As Dusk Falls
94 valoraciones
As Dusk Falls 100% Achievement Guide
Por Nymph
Hey guys!

Here I will try to fix up a guide on how to get all 50 achievements of the game. I played it and got all 50 achievements in 30 hours because i was experiencing with the story. The game, if played without trying to go for all achievements, can be done in 5 or 6 hours.
This is also kind off like a mini walk-through but not really hehe.

Extra information
I will remind you again that this guide will have A LOT of SPOILERS!!!
So before we continue, I do recommend you try to play the game once without having to read this guide.

If you find any spelling mistakes or so, please let me know!

In this game, there are some achievements that require you to replay certain checkpoints as they are the types of achievements that can affect your playthrough.

Once you finish the game, or the chapter, you can go back to the starting screen and click on "Explore Story"
There you will notice that the game is split into 2 books. Book 1 which is chapters 1 to 3 and Book 2 which is chapter 4 to 6.
When you click on whichever book you want, you will see the chapters you played and under each chapter, you have an option to "Explore story tree". Which is really great for people who hate replaying an entire game or chapter for 1 or 2 achievements.

The game basically saves a lot of checkpoints along the way so when you click on the story tree, you will see all the checkpoints saved and you can click on whichever checkpoint you want to replay it for the remaining achievements you have left. Depending on you, you can either explore, overwrite or create a new save when you replay a chapter or checkpoint. Personally I found it was best to just create new saves.

IMPORTANT!!!: I found that it was best to have 2 saves of the gameplay, one where you just don't kill or hurt anyone. The other save to just choose all the bad options because there is 1 achievement - "Free Bird" - that requires you to only pick good options in the game.

Also mentioning, you are free to pick whatever choice you want in the game, only when it's achievement-related will I specify which choices you will need to make (or what I chose for the achievement to work). I will also mention which checkpoints you can click to go back and get achievements! There are also Quick Time Events (QTE's) in the game so feel free to go to the settings and click on "Extended QTE Timer" if you're worried you'll mess it up :-)

Enjoy the game!
Chapter 1
Like I mentioned prior to this section, all achievements that require replaying can be found in the Explore Story section on the starter screen. I will now just list each achievement relating to chapter one in order.

Achievement Name
How to get it
And So It Begins...
Completed Chapter 1
It's unmissable.

The upcoming achievements require a replay. For the ones below, you need to replay the checkpoint "Becky".
Achievement Name
How to get it
Code Breaker
Use the safe code to open Dante's safe.
Before you do the break-in, Tyler gives you a note that has the code 5926 written on, just remember that to open the safe!
Smooth Criminal
Got the money without alerting Dante.
In order to get this, you have to prevent Becky from calling for help by yanking the emergency button, successfully put in the safe code and get the QTE (quick time events) correct.
Failed to execute the perfect burglary.
Let Becky call for help, fail to put in the safe code, and get caught by Dante.

The upcoming achievements require a replay. For the ones below, you need to replay the checkpoint "Big Sam Arrives".
For this part of the game, when Tyler asks who you are travelling with, I responded with "My family".
Achievement Name
How to get it
Message Received.
Alerted Big Sam without raising Tyler's suspicion.
During this part, you will notice Joyce's earring on the floor. Choose the"Leave Evidence"option and when Big Sam asks if all is good, end the conversation with "Yep". That will make him call for backup.
Cop Out
Big Sam is killed by Tyler at the Desert Dream.
For this achievement, you will need to"Hide Evidence"when you see Joyce's earrings and then ask for Help at the end of the conversation with Big Sam.

The next two achievements as well require a replay from the checkpoint "Big Sam Arrives" and comes after either Message Received or Cop Out achievement.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Tables Turned
Vince managed to get the gun from Tyler.
This achievement depends on which achievement you got prior to this. But regardless, grab the gun from Tyler and when given the option to "Surrender" or "Shoot Tyler", you decide to shoot him. Be quick with the QTE's.
Point Blank
Vince failed to get the gun from Tyler.
Surrender and get shot by Tyler.
Chapter 2
REMINDER: All achievements that require replaying can be found in the Explore Story section on the starter screen. I will now just list each achievement relating to chapter two in order.

