Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Here is my participation for the CS:GO 10th birthday #CSGO10.
I made 10 stickers for the 10 years of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Hope you will like my ideas!
Thank you for your feedbacks.

Each sticker is available in glossy, holo and foil styles. Here are some samples:

Itens (10)
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | B-Day
Criado por MGBazz
Players often draw things on walls with their gun. That's what the sticker shows: the word DAY was added to the B point mark and a gift was dropped. Don't scrape off this sticker, otherwise it will explode!
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Birthday Cake
Criado por MGBazz
This sticker shows a beautiful cake cooked in particular for the 10th birthday of CS:GO. Scrape off the sticker to know the truth about the cake. https...
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Cheese!
Criado por MGBazz
This sticker illustrates a player being flashed. Cheese! Show your best smile and wait for the flash! You now are owned. https://steamuserimages-a.akam...
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Nades Fight
Criado por MGBazz
Who will win: the incendiary dragon or the smoke wolf? This sticker illustrates the confrontation between two grenades of CS:GO. Inspired by the Dragon Lore and the Howl. Scrape off the sticker to know the winner.
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Party
Criado por MGBazz
This sticker shows a player celebrating the party with a chicken dance! Scrape off the sticker and enter the chicken party! https://steamuserimages-a.a...
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Pro AIM
Criado por MGBazz
You’re aiming like a pro when you glue your head to the screen. This sticker illustrates how close are the faces of some players to their screens. Scrape off the sticker and get your headshot!
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Red Packet
Criado por MGBazz
Since CS:GO opened his gates to China, I wanted to create a sticker with Chinese culture. The sticker shows a red packet full of cash with a water dragon wrapped around it. Red packets are very traditional gifts for all important occasions like birthday. T...
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | RUSH
Criado por MGBazz
We don’t need anymore to explain the meaning of this word for CS:GO. I styled it as an emergency exit sign. Scrape off the sticker and get another sign you should follow.
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | Sector Clear!
Criado por MGBazz
This sticker shows a player indicating his team the sector is clear: no danger, you can come safely. You should definitely consider the chicken as a friend, not dinner.
Marcado como incompatível ]  CSGO10 | STREEEEETCH!
Criado por MGBazz
In order to have the best aiming, you need to play 4:3 stretched on your modern monitor. What does that mean? Everyone's head will look like a big potato. Scrape off the sticker to show how it ends.
Coleções relacionadas (1)
Contém 371 itens
Em 1 coleção de MGBazz
371 itens