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Improved Lureplants
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27 jun. 2022 às 15:54
8 ago. 2022 às 2:29
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Improved Lureplants

Lureplants have been used as a method to automatically collect materials. The eyeplants are able to collect twigs, grass, berries, and other nearby items, storing them inside the Lureplant to be collected by a player at a later point.

This method of resource collection is held back by several issues that prevent it from being viable for any character except Wickerbottom. This mod fixes these issues which makes the Lureplants a fantastic way to gather materials to aid in building a Megabase in the Late Game.

This mod changes the following :

Lureplants do not hibernate during Winter, making them usable year-round

Lureplants do not destroy items that they have eaten, items they eat are permanently stored within them until they are killed

Lureplants can hold 30 item stacks instead of the normal 15 stacks

Food stored inside Lureplants perishes at a normal rate whereas beforehand food inside would spoil rapidly

Using these new Lureplants you are able to efficiently farm Twigs, Grass, Berries, and Reeds so that you can gather a massive amount of resources to aid you in constructing your Megabase.
I am sure that you are capable of creating a lot more farms now with this mod that you were unable to before; a bunnyman and butterfly farm comes to mind.

Hope you find this mod somewhat helpful! Have a good one! 👍
3 comentários
=X= 12 nov. 2022 às 2:18 
"a bunnyman and butterfly farm comes to mind" Wouldn't the LurePlant eat the flowers? If not, then this is a great idea.
27 jun. 2022 às 23:05 
- 食人花植物在冬季不会冬眠,因此它们全年都可以使用

- 食人花不会破坏它们吃过的东西,它们吃的东西会永久储存在它们里面,直到它们被杀死

- 食人花植物可以容纳 30 叠物品,而不是正常的 15 叠物品

- 储存在食人花植物内的食物会以正常速度腐烂,而预先储存在里面的食物会迅速变质


希望你觉得这个模组有点帮助!祝你有个好的一天! 👍
27 jun. 2022 às 23:04 

这种资源收集方法受到几个问题的阻碍,这些问题阻止了除了 Wickerbottom 之外的任何角色都可以使用。这个 mod 修复了这些问题,这使得 Lureplants 成为收集材料以帮助在游戏后期建立 Megabase 的绝佳方式。