Achievement Name
How to get it
Caught in a Trap
Completed Chapter 2
It's unmissable.

Second chapter starts off with the backup called by Big Sam (if you didn't get him killed last chapter) showing up.
Achievement Name
How to get it
What's your emergency?
Escaped your bindings and called Dante for help.
When backup arrives, the telephone will start ringing and things will be stressful for the Holt boys which will lead to Tyler saying "The next person who talks is going to the back office". That's when Joyce tells you there is another phone back there. Pick the "Crack a joke" option when it's given to Vince. Then in the backroom, use the scissors to cut yourself free and contact Dante.

After Tyler walking into the backroom and seeing you guys on the phone with Dante, you will have a flashback of things that happened to you a few days before all this mess, where you find a spicy message on your wife's phone. No achievements are found here YET but i'm adding this because it's kind of a long flashback sequence that we will get back too later. We now go back to the Dream Desert Motel.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Paging Dr. Walker
Successfully removed the bullet from Michelle.
After getting your daughter from upstairs, there will be a shoot out between police and the Holt boys in which you have an option to either "Stay Hidden" or "Run For It". You will choose to run for it and that will lead to Michelle getting shot. The shoot out finishes and after Joyce gets some first aid stuff, you have to choose to remove the bullet from Michelle.

Now back to the flashback. You saw the spicy message on your wife's phone and now you're overthinking. This part require's 3 replays that you can do from the checkpoint "Relaxed on Balcony" which you can find in Explore Story Tree for chapter 2 in the orange section that says "Vince, Sacramento, Two days earlier"
Achievement Name
How to get it
Keeping the Faith
Trusted Michelle about her relationship with Bruce.
When you guys are both on the balcony, ask Michelle about the text message and ask who Bruce is. A phone call will happen mid way, let her finish it. Be nice to her and when you get the option between "Ok, I'm sorry" and "No, there's more to this...", just say you're sorry.
What's Done is Done.
Forgave Michelle for her affair with Bruce.
When you guys are on the couch and you get the options between "Ok, I'm sorry" and "No, there's more to this...", Pick that there's more to this which will lead to Michelle confronting about the affair. It doesn't matter which choices you pick but you will end with the option to either forgive her or don't forgive her. Say you forgive her.
Didn't forgive Michelle for her affair with Bruce.
When you guys are on the couch and you get the options between "Ok, I'm sorry" and "No, there's more to this...", Pick that there's more to this which will lead to Michelle confronting about the affair.. It doesn't matter which choices you pick but you will end with the option to either forgive her or don't forgive her. Say you DO NOT forgive her.

And now we are back again in the motel. Tyler made a deal with the police to send out one hostage in exchange of food and a helicopter to Mexico.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Michelle reached the hospital for treatment.
After Dante brings the boys their food, you will have an option to either send Michelle or Zoe out as part of the deal police made with Tyler. Pick Michelle.
Second Chance
Vince and Michelle save their marriage.
If you picked to send Michelle out to the police, she will be put on a stretcher and if you decided to say you're sorry back when you guys were in your Sacramento home couch (the one that lead to the Keeping the Faith achievement) then Michelle will question how you trusted her so easily, just choose the "Trust is everything" option and then you will get the achievement.

While everyone is still inside the motel, Dante calls and asks for the boys to have a face-to-face conversation.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Dodged A Bullet
Warned Dale about the sniper on the water tower.
When Dante calls and asks for a face-to-face conversation, Dale and Vince will go out. It is a plot by Dante to snipe Dale by having a sniper in the tower ahead. As Vince, you can either "Warn Dale" or "Don't Warn", choose to warn Dale! (big thanks to Kakumeii for noticing I forgot to add it!)
Chapter 3
REMINDER: All achievements that require replaying can be found in the Explore Story section on the starter screen. I will now just list each achievement relating to chapter three in order.


Achievement Name
How to get it
New Dawn
Completed Chapter 3
It's unmissable.
From Dusk 'til Dawn
Completed Chapters 1 to 3 of As Dusk Falls.
It's unmissable.

