Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

1,255 人が評価
Night Vision Chucked
102.990 KB
2022年7月29日 16時46分
2023年7月7日 0時16分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Night Vision Chucked

A patch/API to eris' Night Vision mod.


(*Note: There will be errors, however, these are unavoidable until PawLow removes his copy of eris' mod from inside PLL.)

Guide On API: Click Here[]


Windows: %userprofile%\Zomboid\console.txt
Mac/Linux: $User\Zomboid\console.txt
Upload this file in entirety to Github[] as an issue.
Share the link in a comment below if it is urgent.

Copyright 2023 Chuckleberry Finn. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Chuckleberry Finn.

Workshop ID: 2842179206
Mod ID: NightVisionChucked
338 件のコメント
Zenthynell 1月20日 15時43分 
how can I remove the gray scale filter?
🆁ᴇɴ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ|🆁ᴄ 1月18日 9時48分 
Work MP?
🆁ᴇɴ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ|🆁ᴄ 1月18日 9時48分 
Work brita armor?
Chuckleberry Finn  [作成者] 1月2日 4時55分 
I hadn't really considered reuploads with my earlier statement. If I have extra time I'll get around to revisiting NVG.
storm 1月2日 0時02分 
what about SMUI, SLEO, & SRPS reupload??
Chuckleberry Finn  [作成者] 2024年12月27日 15時25分 
Any mod that can use it isn't updated for 42 yet?
✪Ghost幽灵.2G 2024年12月27日 15時06分 
please make the mod compatible for B42 I beg!
Ripzoid 2024年11月11日 20時15分 
Hello Chuck! i am using brita's mod with this night vision mod, and when i enable the NVG, it works initially, but when i do any action like equipping an item or stomping a zombie, it always turns off, do you have any idea what could cause this? the mod load order should be correct, so i am kinda lost here
Wulf 2024年11月7日 7時47分 
IR vision such as FLIR products do not make sense in a zombie apocalypse. Presumably the zombies are dead cold and would be relatively invisible. "/me googles: at which frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum are zombies visible?" ;)
redanddead12345 2024年11月1日 5時45分 
@arius i know thats not wanted behavious, but i mean a greyscale nightvision would be pretty cool, and accurate to something like FLIR's pickups.

i hope that can be added as a feature if its found what broke