Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

35 人が評価
Blue Voids on/instead of nodes - (intermdediate) FIX
作者: clus
Quick (intermdediate) fix for blue voids on/or instead of node.

Hi all !

This is just a brief overview of an intermediate FIX for the "blue Voids" on/or instead of nodes, which appear after you load in to your save.

Its currently unknown to me, why these are happening. The only thing I can tell you is, that
it is somehow mod - related, the models (networks) are all fine.

I am still trying to find the cause, until then, this will help you solve the issue.
Issue (after you load in to your save)
On some of the nodes, the textures might be missing, after you load in to your savegame.

How to "fix" this the most convenient way
For that, you can use the mod Network Detective - Mod by Kian Zarrin.

What "to do"

  • ... just use the update all roads - button, after you loaded in to your save [the "recalculation/refreshing process might take a while, depending on the size of your city]
More time consuming "Fix"
You can also use Move It by Quboid or one of the NC - mods and simply touch/move a node with missing textures. This will also solve the issue.

21 件のコメント
Stunt-Monkey 2023年4月9日 22時16分 
@jaken1604 click to use Node Controller then click on an intersection, the issue should then disappear as well as some others around it.
Right Click to come out of that intersection then left click on the next one, repeat.
jakan1604 2023年4月9日 8時15分 
How exactly do I use MoveIt or Node Controller to fix this?
clus  [作成者] 2023年1月28日 9時35分 
@ne0n hi. These voids currently appear on nodes where different "connect - groups" are used (or where the nodes has been changed with NC). Those "connect groups" are needed in order to connect tram- rails correctly for example.
ne0n 2023年1月24日 15時02分 
I've noticed those after some time not seeing them. I just use MoveIt to slightly move the node and then undo it. I also noticed that in my game, those blue voids appear only on intersections and not when I continue vanilla road with AN. Can anyone confirm this?
clus  [作成者] 2023年1月17日 23時15分 
@all ... yeah sadly they'r3 back. :/ ... but I am so glad, that I didn't delete this little guide. :D Fingers crossed, that it'll be fixed in the future... at least the issue isn t "game breaking" ... It only takes some minutes to fix.
J.Harrison 2023年1月13日 0時24分 
@clus Im so happy to know this news.Pray for AN update ASAP:happystar2022:
LDtailor 2023年1月5日 12時58分 
Blue voids are back! Just to let you know Clus. I haven't experienced any issues until yesterday and saw there was an update...
dacity3000 2022年12月1日 20時55分 
@Clus Good News~ thanks
uweschmitz 2022年12月1日 2時51分 
That's great News! :steamthumbsup: Thanks for the Info. :steamhappy:
clus  [作成者] 2022年12月1日 2時29分 
@all Kian found the cause ... probably the next AN update will fix the issue. ;)