You will finally meet the boys mother in this chapter. Her name is Sharon. This is very early on in the chapter and there will be 2 achievements related so in order to get both, you will just need to replay the chapter twice since it's too early on for any check point.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Long Arm of the Law
Kept the pager hidden from the Holts.
This happens early on in Chapter 3 after you meet Sharon. You will have an option to either warn about the pager given to you by Dante or hide it. Choose to hide it.
Better the Devil You Know
Told the Holts about Dante's pager.
This happens early on in Chapter 3 after you meet Sharon. You will have an option to either warn about the pager given to you by Dante or hide it. Choose to warn them.

You end up having a flashback here as well as Jay and you will meet Bear, the boys father. During this flashback, Jay also meets a stranger who suddenly shows up in the house out of no where. An altercation happens between Bear and the stranger and suddenly we're back at the Dream Desert Motel where a bus drives into it and police come out shooting. More flashbacks occur. To replay for the other achievement, start from the checkpoint "Drove Bear into Woods"
Achievement Name
How to get it
Buried Alive
Jay buried the stranger alive.
This happens in the second flashback. Bear goes to Jay asking to go to the hospital but instead they go somewhere else to bury the stranger in Bears trunk. Be nice to your dad here, agree that what he did was in self defense, search the strangers body, say you'll bury the stranger and obey Bear.
Helped the stranger to rise from the grave.
This happens in the second flashback. Bear goes to Jay asking to go to the hospital but instead they go somewhere else to bury the stranger in Bears trunk. Unlike the previous achievement, be a bit rude to Bear here. Tell Bear that he murdered the stranger, tell him that burying the guy is f*cked up, refuse to search the body and refuse to bury the stranger which will lead to some QTE's and ending with the stranger running away.

After the whole shootout with the police and the Holts. It ends with Dale getting killed and Sharon setting the whole place on fire. To replay for the other achievement, start from the checkpoint "Attacked by Tyler/Dale".
Achievement Name
How to get it
Take Me Instead
Vince convinced the Holts to take him as their hostage.
The ending for this chapter depends on what you picked at the start in regards to the pager you have. If you warned about the pager, Dante will attack you and if you hid it, Tyler will attack you. To get this achievement, you will need to fight off Tyler/Dante by doing all the QTE's and then tell Sharon you will help her so she doesn't take Zoe.
She's Coming With Us
Zoe was taken hostage by the Holts.
The ending for this chapter depends on what you picked at the start in regards to the pager you have. If you warned about the pager, Dante will attack you and if you hid it, Tyler will attack you. To get this achievement, you can fail the QTE's when you get attacked, OR you can do the QTE's and fight whoever is attacking you as long as at the end, you tell Sharon you will kill her which will trigger her to take Zoe with her.
Chapter 4
REMINDER: All achievements that require replaying can be found in the Explore Story section on the starter screen. I will now just list each achievement relating to chapter four in order.

Achievement Name
How to get it
Into The Woods
Completed Chapter 4
It's unmissable.

The chapter starts off basically with how it ended in the previous chapter, Jay is driving with either Vince or Zoe in the backseat and police are around them.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Vince survived the Desert Dream.
This achievement can only happen if you managed to let Vince go with the Holts instead of letting them take Zoe. During the escape from the police, you will end up somewhere in a forest where Tyler and Sharon end up arguing and going away to talk. Jay is left in the car with Vince and they talk a bit, which then you will have the option to unlock the door or keep the door locked. Pick the option to unlock the door.

Later on, you will meet a new character called Ash, who you find out is Joyce's son. You can get 2 achievements here so you can replay from the checkpoint "Hid In Cabin"
Achievement Name
How to get it
Trail of Breadcrumbs
Ash revealed the cabin's existence to Dante.
When you're playing as Ash, he decides to wander off into the forest and gets lost. He gets hurt by a boar and eventually finds Bears cabin, where he goes inside and tries to clean his wound. Depending on where you hide (I hid in the closet), Bear finds him and threatens to hurt him but doesn't because Jay comes home so Ash runs. After a few accidents and QTE's, he finds a road and Dante finds him. During this conversation you can choose to either reveal the cabin or keep it a secret. As the achievement description says, you will reveal the cabin.
Cabin? What Cabin?
Ash didn't reveal the cabin's existence to Dante.
For this achievement, I decided to hide under the bed when I was in the cabin which saved a lot of time. Ash will escape the cabin and still go through the same accidents. Once he finds the road, pick to hide the cabin from Dante.

