
Click Add in keymapper
Press H on your keyboard
You can now holster your weapon by pressing H as well as the default F8

Save and exit when you are finished.

Note: Pressing the Next button in the keymapper will cycle between the different keys that an event is bound to.
Full list of controls after the above changes
Mouse move: Full mouse look
Mouse left-click: Fire
Mouse right-click: Alternate fire
Scroll wheel: Cycle weapons forward/back

W Forwards
A Strafe Left
S Backwards
D Strafe Right

Space Jump
E Use
Q Quickswitch last weapon
Ctrl Crouch

1 Hand to hand
2 Modified Bryar Pistol
3 Stormtrooper Rifle
4 Thermal Detonator
5 Imperial Repeater Rifle
6 Jeron Fusion Cutter
7 I.M. Mines
8 Packered Mortar Gun
9 Stouker Concussion Rifle
0 Assault Cannon

F1, P PDA (Map, Weapons, Inventory, Objective, Mission)
F2, G Infrared Goggles toggle
F3, C, I Cleats toggle
F4, M Gas Mask toggle
F5, F Headtorch toggle
F6 Headwave toggle (weapon bob)
F7 HUD toggle
F8, H Holster weapon/unholster weapon
F9 Cycle weapons forwards
F10 Cycle weapons back

Pause Pause game

R Secondary fire
Shift Sprint
Caps lock toggle walk
Tab Overhead map

+ / - Zoom map in/out
Arrow keys Move around on map
[ / ] Change map level (toggle between different floors)

Page up/down Pitch camera down/up
5 (keypad), V, Backspace Centre view vertically

Left arrow Look left
Right arrow Look right
Alt + Left arrow strafe left
Alt + Right arrow strafe right
Alt + +/-(plus key/minus key) Change screen size
Alt + F8 Weapon automount toggle (Auto select better weapon on pickup)

Alt-Enter to toggle DosBox's fullscreen
Ctrl-F1 for the DosBox keymapper.
Binding Page Up/Down to mouse up and down will cause issues navigating in Steam/other non-game programs. It also causes the Mission Briefings in-game to scroll up and down when you move your mouse. You can start a mission and then alt-tab to your desktop and start up GlovePIE to minimise problems.

It will be difficult to enter an Agent Name if you have rebound a lot of the keys. For example, with my suggested control scheme Q will make backspaces as well as Qs, Backspace will make 5s and C won't do anything. You may wish to create your agent before you change key bindings, or temporarily unbind them. Although the Agent Name is really just a save game name, so it doesn't matter too much.
About this guide
This is migrated from part of a thread I made over on the old forums.

If you see anything I've missed or got wrong, or otherwise have any suggestions, let me know!
37 opmerkingen
Shorty_Hutch 14 apr 2024 om 4:14 
for anyone who owns this game and is wanting a smoother, more modern experience, id recommend the force engine mod. just a matter of downloading, choosing your settings and playing. cant recommend it enough
Mexicutioner 5 mrt 2024 om 23:40 
Game goes kinda hard with just the keyboard controls. Makes it feel like a new genre almost.
Snorkel  [auteur] 5 feb 2024 om 21:07 
LOL. Well the remaster is only the first game, so the series is still probably worth it :)
Wheatley 5 feb 2024 om 19:43 
bro I just got the entire jedi knight game series and I saw the remaster of this game at the top. smh
VHsigil 29 jan 2023 om 12:39 
I did all of this, everything works BUT the Capslock Run Enable
loqquendero 7 jan 2023 om 22:34 
thx my pc for some reason has mapped special things for F1 and so on, so this helped me a lot!
Badger 13 dec 2022 om 19:03 
Ur just bad lol
Ryan B 6 mrt 2021 om 8:50 
This is all unnecessary, just drag the setup files into DOSBOX and it will open the vanilla game's control setup and get the DFORCED patch for mouselook and other optional features like an autoaim and always run toggle
Pherim 2 mei 2019 om 9:29 
Of the two .exe files in the GlovePIE directory, only the GlovePIE_Bird_5DT.exe worked for me in Windows 7 64bit and Windows 10 64bit. The GlovePIE.exe starts a task that causes full CPU load on a single core, but doesn't do anything. There can even be more than one GlovePIE.exe task active. Not sure what's going on there, but I thought I'd mention it.
Mateus Auri 24 feb 2019 om 18:40 
You can easily change the keyboard controls by swapping the "dark.exe" line in the Dosbox.conf file to "install.exe". This will open the game's native setup menu, where you'll find the control settings.
There are some native mouse options, but they're quite limited.
Change that back to "dark.exe" to play the game.

Don't worry if you don't feel like messing with additional software, because the extra mouse functionalities are not such big improvements.
You won't really need to look up and down all the time, since the game automatically aims vertically for you just like Doom, and the engine doesn't handle pitch angles too well. And you can quickly change weapons with the number keys, which are pretty close to WASD.