Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

740 hodnocení
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Build, Scenic
Velikost souboru
111.167 MB
20. čvc. 2022 v 22.41
22. čvc. 2022 v 18.06
Poznámky ke změnám (3) – zobrazit

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V 1 kolekci od uživatele func_arf
Gmod Addons
6 položek
A Soviet era inspired underground radio station with a cinematic atmosphere, designed around combat while maintaining a minimalist approach.

The map has AI nodes setup to Valve Developer Community standards, including nodes such as cover and entrance/exit hints for the smoothest NPC experience. HDR and Navigation Mesh are also included among other miscellaneous features.
Populární diskuze Zobrazit vše (4)
3. čvc. v 10.34
is there any scary jumpscares
Murasaki || civil directionist
3. srp. v 21.15
Whats in the secret room is terrifing
LIL Hiku
14. čvc. v 0.14
Buzzer? Why is the map called that? Жужжалка? Почему карта так называется?
Počet komentářů: 102
Ian 17. čvc. v 15.56 
this looks like an trepang map
Samorez Gaming 9. bře. v 23.44 
i got emo textures /= (every valve source games instaled and mounted)
Scrap 8. čvc. 2023 v 20.50 
Mike, how long did you play on the map?
CyberSkittles 15. čvn. 2023 v 15.28 
The buzzer radio station
S.о.V.a 6. čvn. 2023 v 14.11 
чел сделай ещё типо таких карт но чтоб камер побольше было
Global 30. kvě. 2023 v 1.55 
Nothing could have prepared me for the sounds of hell.
mike 13. dub. 2023 v 4.25 
why did it call my username when i played it for a while?
baconsalt35 26. bře. 2023 v 17.18 
that shot of the empty pillar room is sexy
Miguel Rivera 16. bře. 2023 v 0.13 
wtf i expected a bigger map :steamfacepalm:
Purple 14. bře. 2023 v 3.45 