Jay finally finds the cabin and reunites with Sharon and Tyler, but as usual, drama follows them everywhere they go. Another shoot out happens in the woods. You can get 4 achievements here. Depends on whether you let Ash reveal the cabin or keep it a secret, you will either start from checkpoint "Reunited with Family" or "Cops Ambushed Cabin"
Achievement Name
How to get it
Once A Holt
Refuse to abandon your family at the cabin shootout.
During the cabin shoot out with the police, Jay will have the option to either abandon your family or help your family. Choose to help them!
Hands in the Air
Jay surrendered to the cops.
There are 2 ways you can get this achievement. If you decided to help your family during the shootout, you will later on get the option to either flee with them or surrender to the cops. You will decide to surrender. The other way you can get this is if you abandoned your family, you can surrender to the police who chases you.
No Going Back
Jay killed the cop who tried to arrest him.
If you chose to abandon your family, you will get chased by police and get cornered. Here you can also get the "Hands in the Air" achievement if you decide to surrender, but to get this achievement, we will choose to shoot the cop.
Brothers In Arms
Stop Tyler falling from the tree.
This achievement is best played from the checkpoint "Hid in Cabin" where Ash has to keep the cabin a secret. Once Jay finds the cabin, a fight blows up between him and Tyler which ends up with him climbing a tree and Tyler almost falling. You will have the option to stomp his fingers or save him. SAVE YOUR BROTHER!!
Chapter 5
REMINDER: All achievements that require replaying can be found in the Explore Story section on the starter screen. I will now just list each achievement relating to chapter five in order.

Achievement Name
How to get it
Completed Chapter 5
It's unmissable.

Depending what you decided for the end of chapter 4, chapter 5 starts off with Jay either walking into a bar asking for a drive North or in Special Agent Bradley's office.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Plead The 5th.
Refused to confess to Bradley.
If Jay surrendered to the cops, the chapter will start off with Jay at the police station in special agent Bradley's office. Bradley will try to get Jay to confess but try to avoid that. Say that you're fine, ask for a lawyer, whenever you have the choice to "Don't Answer", pick it. When I got asked about the stranger that Jay buried or set free (i buried the stranger), I said I didn't know them but got confronted to having my fingerprints there, so if you decide to bury the stranger, choose the "Don't Answer" option. Ask where the lawyer is and insist on your innocence and that you didn't do anything.
Won the trucker's darts challenge.
If Jay fled the shootout or decided to shoot the cop, the chapter will start off with him going to a bar asking for a drive North, one of the customers will lead him to a guy in the back playing darts. There, the guy asks Jay who he's running away from. I responded with "just traveling". Jay makes a deal with a guy for 3 rounds of darts, if he wins, he gets a drive North. It's fairly easy to aim but the timer goes out fast so be sure to aim before time runs out.

Deeper into the chapter, you will reach a scene at Paul's house. Recap: Paul is the guy that worked in the Desert Dream Motel along with Joyce. There are 2 achievements you can get here when you replay from checkpoint "Dante Came Calling
Achievement Name
How to get it
Sharon was captured by Dante.
Inside Paul's house, Paul will find out that Sharon was sleeping in bed and they both will talk. After that, Dante will show up and talk to Paul in which Paul has the opportunity to hide all evidences that Sharon was around. I decided to leave the bra out and that lead to Dante questioning me and asking where Sharon was. Pick "She's here" then choose to help Dante..
Cube Libre
Paul escaped to Cuba with Sharon.
For this achievement, I decided to hide all evidences which were Sharon's bra, the 2 glasses and cigarettes. Here, Sharon will be able to sneak out but before she does, she will try to attack Dante and Paul will have to pick the option to not warn Dante. At the end of all this, pick to help Sharon. Be sure to succeed in the QTE's!

You will get back to playing as Jay. He will be with Vanessa and they will both go to a party. Here you can get 3 achievements, all can be done from the checkpoint "Ditched Party With Vanessa"
Achievement Name
How to get it
Heart to Heart
Jay and Vanessa fell in love.
During the scene where Jay and Vanessa go to the party. Jay will find Vanessa in a room with a guy called Todd. Here you will have the option go inside the room or watch from outside. I decided to stay outside. I told Todd I was her friend and then when I went outside to wait and Vanessa came outside with me, I decided to let him get away with it. Jay and Vanessa drive off, when Vanessa kisses you, pick the option to kiss her back.
Bonnie and Clyde
Vanessa decides to go to Canada with Jay.
If you decided to kiss Vanessa, they will talk a little bit and Vanessa will ask if Jay if he wants her to tag along to Canada. Jay will have the option to say "I do" (which means you want her to come along) or "No, It's too dangerous". Say "I do".
You're on Your Own
Jay and Vanessa went their separate ways at the campground.
If you decided to stay as friends instead of kissing her, they will talk a little bit and Vanessa will ask if Jay if he wants her to tag along to Canada. Jay will have to say "No, It's too dangerous".
Chapter 6
REMINDER: All achievements that require replaying can be found in the Explore Story section on the starter screen. I will now just list each achievement relating to chapter six in order.

Achievement Name
How to get it
Past, Tense
Completed Chapter 6.
It's unmissable.
End Of The Road?
Completed Chapters 4 to 6 of As Dusk Falls.
It's unmissable.

You will get to meet a very traumatized adult Zoe here. The story will go back and forth between Zoe and Jay. There will be 3 achievements you can get here. 2 of them after replaying from checkpoint "Jay Pursued By Cops" if you have Vanessa with you. The 3rd achievement can be achieved from checkpoint "Entering National Park" without Vanessa but requires a lot of work, regardless, they will all be related to Jay.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Into The Wild
Escaped the FBI and made it to Canada.
For this achievement, I think you need to have Vanessa with Jay on the escape to Canada. Both of them will be driving and get stopped by border patrol. Feel free to pick whatever option you want, I went with saying that we're from San Francisco and decided to check the glove compartment when asked for my license. The patrol officer will get suspicious and try to run your car plate, here you will have the option to wait it out or flee. Pick the option to flee. Vanessa and Jay will then get cornered by FBI and Vanessa's dad. Succeed in doing the QTE's to run away and at the end you can decide to jump in the water with or without Vanessa.
Almost Made It
Got arrested at the border.
Do everything you did for the "Into the Wild" achievement but instead of succeeding in the QTE's, fail them. The easiest way is to just let time pass out when you're almost falling after running away from police. This will lead to Special Agent Bradley coming to help you and arresting you at the same time.
Free Bird
Forest ranger let Jay escape to Canada.
This is by far the most time consuming achievement to get. For this achievement, you would have to your separate ways with Vanessa in Chapter 5. Jay will drive to the national park and there he will meet a forest ranger called Leland who recognizes who he is. After a very lengthy conversation, you will have an option to "Run" or "Surrender". Choose to surrender to the forest ranger BUT in order for him to let you go, you MUST have NOT killed or hurt anyone throughout the entire game. This includes letting Vince and Michelle survive (in chapter 1 & 2), not burying the stranger with Bear (in chapter 3), surrendering to the cops (in chapter 4), not punching Todd (in chapter 5) & not fleeing the border patrol (in chapter 6).

A bit later on, Zoe will go on to meet a really old Jay. It's such a touching moment for both. During this part, you can get 3 achievements depending on whether Jay got arrested at the border or escaped FBI. If you replay checkpoint "Visited Jay in Canada", you can get 2 achievements. The 3rd achievement depends on if Jay goes to jail or not but either ways they're all related to Zoe.
Achievement Name
How to get it
Breaking Bread
Zoe shared a meal with Jay.
If Jay escaped to Canada, Zoe and Jay will meet up 14 years later. They will both have a really deep conversation over what happened in the past. Feel free to pick all the options when it comes to asking questions as it's so interesting to know what happened until you get the option to pick between saying that Jay's family ruined your life or that you do not hate Jay. Say that you don't hate him and just be nice to Jay. At the end of the conversation, Jay will ask if you want to eat dinner together.
Most Wanted
Zoe reported Jay's whereabouts to the authorities.
Do everything like you did for the achievement "Breaking Bread" but this time, once you are given the option between "Your family ruined my life" and "I don't hate you", tell Jay that his family ruined your life. Here, he will feel guilty and after some talk, will be given the option to either "Turn him in" or "Forgive him". Pick to turn Jay in to authorities.
Enough Is Enough
Zoe didn't stay to witness Jay's execution.
If Jay got arrested at the border, Zoe will visit him in prison. They will both have a really deep conversation over what happened in the past. Feel free to pick all the options when it comes to asking questions as it's so interesting to know what happened until you get the option to pick between saying that Jay's family ruined your life or that Jay looked out for you. Say that he looked out for you and just be nice to Jay. At the end of the conversation, Jay will remind you of his execution happening the next day and will ask if Zoe is willing to be there for it. Pick the option "No more trauma".

Finally for the end of this chapter and game, you will see Jay getting executed... or not! Depends on you ;)
Achievement Name
How to get it
Stay Of Execution
Jay's execution was called off at the last second.
This achievement requires Jay to be caught by police and is now in jail awaiting his execution. Not much goes on here but depending on what you did this entire game, Jay either gets executed or they call off the execution last minute. The way I got this achievement was I just didnt kill or hurt anyone other than bury the stranger alive with Bear in Chapter 3.
Congrats on finally getting all 50 achievements. Hopefully you guys got it faster than me considering I spend like 30+ hours trying to figure out how to get every achievement haha

If you see any mistakes or have any questions, please feel free to comment them below :)
23 comentarios
Steve 8 ENE a las 1:29 a. m. 
How do you stop the bus from exploding, I've kept michelle alive twice and the bus explodes, another post said if she is alive she will be interested the bus, that's clearly wrong, need help here.
CindyK_JA 15 AGO 2024 a las 8:22 a. m. 
Now that I am actively playing this game, I have a new appreciation for your guide. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication putting this together. You Rock!
Dust 3 MAR 2024 a las 4:44 p. m. 
everything is work for me
I had the best ending last year, so it is easy to clean up in explore story. plus seperate playthrough without Vanessa
Thanks for the Guide :approved:
FilthySouls 28 OCT 2023 a las 11:30 a. m. 
ivomarsan's suggestion for "freebird" didnt work for me, at the road checkpoint I can only choose to flee or take the cop out.. so in the national park I'm faced by the fbi again.
Biscuitkzh 19 AGO 2023 a las 3:55 a. m. 
Thank you so much for this, really helped a lot !

I can also confirm ivomarsan's instructions for Free Bird and Stay of Execution. Worked like a charm !
Dangerous Beans 17 MAY 2023 a las 1:52 p. m. 
I can confirm that ivomarsan's instructions work for getting Free Bird and Stay of Execution (plus a few more achievements along the way). :steamhappy:
Nymph  [autor] 12 MAY 2023 a las 12:37 a. m. 
Thank you! feels like everything was easier that it seemed when i played haha
ivomarsan 8 MAY 2023 a las 12:34 p. m. 
For "Stay of Execution", just play again from Entering at National Park and istead surrender, run away and fail all QTE's. The ranger will catch you and just watch execution to governator call at last minute ;-)
ivomarsan 8 MAY 2023 a las 12:32 p. m. 
For "Freebird" just start from chapter 5. The game will auto generate the past. In chapter 5 be sure to not hurt Todd at the party and go alone to Canada. In chapter 6, wait for the cop and when you're in National Park the Park Ranger will be here. Surrender at the first opportunity.
BlissfulStatic 25 ENE 2023 a las 10:14 p. m. 
if you still want people sharing our experiences - "Bungled" in chapter 1 only requires that the robbery not be perfect. I got away with the money but got "bungled" because I dropped the vase and dante caught them downstairs before they fled. So you don't have to let Becky call for help, but you may as well since you're replaying for both achievements. In chapter 6, the border patrol won't chase you if you just sit and wait (they don't run your plates because the system is down) - vanessa's dad and the fbi will still find you at the border park if vanessa is with you